WOW... Jimmy Yang!

The HEEL JuiceLee

Pre-Show Stalwart
Okay so i was watching the destination X match the other night,and the second i saw Low-KI I knew he would win.Then i saw Jimmy Wang & i asked myself why is he in this match..Then since i am a weirdo i answered myself.My answer was that i guess since he was in WWE @ 1 point in time he had good name value for the match.

Then why watching the match all i could say was

i DIDNT DISCOVER tna UNTIL the MEM days so i never saw Jimmy Wang in TNA,But i did however see him a few times on superstars & maybe twice on smackdown...To me he looked like he had the ring style of a Heath Slater at best...
but i must say this guy blew me away in his loosing effort in the destination X contract qualify match.

So i ask this forum

1.Do you think Jimmy Wang could have been better utilized in the WWE?

2.Would you like to see Jimmy Wang in TNA??

3.Do u like his "flying Elvis gimmick" & if No?How would you re-package him???
Okay so i was watching the destination X match the other night,and the second i saw Low-KI I knew he would win.Then i saw Jimmy Wang & i asked myself why is he in this match..Then since i am a weirdo i answered myself.My answer was that i guess since he was in WWE @ 1 point in time he had good name value for the match.

Then why watching the match all i could say was

i DIDNT DISCOVER tna UNTIL the MEM days so i never saw Jimmy Wang in TNA,But i did however see him a few times on superstars & maybe twice on smackdown...To me he looked like he had the ring style of a Heath Slater at best...
but i must say this guy blew me away in his loosing effort in the destination X contract qualify match.

So i ask this forum

1.Do you think Jimmy Wang could have been better utilized in the WWE?

2.Would you like to see Jimmy Wang in TNA??

3.Do u like his "flying Elvis gimmick" & if No?How would you re-package him???

1.He's cool but I can't comment on his WWE days as I never have watched WWE/F much so I don't remember him there.

2. Why not.

3. No I don't like the flying Elvis gimmick. I would make him a heel and have him be more of a serious warrior type, kind of like a modern day Great Muta but more agile and acrobatic.
If you though Jimmy Wang Yang was similar to Heath Slater you clearly hadn't seen even a single one of his matches and thus had no right to have an opinion on him in the first place.

1. Do I think he could have been better utilized in the WWE? Honestly, not really. They used him pretty well, and he was smoking hot in the cruserweight division. Then he teamed with Shannon Moore and had a GREAT feud with Miz and Morrison. For a guy with absolutely no mic skills and an annoying as shit "I'm an Asian redneck" gimmick he did pretty well.

2. I wouldn't like to see anybody in TNA, as I would much rather watch Barney and Friends on the beach singing about how the water splashes their toesies than watch that shitty programming.

3. Don't know what gimmick you're talking about. I would say he should just be an Evan Bourne type- no real gimmick, just a guy who likes to fly...
Jimmy was in WCW and ROH aswell if im not mistaken and I guess he just had to adapt to WWEs style. Most of the Cruiserweights in WWE used to be told only 1 or 2 spots per match if I remember but i guess that all changed in anyways when Sin Cara came along. TBA i think he was boring in WWE and and needs to be in a comapny that will let him fly. I think he should have a run in TNA as long as they dont stick him with shannon moore like WWE did. He needs to drop the flying Elvis gimmic it might be kool and fun but hell not get taken serious with it.
If you though Jimmy Wang Yang was similar to Heath Slater you clearly hadn't seen even a single one of his matches and thus had no right to have an opinion on him in the first place.

1. Do I think he could have been better utilized in the WWE? Honestly, not really. They used him pretty well, and he was smoking hot in the cruserweight division. Then he teamed with Shannon Moore and had a GREAT feud with Miz and Morrison. For a guy with absolutely no mic skills and an annoying as shit "I'm an Asian redneck" gimmick he did pretty well.

2. I wouldn't like to see anybody in TNA, as I would much rather watch Barney and Friends on the beach singing about how the water splashes their toesies than watch that shitty programming.

3. Don't know what gimmick you're talking about. I would say he should just be an Evan Bourne type- no real gimmick, just a guy who likes to fly...

Bit hypocritical no? "You can't have an opinion on someone you didn't watch, and now I'm going to comment in a thread about a program I don't watch."

He was fine in WWE, nothing spectacular but decent enough at what he was brought in to do and had a good couple of years.

TNA's roster has a nice balance to it at the moment, and these qualifiers seem to be giving more exposure to the older X style competitors as well as the younger ones, so no I don't think he should be in TNA. Nothing against the man though, there are just better and younger options.

The gimmick was something different but didn't cause him to be pushed to the stars or anything. It's one of those that suffers from over-exposure and diminishing value in that it's funny the first couple of times you see it, then it just gets a bit dull. Plus he never really did much with it except toss an imaginary lasso that I can remember.
Aside from my love for Low-Ki and Matt "I'm HBK's cousin" Bentley, Jimmy Yang impressed me most in that match. I never knew how great he really was, but I went back and watched a few matches of his since Thursday and he is pretty awesome. He really showed he still has it on Impact Wrestling Thursday night, and I think it would be in TNA's best interest for the X-Division to bring him back in. He is high flying, agile, and full of excitement. He is a perfect fit for TNA and the X-Division, plus the new mantra Wrestling Matter. As for the Flying Elvises gimmick, it's great nostalgia, and I like the character myself. It can stay or leave, but it works for me. I liked it and marked out when I saw him come out in the gear Thursday.
I liked him in WWE, his Moonsault and Flipping enzigiri were things of beauty. That's all I can go on because I only seen him in WWE.

I definitely think WWE could have used him better. Him and Tatsu as a tag team would have been good.

Yea, I think TNA's X-division could use him. I love the high flying style.

His Elvis gimmick is almost as bad as WWE's redneck cowboy. I would make him a heel and give him a gimmick where he has money. He would wear suits during his promos and put on amazing matches. This may sound stupid, but if anyone has ever seen The Ringer, I would make his gimmick similar to the character Jimmy....without the part of him being special.
Jimmy Wang Yang was one of the most talented wrestlers in the WWE Cruiserweight division. He had a lot more moves than what he was allowed to work with, thus a lot of people wrote him off because of that simple moonsault he pulled off as his finisher. I personally enjoyed him more when he was Tajiri's henchman Akio. At least he still retained his corner backflip kick. The guy has had very solid Cruiserweight matches and impressed the WWE officials enough to get re-signed after he was released the first time. Too bad he never got a run with the Cruiserweight Championship as that would have done wonders for him. I'm still baffled by the fact that his resume doesn't reflect any major Championships or any Championships at all for that matter. I've watched him since his Jung Dragons days in WCW and was always fond of his in-ring skills. I do hope that some day he'll be correctly used to his fullest potential in TNA or any other independent promotion. I also hope he can win a Championship.
In wrestling there are winners and loosers. WWE decided that most of the time that he should have been the looser. I don't know if they used him differently if they would have sold more merchandice. Maybe but I doubt it.

If you remember how the match was laid out, it included three former members of the X Division. He was a part of the group the flying elvisies. He was okay though he would probably fill the role that he had in the WWE, the nice guy that looses most of his matches.

I liked the gimmic since the match was supposed to have the sentimental flavor. It was his former gimmic in TNA for a one time appearance it was probably his best option.
In wrestling there are winners and loosers. WWE decided that most of the time that he should have been the looser. I don't know if they used him differently if they would have sold more merchandice. Maybe but I doubt it.

If you remember how the match was laid out, it included three former members of the X Division. He was a part of the group the flying elvisies. He was okay though he would probably fill the role that he had in the WWE, the nice guy that looses most of his matches.

I liked the gimmic since the match was supposed to have the sentimental flavor. It was his former gimmic in TNA for a one time appearance it was probably his best option.

I agree for that match, it was his best option, but I think he meant if he signed would you like him to have a different gimmick.
Was we misused in WWE?? Well no more then 99.9% of the cruiserweight guys that the WWE had. Unless you name is Rey Mysterio (or now Sin Cara), VKM has never used smaller guys properly and they have always been used for jobbers to the bigger guys.

I hope TNA does resign him and many of the old X-division guys, and hopefully they can fully revive the x-division. As much as people like to bash Eric Bischoff, remember this is the guy that let Cruiserweigths have some of the limelight in WCW and hopefully he helps revive the X-division in TNA/Impact
imo tna could use him but there are better option. Seeing him in his old gimmick brings back memories. I kinda miss the flying elvises lol...yea,it was a xdiv faction. I've always thought this way...if you can do better...then do better. If you have space to waste after, then waste
Wow I cant believe the amount of people who comment on Jimmy w/out knowing who he is. People say they watched him in WWE but nobody remembers him as Tajiri's "bodyguard" I believe his name was Akio then if I remember right. And WWE did allow him to showcase more moves than he EVER got as that crappy redneck gimmick.

And how noone has brought up the Yung Dragons in WCW (and for ANYONE who owns the Starrcade dvd you should know them just from the stellar triple team ladder match on there) and how great that team was.

Jimmy is a PHENOMENAL athlete (sorry AJ) and maybe I'm a bit biased because I semi know the guy even from his days in MLW and such and have had a handful of good convos with him, but if you don't know Jimmy check out these two gimmicks as well as other things he's done. Jimmy Yang (as he SHOULD be called) is a great wrestler and I didn't get to see Destination X, although from the talk I wish I did. I'll definitely get the DVD. But it doesn't surprise me to hear Jimmy get this kind of praise. It's very well overdue.
Wow I cant believe the amount of people who comment on Jimmy w/out knowing who he is. People say they watched him in WWE but nobody remembers him as Tajiri's "bodyguard" I believe his name was Akio then if I remember right. And WWE did allow him to showcase more moves than he EVER got as that crappy redneck gimmick.

And how noone has brought up the Yung Dragons in WCW (and for ANYONE who owns the Starrcade dvd you should know them just from the stellar triple team ladder match on there) and how great that team was.

Jimmy is a PHENOMENAL athlete (sorry AJ) and maybe I'm a bit biased because I semi know the guy even from his days in MLW and such and have had a handful of good convos with him, but if you don't know Jimmy check out these two gimmicks as well as other things he's done. Jimmy Yang (as he SHOULD be called) is a great wrestler and I didn't get to see Destination X, although from the talk I wish I did. I'll definitely get the DVD. But it doesn't surprise me to hear Jimmy get this kind of praise. It's very well overdue.
it was an impact math we're referring. destination x is next week
Wow I cant believe the amount of people who comment on Jimmy w/out knowing who he is. People say they watched him in WWE but nobody remembers him as Tajiri's "bodyguard" I believe his name was Akio then if I remember right. And WWE did allow him to showcase more moves than he EVER got as that crappy redneck gimmick.

And how noone has brought up the Yung Dragons in WCW (and for ANYONE who owns the Starrcade dvd you should know them just from the stellar triple team ladder match on there) and how great that team was.

Jimmy is a PHENOMENAL athlete (sorry AJ) and maybe I'm a bit biased because I semi know the guy even from his days in MLW and such and have had a handful of good convos with him, but if you don't know Jimmy check out these two gimmicks as well as other things he's done. Jimmy Yang (as he SHOULD be called) is a great wrestler and I didn't get to see Destination X, although from the talk I wish I did. I'll definitely get the DVD. But it doesn't surprise me to hear Jimmy get this kind of praise. It's very well overdue.

It wasn't on Destination X, it was on Impact on Thursday. If I'm not mistaken, Spike TV airs a replay of it on Tuesdays, so u may catch it there.
it was an impact math we're referring. destination x is next week

Ah, thanks. Don't get Spike either. And was admitted to the hospital and this is the first I've been able to get on my laptop, so hopefully I can catch it online but thanks for the clear up, man.
I felt that Jimmy's gimmick in wwe was another of Vince's attempts to screw around with people. Vince is famous for doing screwed up gimmicks that make no sense but make him laugh and his whole asian redneck was an example. now, i am not saying that you won't have someone from the south who is asian and is like that but Vince stuck with the basics of it - wifebeater shirt, hat, little dance when he came out. the character never really went anywhere and i don't think it was ever designed to. I think Jimmy is a good talent and would do well in TNA. The Elvis gimmick? it is okay for now because everyone in the world had an Elvis impression but i think they would need to find him something else down the road. but for now, it is fun to watch so i say go for it.

just as an aside, that match really showed how good an x-division match could be. I watched the one the week before and thought it was a horrible - moves that made no sense, botched moves, no wonder people didn't like the x-division style. but when i watched this one, i was really impressed because while they did the high-flying moves, they also sold a little so it wasn't just spot after spot after spot. a huge step up from the week before.
One person out of 2 pages of discussion remembers Jimmy's previous run in TNA as one third of the Flying Elvises?

I'd assume he used that gimmick for nostalgia reasons since Destination X is about past, present and future X division wrestlers so don't worry about the Elvis impersonations.

Felt I had to comment since most seem to be under the assumption TNA hired an ex-WWE guy and gave him a random gimmick.

Also, someone compared him to Heath Slater? So, Yang's a bland and unimpressive wrestler who's there to fill roster space?
Bit hypocritical no? "You can't have an opinion on someone you didn't watch, and now I'm going to comment in a thread about a program I don't watch."

How is it hypocritical? Nowhere did I say I haven't seen him wrestle. I simply said I don't watch TNA. Last I checked, this is a thread about Jimmy Wang Yang, not TNA. And I have watched TNA before. I just don't like it. Please, put that foot back in your mouth.
LOL at defenders of jimmy yang wang. Hes a shitty wrestler and failed hard in the WWE and currently in TNA/Impact. Seriously, this past thursday is the first time ive seen this loser in 5+ years and he still sucks. He has the body weight/size of a crusierwieght yet he cant pull off any of the moves. He wrestlers like a stone cold braweler type when he should be doing the cruiserweight role. He will never get over. He is the typical jobber. Good luck to him. Maybe he can one day form a shitty tag team with kai-en-tai or chavo guerrero and make a nice $1000 payday. The guy shouldve quit years ago. Hes not going to make it in our currrent world dominated by cena/orton etc.
Do you think Jimmy Wang could have been better utilized in the WWE?

Jimmy Wang Yang, and I don't care
Jimmy Wang Yang, and I don't care
Jimmy Wang Yang, and I don't care
My Master's gone away​

He's the quintessential jobber. If a wrestling company can figure how to make a star of him, they would surely possess the ability to take over the world; at least the world of professional wrestling.

He isn't bad.....and he isn't particularly good, either. No problems there, because the world needs jobbers, and Jimmy is a useful one.

Maybe I could marry the guy. No, it's not that I have feelings for's just that I'd love to carry the name Mrs. Sally Wang-Yang.

Ah, the dreams.
LOL at defenders of jimmy yang wang. Hes a shitty wrestler and failed hard in the WWE and currently in TNA/Impact. Seriously, this past thursday is the first time ive seen this loser in 5+ years and he still sucks. He has the body weight/size of a crusierwieght yet he cant pull off any of the moves. He wrestlers like a stone cold braweler type when he should be doing the cruiserweight role. He will never get over.

Did you really watch Impact this week or this match? Doubtful, if you did you would have seen an awesome dive to the outside (the most air I have seen anyone get) and many superb kicks and various hgh flying moves, infact out of the three he was the most "X Division". Go back and watch Super Cena and his AMAZING wrestling abilities:rolleyes: or even better try spellcheck or go get an education.

Anyway for me Jimmy Yang was the most entertiaining in that match. When I heard his name I only had his WWE career to go by and I thought he would suck, much to my surprise he has a great amount of talent. I was not only impressed with his style and flamboyant moves but I also loved his pose he kept doing.

I do not care about his underutilization in WWE as they always restrict great wrestling talent so the likes of Cena and Miz can win titles, although that is their choice as they are Entertainment and not wrestling and one of the reasons I fast forward most of their shows.

After seeing Yang in this one match I would gladly see him in Impact wrestling as he really has a great style and has some great charisma. My hope is that IW sign Aries, Low Ki, Yang and the guy who will win the final place in the destination X PPV (shhh I cant say who it is but he is awesome). I did not really like that Shima Xion guy and would have prefered Dakota Darsow to go through. Lets just hope Bischoff signs a lot of new X talent that revitalizes what made me start watching TNA in the first place.
I agree for that match, it was his best option, but I think he meant if he signed would you like him to have a different gimmick.

LegendKiller716, I strongly doubt that he will be hired by TNA, at least for Impact. If they wanted to hire Jimmy Wang then why not have him win the match and so he would compete for the job at Destination X. He did not win. If he does get hired by them it will be for All Wheel Wrestling (how ever that turns out), and he, like the others in the pilot episode, will get a racing inspired name and gimmick.
How is it hypocritical? Nowhere did I say I haven't seen him wrestle. I simply said I don't watch TNA. Last I checked, this is a thread about Jimmy Wang Yang, not TNA. And I have watched TNA before. I just don't like it. Please, put that foot back in your mouth.

To be fair, the guy you chastised had also seen Jimmy wrestle, just not a lot and on a different show, so was entitled to his opinion on what he had seen. He wasn't impressed with what he saw at that time, and that again was his opinion.

So you watched something once upon a time, and didn't like it, based upon what you had seen. That is your opinion. That's where I saw the hypocrisy.

Last time I checked, this thread was in the TNA section. And my feet don't go in my mouth, I'm sadly not that flexible :(

Regarding the match, he had a good outing and got a nice reaction from the audience but I think Low-Ki offers the X Division a lot more and has a wider history with the other guys.
If you though Jimmy Wang Yang was similar to Heath Slater you clearly hadn't seen even a single one of his matches and thus had no right to have an opinion on him in the first place.

1. Do I think he could have been better utilized in the WWE? Honestly, not really. They used him pretty well, and he was smoking hot in the cruserweight division. Then he teamed with Shannon Moore and had a GREAT feud with Miz and Morrison. For a guy with absolutely no mic skills and an annoying as shit "I'm an Asian redneck" gimmick he did pretty well.

2. I wouldn't like to see anybody in TNA, as I would much rather watch Barney and Friends on the beach singing about how the water splashes their toesies than watch that shitty programming.

3. Don't know what gimmick you're talking about. I would say he should just be an Evan Bourne type- no real gimmick, just a guy who likes to fly...

Why are you on the forum then? You dont watch WWE and you think TNA is shit? Take your negative posts and take it to a site of a program you DO like. No one needs to see this crap of a post EVER again.

As for the OP. I too thought he was impressive. I dont like the Elvis character but TNA definitely lets him showcase his ability more than what WWE did, however, he doesnt have the look or mic skills to ever be special regardless of the company he is in because of that. Therefore it really doesnt matter to me even though that was the best ive seen him in AWHILE.

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