JBL calls Jimmy Wang Yang a gook

if not every word is as bad as the N word, thats a double standard. Acutally if you look at it, most racial slurrs are worse than the N word, cause black people stopped caring long ago, and if you look at the different enthicty comics, you should see how much they blast their own race, you every watched mind of mencia, i couldnt count how many times he says Beaner or Wetback in an episode, how bout Chaplle show, same as abvoe, sept with every kind of racial slur, i dont think ive ever seen someone make a thread about them. Racism is only rascim if thats what you make it.

just because they stopped caring doesn't make it less bad do you realise what ni**er meant I assure you gook is not nearly as bad
ive been say N word because if i didnt people would call me a rasict. xfear, some words can detract from you, make you fell like dirt. Racial slurs are nessicarly one of them. All gook or the N word or beaner or wetback, or any racial slur means is (insert race here), it doesnt mean (insert race here) is garbage and is less than me. Some words have meanings that can make you feel like crap, make you angry, but i dont thing racial slurs fall under that.

Are you serious right now? Did you even read what you just wrote? So you don't think that racial slurs make the race thats recieving them feel like crap, or less than those who are saying it? THAT IS THE ENTIRE POINT OF RACIAL SLURS. You won't see a Klansman calling a black person the n word in any other kind of way but to make him feel like garbage.

Look, the bottom line is that if what JBL said was gook it was wrong, and he should be held accountable for it, and in regards to this nonsense talk we seem to be having about whether or not its okay to say racial slurs, just remember the golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated.
He didn't say it. I'd bet my last dollar that you misheard and he said GOOF. If he said gook than there would have been hundreds of complaints from fans everywhere. But there hasn't been a mention, an apology, nothing. The same thing happened to the Big Show a few years ago. He mumbled goof and it sounded quite a bit like gook, and there was a huge amount of complaints from fans. There's no way the WWE, an international business, would tell him to say it, or fail to edit it out if he said it on his own accord.
OKay, first off, a racial slur is a racial slur, n word, gook, whatever, it's all uncalled for and unnecessary and I can guarantee you that if it comes around that JBL did say it, NOTHING will be done to him because Vince doesn't care about things like that, unfortunately.

I heard a black person say the other day that the n word is the most offensive slur. Ask that to an asian person, and a jewish person and a polish person. All slurs are all crap.

And I'm southern, and my family are rednecks, but we're not racists, so don't lump racist and redneck together, alright?
He said "goof" he said the same thing at NWO and it defiantly was "goof".
lol you guys do realize the announcers are practically told what to say and when to say it right?

Ah dude, but have you also noticed how JBL has a habit of getting tongue tied and then just ends up blurring things out or getting words round the wrong way, maybe he just had one of those moments where he spoke before he thought.

Although you'd think with Smackdown being a TAPED show that WWE might have done something to edit it out wouldn't you? So I suppose there's blame to be had there as well.
JBL was just trying to be funny I guess. Commentators have to think of these things up on the spot most of the time (except for the King) and I guess it just slipped out. I don't think he is meaning to be racist, but it could be perceived that way unfortunately. He is too good of a commentator to be fired or anything like that for saying something like that, and I didn't know what a gook is so it didn't really bother me. Just JBL getting angry at Yang's character and he is very good at doing that to the 'characters' on SmackDown.
Nothing going's happen to JBL, because Vince likes him, and there's no else to replace JBL. Unless ECW dies, and they bring back Tazz. But, I doubt it. Vince will just overlook it.
JBL should go to TNA..
Image JBL vs Samoa Joe in a cage
how bout shut up cause jbl aint gonna wrestle any time soon, if ever, but i at first i wasnt sure bout jbl announcing, but if find quite funny except for when he starts commenting on peoples nationality (by the way a gook is what the americans called the vietnamese soldiers during the vietnam war and is a racist remark, also you cant say that one thing is more racist than another, racism is racism and thats that), but i do think that he is breath of fresh air in the announcing
actually the term gook was used long before that...and its not just vietnamese. the term was used against koreans in that war, japanese in WW2 and during the japanese/chinese war it was nicknamed the gook war. as a matter of fact the thousands of asians who built the railroads during the late 1800's were also subjected to the term.

as far as jbl's punishment forget it. wrestling is offensive and tries to be every week. dont like it change the channel. i seriously doubt jimmy wang gives a crap and he prolly knew it would be said before he even went out to wrestle.

and why should jbl be fired? should farooq have been fired for calling ahmed johnson a 'house ******'? or lawler because he asked goldust if he was queer?we all know jbl's behavior...anyone remember him almost being arrested in germanya like 3 years ago for goosestepping and giving the heil hitler motion in ring in germany? (both of those are illegal there) his character is a super far right republican rich racist and we all know it (maybe we should call him quadruple 'r' lol)

whe i first moved down south i remember redneck being a not so cool term to call anyone. now 12 years later in the post-austin era its somehow 'cool'.

while i prefer not to hear it, its gotta go thru wwe editing, tv censors and other discretions before it airs so jblk cant be the only one fired or punished.

dont like it then dont watch smackdown...exactly like me.

btw jbl sucks at announcing and so does cole which is just one of the many reasons i dont watch SD! and didnt even kow this happened until i came here. :p
so lets just lay it on the line....
did he mean it in a racist meaning, prolly not!
However Smackdown! is taped Tuesday night and does not air on TV until Friday night. during every TV (Raw, Smackdown! and ECW) and all PPV's Vince McMahon is sitting right behind the curtain in the gorilla position with a headset and monitor feeding lines to the commentators through out the entire show. the only time he is not going that is when he is on screen him self. if Vince didnt feed him the line or if Vince/WWE didnt want that to be on TV they had 3 days to edit it out. So its seems to me is that the line was feeded to jbl through a headset.
Me and my bubby noticed the 'Gook' incident on SmackDown and No Way Out, but we also noticed in the 6 cruiserweight tag match on a recent SmackDown JBL was complimenting Jimmy on his in ring ability saying he's 'fun to watch', so maybe the WWE got complaints about the blatant racist comments and decided to make up for it by giving him the win in the match and scripting JBL to compliment him as apposed to slating him, which, as a heel announcer he's perfectly entitled to do, but racism is taking it a bit too far don't ya think?
You people who were offended by his comment are seriously lame! Grow up, its entertainment! Nobody was hurt by his words! Even if he really did say it, who cares!!!! Did it change the outcome of the match, no, it didnt! it had absolutely no effect whatsoever! except for the crybabies who think wwe needs to tone it down and start firing commentators for causing heat while doing their jobs. whats next, should they stop having womens matches because they show too much skin?!!!Damn, its wrestling, not sesame street! Bottom line....they had plenty of time to edit it out if they felt it neccesary! JBL is a commentary god!! You people must live boooorrrring lives to dedicate so much time to some stupid minor little thing! Keep doing your thing WWE, and push all the limits baby!!!!!
I think a lot of people are looking far too much into this statement. I am completey against racism of any kind, but I think you have to look at what he said from a different angle. Wreslting, in a sense, isn't real life, it's a show, and they're putting on a show for viewers. In American History X when Ed Norton spews out all those racist terms, should he be jailed for that? No, because however wrong they are, it's a movie, and it's part of a story, it's not meant maliciously to the outside world. I think chances are more than likely Jimmy Wang Yang knew before, or shortly after it was said. It's fiction, in essence, so I don't see the fuss. Smackdown have a Midget called "Little Bastard", which may be deemed offensive if someone in a street called a midget it, but it's wrestling, it's part of a FICTIONAL story, and he's obviously OK with it. So yeah, in conclusion, racism is appauling, but JBL calling Jimmy Wang Yang a gook is obviously not a personal opinion, but the opinion of the character JBL, and that's my take on it.
not to rain on anyones parade, but wrestling and racism almost go hand and hand. Doesn't make it right, but you shouldn't be so shocked when it happens. Look at all the various gimmicks throughout history, they all exploit stereotypes, its just what the business is.

JBL did goosesteps in Germany. Him calling a bad performer a gook shouldn't be that big of a deal.

I went to Peru a while back and went to a small town in the Amazon. As soon as I stepped off the boat, the parrots were calling me "Greengo". Funniest damn thing ever in my life walking in the rainforest and birds calling me a "racist" remark. It happens. JBL pushes the buttons of people. Wrestling has always been about seeing how far you can go. If people go over the edge, they get pulled back.
I'm a JBL Fan but even I think that crossed the lines. You wouldn't call Lashley or MVP a ****** so why can he say "gook" and not get anything? Wow WWE Amazes me sometimes
I'm a JBL Fan but even I think that crossed the lines. You wouldn't call Lashley or MVP a ****** so why can he say "gook" and not get anything? Wow WWE Amazes me sometimes

because most people dont even know what a gook is, while im pretty sure every 1 knows the other word.
Are we still on this?

Do most of you realize this is the kind of reaction Vince and JBL wanted in having JBL say that on the air?

Ever heard of the saying "all publicity is good publicity".. I think some of us might of thought back to that saying with the hole JBL in Germany scandal. It's one thing to do something that's illegal in a country (although I didn't think it was that bad), it's another thing to call someone a derogatory word to get a reaction.

It doesn't bother me. I'm personally not a racist but these terms don't bother me for reasons I don't care to explain on the Smackdown! page, lol. Anyway... JBL is a good guy that knows how to extract reactions from people, that's why he's one of the best mic guys of our generation. People shouldn't take it with anything more than a grain of salt.
I only said he is a great heel but he is taking it too far...Im not saying I hate him or something, that Germany scandal didn't bother me neither
JBL is a good guy that knows how to extract reactions from people, that's why he's one of the best mic guys of our generation. People shouldn't take it with anything more than a grain of salt.

JBL seems kinda like an asshole to me, but then maybe that's what makes him such a great heel, espiaccally on the mic, I've never met the guy so I can't really say what he's like behind the scenes, and pesonally I don't care, so he called JWY a gook, so he did a Nazi salute in germany, so what, who gives a fuck, it's not like he's runing for president or anything, he's just a commentator, and it's his job to say and do things that will piss people off, everyone just needs to get over it and move on with their lives

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