TNA to lose titles and NWA name?

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I guess this mean's Joe will win on Sunday. If they are going to dimp the title's I doubt they will have Cage do it. They will probably have Joe say that this is a new era or wrestling or something similar. Then dump the belt and bring out a new on on the next iMPACT.

they shouldnt "dump" it because it would sound like something the WWE did, they should have it defended one last time and retire it out of respect instead of just dumping it like wwe does it with their past titles like the european and hardcore and crap like that. especially since, i believe the last time i saw TNAs iMPACT, samoa joe was a respectful guy and everything and a face. i dont know, i just hope they dont start doing things like WWE to out do them.
they shouldnt "dump" it because it would sound like something the WWE did, they should have it defended one last time and retire it out of respect instead of just dumping it like wwe does it with their past titles like the european and hardcore and crap like that. especially since, i believe the last time i saw TNAs iMPACT, samoa joe was a respectful guy and everything and a face. i dont know, i just hope they dont start doing things like WWE to out do them.

That was ECW, not WWE.
What's more face-like than taking a whizz on the NWA's legacy and installing TNA's own title? It'd be almost Stone Cold-like; acting like a heel but not really being one.
I have really liked the fact the NWA and TNA have had a good relationship. I would like NWA title to stay in TNA as the TOP TITLE! BUT I feel TNA should have a midcard title or either make te x-d title the midcard and have a less title.
BY THE WAY Jeff Jarrett did not ROB the NWA title, he actually brought life back in the title.

NWA died in 90, but was brought back in 02
I agree with what a lot of people have said here about its time for TNA to create their own Heavyweight Championship and Tag Team and heel a mid-card title but only do a mid card title if they get a 2-hour time slot as they have trouble enough fitting time for everyone in a 1-hour show.

The NWA has its legacy but in todays wrestling the WWE Championship has more a legacy than the NWA right now. So i say go for it TNA create your own championships and establish your own legacy with your own belt. Yes Jarrett getting the Tag Team and NWA Championship help get TNA going in the beginning as they needed an establish championship to hold creditablity but now TNA is doing well not great but well on their own so a title they create will hold its own creditablity and TNA will still do fine.

When you look at it TNA is taking the step that all soon to big time players in the professional wrestling bussiness take and that is to create their own championships and build a legacy off that. I mean look WCW did it, ECW did, and WWE did as well.

Now going about doing it i feel tell fans the truth and have Joe do it or something as Cornette bleeds NWA so you cant do that to him. Just have them say NWA is no more they cant handle TNA etc etc. and drops their belt and rais ethe new TNA Championshop and say This is TNA and WE ARE WRESTLING and etc.
why does everyone keep saying 'drop the belt'? why not be respectful and hand it over in a ceremony of sorts with the NWA b.o.d. having a representative being handed the belt and then they bow out and then award whoever the champ is the new tna belt.
Well if tna do lose there title then i guess that mcMahon will be sleeping easy 2 night
I don't think that TNA needs the NWA name on their title, they'll do just find with the champions being known as the TNA world champion and TNA tag team champions, and I don't think that the X-Divsion title is even owned by NWA so their good with that one
I have really liked the fact the NWA and TNA have had a good relationship. I would like NWA title to stay in TNA as the TOP TITLE! BUT I feel TNA should have a midcard title or either make te x-d title the midcard and have a less title.
BY THE WAY Jeff Jarrett did not ROB the NWA title, he actually brought life back in the title.

NWA died in 90, but was brought back in 02

The NWA title was around during the 90's, It just had not worldwide exposure until TNA came around. If anything the NWA should go for a tv deal and try to get back to it's glory days.
if tna are going to have an extra title the show would have to go longer
if tna are going to have an extra title the show would have to go longer

Yes. But at this rate spike doesn't seem to high on giving them a 2 hour slot unless they moved them to a new night. I suggest moving them to wednesday and making it 2 hours. Right now they need not a new title but to worry about the TNA title going over well.
Yes. But at this rate spike doesn't seem to high on giving them a 2 hour slot unless they moved them to a new night. I suggest moving them to wednesday and making it 2 hours. Right now they need not a new title but to worry about the TNA title going over well.

I agree, make sure the new world title is accepted (which I think it will be), then think about adding a new mid-card title to the picture, also like the idea of Impact moving to Wed., only problem with that is that Wed. is South Park night and I would have to choose one or the other
what is more important lame cartoon graphics that are repeats or total nonstop action
This "dropping"(for Want of a better word) of the NWA title is a good thing IMO, It will mean that they can start to expand to Overseas Markets that want to have other options then just WWE and the local product that aren't to the degree of standards that people are now used to. By expanding it falls to that it is going to need its own Titles to compete for and not those of as they say what the NWA is in Forever Hardcore, that it is just a bunch of Indie Wrestlers. Their own Titles place them as a solo promotion that can challenge the WWE and raise the quality to a good level again.

The way they should do it, is a different question all together. Possibly doing it the way that tey introduced the WWECW belt in, by giving the NWA Title holder the TNA title and from then go and have a match with the NWA's person. Have them lose it due to some stipulatio that is veery hard, like King of the Mountain, with just the NWA title on the line, to make it perfect the Holder is in the cage while it is The NWA guy wins it. Simple easy transition to the next holder of the NWA title, while TNA gets their own Title to keep. The Tag Team is more difficult to work out how to get rid of and replace with the TNA tag titles.
I like the idea of telling the truth but i don't think Cornette is the person to tell it.Based on everything i ve read about Cornette and seen on tv the man eats,breathes and shits NWA. I think it would kill cornette if he was the one to give a speech/promo talking about how TNA got too big for the nwa,or just general shittalking of the NWA.Maybe have Dixie Carter do it maybe?
Oh, I'm with you there. I still remember his "good ole' boy" tirade that McMahon allowed him to put on Raw as a "service announcement" back in the late '90's when he completely lambasted three Kliq members who just happened to be working down in WCW at the time while he simultaneously kissed all the Horseman ass he could kiss without getting sued for copyright legalities. I'm not saying that he should talk TNA up as being too big for them, but to just play it straight and say that it's time for TNA to do something on their own, but to still be respectful. It doesn't fit TNA's image to do it in an asshole-ish kind of way, I think. That was more of ECW's speed. Dixie could, but I'd be very doubtful because I don't even think she's been on TV once since Panda purchased TNA. My main thing is that I'd like to see them get their own belts...but I'd definitely like to see the transition done with respect to the belts they pretty much re-energized in the last five years. It's a legacy I don't feel they need as a crutch anymore...but I also don't want them to $hit on it either.
Also if they go the Shane Douglas route it will just look like there copying. They need to establish new angle's not recycle old one's. Most people still thing of TNA having WWE reject's. And a re-run of an angle wont change that. Whoever is made TNA champ should be the first champ. For example if Joe win's on sunday he should be the first ever TNA champ. The record's should'nt continue on from Cage's reign.
After thinking about this...I don't think they have to do anything. You don't need to explain a new belt. You just ahve Christian (I hope) or Joe show up on the next impact with their new belt and the annoucnes simplay say "and so and so is debuting their new TNA wold heavyweight title."

That's all. I don't think the average wrestling fan really gets the difference between the NWA title and TNA title, it's just a name to them. And everyone in the know will have the title change without some elaborate backstory and they'll know anyway.

You simply can't put over NWA as having anyone better than TNA. Even though it may not be true it should be shown that everyone in TNA is better than anyone anywhere else.
I think they would have to say something. They wont just have to change the World Title but the X & Tag Title's as well. The X title say's NWA on it and Imagine the tag does too.
I think that it might benefit them in a way because they would have their own titles, but then again, the NWA World Title is a very declarated championship. To win that title is like winning a presidential lection, you go up there with the greats.
As someone who has only just started watching TNA PPV's (We don't get IMPACT! in Australia), I have become somewhat a fan of their product.

I do think that losing the NWA title and coming up with their own will, in the long run be good for them. It will allow them to stand on their own two feet and create their own identity.

I do hope that eventually I will be able to get their weekly product here down under. And, I also agree that a little more thought should have gone into their name - Total Non-stop Action is a little on the lame side.:icon_exclaim:
the NWA World Title is a very declarated championship. To win that title is like winning a presidential lection, you go up there with the greats.

I greatly beg to differ. The NWA world title lost it's prestige when Jim Crocket(spelling) Promotions sold out to Turner to become wcw.Hell the actual physical belt isnt even the belt that has the majority of the nwa lineage claim,the one that does is the 'big gold belt'.Wcw used it for their world championship and wwe acquired it when wcw got bought out then it got renamed the wwe world heavyweight title(and got a new physical belt).Shane Douglas said it best when he threw down the nwa title and said the nwa died the day Crocket sold out. (if i remember correctly)After that PWI didnt even consider the NWA world title a world title in their rankings until TNA exclusively licensed the belt. It will probably lose its world "status" again whenever tna gives up the belt after they pumped so much life into it.So in closing i think winning any NWA title would be a great accomplishment for an indy wrestler but there not gonna be remembered as one of the greats unless they go on to bigger and better things.

(if memory serves me right.If not someone point out that i m wrong)
Also the x-division title is TNA's own title.The title was created while tna was still nwa-tna and the nwa adopted the xdivision idea and made an nwa xdivision title(as well as all the regional nwa affiliates x-titles)but it is not to be confused with tna's own xdivision title.
Hell the actual physical belt isnt even the belt that has the majority of the nwa lineage claim,the one that does is the 'big gold belt'.Wcw used it for their world championship and wwe acquired it when wcw got bought out then it got renamed the wwe world heavyweight title(and got a new physical belt).

Thats incorrect, while the World Heavyweight Championship is pretty much the WCW Belt (Physically) it does NOT share any of its history, it is a completely new belt created by the WWE, the actual WCW/NWA World Title History is in the WWE Championship, which was the Undisputed Championship, which was made up of the WCW Title, and the then WWF Title.

I dont think its really going to matter what they call their belts, TNA is an established enough brand now, for people to buy them as having their own Belts, the NWA Titles were a means to an end, and now they have served that purpose.
I hope the vast majority of 'Wrestling Fans' Know thew legacy behind NWA. If not, how can they be wrestling fans?
As to add to my plan on how to lose the Title without making the TNA champ look weak and therefore continue on with a fairly smooth transition. To have the NWA tag titles lost I would have whoever was holding them, lets use LAX for example as they are the currant champs. Have them lose them on an untelevised Indy show, since they have to be defended against other promotions if I recall rightly about the rules of the NWA. This being done they lose them at this Indy show, this creates a vacuum that needs to be filled in TNA, TNA management sets up the TNA tag titles, with a tournament to decide the holders of the Titles, have this done over two to three months worth of iMPACT! episodes, culminating with a final at a PPV.
I would have danielson come in go against the title holder of the x division if he wants a shot at the NWA belt. Then when he wins the shot he would go against either cage or whoever wins this weekend. When Danielson wins he would litterally leave with the belt. You could have Shane Douglas come to Bryan and say you could be part of this legacy don't do what I did don't disgrace the belt and danielson would walk off and then TNA becomes the legacy I would even be so bold as to suggest that the x-division championship should be the new TNA belt if you guys that awesome.
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