Would You Consider Bret & HBK To Be The Tupac & Biggie of Wrestling?

At first I was appalled by the comparison but now that I think about it thats exactly how it went, only that we'll never know if Biggie trully set up Pac for the Quad studios shooting but we know for a fact HBK made the conscious decision to screw Bret over.

as some of the others posted here, recently info leaked that it was Jimmy "Henchman" Rosemond (if you get a hold of the documentary "Beef 3" he's on there. He use to manage the Game around the time Game and 50 started beefing. He also recently got arrested by a federal agency for BIG TIME drug and crime related stuff) who order the robbery of 2pac and that it was set up to make it look as though Biggie had something to do with it. One of the guys who actually participated in the robbery confessed that it went down that way.

So, in truth, the comparison should be Bret:2pac::Vince:Henchman::HBK:the guy who confessed.
Some people agreeing with you doesn't mean "everyone," bro. Several people have spoken against your comparison in this very thread as well. You're seriously going off NOTHING, here. Except that it was two guys who didn't like each other, there's literally no similarity that can be drawn. Different situations. Different events occurred. Different outcomes.

You're literally comparing an apple to a carrot and the only thing you're going on is that they both grow from the ground. There aren't cross-overs here, unless you stretch the truth and spread misinformation (which is what you did in your first posts in this thread that I already addressed and corrected).

Go through high school English or maybe even a basic college course in reading. There's distinctions that make comparative examples valid or invalid. Anyone can take two different things and say "ISN'T THIS LIKE THIS?" and make up a bunch of crap to support it. But if the reasons aren't valid, if there isn't anything to actually compare, then it doesn't apply. That's a rule of language and a rule of logic.

Well put. Wrestling and Rap are my two absolute favorite things in the world (followed closely by Horror movies and Sunflower Seeds) and there aren't very many comparisons that can be made between the two industries. Furthermore, there isn't a single rivalry in ANY form of entertainment that I believe is comparable to Pac & Biggie; the specifics of it makes it unique. To ignore the specifics is to take away the importance of the events. You wouldn't compare Owen's death with Aaliyah's would you? They were both tragic accidents caused by slight negligence but if you reduce it to that, then you'll have ppl comparing all kinds of other incidents to those that don't even compare. Is Lil Wayne the new Elvis just bc he's currently the biggest name in music? Of course not.

If you compare Bret/HBK to Biggie/Pac, you'd then have to compare Anderson/Orton to them as well (use to be good friends until Anderson was fired by WWE; supposedly bc of something Orton told them about Anderson) or Shaq/Kobe and it just doesn't compare. Pac/Big and HBK/Bret ARE both the most well-known personal feuds in the two genres, but that's really the only solid comparison between the two.

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