WOW... Jimmy Yang!

In all of these matches. 2 of the 3 guys who have been in it have impressed me and I would be happy to have them back.

I would not be surprised to see a few of them get signed.
Why are you on the forum then? You dont watch WWE and you think TNA is shit? Take your negative posts and take it to a site of a program you DO like. No one needs to see this crap of a post EVER again.

As for the OP. I too thought he was impressive. I dont like the Elvis character but TNA definitely lets him showcase his ability more than what WWE did, however, he doesnt have the look or mic skills to ever be special regardless of the company he is in because of that. Therefore it really doesnt matter to me even though that was the best ive seen him in AWHILE.

Isn't that with most of the X-Division, Most of them (excluding some of the Heavyweights that competed in the division such as Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle) lacked mic skills. They were usually X-Division for life and only were able to transcend to the Main Event if they got over with the crowd or won the title a bunch of times.
Isn't that with most of the X-Division, Most of them (excluding some of the Heavyweights that competed in the division such as Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle) lacked mic skills. They were usually X-Division for life and only were able to transcend to the Main Event if they got over with the crowd or won the title a bunch of times.

Yes most of them suffer the same thing but I was just answering the OP's question about Wang but in general, yes thats why most of the X-Division wrestlers wont ever be special aside from the very few who will work on the craft and become respectable on the stick.
Why are you on the forum then? You dont watch WWE and you think TNA is shit? Take your negative posts and take it to a site of a program you DO like. No one needs to see this crap of a post EVER again.

You need to learn how to fucking read. Nowhere did I say I don't watch WWE. Hell, I didn't even imply it. I watch SmackDown, Raw, Superstars, and even NXT on a weekly basis. Stop talking out of your ass, because all it does is make you look like one.

I don't like TNA. Do you have a problem with that? Does that get your small little panties in a wad? I'm on this thread because it's a discussion about Jimmy Wang Yang, and I actually really like the guy. I saw the link on the WZ site and just clicked on it. I never actually come into this part of the forum.
LOL at defenders of jimmy yang wang. Hes a shitty wrestler and failed hard in the WWE and currently in TNA/Impact. Seriously, this past thursday is the first time ive seen this loser in 5+ years and he still sucks. He has the body weight/size of a crusierwieght yet he cant pull off any of the moves. He wrestlers like a stone cold braweler type when he should be doing the cruiserweight role. He will never get over. He is the typical jobber. Good luck to him. Maybe he can one day form a shitty tag team with kai-en-tai or chavo guerrero and make a nice $1000 payday. The guy shouldve quit years ago. Hes not going to make it in our currrent world dominated by cena/orton etc.

the world is not dominated by orton and cena, despite what you watch on all those wwe documentaries, wwe is not the world, im sorry if you think that. And by the comments i see, you obviously did not watch the match, how did he not behave like a cruiserweight? he did some awesome crazy shit on the show, but i dont expect much from your intellect, you just dont know what you're talking about
Jimmy impressed me, it was a fun match and not only was his high flying moves breath taking but his little Elvis pose made me laugh out loud. Not sure if he gets signed by TNA but that brief cameo entertained me a lot.

These series of matches is what the X Div was all about and I hope TNA management continue to keep these types of matches coming each and every week on Impact. Mic skills be damned when they fly high and entertain the fans for 5- 10 minutes every week. Wang, Aries and Low Ki have been the standouts out of the three matches and I hope TNA give them per apearance contracts so we can get this sort of action for future IW episodes.
even during his WWE days where he was limited in what he could (was allowed to) do, he still managed to wow with some great spots and he always impressed me with his ability to sell a bump. he has a lot to offer and I'm definitely going to catch a replay or youtube of this match even though I'm not a TNA fan. As soon as I saw Jimmy's name I clicked on this thread to see what he's up to.
Jimmy Yang was in the 1st match ever of the 1st event for TNA if recall correctly. His WWE run wasn't all of that but I'm so happy I got to see Yang Time at least once more. They need to pick him up, I wouldn't mind loosing someone like Amazing Red for him. Anyone else see him and kinda miss Honkey Tonk Man?
LOL at defenders of jimmy yang wang. Hes a shitty wrestler and failed hard in the WWE and currently in TNA/Impact. Seriously, this past thursday is the first time ive seen this loser in 5+ years and he still sucks. He has the body weight/size of a crusierwieght yet he cant pull off any of the moves. He wrestlers like a stone cold braweler type when he should be doing the cruiserweight role. He will never get over.

okay, have to ask - are you a fan of the mexican wrestlers? what you describe as a crusierweight is them and quite frankly, i think they suck. mysterio is overrated, sin cara is a joke, want me to go on??? why can't he be a brawler? is that only for the heavyweights? crusierweight is a size, not a style. and even if he is just a jobber, their job is to make the opponent look good. how does that happen if they don't look fairly good themselves? no one will buy a champ if they opponents are a bunch of jokes. everyone says that the wwe has a unique style - maybe he just didn't adapt( of course, if you haven't seen him in over 5 years, you wouldn't really be able to say one way or another). he looked good in the match on thrusday, pure and simple.
The Flying Elvises back in the day were awesome. And Jimmy was at the core of what made the X Division great so, hopefully they can keep him after Destination X. We're seeing a lot of guys that bring it during those matchs, I was even surprised by Matt Bentley.
Full-time? No need. Yang is talented, but he's far from a money-maker and I can think of a number of guys I'd bring back full-time ahead of him, including what's likely to be all three losers coming out of the four-way match at Destination X who won't win a TNA contract.

Yang is nice, but he's no Low-Ki, Aeries, etc.

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