Would You Welcome Another Rey Mysterio World Title Reign?

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My God, no, I absolutely would not welcome it at all. A tag team champion, yes. IC or US champ, absolutely. ECW champ, ok. Even bring back the Cruiserweight, European, or something else and I'd be OK with it.

He's too small to be a plausible WWE or WHC champion. While we all know it's scripted entertainment, you cannot have a guy his size be viewed as a plausible champion and have him defeating guys the size of Batista, HHH, or Taker. It's too ridiculous to be taken seriously.

And he has the worst finisher in the history of the WWE. Watch any match on any pro wrestling show on any given night, and the wrestler never lands on the middle rope of the rings. Yet in every single Mysterio match, it happens 2 or 3 times, every single time. Too stupid to take seriously, even in the kayfabe world of the WWE.

I'm not saying the champ has to be a huge monster, but he can't be 5' f*** all in height and weigh 150 lbs. Unless he's spectacular, and I don't see Mysterio as anything near spectacular, even if you're a fan of flippy wrestling.
I wouldn't enjoy a mysterio reign, unless its who he faces. small wrestlers, like jericho. he and jericho put on amazing shows, and evan bourne as well. not big guys like his first, like khali, reign made it seem worthless.
Unless he's spectacular, and I don't see Mysterio as anything near spectacular, even if you're a fan of flippy wrestling.

When legends like Bret Hart and The Rock would like to have their last matches with you, then you know you are good. Rock and Hart both said they would like to wrestle their last matches with Rey...

I would welcome another Rey reign since wrestling is fake. If Taker can do all this supernatural bullshit and still be taking seriously, then anyone should be as well.
As great as Rey is, he was only champion coming off of Eddie Guererro's death. That's it. It was brilliant storytelling and a case of them building off the tribute given to Eddie. Rey is a great wrestler and a Hall of Famer for sure, but as far as another title run? Not going to happen. Rey's been in trouble with the Wellness Policy, he's aging, and he's not the same wrestler he once was. It's not going to be a surprise if it does happen, mainly because of his appeal to younger kids and the Latino audience. I would see him as more of an ECW champion as opposed to being a major champion on Raw or Smackdown.

Then again, he does sell merchandise and is PG friendly...so it's not out of the question, but I would not welcome another title run from Rey, unless it was the ECW title.
When legends like Bret Hart and The Rock would like to have their last matches with you, then you know you are good. Rock and Hart both said they would like to wrestle their last matches with Rey...

I would welcome another Rey reign since wrestling is fake. If Taker can do all this supernatural bullshit and still be taking seriously, then anyone should be as well.

No one is suggesting that Rey is not good. I'm personally not a big fan, but that's just me. I'm just suggesting that he does not have the physical size to be considered a plausible candidate for the World HEAVYWEIGHT Championship or the WWE Championship. I would have loved to see Bret Hart or the Rock round out their careers with matches against Mysterio, I think that could have been great, just now with these matches being for the heavyweight belts.

The Undertaker may do his "supernatural bullshit" but he's got the size to be a heavyweight contender. As I said in my earlier post, I think Rey should contend for the other titles and be in other significant feuds, just not involving the 2 big belts where you have to be large in stature, even in the kayfabe world of professional wrestling.

Floyd Mayweather is an excellent boxer, arguably the best POUND FOR POUND boxer in the world today. I wouldn't want to see him fight in the heavyweight classifications in boxing, that would just be silly and not plausible. Now I know, before anyone says it, that boxing is real and wrestling is fake, but even still, it's got to at least have some semblance of reality, even with gimmicks like the Undertaker in existence.

I'm not suggesting he should be released, I'm just saying he should not receive a heavyweight title reign again because he's just too small. Keep him in significant feuds, keep him in the title hunt for the smaller belts, and for God's sake, give him a new finisher.
Regardless of his size and present weight status, I personally would like to see another title reign. Even though the people he won the title from in that triple threat was rediculous, if booked proper he could help bring up the future main-eventers
in response to the threads title, no. i don't like rey mysterio as such, mostly because he's so obviously targeted at the 10 yos in the audience, but he's a talented wrestler who should be in significant feuds and title hunts. however, when u see how easy it was for batista to destroy him after bragging rights, its hard to see him as the man on smackdown. punk, jericho, show and batista are all more appropriate champs for the moment, and even when old man undertaker is hobbling around the ring scaring the little ones, he's still a much more believable champ.
no... just no.. nothing more should be said but no he was a horrible champ.. as small as he is im sorry but any big guy like big show would just squish him size does matter when it comes to rey vs big show..
I would welcome another title reign for Rey Mysterio but it all depends on who he faces if he is champion. The big mistake that was made the first time was that they tried to put him up against the biggest guys in the roster and make it seem like an underdog role. I would like to see a Mysterio/Punk feud over the title or a Mysterio/Morrison feud. Besides Batista, Undertaker, and Big Show, all the other guys are basically a good fit for Mysterio and his offense. He has been the most consistent performer this year and I believe his title reign could be a good one if he gets one.
I used to cringe hearing "The World HEAVYWEIGHT Champion, Rey Mysterio".

I don't know where you were hearing that cause I remember them scrapping the "Heavyweight" part of the name and just referring to him as World Champion. Even the graphic shown before a title match said it.

I would welcome Rey as champion, but only if he has the right challengers. It really pissed me off to see him lose every week against Mark Henry, Khali, Kane and anyone else over the 300 mark What the hell? Did WWE like to torture the guy? His reign could've been a lot more than just " promoting Eddie" if they kept JBL form bringing giants to squash him every week. He couldn't beat the lackeys but he can beat the mastermind. Great thinking Creative Team.

Rey can be a credible champion but only when facing the right challengers. Guys like CM Punk, Jericho, Edge and Orton. He's definately worked for it. And deserves domething for his work. Its up to creative to keep the opponents credible for him if its done.

He could bash bigger guys with chairs. But I doubt it considering his character.
I wold welcome another rey mysterio title reign because he's been with the company a long time and has only gotten 1 heavyweight title reign and he deserves more than than. hopefully he gets a chance to win it soon.
well, I am a fan of mysterio. But I wouldn't welcome it just yet... Maybe if Rey loses to Batista at survivor series, than they could do Undertaker vs. Batista with Batista becoming champ. However, mysterio should challenge for it against Batista, and then win. Then, I would welcome it.
I actually never thought I'd say this, but not only would I welcome a title reign for Rey, I long for it. He's the only face in the world title scene that isn't stale. John Morrison isn't ready, Jeff Hardy is gone, Matt Hardy is just not world title material and R-truth just doesn't have "it." Taker as champ gets dull to me, its the same promo week after week, which would be fine if it wasn't the focal point of the entire show. The only problem with Rey as champ, is that WWE seemed to like squashing him as champion the last time he held the belt. That can't happen if he gets the title again. Rey is an entertaining performer, gets good crowd support, and can work a greater schedule than the Undertaker. If a face champ is what SD! wants, then i say Rey is the way to go.
I would welcome another Rey Mysterio world title reign. The last time he was the World Heavyweight Champion he was booked very poorly. This could be changed by giving him fresh new challengers closer in size to Mysterio like Chris Jericho,Edge,or CM Punk. His last title reign was so unimpressive because the size of his opponents doubled and sometimes tripled Mysterio's. Therefore we would get better matches from Y2J,Edge,and Punk facing him. That's why I would welcome another reign. But only if those were the type of challengers he faced.
No he should not!!! I think someone said this already, but he is a PHENOMENAL wrestler, but he has failed to have a long reign. I'm not saying that time is most important, but during those reigns, he doesn't deliver the same great matches that really draw fans. WWE can't really afford it.
I must be the only one to see rey wrestle in WCW and WWE. I would love to see rey be a WHC. I loved rey last title reign cuz it was believable. Just because this guy got crushed by Mark Henry and Khali doesn't mean he shouldn't be champion. HELL, if his title was one the line he would of beat both of them. I can't believe his so called fans don't have faith in him. 1. How many times a champion goes in a non-title match gets crushed by the opponent and face the same opponent title on the line the champion wins with no inference. 2. Mask or no mask when rey was in WCW he beaten plenty of big men, Kevin Nash, Scott Norton, and Bam Bam Bigalow. That made me believe that he can be champion material. This guy beat kane more then once. If wwe wanted too, rey could of beaten Mark Henry and Khali. It would be something if rey went wrestlemania and beat the undertaker for title, than all of yall faces will drop. John cena got crushed by khali b4 judgment day and Saturday night main event and won at the ppv's.
I like Rey don't get me wrong. His in ring work is fun but every time he is champ I hate him on the mic and he can't be taken seriously. I would not welcome him as a World Champ. He belongs as a top mid carder or having a feud with someone like Batista but not for the title.

For the world title the list of people I would put before him range from 'superstars' with better gimmicks, better mic work and being easy to see as a world champ. I feel very strongly that the WWE should put him on ECW and feud for the title with Christian and then become the top contender on that show when christian leaves.

So all in all there is not a chance in heel I would welcome Rey Mysterio to hold any title higher then the ECW championship.
I think it's very close to happening now. Rey hung in there with the Deadman this past Friday on Smackdown, until Batista got involved. After the match, all three men attacked each other, teasing a triple threat match some where down the line. Think about it, this would be the perfect scenairo, for Rey to win the world title because if Batista VS Rey for the title happens, I think it will be at Mania 26. I also think there's no chance of him beating Taker one on one.
The only way I would welcome a Rey Mysterio world title reign is if he wins the WWE Championship.... OR.... if they change the name of the World Heavyweight Championship to simply the World Championship.

Rey needs to stay as far away from the World HEAVYWEIGHT Championship as possible. No offense to Rey fans, but he's a cruiserweight. How can a Cruiserweight be taken seriously holding a HEAVYWEIGHT Championship?

So.... no, I would not welcome another Rey Mysterio world title reign because he is just not believable as a world champion.
The only way I would welcome a Rey Mysterio world title reign is if he wins the WWE Championship.... OR.... if they change the name of the World Heavyweight Championship to simply the World Championship.

Rey needs to stay as far away from the World HEAVYWEIGHT Championship as possible. No offense to Rey fans, but he's a cruiserweight. How can a Cruiserweight be taken seriously holding a HEAVYWEIGHT Championship?

So.... no, I would not welcome another Rey Mysterio world title reign because he is just not believable as a world champion.

Very true Dagger, but you have to remember, WWE loves providing us with "moments", and Rey conquering the big men and over coming the odds would have a live crowd go into a frenzy. I should know, I was there in 2006, when he won the Rumble. Rey winning the title would provide everyone with that "heart warming" moment, like at Mania 22, when he won the title.

While I don't think it would make sense for Rey to be a HEAVYWEIGHT champion, I wouldn't put it past WWE to put the belt on him again.
Fuck no I wouldn't. Rey was one of the worst World Champions of all time. Not because he's a poor wrestler, he's a fantastic wrestler, always has been. But as a World Champion he's simply terrible. There comes a point where size does matter, and sorry, but how anyone can take Rey serious as a World Champ is beyond me. I'm not one for weight limits or any of that nonsense, but having the belt on Rey just devalued that title. It would be like having Funaki or Hornswoggle hold a World Title, it just doesn't look right. Obviously Rey is so much more talented than those two individuals, but I'd still dread another World Title reign from Rey.

Ummmmmm no. Chris Beniot wasn't that much taller than Rey so did you think he devalued the title, did it not look right. Size means nothing, Rey was just booked horribly during his title run and was made to look foolish in his David Vs. Goliath role. I would welcome a Rey Rey title run but only if he was booked as a true champion, and not a charity case.
Very true Dagger, but you have to remember, WWE loves providing us with "moments", and Rey conquering the big men and over coming the odds would have a live crowd go into a frenzy. I should know, I was there in 2006, when he won the Rumble. Rey winning the title would provide everyone with that "heart warming" moment, like at Mania 22, when he won the title.

While I don't think it would make sense for Rey to be a HEAVYWEIGHT champion, I wouldn't put it past WWE to put the belt on him again.

Yeah, that is why I support him winning the WWE title someday because as a big star and merchandise seller he does deserve that. It's just that the World Heavyweight title won by him again would raise issues about believability because of his weight class like it did in 2006. Rey winning the WWE title would be a great moment, like you described. Same goes for any smaller guy. The World title really should focus on larger guys though unless they change its name to not include Heavyweight anymore.
yeah I wouldn't mind another title reign But if he does I hope it will be better than his last one. I find his matches very entertaining and I think he deserves another shot to champion again.
Ummmmmm no. Chris Beniot wasn't that much taller than Rey so did you think he devalued the title, did it not look right. Size means nothing, Rey was just booked horribly during his title run and was made to look foolish in his David Vs. Goliath role. I would welcome a Rey Rey title run but only if he was booked as a true champion, and not a charity case.

You're right in the fact that Benoit wasn't much taller than Rey, but still Benoit looked like more of a credible threat as a champion than Rey. You have to face facts that Rey is a small guy, and his character(especially when going up against big men) always depends on the whole David VS Goliath analogy you mentioned. No matter how you look at, Rey will always be an underdog, when going against wrestlers ****** than him. While Benoit on the other hand, was presented to us as a dominate technical wrestler.

If Rey is to win the title from Taker, then his win will defiantly be looked at as a miracle. There's no way anyone would buy into Rey beating Taker one on one. The only way him taking the title from Taker would be believable is in a triple threat match.
Not really. Not unless he was booked against someone more of his size. If he were to win the WHC at some stage then they'd need to take Batista, Kane and Taker out of the picture and have him feud with Punk or Jericho or even Morrison. Rey would have the popularity behind him and yeah maybe it would be a success as he's so over but me personally? No I wouldn't really like it. He's a great IC champion and a great Tag champion but I just don't see him as World Champion material.
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