Would You Welcome Another Rey Mysterio World Title Reign?

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
He's probably been WWE's MVP of the year so far, and he should be for the whole year if he continues as he has been doing. Some people might say Jericho, but he hasn't put in a great performance since his matches with....Rey Mysterio.

Undertaker defeated Punk last night, apparently Taker looked like he was about do crumble after it was done. So maybe there will be a new champion soon. Punk is in the doghouse, Batista is a boring choice, Jericho is a flop champion and Big Show is shit. There's not really anybody else.

From what I read, somewhere, Rey's world title reign was a success. Even if he wasn't booked very well, terribly actually, people tuned in to see him.

So would you welcome another title run for Rey Mysterio?
Personally I would welcome it, there are a great deal of challengers for him. I mean Jericho, Morrison, Punk, Hardy would all be good matches for him; and from what I read as you mentioned the ratings popped when he was champion.

The only reason I could see this not happening was how recent his last wellness policy violation was. I don't know that in this PG era that Vince would put the strap on someone who was so recently busted.

Just My Opinion.
I've gotta agree with you there, he's my choice of superstar of the year having great success and great matches against Chris Jericho, John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler.

I of course would welcome another Rey World Championship Reign, he could have a great reign with the amount of challengers he could have great matches with, not sure who he would win it off though, most probably CM Punk who will have another crappy Reign.
I guess it would all depend on how he was booked. But yes, I would welcome it. I mean, I'm not the biggest Mysterio fan. But I won't take anything away from him. Even if I wanted too, I couldn't. There's no denying what he can do. And I'd definitely like to see some of the match-ups The Gribbler mentioned. I think they could make for some really good matches. Plus, it'd be something new. I'm all for that.
Possibly.During this year rey has had some really good matches against jericho,morrison and ziggler but at the moment I dont think it fits for rey to hold the title.Undertaker might just hold it for a whle now and when he loses it edge will most likely be back so although I do welcome a rey title reign now is not the right time.
Fuck no I wouldn't. Rey was one of the worst World Champions of all time. Not because he's a poor wrestler, he's a fantastic wrestler, always has been. But as a World Champion he's simply terrible. There comes a point where size does matter, and sorry, but how anyone can take Rey serious as a World Champ is beyond me. I'm not one for weight limits or any of that nonsense, but having the belt on Rey just devalued that title. It would be like having Funaki or Hornswoggle hold a World Title, it just doesn't look right. Obviously Rey is so much more talented than those two individuals, but I'd still dread another World Title reign from Rey.
That's a tough one. Rey is a great superstar don't get me wrong but I know I don't want to see another superman run (i.e. Cena) and that is what happened with Mysterio. I think he would be booked horribly again and become a transitional champion. I have no idea who the next champ would be.
What in the world does Taker's gimmick have to do with this?

Anyway, I'm not sure on Rey. He could work as a short term champion as he's certainly over enough and on that level, but like X said, size eventually comes into play. There's no real reason to believe that Taker can survive a Batista Bomb but not a seated senton. The other problem is booking Rey properly. Last time they booked him against Khali and had Khali completely destroy him. What was the thinking in that? It makes the title look like a joke because someone can destroy the world champion in about three minutes. Why should we have considered him champion after that and not Khali? You have to book Rey properly, which means keeping him against mainly average sized guys to have him look reasonable. In other words, put him out there with Punk, Jericho, Morrison, Ziggler, and that's about it. Against those guys, Rey's offense looks credible. He's over and talented enough for the title, but at the end of the day it's hard to justify it due to his size, which may not be fair but it's reality.
Now I'm a little biased because of the fact that I'm a big Rey fan. I'd definitely welcome him as a world champ again. Undertaker isn't going to be here for forever, Edge has come and gone a lot due to injuries, I'm tired at the moment of seeing Batista with the title so I think it would be alright if Rey got the strap back. Now I think that it would be cool and unexpected for Rey to beat Undertaker for the strap. I don't think that CM Punk is going to win it back in the title defense that he's obviously going to get. Maybe Rey could challenge Punk the #1 contender spot or something.
I'm mixed on it. I like Rey alot but I hated his world title reign. He's uber talented, but he's just too small to be taken seriously. Like, WAY too small. And knowing the WWE, instead of booking him in matches against guys he can handle like Jericho, Punk, and Morrison, they'd probably put him against Batista and Taker over and over because they love making Rey a "giant killer".

If he won the world title and stayed away from the big guys unless he had to lose the belt to one, then maybe I'd give it a chance.

*On a side note, I'd rather he win the WWE title. I used to cringe hearing "The World HEAVYWEIGHT Champion, Rey Mysterio". At least the WWE title doesn't have the obvious emphasis on heavyweights that the world title does.
i would welcome it and it would fit the smackdown roster, morrison,ziggler,punk would all have great matches and might evan make some new me guys cause i really dont see anyone else standing out ray vs cmpunk for the belt would be classic
Fuck no I wouldn't. Rey was one of the worst World Champions of all time. Not because he's a poor wrestler, he's a fantastic wrestler, always has been. But as a World Champion he's simply terrible. There comes a point where size does matter, and sorry, but how anyone can take Rey serious as a World Champ is beyond me. I'm not one for weight limits or any of that nonsense, but having the belt on Rey just devalued that title. It would be like having Funaki or Hornswoggle hold a World Title, it just doesn't look right. Obviously Rey is so much more talented than those two individuals, but I'd still dread another World Title reign from Rey.

But seriously, he would look credible against reasonable challengers, they had him go up against Mark Henry, Batista, Khali, JBL, Kane...or course he wasn't going to look credible.

If you book a smaller guy against Morrison, Punk, Ziggler, Truth, Hardy. He could have a good long reign against guys that there is actually a chance he could beat.

Just my Opinion
I honestly wouldn’t be against the idea if they book him properly the second time around. In his first reign, they booked him against people that were humongous compared to him so he holding a World Champion wasn’t believable because he was easily dominated. But now that he would be facing people closer to his size that he could actually have good and believable matches with. So if he is facing people that aren’t giants then I would welcome the idea since it’s something that I could take seriously. But like I said, it all would depend if they book him properly or not.
MVP of the Year? is this thread about Chris Jericho, or Rey Mysterio ?

if it was about Chris Jericho, then youre absolutely right, he is the MVP of the year, making him Superstar of the Year two years in a row.

but I think this thread about Rey Mysterio and how he should have a second title run, which I completely disagree with. He much like his tag partner need to all of the face of the earth by retiring.. He sucks, and people who suck shouldn't hold titles. He's also boring, and as we know people who are boring shouldn't hold titles.

So no Rey Mysterio should never have, and never again win a Main Event Title.
i would welcome another mysterio title reign but i seriously don't see this happening or anytime soon. My reasoning for this is that hes been having great matchs with mid carders witch some might argue is good enough but i can only see rey rey as a guy who puts over superstars but is still successfull.
Just for starters and for the record I do not endorse the idea of a 2nd Rey Mysterio title reign. Not now, not ever. I believe the obvious objections have been covered by all of you quite well so I won't bore you with schematics and a regurgitation of the things you said on the matter.

Rey had his place in the sun for a minute over other guys who could have carried the title better than he did. His matches as champion were not convincing in the slightest, in turn devaluing that belt and the mantle of champion in general.

Against guys his own size and slightly bigger he is very spectacular, you can't take away what the guy definitely has got. He is a great high flyer and a good all around performer. I just don't think his place is amongst the big men. Go ahead and call him the biggest little man in wrestling history, he probably is, but not World Heavyweight Champion.

The only instance in which I see that would be appropriate for a Rey Mysterio title reign would be if it was a transitional title change. You guys all mentioned the superstars who he could have great matches with as champion now. Morrison, Ziggler, Punk, Jericho, Swagger??? That would be the only useful facilitation of a Rey Mysterio championship. Having him hold the title and go through those guys would give them a rub with the title and possibly put them in the big leagues, but I think you can still do the same thing without it by simply giving the title to any of them at this point.

There is a decent size difference between Mysterio, Ziggler, Morrison, Jericho, Kofi, Miz, Punk, other guys like that. And then there's Triple H, Undertaker, Batista, Big Show, Khali, Kane, so on and so on. Just mixing up the title with some of those smaller heavyweights kind of puts them all in a new class, an upper class. It's kind of like that period of time with Bret and Shawn as champion. They aren't the biggest guys, but they are big enough that you can believe it when they stand toe to toe with one of the real big men. Cena is perfect because he is small enough to fight the smaller faster guys but powerful enough to fight the biggest guys, kind of like Bret and Shawn and another person I'd like to mention in there Mr. Perfect.

Using Rey to put one of those guys over would work. Rey would have another title reign added to his total. And the doors would be open to more competitors for the title fixing some of the problems mentioned today about the same people always being in the title picture. I would have it be a quick title reign though like I said. The real trick at this point would be getting the title on him. You can't take the title from Undertaker to give it to Mysterio, that feud doesn't need to happen. C.M. Punk would have to win it from Undertaker somehow or possibly Jericho.

Ah Ha! Here you go. Undertaker and C.M. Punk could feud through Bragging Rights, Survivor Series, and TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs , into Royal Rumble. That might seem like too long but that's only a 3 pay per view title reign. If you wanted you could even have another title change and give C.M. Punk the title back at Bragging Rights, Survivor Series, or TLC then have the rubber match at Royal Rumble. They key is having it be one of the last matches in a series between Undertaker and C.M. Punk with Punk winning it to get it off of Undertaker so we can get it to Mysterio eventually in a credible manner.

SO, moving on. Let's say that title match is after the actual Royal Rumble. You then have Rey Mysterio win the Rumble making him the challenger for the title at Wrestlemania. A good idea would be to have Rey eliminate Jericho from the Royal Rumble. Jericho leaves in a fit and goes on to interfere in the match between Undertaker and C.M. Punk helping Punk win the title.

Later on Smack Down you could then have him on claiming that he should have won the title shot at Wrestlemania, that it was a fluke for Rey to eliminate him. Not only that, he has a plan. Jericho challenges Mysterio for his spot at Wrestlemania in a match at Now Way Out, explaining that he helped C.M. Punk win so that after he beat Mysterio, he would beat Punk at Wrestlemania instead of the Undertaker. Teddy Long would then come out and call C.M. Punk to the ring. He would then announce that since there was interference in his win, he would face the Undertaker one last time in a steel cage match at No Way Out.

Punk would protest saying he won so he shouldn't have to fight Undertaker again but then Chris Jericho would come out. He would then remind C.M. Punk that he only won the title because of his interference and so Punk owes him. Out of nowhere the lights go out, and everyone hears the gong. The lights raise and Undertaker in in the ring with C.M. Punk, Teddy Long, and Chris Jericho. Long and Punk jump out of the ring as Undertaker grabs Jericho picking him up and choke slamming him, then going for a tombstone, when out of nowhere big show would come out attacking Undertaker and saving Jericho from the tombstone.

The next week you could have C.M. Punk come out and start talking shit about Rey and his odds of beating Jericho or him if he even makes it to Wrestlemania. Then Rey would come out, play the face and talk about how he's going to win, and then out of nowhere have Jericho intervene. He could come to the ring and officially challenge Rey to fight him at No Way Out for his title shot. Rey would then accept, telling Punk he is next after Jericho if he can make it past the Undertaker. That night Teddy Long could make a triple threat match between the three of them for the main event, non title of course. Rey could win that match to give him a little push into next week. Again Undertaker appears attacking C.M. Punk this time.

For week three leading up to No Way out on Smack Down you could have Jericho and Punk talking to each other, they agree that Rey and Undertaker are a problem for both of them because Jericho wants the title shot that should be his at Wrestlemania, and C.M. Punk doesn't want to loose the title. They could ask Teddy Long to make a match, to which he agrees to have a 2 on 1 match for the main event. C.M. Punk and Chris Jericho v.s. Rey Mysterio. Mysterio loses being overwhelmed by Punk and Jericho. After the match Jericho and Punk celebrate when once again the Undertaker appears and this time takes out Punk first and then attacks Jericho, only once again the Big Show comes to the aid of Jericho beating up Undertaker and attacking Rey Mysterio. Big Show and Jericho start beating up Rey and then Batista comes out to save him beating up Big Show as Jericho runs away. And this takes us into one week before No Way Out.

On this show, Batista would come out say Big Show is just a bully who likes to attack people from behind and use numbers with Jericho's help. Batista then challenges him to a one on one match with someone who is big enough to beat him, not Rey Mysterio after taking a beating. Show comes out, accepts and choke slams Batista. Teddy Long would then decide to make a six man tag match with Undertaker, Batista, and Rey v.s. C.M. Punk, Chris Jericho, and Big Show. The match concludes with a big brawl in the ring and the referee stopping it as a no contest.

Finally at No Way Out Jericho and Mysterio face off with Jericho winning with a Codebreaker and earning his shot at Wrestlemania. Big Show would beat Batista with by hitting him with 3 choke slams in a row to get the pin, then during The Undertaker v.s. C.M. Punk match he would distract Undertaker from outside the cage, allowing C.M. Punk to hit a GTS and climb out of the cage.

Now, you could have Big Show challenge Undertaker for the streak, Jericho v.s. C.M. Punk for the title, and then put Rey in the Money in the Bank match for Wrestlemania. Big Show looses to Taker to make the streak 19-0, Rey wins MITB, and after a long brutal fight Jericho beats Punk for the title, only to have Mysterio come and cash in the MITB and defeat Jericho at Wrestlemania.

That's about the best way I could think of to do it. After that, you could do whatever you wanted but I would still make it brief and get the title on to someone else within a few months.
I'm a Rey fan but it would be hard to see him as world champ again. He's just such a smaller wrestler and his move set doesn't mix well with the bigger wrestlers. He's held the I.C title numerous times now and he doesn't fit in the tag title division either. He'd have to be booked strong, which was his weakness in his first stint as world champion. It depends on how he's built up, who he beats for the title, and how he defends it to convince me and others if should become champion again.
Damn right I would! I thought Rey was doing good as World Champion. They milked Eddie's death for all that it was worth and gave him the belt just for that reason, but damn. It was entertaining, I always thought Rey was deserving of a major title anyways. If his hombre Boretista can have a million runs, why not Rey? Rey's more over with the fans, better wrestler, better entertainer. Need I go on? Yeah, Rey for World Champ. Definitely.
I definately think it would work. Most of the guys on Smackdown except for Kane, Taker, and batista are all wrestlers closer to his size, so it would make for a believable title reign. Of course, he could always turn heel, but that would never happen. If he did that, he could have a group like he did in WCW, kinda like a gang, but that may not make him look legit either. Either way, I would like to see him win it again.
MVP of the Year? is this thread about Chris Jericho, or Rey Mysterio ?

What has Jericho done this year? Nothing. He hasn't updated his persona at all this year, he's also only had quality matches with Rey Mysterio and he was upstaged by an overrated Ricky Steamboat who hadn't wrestled in 15 years.

but I think this thread about Rey Mysterio and how he should have a second title run,

It's all in the title.

He much like his tag partner need to all of the face of the earth by retiring.. He sucks, and people who suck shouldn't hold titles.

In what way does he suck? He was one of the stars in the Rumble, he and Edge put on a fantastic finish in their Elimination Chamber match, his feud with Jericho was very good, he's had two of the best TV matches all year and he got good matches out of a mediocre worker like Dolph Ziggler.

He's also boring, and as we know people who are boring shouldn't hold titles.

Jericho & Big Show hold two each.
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I would gladly welcome a second World Title reign from Rey Mysterio. But it would have to be booked properly. I really hated how the whole time he was champion with his reign they used Eddie's death as the jump off point for the guys he faced.

Anyway I would only welcome the reign if it were to help build up a new main eventer that would take the title off of him. Also I don't really feel Mysterio currently fits into the main event of Smackdown. That being said though if he were to be shoved into the main event for a long period of time I believe he could work some great feuds with the current main eventers. The only problem is the only heel right now is CM Punk. Smackdown needs another top heel ASAP.
i wouldnt mind it. as long has he never fights some1 who has over 100 pound on him. i mean really they is 0 chance that a guy like rey would ever beat a guy like taker or kane. total bullshit. i hate when any cruiserweight fights a superheavy weight.

anyway rey could have some good fights. really any1 but taker and batista would be a good matchup with rey.
Depending on which way WWE booked it, a Mysterio title reign could be good or bad. If it is booked like last time then the WWE would just be wasting their time. If it booked the way a championship reign should be, then Rey Mysterio could be propelled back to the level of popularity that he once enjoyed.
There is a reason for naming belt world heavyweight and the reason is that the heavyweight wrestlers only have the right to compete on him as Undertaker and Batista and Edge on Smackdown, but when I see such as Ray Maystario wrestler in his weight and get that belt is very strange,Maystario not even close to The average weight , let alone the heavy weight and so on we all saw Ray Maystario hold the title before and it was not good for us WWE fan's , but if you look what's happening now in Smackdown Batista, we find that after switching to the role of hated has become more violent and more aggressive When will compete for the title against Undertaker will see legendary games and this is when he gets on the belt will see someone who does not have mercy and only interested in the destruction of who stand in his face
when Edge return will go with him in violent confrontations and will show us a very enjoyable games
But what is interesting to see Ray Maystario to receive the title and destroy by any opponent faces and in the end win
I do not see any fun in it only for children
As I mentioned before this belt of heavy weights, not for the owners of the flyweight
I do not know why they canceled lightweight belt
Must be return this belt again to get all the belt's back to normal,
the world title drive to the world's greatest wrestlers like Undertaker and Batista and Triple H, Gold Berg and others and eventually the belt moves from the hand of CM punk in the hands of Jeff Hardy and into the hands of Ray Maystario luster of the belt has ended since the day that McMahon bout the the world title in the hands of wrestlers such as them
Sorry for my long talk
And in fact I'm very happy I share my words here in this forum with you
I would welcome it with welcome arms. :)

Mysterio has been WWE's most improved this year. He used to be a shell of his WCW self but with his program with Jericho to this current feud with Batista, he's really impressed me this year. His title reign has been the best Intercontinental reign in years.

I would love to see Mysterio win the title and get into a program with CM Punk. This would elevate Punk and hopefully be the last one he needs to get over. The match would be excellent and could be a MOTY candidate.
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