Would You Like To See HBK Win Another Singles Championship?


The Cerebral Assassin
Now, I'm talking in terms of every singles championship available:

WWE/World Heavyweight Championship
One of these would probably be an ideal fit for him, but, at this stage in his career, do you think he could really support the title itself and actually be a good world champion (the schedule might be too demanding). I just couldn't see it happening.

ECW Championship
I would have to say no. I would not want to see HBK as the champion of the developmental brand.. The status of the belt would be okay for him, but I just would not want him on ECW.

Intercontinental/U.S. Championship
HBK would probably be a perfect fit for either of these but... do you think they would sort of.. I dont know how to put it.. downgrade his career if he won one of these at this point in his career? I just don't know if I would want him winning one of these.

So, in my conclusion, I just couldnt see him winning another singles title in general due to all of my reasonings above. Do you think he should ever win any of these in the remainder of his career with the WWE, and why or why not?
Well, it would be nice if he had one more World title run, either WHC or WWE..doesnt matter. ECW is well..one worthless title, and I dont see HBK with the US/Inter title now anyway..mayb 10 years ago but certaintly not now..
The problem with HBK as gret of a wrestler he is he has never been much of a draw. Thats not to say it's entirely his fault, his first run was up against a WCW with Hogan, and the NWO storyline. His second run was cut short by injury.

I think the only title worth him recieving again would be the ECW title, he might be one of the few that can give it some crediability because of his star power. Aside from that there are better options unfortuantaly to hold world titles, and the only circumstance I see him winning a world title would be if he and Cena reignited their awsome feud and HBK was given a short run as champion while Cena chased.

It's very difficult for me to see HBK getting a lengthy world title run because of his lack of drawing ability, however It's not totaly inconcivable that if there a couple of injuries to main event stars that he could be given the chance to run with the title.
With the career and legacy HBK has built up for himself over these years, i think it would be too demeaning for him to win a title anything below the WWE/World Heavyweight Championship.

He is the showstopper & Mr. Wrestlemania. But today its the turn of the likes of Orton, Cena, Edge, Jeff Hardy etc .. I Think HBK has to step down, which he has i feel, to allow these guys to have their time. When he is called upon he will provide those moments of magic all over again, just like he did with Flair at Wrestlemania, and the Y2J feud.

But as far as titles are concerned, it would be amazing to give the strap to HBK for one last time. As a cap ontop of his shinning career ..
But i feel as far as now, in this time and this era, its not right. Its not his time. And im not sure whether it will be his time for a while now.
Now, I'm talking in terms of every singles championship available:
Why bother? He don't need another championship run, He has got to the stage where he is > the title. But yes i would love to see him have one more, only because he is my favourite wrestler and deserves one more as a thank you. but he don't really need one as he is perfect without it. Having the title on him would be good, but he is better as the chaser then the champion. The only way he would get a good championship run is if they needed him to job to a young heel and wanted to get put over with the fan's fast.

He doesn't need it- He doesn't want to wrestle full time and a champion has to be able to work his ass off even at house shows.
He doesn't want it- He has stated this. We don't need another wrestler with a belt they don't care about. Shawn didn't seem to care last time he won a belt, and now, he would be like Jericho with the IC title
We don't want it- I would rather see a long list of guys become champion over Michaels in each of those 5 belts contendership.
Unless you want to throw the world title on him for maybe a month, no. As TM said, he doesn't need it. Shawn is one of the most over people in the company and will be until he quits. When you're younger you can use the belts to get over. He's been past the point of needing that. He's had his title reigns and they were just ok. Unless you want to give him one for his retirement gift, let someone else have it.
Actually I am going against the crowd and saying MAYBE. I wouldn't say no just yet. I would actually would like him to have the IC title for a month or 2 to get ready to put a new superstar over and send them to stardem. For example, lets say HBK wins the title 1 month later he just gets one of those random title defenses and he looses. This will bring the person that beat HBK ( heel would be good for this) to get atleast some heat if he won in a cheat manner. The crowd adores HBK so much that they would be booing the heel because of what he done. So for this I cant say no or yes.
Personally, I would love to see another HBK reign as champion.. but I doubt its gonna happen. Hes getting older and doesn't want to work house shows anymore and he would have to if hes champion. But also he doesn't need it.. hes already so over with the company and the fans and nothing would ever change that. All his title reigns were awesome especially his first couple with the fueds with bret, sid, undertaker etc. I was really surprised when he won the elimination chamber and became world champ that was awesome but I knew it was only gonna last like a month and it did when HHH won it. But if he does get another run it will just be like a month or so thing nothing big.
There is absolutely no reason for HBK to win another world championship. None. Not even a "ride into the sunset, last ride, thank you" title run. He doesn't need it. Shawn is huge. He's one of WWE's biggest remaining guys. There's just no need for the title to be on him, as it would be completely stagnant. He's proven he can be a filler challenger for a few months (see: Orton, Jericho) but can walk out of the feud without a title, and lo and behold, he's still goddamn HBK, who cares.

Now let's step outside of world championships. ECW title, no. It's a title for young guys and midcarders who need a leg up. No reason for HBK to have it. I don't even see a place for him on the show - once again, it's for young guys, jobbers, and midcarders looking for a place to get their groove back. HBK is none of them.

Now the Intercontinental Championship, however, is very interesting. Now, HBK shouldn't be world champion because he doesn't need to be, and he shouldn't be ECW champion because there's no place for him there...but the IC Title? It's in sore need of a strong challenger and a strong champion, and I can't think of a better man than HBK for it. Can you imagine Punk vs HBK feuding for the title? Let Punk retain a few times to look like a beast, have big promos, big buildup for it, and then have HBK take it? Have him sell it like it's the most important thing in the world to him? He could take the title to its former glory by himself, I daresay. Give HBK a few months with it, wrestle strong matches with the Raw and ECW midcarders, and then drop it off to some good young heel and give him all the momentum. It would do wonders for the championship.

So yes, I'd like to see HBK as IC Champion again, because he could single-handedly bring the title back to the glory that the WWE is trying to restore now. It would create awesome TV, awesome PPV matches, and would be yet another strong mark on HBK's legacy.
With the career and legacy HBK has built up for himself over these years, i think it would be too demeaning for him to win a title anything below the WWE/World Heavyweight Championship.

Well not necessarily, Big Show is currently the only guy to have won the ECW,WWE & World Heavyweight Titles so why not HBK too even if he immediately dropped it

One more title run wouldn't either help or hinder him though. He's got his legacy built around outstanding matches not so much championships.

He was the first man to have held The WWF, Euro, IC and Tag Championships
appeared in the first televised WWF ladder match, the first Hell in a Cell, The first Elimination Chamber, has beaten every major star there is left to beat, actually not sure about Orton and Edge there in a one on one match

Anyway my point is he has nothing left to prove by winning a title again. It won't push him any further up the record books. Saying that i would still mark out if he did
Quite frankly, no.

When he won the WHC in the Elimination Chamber he was a terrible champion in my opinion. He wasn't interesting at all, and he just didn't seem too bothered by being champion. He didn't up his game, he didn't up his promo's. Took it in his stride, but failed in my opinion. Also, he's doing fine enough without a belt. He has enough going for him that he can continue to be successful without a title.
I don't know why it would be so bad to have HBK have one more title reign...he hasn't held a major title for 7 years now. 7 years: Ric Flair is the only other person to have such a drought. Flair is a legend and I am not trying to diminish him at all. Personally, I think that Shawn and Flair are the 2 best ever. The reason why Flair could get away with not having the belt is because he was in his 50's.

Michaels winning the belt would be amazing. I always thought that the best scenario would be having him win the title (for the last timemind you) at Wrestlemania before they did the whole Orton/HHH angle. I just thought it would be one of those feel good moments that the business desperately needs right now. It would've been amazing to see HHH and HBK tear the house down at mania and to see the man come full circle one more time. No offense to the newer talent but they can't hold a candle to HBK work-rate wise (except Orton and Edge)...
I don't believe people HBK's age should be champion. Him, Taker, JBL, HHH, Batista etc should all be being used to put over younger superstars, not boosting their ego with title reigns. Not so much Batista as he hasn't achieved the same as the others, but the rest should be.

And in my eyes, HBK is the second best at doing this, behind Kane. HBK helped re-make Jericho as one of the best heels of recent time, and he did attempt to put Cade over. Now after he gets Taker out the way he should move on to people like Morrison and Benjamin (possible after the draft).
Would I like to see HBK win a singles belt, maybe. Should it happen, No. Shawn Michaels, along with a guy like the Undertaker (and Triple H is he ever learns), are bigger then the belts. These three guys are clearly out of their primes and stick out like sore thumbs when it comes to the WWE title picture. As Paul Heyman said, the WWE is in the middle of a youth movement, and it's time for those guys to at least step out of the title picture.

Shawn Michaels, while only a four time champion, is probably thought in the same regards by fans as the guys that have near and more then double digit title wins. The guy is a big time performer, has cleaned up his act, and has made a legacy bigger then any title could provide him.
I personally would love to see him win one of the world titles and definitely NOT the IC or US title because unlike the times where you saw people such as Triple H be the IC Champ, now it tends to go to midcarders. But since we don't exactly know how much longer HBK wants to do this, I would really like to see him with another world title around his waist. But as far as WrestleMania goes...I would much rather see him vs. Undertaker than Vladimir Kozlov or JBL..and if they make it into a fatal four way r something..while that could be interesting..I really would rather see better people than JBL and Vladimir Kozlov..even if he is undefeated because I just don't think that he is deserving of such a huge match at WM. Sorry I sort of side-tracked on this one
I'd like to see HBK win the ECW Championship. He can put over JBL all he likes, but he's not going to be the future for the company now is he? I hear all the Morrison/HBK comparisons, which I don't see, but it sure would help the man if he beat HBK for the ECW title.

That Swagger bloke, pile of shite if you ask me. But I'm sure he'd benefit from feuding with HBK over that belt.

It's not like he'd not around when they tape ECW anyway. He's there, it shouldn't make much of a difference to him. If anything he can go home early, go to church or whatever. Win, win for the man.
Definately - seeing a belt on Shawn would be the best thing I could see on WWE at the moment. This is coming from a completely biased HBK fan, by the way. He should totally be WWE champion (Or is it World Heavyweight?) Meh, same difference. Just because I think he deserves it, and I think he could have a really good run, for a change.
He doesn't deserve a belt. He's been on cruise control for year's now. He's still better than most. But while most people think he's doing a sad Droopy face for storyline purposes, he's really just bored.

He should have the belt if he'll use it to elevate somebody beneath him. If not it's a wortless title reign. Like tat of most of the older stars.
While I would like to see HBK with any title belt cause quite frankly he deserves it, I just don't think it will happen cause HBK has said in the past that he doesn't wanna be champion cause not only would it cut into his schedule but champions work harder & have to appear on house shows which HBK doesn't really do. Basically athough it would be cool to see him with a title belt, but the chances of that happening are as likely as Kizarny or Boogeyman becoming WWE Champion(basically it ain't gonna happen).
He doesn't deserve a belt. He's been on cruise control for year's now. He's still better than most. But while most people think he's doing a sad Droopy face for storyline purposes, he's really just bored.

He should have the belt if he'll use it to elevate somebody beneath him. If not it's a wortless title reign. Like tat of most of the older stars.

You don't know this, and in no way do I agree with it. Did you see Raw this week? See the old Shawn coming through? I said it in the JBL/HBK thread, and I'll say it again here. Is it a wonder why people have accused him of being boring, when his role is to act like that sad, depressed old man? The fact he's made you believe that to be true shows how great he is.
You don't know this, and in no way do I agree with it. Did you see Raw this week? See the old Shawn coming through? I said it in the JBL/HBK thread, and I'll say it again here. Is it a wonder why people have accused him of being boring, when his role is to act like that sad, depressed old man? The fact he's made you believe that to be true shows how great he is.

He did it in his last feud as well, and the feud before that. He even did it after he'd beat JBL at No Way Out. At a moment when he should have been happy. Or maybe he was squinting because his wife was radioactive.

The promos may well be intentionally boring, but his matches sure aren't supposed to be.
Or maybe he was squinting because his wife was radioactive.


The promos may well be intentionally boring, but his matches sure aren't supposed to be.

Are his matches boring though? It's a matter of opinion, and Shawn still has a lot of hardcore fans out there. I mean, I still look forward to Shawns match more than any other because I think he's one of the best on the roster, and his matches are never boring.
Are his matches boring though? It's a matter of opinion, and Shawn still has a lot of hardcore fans out there. I mean, I still look forward to Shawns match more than any other because I think he's one of the best on the roster, and his matches are never boring.

His matches are nothing in comparison to what they were several years ago. You can put that down to age, or you can put it down to him doing the bare minimum.

The HBK or 4 years ago would have got a quality match out of JBL, Flair & others. And he wouldn't have been carried by Jericho, they would have been equals.
his matches cant be to boring the only classics cena have ever had have been with hbk. i mean every match he touches gets match of the year consideration(him vs taker will be 6 straight) as far as putting on a good match goes nobodies even in his league! now i do agree he doesnt need a title and doesnt want one. vince has wanted to gice him one before! but he can have a match with anybody on the roster and give you at least a four star match! name me another superstar who can do that! but with that said he would defintely bring prestige to the ic because punk morrison and other young guys like that could finall have some classic matches with hbk and bring the belt back to the spotlight again

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