Would you like to see them return?: X-Pac

The Chosen One of WZ

Even TNA cant ruin ECW for me
Well I am going to atempt to start a new thread series here with this being the first entry. This series will be discussing different wrestlers no longer with WWE and if you would like to see them back in WWE and what you would do with them (ect.)


WCW Cruiserweight Championship (1 time)
WWF European Championship (2 times)
WWF Light Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
WWF Tag Team Championship (4 times) – with Marty Jannetty (1), Bob Holly (1), and Kane (2)

For my first I start off with X-Pac also known as Syxx-Pac, Syxx, 1-2-3 Kid and his real name Sean Waltman. He wrestled in WWE from 1993-1996 and then from 1998-2002. He won some mid to low card titles but was most well known for being one of the members of Degeneration-X along with Thriple H, Shawn Michaels, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn. He was also a member of the orgional nWo in WCW and the WWE version of WCW in 2002. He enjoyed tag title reigns with Marty Jannetty, Bob Holly and Kane. He has also worked in TNA where he became X division champion.

I would love to have Waltman back in the WWE as I found him very good in the ring and could be good on the mic. I would have on RAW in the mid card even going after the IC title everyonce in awhile. The new PG WWE might not work with Waltman though. He also has drug problems, but with HHH at the helm and Kevin Nash maybe signing a contract soon it doesn't seem that far fetched for his return.

Your thoughts?:)
Not for me I'm afraid.

I was never a fan of the guy. Sure the roles he played in WWE and WCW were fitting to his various characters and the periods he wrestled in.

1-2-3 Kid was an underdog, never expected to win, until his victory over Scott Hall (then Razor Ramon). That was wrestling writing at its classic best. But the 1-2-3 Kid character didn't really have any legs. There is only so many underdog victories he could have before it ran its course and became boring.

X-Pac on the other hand was part of two of wrestlings greatest factions in DX and the nWo. His antagonistic and obnoxious persona was more than effective in garnering himself and the respective groups heat when needed. Yes, he held titles and so on and his in ring abilities where of a high enough standard, but outside of such groups he really didn't have anything.

If he was to return, it would have to be as Sean Waltman, the reason(s) and creative writing would have to be acceptable, and his behaviour would have to be sterling out of the ring. I think there is still room for him in WWE, but the company needs a major reshuffle before he would be considered in any way shape or form. Plus I would rather the company retains its focus on the next generation.
no thanks. i never cared for him in the wwe or wcw. i think the only reason he had any popularity if because literally held onto the coattails of nash, hall, etc.

with all his problems right now, i don't think anyone wants to be anywhere near him. it's funny how he and hall are so sure that they will be invited to HBK's HOF induction, but i don't think he, HHH, Nash want anything to do with him.
He got drug problems, hardly can wrestle anymore, and is just a waste of wwes budget/payroll. they dont need him back
Instead of asking if we would like X-pac back , the question should be, what ever happen to that young up and coming guy the 1-2-3 Kid ? or where did Shawn Waltman go wrong in his career and life ? Maybe he should go back to TNA and hook up with the Hardy's and RVD and call themselves The E-Rejects or The Higher High Flyers. He shouldn't be allowed back in the WWE unless he is seeking help to pay for the drug rehab he needs.
i think it would be a long shot, but really, why not bring him back? it seems at least on raw that the roster seems fairly small. any decent writing team should be able to come up with angles for him and the cost to sign him to a contract has got to be fairly small. i don't think making youtube videos with nash pays all that well.

ps: i heard xpac was seen with a wwe promo team filming something outside of an old cabin, he was wearing cowboy boots and a trench coat ! ;)
Well he started screwing it up with the drugs and his problem. He got sucke dinto too many factions and cliques that he never had time to develop himself as a singles star and get his chaarcter out there. When you're in the NWO and DX they practically all had the same gimmick so X-Pac was just seen as "another clone" He could've imrpoved his ring talent also.
Now to be quite honest, I'ma step out the boat and say Yes. I wouldn't mind seeing X-Pac Return. I still feels if he's serious about his career, and gets back into wrestling shape, he can have a good 2-3 years in him. He's I think 37. But the point of the matter is, have him come back as X-Pac, cause he outgrown the 123 Kid Persona. And he gained more popularity as X-Pac then the 123 Kid. But for older fans of the 90's, that'll be a nice blast from the past return for them and the WWE as a whole. And u still have a representative from the kliq still on the active roster for sure. And plus it adds to some WWE Education of the Kliq, the NWO and all the other history, and hopefully start a trend of putting wrestling back on point where it should be, and storylines and etc.

But if X-Pac comes back to get back on that stuff, then he can stay unemployed. Yeah X-Pac can make up for his mistakes, but if he gets hooked up on them drugs again, he's gonna drag his career further and further into the hole. And it'll prove to the fans, that not just us, but X-Pac doesn't have no respect for himself or his career.

But Im all for X-Pac. Give him a one strike and he's out. Cause Nash already broke his back for him and Hall, and He can't risk his trust on them guys again. But having X-Pac back, can add some real drama, controversey, and some intensity to feuds, and midcard matches. There's room for him on the roster, but even bigger room to help younger talent. If X-Pac, can layoff the stuff, and get along back stage, then he can end his career on a high note. But bring him back. Im all for it. WWE can use a nonchalant sophmoric, ignorant, and rowdy character like him. So what we got Nexus and the Corre. X-Pac is just as much as a troublemaker all by himself. So bring him back, there's room at the inn.
Honestly, No, Not at all. I think he was just like a backround guy who always had to get someone else to win the match for him. He has ALOT of drug problems and he couldn't put on storylines, Plus he was the one in DX who would be with them but not with them, Plus i don't want him to come back because all he is is a tag team partner.:icon_neutral:
What would Waltman do in todays WWE? His personality and persona doesnt fit WWE right now. I have met him in person and he seems like such a nice guy. But for some reason, wrestling brings out the nasty in Waltman.
And gis gimmick only worked in the Attitude Era really. It wouldnt make sense for WWE to show some random 90s reject on tv.
I never liked him and I do not see what he could do in the current WWE. Especially with the youth movement WWE is doing right now. All his "Kliq" friends are semi retired and dont wrestle that much anymore, he should follow suit.

Who would he feud with? what would he accomplish or even provide the WWE? He would most likely just screw up again and get released and sign with TNA.
I liked the 1-2-3 Kid storyline, but I have hated him ever since. And not in a "love to hate" way, in a "change the channel" way. The Colin Delaney storyline reminded me of him, and that one disintegrated quickly. Waltman found a role, but I could never see him as a major player...he was buddies with the right people, but he largely squandered the opportunities he had. He didn't show anything in the nWo WWE angle, his recent TNA run was less than memorable. He is pretty much all crotch chops and that bronco buster move, and honestly I have no desire to see him again.
That would explain the red burning 2-21-11 LOL, he was burning a blunt ;)

:lmao: But seriously, Sean Waltman should come back to the WWE maybe not as a wrestler but maybe as a manager. As a manager he could get heat for the guy that he manages ( Ted Debiase Jr i'm looking at you rich boy);). Maybe he could manage a guy like Evan Bourne and have a storyline about how the WWE only gives chances to «Batista type» wrestlers, remember they are about the same size.
Of course I would. The WWE could learn a few things from X-Pac. You can never tell from one day to the next what the hell Waltman will be doing, and that's the way my wrasslin should be too. I mean, jus6 look at Waltman, always stumbling around surviving off table scraps looking for a place to fall over and die.
Honestly no despite me liking alot out of 123 Kid/X pac characters, just something about Sean brings back to the DX thing he had going. In the current PG era WWE is doing, either Sean comes back as 123 Kid which would never happen or as something original. Plus the bad past he has with substance/tapes, how would WWE try to sell him as a wrestler? I mean he was a pretty cool performer, my first exposure to the high flyer type personality long before the cruiserweight BOOM of wcw and before the jeff hardys of the WWF. I enjoyed and loved watching him very much but in today's WWE how would he fit??
:lmao: But seriously, Sean Waltman should come back to the WWE maybe not as a wrestler but maybe as a manager. As a manager he could get heat for the guy that he manages ( Ted Debiase Jr i'm looking at you rich boy);). Maybe he could manage a guy like Evan Bourne and have a storyline about how the WWE only gives chances to «Batista type» wrestlers, remember they are about the same size.

Sorry but why would wwe have a druggie mentor any of their young talent. And the small guy overcoming the odds already been done ( Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero ). Sadly Sean Waltman blew his last chance at TNA, before TNA he had a really impressive run in mexico. I think he really needs to check into a rehab and then try Japan or Mexico, he fits their wrestling styles.
A big fat NO!

This is the guy who wanted WWE to lift the mariguana ban. He's ruined himself by his drug problems and his constant bickering to a company that made him a star. He has more chance of going back to TNA.

Vince McMahon probably doesn't know he's alive.
I was a fan of his at one time. He does not mean enough to this business for WWE to concern themselves with bringing him back.

He was apart of some of the most controversial groups ever, and that still isn't a reason to bring him back. Honestly, it would serve no purpose at all, EVER! He has said he would be at Wrestlemania when HBK gets inducted into the HOF. I wouldn't even wanna see his face on there.

Ever since he made himself look like a piece of shit on The Surreal Life, and showed up at the house on there, looking for Chyna, I just can't stand his ass! He got punked out by Da Brat!! Nuff said...
Not at all. X-Pac is an overrated hack that made his career in the big time by riding the coat tails of others far more talented and more powerful behind the scenes. He did it with Shawn Michaels & Triple H in the WWF and he did it with Scott Hall & Kevin Nash in WCW. Take him out of the DX & nWo settings and the guy was nothing, had nothing going on and really had nothing to contribute.

Guys like Booker T and Kevin Nash still mean something in wrestling, which is why the WWE offered them deals to appear at the Rumble. Booker's doing commentary on SmackDown! and Nash will probably have something of a similar role when it's all said and done. Sean Waltman, on the other hand, is irrelevant and has pretty much always been irrelevant. He's a hanger on and nothing more.
In my opinion Sean Waltman might have a chance but only if he came back with a clear head and ready to retire at WWE's earliest convenience. Unfortunately for Pac this PG era of WWE would mean he would be coming to low pay and harder work than other superstars. Sure I would love to see X-Pac go out on a high note, pun slightly intended, but he blew it by making the bad choices he did and now the chances of a return are slim to none.
I voted for no, but with the return of Nash and the growing influence of HHH, I wouldn't be overly surprised to see a short term return for the Clique's smallest member. Waltman was never brilliant in the ring or on the mic, but he could generally put on a decent match and as a heel was pretty good at getting heat.

I know he has his problems but as a short term thing it could work. If we are talking about bringing him back as a full time member of the roster then I have to say no. He could not be relied upon to stay sober for a long enough period of time to invest any long term planning in him. At 37 and with his high-impact style and bump taking, I don't see many more years in the business for Waltman. I think there is more advantages to be gained by investing time and money in pushing some of the talented youngsters WWE have brought up in the last few years, rather than on this drugged up has-been.
If he decides he wants to fully focus on wrestling again, then he would be a good addiction to the mid-card, maybe a future intercontinental champion.

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