At The Pizza Shop

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
One of the supervisor started to yell at the cashier because she didn't know the system yet. She was obviously new to the store, so I did not blame her.

I stepped up. I told him straight up, "Hey man, give her a break." He murmured and walked to the back.

Now I felt good for myself, that I stood up for the little guy. I am now worried this just hurt her more than anything. Hopefully he sees the error of his way, and he apologizes, but I will worry about this for a while.
Nice Going.what an asshole of a boss,why didnt he just explain(or train) to her the system before making her work on the cashier.Hopefully he does give her an apology.
This is why I love the Boss I have at the Pizza Shop I work at. The guy is ALWAYS in a good mood, he just invited the entire staff out to eat thi past sunday, paying for everything. i once called in sick, then told him on my first shift back i was hungover, he laughed and said "Don't do it again" while laughing.

I wouldn't work for a ******** like that, I'd walk out and find a better, less degrading job.

That is not cool. Boss seems like a jerk. Has he done anything like this before or not. Was this rare of him to be all asshole like if I may say.
We need more people like you at McDonalds.

Managers are fucking assholes.

Good God yes. If your a low level manager at McDonalds, it means you are too ******ed to get a job anywhere else and it is a loyalty thing.

Some of the most biggest negative influences on my life were my shift managers in McDonalds.
I was a bad boss, according to my employees. How dare I ask them to talk to the customers instead of on their cell phones. I was also bad for asking them to stay until midnight to put 1200+ pair of shoes away with me. I stayed till four with one other guy. Guess who I gave a raise the next day....
Two of them quit, one of them called my boss and told him what happened. My boss' response to me was, "I guess you wasted money buying them dinner."
I sent one of them to the McDonald's to get everyone some burgers and such to eat after the store close and before we got to the shipment. I bought a good $50 worth of McDonald's for the whole crew. It was a bribe, and it failed. They ate and started to bitch within an hour of working.
I sent one of them to the McDonald's to get everyone some burgers and such to eat after the store close and before we got to the shipment. I bought a good $50 worth of McDonald's for the whole crew. It was a bribe, and it failed. They ate and started to bitch within an hour of working.

Christ, I need a manager like you at the pizza place at which I'm gainfully employed. The current one gets pissy if we leave early due to family emergencies (i.e. Death). He even fired my best friend cause she called off for her son being ill. Thus, we call him "douche-ass", Prefaced by his first name.

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