Would You Push #3: R-Truth

Would you push R-Truth

  • Push: Yes

  • Push: No

  • Push; Yes and have him be heel

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The Winter Soldier
R-Truth is a former United Sates Champion and Tag Team Champion. I like his character but i just hope he doesn't turn into a comedy jobber with his little jimmy act. It'd be like Santino and his cobra. I wouldn't mind seeing him as World Heavyweight Champion. How about you guys? I've seen comments before saying they liked his heel character a lot more than his current. Would you give him his push to the top as a heel or a face? Would you even push him?
Also, don't forget to say who you want to be asked about next.
I would push him.....right off a cliff.

People talk about useless wrestlers. I believe R-Truth has been the most useless wrestler since his return to the WWE in 2008. I can't remember one good match he has ever had and that includes his heel run where he had terrible matches with Mysterio and Cena. Time to hang up your boots if those two guys can't get a good match out of you. Why Truth isn't gone yet baffles me, but I don't see him on TV much so I'm fine.

R-Truth had his chance at being anything more than a midcarder in WWE. His WHAT'S UP rapping persona would NEVER have been believable in any role beyond the US or Intercontinental Championship and even for a challenger to those belts he is a joke. The Little Jimmy persona made him more entertaining but it's even siller and he'll still never be believable further up the card. He had his chance two years ago and failed to deliver. Keep him in the midcard where he can yell WHAT'S UP or talk to Little Jimmy about spiders all he wants. Main event tier wrestlers can be funny in promos but they need to be taken seriously when it comes down to it and Truth is a JOKE. His best time was in the Air Truth tag team with Kofi, maybe he should form a new team with another wrestler who has nothing better to do at the moment. He's not WWE or World Heavyweight Championship material.
Nope!!!! Never liked him from the beginning. Although I would be more in favor of Truth getting a push compared to Kofi because Truth actually can wrestle and not just kick people, but there is no character inside of Ron Killings that could ever interest me. Also, who ever gave him the mic back and gave him the okay to go back to rapping his entrance music needs to be slapped upside their head. If they want his damn music to have words then have him hit the studio and record that shit instead of out of breath, off time rapping while skipping around the ring.

Firstly, he's too old. You can't make a star out of a 41 year old, not with the schedule that modern wrestlers have to endure. I can't see him hanging around for many more years.

Secondly, he's not very good. He won an NWA title in TNA I believe, but in the WWE he is so ridiculously overshadowed by the talent around him that I didn't even realise he was gone during his time off. He's average in the ring, with only a few moves that are thrown into his matches for cheap pops. And his gimmicks have either been one note (What's up!) or comedic (Little Jimmy.)

Admittedly, in concept, the Little Jimmy thing could've grown into something more substantial, since it was a gimmick based on something real, the young fanbase of Cena. But it became a gimmick of R-Truth being crazy and having an imaginary friend. So yeah, any hope for Truth is long gone.
The best days of R-Truth's career are probably behind him. If this was several years back and Truth left WWE to go back to TNA, then it's quite possible that he would have gotten a pretty big push. As it stands, however, I wouldn't push Truth because Truth is 41 years old and if you're someone that hasn't made it as a major, main event level star by the time you're 41 years old; then it's probably just not in the cards. There are so many much younger and fresher talents on the roster, and waiting in the wings in NXT, that simply have FAR more long term potential than Truth.

Before the "Little Jimmy" gimmick became mostly a comedy gimmick, I was enjoying Truth as being this somewhat unbalanced heel. He felt fresh and interesting for the first time in...well...ever in my eyes. However, I knew the bloom was off the rose when WWE made Truth & Miz look like a couple of jokes during the build for their match against Rock & Cena at Survivor Series back in 2011. Truth is a pretty good mid-card and tag team guy but, in my opinion, it's a waste of time at this point pushing him to the main event or even for a mid-card title run.
R-Truth is a former United Sates Champion and Tag Team Champion. I like his character but i just hope he doesn't turn into a comedy jobber with his little jimmy act.
You don't want it to happen....yet? I think that ship done sailed, when he came out dressed as a Confederate Soldier. And literally, that was the only entertaining thing he's done since he's returned.

As for pushing Truth, absolutely not. He was terribly received at the Capitol Punishhment PPV in 2011 in the main event against John Cena, and while he looked threatening when he teamed with Miz, he didn't have the offense to back up being menacing.

The best place for Truth is as a jobber. He's been so irrelevant for so long, and his best days were easily those in TNA, where he somehow made it as World Champion. Watching back then, even, he seemed to be nothing more then a transitional, stop-gap champion, and he's much older and less relevant in a far bigger company.

There's a place for Truth, as I'm not as down on him as LJL, but that's simply to have a 5-7 minute match on Superstars or Main Event to put younger guys over, or like when we saw him last on Raw, to get beaten up by the Wyatt family. As for a push?

His last, best chance ended when he got suspended. Following that, he hasn't been relevant, and for good reason. He's not a marketable commodity, and he botches more spots then a rookie Diva in half of his matches.
I wouldn't mind him being pushed. There have been people older than Truth and far worse performers, who've held that belt. At this point, however, it's a little late for him to hold the belt. Maybe be part of the main event match in an elimination chamber or three way match for the title or something.

I think the Truth/Miz pairing was quite good, and had great potential but the company pulled the damn plug on it so soon, that it didn't let us see what could become of both Miz and Truth. That might have been the time of his infraction which seems like a good reason, even though performers have failed and continued their rivalries or performance obligations.
He just can't offer anything as a top star in the WWE. He has put on the odd decent match; I think the Little Jimmy stuff was kinda funny but that's it. I don't want to see him pushed ahead of others with actual talent and that could make money for the WWE.

He could be used in a tag-team. Just any random pairing to keep him occupied and help someone get over. He will always be remembered for that one good "that's not pg" line and that's about it.
I have to agree with consensus of a big no for R-Truth. As others have already mentioned, Truth's age is a huge strike against him, and he hasn't brought anything to the table in his most recent run with WWE. Hell, I would go as far as saying his little part in The Wrestler was more successful than anything he's done in WWE over the past four or five years.

Truth did have a TON of momentum as a heel going into his main event WWE Championship match with John Cena at Capitol Punishment, but the match didn't live up to the hype. In a lot of ways, it was like the complete opposite of the failures for the recent Del Rio/Swagger feud (i.e. a feud between two guys that should draw a lot of heat) heading into Wrestlemania 29. With Del Rio and Swagger, the build was utter shit, and Del Rio couldn't get over, but the match at Mania 29 was pretty solid. When it comes to Cena/Truth, the match was shit, but the build was actually good.

But yeah, I don't see the point in wasting too much time or effort in pushing R-Truth. He's fine in his current role, jobbing to other wrestlers, or being a punching bag for guys like Bray Wyatt. Truth can still get the crowd going with his intro/rap sing-a-long routine, and he might be good for comedy every now and then, but he's not going anywhere near mid-card titles or world titles, and deservedly so.
I would push him.....right off a cliff.
Why Truth isn't gone yet baffles me, but I don't see him on TV much so I'm fine.
They always have a need for filler-guys/jobbers. Guys they can insert anywhere at any time and who have at least some small connection to the crowd, despite the fact that they're doing nothing besides getting squashed night in and night out. While those guys never achieve fame or glory, they can have an incredibly long life-span. Scotty-2-Hotty had a 10 year run at the WWE doing just that. Scotty kept himself alive with the worm, R-Truth has lil Jimmy and WHASSAP.

(Just don't ask me how Virgil managed to stay alive at the WWE for 7 years. No idea what his small connection to the crowd was. Maybe they just kept forgetting to fire him.)

But yea, given the choice, I'd go with the cliff option as well. WHASSAAAAAAAAAAAA.....
I wouldn't push him at all. I think the spot he would take up, would benefit not only someone else, but also WWE in general. Truth is fine as a guy that comes out, sings with the crowd, and then puts over a Heel. It works better for everyone involved. There isn't much long term benefit in pushing Truth, if any at ALL. He is over 40 and has never been what I would consider OVER in WWE anyway. At least not to the extent to make me think, "Damn they really should push R-Truth again, he has a lot to offer."

I wouldn't fire the guy, but I wouldn't put any stock in giving him TV time other then his entrance and using him as a Jobber either.

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