JBL calls Jimmy Wang Yang a gook

so it's not ok for JBL to say gook but back in the day Teddy Long could call white people crackers all day long and it was ok and funny??? sounds like a double standard to me...
crackers is a funny word, but you see white people has never been insulted by there racial slur, black people stoped caring, why dontesnt the rest of the world folow(i dont think mexicans care either but im unsure) ewveryone freaks when one guy says gook. have you every watched chapples show or mind of mencia, there are so many slurs, but its funny
First of all..people need to stop being so freaking touchy...Being Japanese myself, I dont care if I get called a gook or jap. People need to realize that the day they stop crying over being call the N word or any other racial slur is the day they will die. And yea yea..they are never gonna die because some people are too damn sensitive. I got a suggestion, grow up, grow some b*lls and become a man or woman and quit crying...
right... im confused about that, but i think your agreeing with me, and also i prefere my woman without balls
Okay I don't know what kind of freaky transsexual direction you guys have taken the thread into, but lets pull it back to the topic on hand shall we?

The reason why its okay for Teddy Long to call white people crackers is because whether or not you admit it and whether or not you guys think that i'm racist(i'm not), white people hold the majority of money and power in this world. So after hundreds of years of genocide, slavery, kidnapping, murder, and rape, I think it's okay for any of those people who were being held down to call them whatever they want, whether they be white or whatever else.

And yeah I know that rappers obviously use the n word in almost all their songs and that most people, black and even some white down south just use the n word regularly because it's been so engrained into the communities lives. That's why black men need to stop callin eachother the n word, because down south there still are people with white hoods who want to kill them, use that word to humiliate them. Because when it comes out of a white persons mouth in a hateful way, it's just disgusting.
First off. Political correctness has got out of hand. I can give you racial slurs for most of Western Europe. No one cares there. As to Dominus, Frogs is a "racial slur" to the French because they eat frog legs. Its been around at least since Napoleanic times. But then we can get onto the Germans, Huns, Jerry and others that were used during the first and Second World War. Brits are called Poms when the actual people that should be called Poms just happen to be Australians in that regard due to the History of the country. POM is an acronym for Prisoners of Magesty. Italians are called Itais by a great number of people. Racism is in the eye of the beholder. as to xfearbefore I agree that they need to stop using that word but it is just that a word. I don't take offense to what I have been called in NZ by others like Pakeha, Palangi and Honkey. all different ways to say that Im white. But its all in the Interpretation of the word.
JBL is funny and who cares if he called someone a gook, Did it kill anyone? Did it hurt anyone?No it didn't... Did anyone get offended? Probably...You don't have a right in this country not to be offended....

Besides he didn't just throw it out there because he felt like it , he used it in the right context and it was funny,,,

Holy Shit do I hate politically correct ******s??
The reason why its okay for Teddy Long to call white people crackers is because whether or not you admit it and whether or not you guys think that i'm racist(i'm not), white people hold the majority of money and power in this world. So after hundreds of years of genocide, slavery, kidnapping, murder, and rape, I think it's okay for any of those people who were being held down to call them whatever they want, whether they be white or whatever else.

Thats double standard and reverse racism, by saying that your saying its okay for other races to say whatever the hell they like to white people but white people can't say it back. Personally, I am very against racism and find all kinds of racism disgusting but by I have to reply to that because your tarring white people all by the same brush, Hitler is the only person which comes to mind with genocide there is more but the names don't spring to mind at the moment but what your forgetting is that all races have had hundreds of years of slavery, kidnapping and rape so you can't say that so you can't say its just white people. Your also wrong saying white people hold the majority of money when if you did your research which you obviously didn't you would find that arabs are the race which hold the most money. Back on point though I have just heard what JBL said and to me it sounded like he said goof not gook which as someone pointed out earlier is the same thing which happend to the big show a few years back.

pastie out
The thing with TV in general, stereotypes and especially racial stereotypes are the key tools in getting humour and motivation across, because if they werent they would be called stereotypes, people often use arcatypes which are extremes of stereotypes (e.g Cats hate dogs), wrestling is very basic TV and therefore very basic Arcatypes are used to get things across most of the time (e.g big guys hate little guys, or young guys hate old guys). Wrestling is built on stereotypes.

As far as it been a racist remark, yea it probably was a bit racist, but to be fair cryme tymes characters are racial stereotypes, davairi and muhammed hassan played a racial angle when they arrived. Teddy long calls everyone crackers.

And yes you can take risks with things like this because it is just a comment and its in the eye of the beholder if they are offended or not, and alot of people argue that if black people are willing to take part in storylines which involve racial stereotypes then its ok, same as white people not taking offence to be called a cracker then its ok. BUT...

Racism should be looked at in this way on TV, Its up to the producers of the tv show to decide there stance.

Because you have to take one of two sides with racism, you either want equality (i.e the martin luther route) or you want to punish the other race for whatever reason (i.e the malcom X route).

Me personally would like equality, because i dont want to take responsibility for my ancestors actions. or other peoples actions.
If he called him a goof, then there is no problem. But gook is like calling a black person a word that we all know begins with N. Racism is racism, and as I have said there is no place for it anywhere.
Did J.B.L. calling Wang a gook bring anything to the commentry. No. Therefore it was pointless for him to say it. No racism or homophobia is needed in wrestling. It's just a cheap heat tactic.
I doubt many people heard it, and like a few people have said he may have said goof. JBL never struck me as a plotical correct person, it may have just slipped out. I doubt he used it to get heat.
wow how people get there panties in a bunch for no reason. just le tit go, stop making a big deal out of everything, so what he said gook, jimmy wang yang didnt complain after the show did he? no....nobody cares at all except people who want to stir something up for no reason
most of the people who were stiring it up left, now its just people with random politcal agendas
Did J.B.L. calling Wang a gook bring anything to the commentry. No. Therefore it was pointless for him to say it. No racism or homophobia is needed in wrestling. It's just a cheap heat tactic.

It added humor into it..... God Forbid someone makes us laugh.... Really racism isn't needed in wrestling how about you look LAX(highly sucesful), Cryme Tyme(sucessful), Hassan and Daivari(very sucessful as heels).... sure racism is a bad thing but it can have sucess in angles and therefore it is okay to use it in wrestling becuase it's entairtanment

If he called him a goof, then there is no problem. But gook is like calling a black person a word that we all know begins with N. Racism is racism, and as I have said there is no place for it anywhere.

Yeah racism is racism very smart .... JBL is just as bad as Kramer right???or
the KKK??

and enough with the every word is as bad as ni**er because it's not..
Maybe I'm just looking on the bright side of things, but he may have said goof, or kook, and we are just jumping to conclusions
boo hoo whatever happened to freedom of speech, im sick of everyone having to tip toe around people, hes a commentator, and i thought it was quite funny im sure jbl isnt racist really
if not every word is as bad as the N word, thats a double standard. Acutally if you look at it, most racial slurrs are worse than the N word, cause black people stopped caring long ago, and if you look at the different enthicty comics, you should see how much they blast their own race, you every watched mind of mencia, i couldnt count how many times he says Beaner or Wetback in an episode, how bout Chaplle show, same as abvoe, sept with every kind of racial slur, i dont think ive ever seen someone make a thread about them. Racism is only rascim if thats what you make it.
If it wasn't for the fact that this is a message board and the main point of every conversation with people on here is apparently to "win" the arguments, I would go on about how wrong you all have been so far, but I won't.

Midnight Rider, if you think racism has a place in wrestling, you should just get the hell out of here and stop watching the sport because no one wants people like you who think it's okay to be racist in this business. Jimmy Wang Yang more than likely didn't watch the part of Smackdown! that he was involved in, why would he? He was just out there, living it. Most wrestlers don't even look at the tapings when their done. So he's probably oblivious to the entire issue. It didn't exactly detract from the commentary, but it also did nothing to make it better, so there was no reason for JBL to say it.

I know some of you think that words don't hurt, but trust me emotional pain can be much much worse than physical pain. You could heal back from a beating, but it's much harder to heal wounds of inadequacy and feelings that you are somehow defective or bad because of the way you were born. Trust me I work with these kinds of people all the time, and nine out of ten times the words hurt more.

Not all people are strong and just ignore what people think of them. Besides, isn't that how we view ourselves? As others view us?
One point I would like to make is that if you consider the G word to be on the same level as the N word, why do you censor one and not the other? That my friends is a double standard.
ive been say N word because if i didnt people would call me a rasict. xfear, some words can detract from you, make you fell like dirt. Racial slurs are nessicarly one of them. All gook or the N word or beaner or wetback, or any racial slur means is (insert race here), it doesnt mean (insert race here) is garbage and is less than me. Some words have meanings that can make you feel like crap, make you angry, but i dont thing racial slurs fall under that.
When I first heard it, I couldn't believe it. I rewound it on my Tivo at least 5 times, and I THINK he said goof, but it sure sounded a heck of a lot like gook, which is totally unacceptable. The WWE should address this, imo, regardless of what he REALLY said. Just as a note, I believe I've heard something about JBL being in trouble before for "ad-libbing" his announcing and making quite off-color remarks.

Maybe WWE's resident redneck announcer needs to ENUNCIATE a bit better, eh?
Can we really be sure that he said gook ? I watched Smackdown and thought he might have said goof, it's a little hard to hear.

Well anyways, I just want to say that although JBL used an offensive word, he is not a racist, and that is for sure. Do you really think that JBL appreciating guys like Booker or Eddie Guerrero is kayfabe ? They've known each other for years, respect each other, and are friends. JBL being a racist Texan who made fortune in New York, now that is kayfabe. I believe it is all just an act, JBL may be a bully, but he is not an ignorant racist. If Jimmy Wang Yang felt offended by this remark and JBL did not apologize to him, then he can be blamed, but we don't know that backstage stuff in detail.
My comment from earlier might have confused people on my stance, but I believe that if he said it than he should be reprimanded, but we all know that that won't happen.

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