Will there ever be a "double turn" again in wrestling like at WM 13?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Do you (TV 14) wrestling fans remember back in 1997 at Wrestlemania 13 during the great submission match between (babyface) Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin, with special guess ref. MMA icon Ken Shamrock?

Where at the end of the epic match-up where we all see the very first (repeat) very first and only "double role-turn" not only in the WWF at the time, but in any wrestling company. If you were to count the infamous "Montreal Screwjob" with Bret Hart and Vince McMahon, or Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels a "double role-turn"??

Do you ever think we'll see that again in this sports entertainment we call wrestling?
IMO NO it will not happen especailly anytime soon. The writters have gotten old and stale. plus WWE has this PG crap going on. to honestly pull it off you need a heel fight with respect and honor while staying true to who they are also a face thar will break every rule of the company and of their own. With PG it will not happen and TNA needs to get enough ratings before trying it so it wiil create enough of a stir.
I think the WWE is doing that now with Orton vS Legacy. I mean for a while the fans sided with Legacy to overcome the oppression of Orton & maybe they would be the faces of the future & Orton would be the heel to himself, but now Orton is looking to be face & Legacy heels. So at Mania I could see something were Legacy breakout as true heels & Orton turns face. I think this is the closes we will get to that happening.
Well you see what made the double turn work was 1st The ppl was feelin Austin even as a heel. 2nd Bret was fustrated about being a wwf champion, which is un face like. The two met at WM 13. They put on a good match, Austin didnt give up in the sharpshooter but passed out which is face like. At the end of the match Bret got booed Austin got cheered.

Now can it be done again? Yes. Basically you need a heel who gets some respect from the fans. A face who is stale and starts caring about what the fans think. Put them in a feud and a match. In the middle of the match face does heel tactics and heel does face tactics. And BAM you would have a double turn.

Well thats if WWE can do this by mistake like Austin and Hart.
Hart/Austin was so marvelously done that I can't see the same thing every happening with such fluency and I think alot of that whitehot intensity which that feud was filled with is lacking from today's product and would certainly have to be present if that were to ever happen again.

The only two guys I think possess anywhere near that level of intensity and the ability to pull it off nowadays are Orton and Joe and I'm not too sure they'd be capable of finding an adequate dance partner in their respective promotions to really do the double turn justice.
I think it's possible. It's come very close to happening. Wasn't in 2005 when John Cena and Chris Jericho faced each other. John Cena was the face and Chris Jerico the heel but the fans cheered for Jericho over John Cena. Then in 2006 Edge vs. Cena in a TLC match at I think No Mercy. They were in Canada. Same thing happened fans cheered for Edge over Cena. Triple H vs. John Cena at Wrestlemania 22. Fans cheered Triple H over Cena. One Night Stand 2006 RVD vs. John Cena. Fans cheered for RVD over John Cena. There's a trend here can you see it? Anyway these are some of the closest times I can think of when we came to seeing double turns. Of course usually the next night on Raw the fans were usually split.

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