Would WWE be Better/Worst If There Was No TNA?


TNA Wrestling was founded by Jeff Jarrett and Jerry Jarrett in 2002. TNA was granted exclusive rights to both the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and the NWA World Tag Team Championship. TNA withdrew from the NWA in 2004, but was permitted to continue to use the championships until the NWA abrogated the agreement in May 2007, after which TNA created its own titles.

Talent such as Sting, Beer Money, Inc., AJ Styles, Abyss, Samoa Joe, Kazarian & The Motor City Machine Guns are some of the top talents never to recognized in the WWE.

TNA also gained talent such in recent years as Kurt Angle, Matt & Jeff Hardy, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Mick Foley, Mr. Anderson, RVD & Mickie James who made there reputations in the WWE.

So my Questions are..

If TNA never existed would WWE be better off?
Would these talents all be apart of WWE?
Would alot of these talents be retired without TNA?
Would WWE use TNA's top talent the right way if given?
No difference whatsoever.

If WWE really wants someone, they'll get them. If WWE thought AJ Styles could draw with their audience, he'd be signed. TNA isn't a pimple on WWE's ass.

No, if there was no UFC, WWE would be booming again. Like historic highs.
If TNA never existed would WWE be better off? If TNA were competition all of "action soap operas" would be better off.
Would these talents all be apart of WWE? No. TNA guys are not WWE guys. Many of them are past the point of no return. The others are WWE rejects. Sad, but true.
Would alot of these talents be retired without TNA? I don't think so. Some of them would be working in other promotions, in Japan perhaps.
Would WWE use TNA's top talent the right way if given?
There really isn't a "right" way in the conventional sense. Right now, there's Vince's way or hit the bricks.
I love "right way". In IWC speak that means to push spotfesting and/or technical guy with no charisma to the moon.

smarks are really REALLY stupid. Funny thing is, any legitimate wrestler trained by a legitimate trainer has always told me how much they hate spot fests and appreciate guys like Cena who pay attention to the crowd. So exactly what makes smarks "smart"? Because they know it's rigged? Everyone knows that. They don't know what it feels like to take a bump. they don't actually know what makes a good pro wrestler, they don't actually know how to do any moves so their evaluation of technical skill is wrong.

they aren't actually "smart" at all. They're moves marks.
If TNA never existed would WWE be better off?
Would these talents all be apart of WWE?
Would alot of these talents be retired without TNA?
Would WWE use TNA's top talent the right way if given?

I don't think the product would be any better. But it's hard to say if it would be any worse either. TNA is hardly competition for the WWE, but maybe they have stepped up their game a bit to keep it that way?

TNA gives a lot of wrestlers something they wouldn't have other wise: a second option for a decent paycheck. Maybe Jeff would have gotten his act together if he had to work the indies for some pocket change. Maybe RVD would have worked some matches. Maybe Kurt Angle would have went back. Maybe several indie stars such as Nigel Mcguinness would have hammered out a deal with the E. Many possibilities. However, that can work both ways. WWE employs/employed several former TNA stars, including guys like Evan Bourne, and it's a good chance that got their foot in the door at least. But none of those guys have had much success, with the exception of CM Punk.

Some may have retired, such as Sting. While others may be working the indies.

Maybe, maybe not. There are many grey areas between the right way and the wrong way. It's whatever works for them.
I dont think WWE would be any different at all because in reality TNA is not compitition to WWE as far as national or worldwide recognition , and no im not a WWE mark , i prefer TNA to WWE , ive never been a big fan of them or the way they book , ive always found WWE to be childish /cartoony , even during the much love attitude era , to me they have always been geard to a younger audience and thats cool for them and their fans , im not putting them down for it its just not my favorite type of wrestling show, that being said im really dissapointed in TNA over the last year or so because they seem to be going in that very direction,sports entertainment over wrestling. Sorry to get off subject there, what would really push WWE to do better would be if WCW was still around , without them WWE has gotton lazy , they know there is no compition and they dont seem to try very hard,as a matter of fact neither does TNA ,wrestling seems to be at an all time low creativly imo.The whole buisness needs a good kick in the ass.
Things don't need to be black or white. As much as TNA is not in the same league with WWE, maybe not even a league lower, it doesn't change the fact that it has talent.

And most of their talent are wrestlers who weren't noticed or haven't had a chance in WWE. It doesn't make them WWE rejects, ie Pope is not the same as Burke, not even close as a character. Or Angle would have continued in WWE and WWE would be glad to keep him, if Angle wanted to. As a matter of fact, if WWE signed Booker T or Kevin Nash, they may sign with half of the roster in TNA. Being in WWE doesn't make you better, or being in TNA doesn't make you worse ability wise. Beer Money can draw in today's WWE, 99 WWE, 95 WCW or so on.

You also don't need to be an expert to see if a guy is a good wrestler. Millions of guys watching Raw on Monday Night on TV aren't experts, so maybe your expertise should go down to casual fans' level. So you can't really decide who is smark or who is smart, or it doesn't matter if millions watching the show are just ordinary guys.

Back to the topic, if TNA never existed, it would be difficult to see guys like Beer Money, Angle, AJ on TV and it would be a shame. Some guys over there really deserve a better show but at least we have the chance to watch them on TV. So TNA is a good thing for the wrestling business as a whole. WWE will also benefit from this since they can not show all the talent in one company, so other wrestler will have a chance to shine and show people they are ready for the big stage
I read sumwhere that vince dont see TNA As a threat he sees it more as a way to give wrestlers more experience in front of quite alot of people. And ive also noticed tht ppl who watch TNA are more knowledgable about wrestling than ppl who solely watch WWE. So theres good points and bad points. TNAs also good for the oldies with the respactable pay and the relaxed schedules. :-D
TNA is good for the wrestling industry because it offers something different, like WWE, like ROH, like CZW and like Japan, Mexico and Europe.

TNA gives both WWE a challenge and offers stars another place to go, and to be on live TV. Kurt Angle recently signed a new contract with TNA, saying that WWE can have anyone they want is a false statement as it is quiet known by now that WWE had an interest in Kurt Angle and would benefit from his return. He's still a legend within the company and has given them plenty of great matches and moments after all.

Sting said that he was contemplating WWE over TNA. If there was no TNA, where would Sting go? Ring of Honor; I'm a fan of ROH and even I know that Sting would stick out like a sore thumb if he were to ever show up in ROH. Therefore TNA benefits the fans of Sting, because seeing as he doesn't want to go to WWE, he can still be seen on TNA.

TNA has done better with some stars than WWE. Mr. Kennedy was an entertaining, loudmouth in WWE, in TNA he's an entertaining, loudmouth with a much more entertaining attitude. He wouldn't be getting away with his "asshole" routine if he were in WWE. Elijah Burke was nothing in WWE, in TNA he's something, he's actually a very entertaining and charismatic person. TNA gave him said outlet, WWE did not.

TNA is good for the wrestling industy, and if TNA can get better and put out an enjoyable product then the ratings will grow, and WWE will have some competition which will force them into making big decisions to improve their product. Look at the Monday Night Wars, WWE were getting creamed and they hit people with the Attitude Era and everything shifted into WWE's favor.

TNA is good for wrestling, and it is good for WWE. Much like every other wrestling promotion out there.
Extremely minor differences. The WWE hasn't changed a thing about their programming due to the existence of TNA. We'd see Kurt Angle on the HBK schedule, or managing Jack Swagger, we'd see a lot more guys either in the indy scene, FCW, and a very few midcard guys added to the WWE roster.

Otherwise, I don't see why anything about the WWE would be different.
No difference whatsoever.

If WWE really wants someone, they'll get them. If WWE thought AJ Styles could draw with their audience, he'd be signed. TNA isn't a pimple on WWE's ass.

No, if there was no UFC, WWE would be booming again. Like historic highs.

Kurt Angle chose to leave and join TNA, allegedly Jeff Hardy did aswell. What about Sting? They can't have EVERYONE.

TNA sucks, I love WWE but think if TNA went bust tomorrow WWE would benefit. If TNA had never being around then like you say no difference. UFC is the big rival.
I will state this here instead. The TNA ratings poll that pops up the monday after their PPV's are CLEARLY not accurate. I think its fairly obvious that there are a good amount of TNA haters that don't watch the ppv's at all and vote the lowest possible rating regardless. i think this should be done differently. maybe even independently on the TNA FAN BOARD. seriously , some people have to grow up. if you don't like a product, don't watch. don't comment. and your a complete tool if you vote without even watching the product.
also, wwe ratings would boom if we the audience still had that "oh my god what will they do and how dirty/ violent / shocking will they be THIS week?" has nothing to do with less competition. in fact if TNA were a bigger threat a true WAR between the two , like with wcw would boom ratings.
QUOTE=THEpapachamp;3017849]So my Questions are..

If TNA never existed would WWE be better off?
Would these talents all be apart of WWE?
Would alot of these talents be retired without TNA?
Would WWE use TNA's top talent the right way if given?

No, WWE would not have been better off. History has shown that competition is good for business. Give the people some options and let them choose.

Several TNA "originals" have spent time in the WWE including Kaz (2005),Christopher Daniels, and AJ Styles.




If I had to guess, several of TNA's wrestlers would be contributing parts of the WWE. Roode, MCMG, AJ would all be shoe ins.

No they would not be retired. They would be in Japan, Australia, Europe, ROH, or somewhere else on the independent circuit.

It is tough to say how WWE would use them. The smaller guys wouldn't stand much of a chance unless they had very thick skin and that x factor that allows certain men to rise to the top. Chances are most would be misused.
If TNA never existed then the WWE would be basically the same as it is now because they do not view TNA as a threat and thus they do not care. Some of TNA's talent would probably have ended up in WWE. Styles and Daniels would have made it at least to the midcard. Samoa Joe and Abyss might have gotten a push toward the upper midcard or maybe even a couple of world title matches. Beer Money and the MCMG would have dominated the tag team division, but not as much as they do in TNA in real life. None of the Knockouts would have made it except possibly Awesome Kong. They would all have likely been fed to Michelle McCool or Beth Phoenix who would still have been pushed. The guys who were WWE/WCW/ECW rejects would have ended up in ROH or quit wrestling completely. Sting would probably have stuck to his beliefs and still told Vince no. Jeff Hardy might never have left Smackdown. Guys like Christian and Team 3D would likely have never left WWE, or they would come back sooner. So.... WWE would remain roughly the same other than a handful of TNA's guys getting some pushes and a few guys who left would have stuck around or come back sooner. This is because WWE don't care about TNA and won't until they become a legit threat.

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