Would Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Robert Roode be big stars in WWE?

Samoa Joe - He had an aura about him in ROH, he looked and carried himself like a legit badass and his style in the ring made him seem credible in a world of John Cena's who many felt were kiddiefied. However in WWE his look would be an issue, but I think if booked like Rikishi was in his heel run he could do well, at this point though Joe seems for all intents and purposes to be merely picking up a pay cheque.

AJ Styles - I think AJ would do well, his spectacular style mixed with the fact he is a great worker would stand him in good stead, but the thing with AJ is unlike most high flyer's he looks solidly built and is physically intense, like a Benoit type that you can believe in fighting men much bigger than him. His accent would be a hindrance but it didn't hurt Jeff Hardy too much in the long run.

Robert Roode - It's hard to believe he is 34 years old and has been constantly overlooked by TNA as they over-push some real hacks. However I don't think it's old in wrestling terms and he's not a wrestler that has had a lot of bad injuries, plus his style is designed to keep him working into his mid 40's. He is basically ideal WWE material, a complete package and Vince can claim to have made him as TNA have really never done anything with him outside of the tag team division.

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