Robert Roode: It Should Be His Time

Roode's time will come but it won't be soon. He needs to split with Storm, he needs to build himself up as a singles wrestler. That could take a while or take a month or two (i.e Bully Ray), it's really on Roode himself.

I also think that Roode is just too big for the Tag-Team division, or heck - the mid card. When I see Roode I see this generic wrestler. Someone said that's bad. Nah ah. That's Roode's charm. We haven't had a real-ass, tougher than nails looking generic wrestler since Chris Benoit, and this one can talk unlike Benoit.

Roode's just a diamond in the rough and there's no way in hell TNA's not noticing it. I hope they split Beer Money soon and perhaps give Gen-Me a run with the tag titles (or Ink Inc.). I've always wanted to see what Storm and Roode would do on their own now.
Roode's time will come but it won't be soon. He needs to split with Storm, he needs to build himself up as a singles wrestler. That could take a while or take a month or two (i.e Bully Ray), it's really on Roode himself.

It's on Roode? I have no idea how that works. He's not booking matches, and he's not in charge of writing storylines. He has no real power, so if someone doesn't want him on top, he'll stay where he is.

Roode's just a diamond in the rough and there's no way in hell TNA's not noticing it.

I have seen nothing to indicate TNA management has big plans for Roode. I hope they do, but I haven't seen anything pointing to that. Russo has been back in TNA since 2006, and Hogan/Bischoff have been around for over a year. Those guys aren't exactly patient. If they wanted to pull the trigger on a guy, I have a feeling they would have already done so. Again, I'm hoping Roode gets his chance to shine, I just don't see it right now.
It's on Roode? I have no idea how that works. He's not booking matches, and he's not in charge of writing storylines. He has no real power, so if someone doesn't want him on top, he'll stay where he is.

Yes, it is on Roode, as a performer. If he proves to be good enough for the Main Event, he'll be pushed to the Main Event. TNA has never pushed anyone without some sort of a talent. And by "talent" I mean mic skills, being a great wrestler, drawing, being a big name, popularity, etc. So if Roode proves to be any or some of those, I doubt TNA won't push him. They've been treating him well as it is. Part of Fourtune, Tag-Team Champion, they're giving him more mic time than they have.

Of course, he could always end up being "Poped", but let's hope that doesn't happen. I'm just saying, Roode must perform exceptionally well as a singles wrestler so TNA management can't help but push the kid. He won't be pushed if he slacks, will he? Ask Samoa Joe. He will be pushed if he impresses. Ask Bully Ray. Bully's popular but not THAT popular. He's not an amazing wrestler, but he's an awesome character and has sweet mic-skills. That's why he was pushed. That's an indication of how TNA does things. You're good - we push you. You're not - we don't. Simple. There are people here and there like AJ and Pope who are not where they should be judging by their performance, and that's more of a "we don't have anything for you right now" case, than "you suck" case. They're keeping them relevant and ready to go in case something comes up.

I have seen nothing to indicate TNA management has big plans for Roode. I hope they do, but I haven't seen anything pointing to that. Russo has been back in TNA since 2006, and Hogan/Bischoff have been around for over a year. Those guys aren't exactly patient. If they wanted to pull the trigger on a guy, I have a feeling they would have already done so. Again, I'm hoping Roode gets his chance to shine, I just don't see it right now.

I don't see it either. Hell, I see no plans of splitting Beer Money too. The whole "Roode goes singles" is an IWC mark out moment and a speculation. Doubt it will happen soon, hope it will.
Yes, it is on Roode, as a performer. If he proves to be good enough for the Main Event, he'll be pushed to the Main Event.

And all of this is riding on him even being given the opportunity to do so. Hogan, Bischoff, Russo, whoever runs the show, hasn't given us a single reason to believe Roode will get the chance to show how great he is, on his own. These guys like proven draws, and proven draws only, and Roode doesn't fit that bill. If he's given the chance to prove he belongs in the main event, then it's on him. If he's not given that opportunity, it's really not his fault.

TNA has never pushed anyone without some sort of a talent. And by "talent" I mean mic skills, being a great wrestler, drawing, being a big name, popularity, etc. So if Roode proves to be any or some of those, I doubt TNA won't push him.

Being a draw, with this management group, is really all that matters. How can he prove himself as a draw if they aren't willing to look at anyone who hasn't done so in the past? I just think he won't get the opportunity, under these guys at least.

They've been treating him well as it is. Part of Fourtune, Tag-Team Champion, they're giving him more mic time than they have.

He's being treated like a mid-card talent, because that's how they view him. Mic time has increased, and he's made the most of it. But when you have a show that's almost all talking, mic time is bound to increase, for everyone.

Of course, he could always end up being "Poped", but let's hope that doesn't happen.

Personally, I think he's 3x the wrestler/entertainer Pope is. Doesn't mean he won't get the same treatment. Also, Pope is feuding with Joe, has a storyline, etc. He's an upper-card guy, so they obviously see something in him, even if it's not much.

I'm just saying, Roode must perform exceptionally well as a singles wrestler so TNA management can't help but push the kid.

Again, I just don't think he'll be given that opportunity under the guys currently running TNA. I hate to go back to the WCW debacle, but mid-card guys weren't pushed due to fan reaction. They were very picky about who they pushed, mostly using proven draws, no matter how far a guy was past his prime. A.J. is probably the most talented performer they have. He's in the mid-card, has been for months. They want guys who have drawn money on a big-stage, even if those guys aren't what they were 1, 5, 10 years ago.

He won't be pushed if he slacks, will he? Ask Samoa Joe.

Who said he should slack? If I were in his shoes, I would bust my ass, night in and night out. Eventually these guys who care nothing for you (Hogan, Bischoff) will be gone, and the next regime will be looking for who has talent and who doesn't. He should be working his ass off, even if it's just to keep his job.

He will be pushed if he impresses.

Again, you're far more optimistic about this than I am. I think he can impress all he wants, and will mean fuck all to these people. Under Hogan/Bischoff/Russo, his best chance is to leave TNA, sign with WWE, draw money, quit, and return to TNA. And no, before you ask, obviously I don't think that's what's really going to happen, I was just attempting to prove a point.

Ask Bully Ray. Bully's popular but not THAT popular. He's not an amazing wrestler, but he's an awesome character and has sweet mic-skills. That's why he was pushed.


I don't mean to be a dick about it, but come on. Bubba and Devon were split up and placed in a feud because they drew money before coming to TNA. That's who receives pushes from Hogan, Bischoff, whoever is in charge of this current regime. They are familiar faces, outside of TNA's current audience, and that's why he's where he is. He's doing a fine job, don't get me wrong, but let's not fool ourselves about why he is where he is right now.

That's an indication of how TNA does things. You're good - we push you. You're not - we don't. Simple.

Not anymore. You may not accept this, but shit has changed. There's a new regime in town, and talent means nothing in the face of being a proven draw outside of Orlando. TNA used to do it like you're describing, but that ship has sailed.

There are people here and there like AJ and Pope who are not where they should be judging by their performance, and that's more of a "we don't have anything for you right now" case, than "you suck" case.

I don't think anyone believes A.J. sucks-- Hulk, Eric, and Russo included. But again, he isn't a proven, nationwide draw. He's just not, and to these guys, that's really at that matters right now. If you're not already bringing in the masses, they doubt you ever will. Same shit went on in WCW.

They're keeping them relevant and ready to go in case something comes up.

Or they just don't give a shit?

I don't see it either. Hell, I see no plans of splitting Beer Money too. The whole "Roode goes singles" is an IWC mark out moment and a speculation. Doubt it will happen soon, hope it will.[/QUOTE]

I'm hoping so as well. Same goes for Magnus, A.J., Desmond Wolfe, Jay Lethal, Doug Williams and Samoa Joe. Each name thrown out has an abundance of talent, but I highly doubt they'll be given a real chance to shine. And if they do shine, will anyone in charge care? Doubtful, very doubtful.
And all of this is riding on him even being given the opportunity to do so. Hogan, Bischoff, Russo, whoever runs the show, hasn't given us a single reason to believe Roode will get the chance to show how great he is, on his own. These guys like proven draws, and proven draws only, and Roode doesn't fit that bill. If he's given the chance to prove he belongs in the main event, then it's on him. If he's not given that opportunity, it's really not his fault.

Of course they haven't. Like I said, the "Roode goes singles" thing is just an IWC speculation. You know, what would happen. Us day dreaming. They have no reason to try and prove how good he is as a singles guy, because he's in a tag-team right now and they have no plans to split them yet.

Being a draw, with this management group, is really all that matters. How can he prove himself as a draw if they aren't willing to look at anyone who hasn't done so in the past? I just think he won't get the opportunity, under these guys at least.

And that's why this management group is better than the rest. Wrestling changed. It's not that much about pleasing the audience and satisfying every single need they have (and they/we have many), it's about making money and keeping your ass above the water so you don't drown. McMahon's doing it (and has been doing it for a while). The majority of the IWC does not agree with his decision, but it's making the guy money, the company is doing exceptionally well, and in the end it's all that matters.

TNA is heading down that road too, pushing the people who are proven draws. The difference is that while the "draws" are not the people we, as fans, want to see in the Main Event, they're still likeable enough, good on the mic or fine in the ring. They're not talentless.

Roode had an opportunity years ago when he was a singles wrestler. So did Storm and just about any IWC darling. He didn't get it back then too. Is it because of management or because he wasn't good enough?

Personally, I think he's 3x the wrestler/entertainer Pope is. Doesn't mean he won't get the same treatment. Also, Pope is feuding with Joe, has a storyline, etc. He's an upper-card guy, so they obviously see something in him, even if it's not much.

No way in hell Pope is an upper mid-card guy. That feud seems like it's below the mid-card to me. He used to be back when he was getting a major push when Bischoff and Hogan came along.

Again, I just don't think he'll be given that opportunity under the guys currently running TNA. I hate to go back to the WCW debacle, but mid-card guys weren't pushed due to fan reaction. They were very picky about who they pushed, mostly using proven draws, no matter how far a guy was past his prime. A.J. is probably the most talented performer they have. He's in the mid-card, has been for months. They want guys who have drawn money on a big-stage, even if those guys aren't what they were 1, 5, 10 years ago.

Well, there's a bit of flaw in that logic. When has Rob Van Dam or Mr.Anderson proven to be a big draw? Mr.Anderson is not known for "putting asses in seats". He's the charismatic guy with the mic skills. RVD was never a show stealer, never a guy you go to see. He's the kid with the innovative moves and the crowd favorite. Hardy's a draw because of his maniac following, mostly consisting of children and Attitude Era marks, and perhaps merchandise sales.

To me it seems those guys are pushed more so because they've over with the fans and they're known, rather than being "proven draws". They might've started drawing for TNA, but I highly doubt they were drawing anything in WWE. They were always in feuds against people who drew (Undertaker, Michaels, etc.), they never drew on their own.

Again, you're far more optimistic about this than I am. I think he can impress all he wants, and will mean fuck all to these people. Under Hogan/Bischoff/Russo, his best chance is to leave TNA, sign with WWE, draw money, quit, and return to TNA. And no, before you ask, obviously I don't think that's what's really going to happen, I was just attempting to prove a point.

And I think you're being too harsh on the Bischoff/Hogan regime. Don't forget, TNA had a lot of talented guys before Hogan and Bischoff came along, and they never got a chance too. Take Christopher Daniels for example. He was stuck in the X-Division for years, even when it was dying. He was never a mid-card guy, he was never a World Champion. The highest he got was his feud with AJ back in the end of 2009, when AJ was Champion. What about Petey Williams? That guy's finisher alone can draw, he's impressive as hell, yet he was never given any chance to be something more than an X-Division guy. I know the X-Division was hot, probably hotter than the World Title picture at the time, but the World Title is still the standard and he never got anywhere close to it. Instead he got a crappy gimmick and faded away. Think of just about any great wrestler/persona in TNA, and 99% of them never got a chance under any management. The only one that broke through were AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. AJ didn't make it to the World Title and the Main Event for about 8 years, and Joe was great at the time but then started half-assing.

I'm just saying, TNA's been doing this for years, it didn't just start with Hogan and Bischoff.
I completely agree but Roode will not find his space in the main event until whoever is booking realises that TNA's best workers and those with the most potential are those who havent been the focus of the Immortal program. Even since the Fortune turn, people like Roode, Storm, Sabin, even AJ havent had the camera on them.

We have seen enough of Immortal. If we get more promos like we got from Roode and AJ recently then I want to see them more than anyone on Impact.

I dont buy the "He's not an ex WWF/WCW guy" argument. It's a cheap excuse. The reason that we havent seen these guys constantly main event is because there isnt the space because RVD, Hardy etc take up the space that AJ & Joe had in the past.
And that's why this management group is better than the rest. Wrestling changed. It's not that much about pleasing the audience and satisfying every single need they have (and they/we have many), it's about making money and keeping your ass above the water so you don't drown. McMahon's doing it (and has been doing it for a while). The majority of the IWC does not agree with his decision, but it's making the guy money, the company is doing exceptionally well, and in the end it's all that matters.

1. WWE is an entirely different matter. They have twice the audience of TNA, or somewhere around there, and they are an established mainstay in entertainment. TNA isn't. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

2. If the strategy this management group had put into place were working, I would agree. I think you, like a lot of other die-hard TNA fans want to believe everything is where TNA wants it to be. Well, I don't buy that. They've made so many changes over the last year and a half, I just cannot buy into them being satisfied. They want to move forward, take a large step. This "management group" hasn't done that.

TNA is heading down that road too, pushing the people who are proven draws. The difference is that while the "draws" are not the people we, as fans, want to see in the Main Event, they're still likeable enough, good on the mic or fine in the ring. They're not talentless.

Who said they were talentless? Also, I haven't been talking about whether or not TNA is doing a good job with the talent. I'm talking in terms of reality. And in reality, Roode (among other guys) are being left behind in the card because they aren't proven draws. At least not on the level of Hardy and RVD. It's bad for the future, they're past their prime--that's for another discussion. I'm simply pointing out why Roode hasn't moved forward.

Roode had an opportunity years ago when he was a singles wrestler. So did Storm and just about any IWC darling. He didn't get it back then too. Is it because of management or because he wasn't good enough?

I have no idea what happened, and I don't really care. This is 2011. In my opinion, Roode has the talent to be a top guy in TNA. Is he the next Steve Austin, or even John Cena? I don't think so. He's not on that level, but he's surely talented enough for a main event push. And even if he's not, this extends to other guys, who may be more talented than Roode (A.J., Desmond Wolfe, Daniels, Magnus, Doug Williams, etc.). A.J. is better than Hardy and RVD (at this point in each mans career), in almost every way possible. But, again, he isn't the proven draw.

No way in hell Pope is an upper mid-card guy. That feud seems like it's below the mid-card to me. He used to be back when he was getting a major push when Bischoff and Hogan came along.

Against Joe?? It's not on television as often, but when it is, it is clearly being booked at least in the mid-card, possibly a bit higher. But who cares, I'm getting off topic here...

Well, there's a bit of flaw in that logic. When has Rob Van Dam or Mr.Anderson proven to be a big draw?

They worked for the WWE. I'm not saying just working for WWE actually makes them bigger draws, but TNA obviously believes that to be true. And when I say TNA, I mean Hogan/Bischoff.

Mr.Anderson is not known for "putting asses in seats". He's the charismatic guy with the mic skills.

Former WWE guy.

RVD was never a show stealer, never a guy you go to see. He's the kid with the innovative moves and the crowd favorite.

Former WWE guy. Also, very popular in the 90's.

Hardy's a draw because of his maniac following, mostly consisting of children and Attitude Era marks, and perhaps merchandise sales.

Not disputing this. However, when talking about why guys like Roode and A.J. not being toward the top of the card, the reasons I've given are valid.

To me it seems those guys are pushed more so because they've over with the fans and they're known, rather than being "proven draws".

Over with who? I agree Anderson, Hardy and RVD are over within the Impact Zone, but no more so than A.J. or Robert Roode. Come on, man, you're smarter than this.

If you were a WCW viewer, you know what I'm talking about. WCW guys were pushed clear out of the way for Hogan right when he walked in the door. Sting didn't see the main event for years. We're talking about fucking Sting here, the face of WCW at that time, a company that was much further along at that point than TNA is now. What happened when Hogan came in? Brutus fucking Beefcake was main-eventing Starrcade. Hogan wanted it his way, and he got it. I could give 50 examples, but I'll spare you the time.

I'm not saying it didn't work for WCW (for a short while). It did. But it's not having anywhere near the same impact in TNA. Hogan and Bischoff's strategy isn't nearly as effective this time around, and there's no denying that.

And I think you're being too harsh on the Bischoff/Hogan regime. Don't forget, TNA had a lot of talented guys before Hogan and Bischoff came along, and they never got a chance too. Take Christopher Daniels for example. He was stuck in the X-Division for years, even when it was dying. He was never a mid-card guy, he was never a World Champion. The highest he got was his feud with AJ back in the end of 2009, when AJ was Champion. What about Petey Williams? That guy's finisher alone can draw, he's impressive as hell, yet he was never given any chance to be something more than an X-Division guy. I know the X-Division was hot, probably hotter than the World Title picture at the time, but the World Title is still the standard and he never got anywhere close to it. Instead he got a crappy gimmick and faded away.

Both are smaller guys, and that tends to happen under any regime.

Think of just about any great wrestler/persona in TNA, and 99% of them never got a chance under any management. The only one that broke through were AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. AJ didn't make it to the World Title and the Main Event for about 8 years, and Joe was great at the time but then started half-assing.

This regime gave A.J. a short-lived opportunity, in hopes of being accepted by the TNA crowd. They couldn't immediately start burying TNA favorites, could they? I'm sure they would have run with A.J. had the numbers gone through the roof, but instead, they stuck former WWE guys in that spot, guys they figured would draw big money, and it didn't work. Hardy hasn't drawn anything more than A.J., and that's a fact. Same goes for RVD and Anderson.

I'm just saying, TNA's been doing this for years, it didn't just start with Hogan and Bischoff.

If you don't see a major difference in booking from when Hogan/Bischoff came in, and two years ago, I'm not sure what you've been paying attention to. Look at the TNA main event picture over the last year. A.J. lost the belt to RVD in April. Next champion was Hardy. Next champion was Anderson, then Hardy again, now Sting. Sometimes this strategy works, and sometimes it doesn't. I'm just pointing out why guys like Roode aren't on the rise.

I dont buy the "He's not an ex WWF/WCW guy" argument. It's a cheap excuse. The reason that we havent seen these guys constantly main event is because there isnt the space because RVD, Hardy etc take up the space that AJ & Joe had in the past.

And what do you consider RVD and Jeff Hardy? They're on top because, once upon a time, they had name-recognition. Where did they gain this stardom? WWE. It's not an excuse, it's how these guys run things. Did it in WCW, and they're doing the same thing in TNA.

I feel this has gone a bit off-track. Bottom line: Hogan and Bischoff go with proven draws. It worked in the past, it's not working now. It's a pattern with these two, not so much Russo. Russo is just insane. If you're not seeing this, we aren't watching the same show.
I think you are watching a different show Nick B. I dont get the whole 'theyve worked for WWE' argument you're going for. What wrestler hasn't worked for another company? Of course the guys who are proven draws will get pushed. That's the way wrestling works. If you push guys no one is interested in, ratings decline and people stop watching the product (see WWE). And to say RVD made his name in WWE is a little naive. If anything Van Dam is an ECW guy. I never saw Van Dam compete for WWE and he's one of the greatest of all time for me, so that blows your theory right there. And what did Anderson achieve in WWE? Id never heard of the guy until he showed up in TNA and now hes one of the top guys in the promotion. Talent, hard work and being entertaining has got him that spot. Not the fact he's been in a WWE ring. Anyway to get back on topic, if Hogan etc think Roode could be a draw and deserves a push, he'll get pushed.
Anderson and Abyss do not have the look or in-ring skills to become a mega star and Samoa Joe is declining more every year.

Matt Morgan and The Pope are two other TNA stars who have alot of potential too. Morgan especially, but if I am looking at 1 break out star it has to be Roode

Not to take this too far off topic(though maybe someone should since this is becoming a "dead horse" discussion on these boards), but...

How can you say that Anderson doesn't have the in-ring skills to be a mega star, but then turn around and toot Morgan's whistle so vehemently???

Morgan has NO in-ring skills. Morgan is nothing but a very boring, bland, run-of-the-mill big man; both in the ring and on the mic. Let's keep this 100... the ONLY thing Morgan has is a good look(admittedly a great look, but that is it).

In fact, he has come around so little with his in ring work, and his mic work has continued to be so snooze-inducing that I'm not even sure the guy has any real potential to grow anymore. Morgan undeservedly being close to the main event scene is what's blocking guys like Roode from getting a chance. Matt Morgan should be on the roster due to his look, but he should be back in a role like the one he was in before Terry took that spot. He is an intimidating looking enforcer type, but that is all. He should be no where near a single's title- not even one as pointless as the TV belt.
Not to take this too far off topic(though maybe someone should since this is becoming a "dead horse" discussion on these boards), but...

How can you say that Anderson doesn't have the in-ring skills to be a mega star, but then turn around and toot Morgan's whistle so vehemently???

Morgan has NO in-ring skills. Morgan is nothing but a very boring, bland, run-of-the-mill big man; both in the ring and on the mic. Let's keep this 100... the ONLY thing Morgan has is a good look(admittedly a great look, but that is it).

In fact, he has come around so little with his in ring work, and his mic work has continued to be so snooze-inducing that I'm not even sure the guy has any real potential to grow anymore. Morgan undeservedly being close to the main event scene is what's blocking guys like Roode from getting a chance. Matt Morgan should be on the roster due to his look, but he should be back in a role like the one he was in before Terry took that spot. He is an intimidating looking enforcer type, but that is all. He should be no where near a single's title- not even one as pointless as the TV belt.

I can agree with what you said except one thing. Yes Morgan is a big man, but he shouldn't be relegated to only an enforcer type role. Look Morgan is basically Kevin Nash 2.0. When Nash started he was a basic big man in WCW, then went to WWE was the bodyguard/enforcer for HBK. Its only when he, Hall and Hogan started the NWO in WCW that we saw his charisma and he went on to have great success. Morgan has charisma, the whole «we are the tag-team champions» thing was great. I say give him a chance with the TV-Title and let him run with this.
I think you are watching a different show Nick B. I dont get the whole 'theyve worked for WWE' argument you're going for. What wrestler hasn't worked for another company?

Yeah, I get it. I'm saying it's a strategy I've seen before, and it explains the lack of pushes for guys like A.J., Joe, Roode, etc. Former mid-to-upper card WWE guys are getting pushed, heavily. This didn't start out with me criticizing the strategy, so I won't anymore. It's all about why this sort of thing is happening, and I'm going to stick to that.

Of course the guys who are proven draws will get pushed. That's the way wrestling works. If you push guys no one is interested in, ratings decline and people stop watching the product (see WWE).

The original question dealth with WHY Roode isn't being pushed, same with guys like Roode. Not being a big deal before signing with TNA is the reason, guaranteed.

And to say RVD made his name in WWE is a little naive. If anything Van Dam is an ECW guy. I never saw Van Dam compete for WWE and he's one of the greatest of all time for me, so that blows your theory right there.

And not reading what I actually said is a little stupid. I said former WWE guy, where he was no doubt more popular among a nationwide audience than he was with ECW. BUT, I also said he was a star in the 90's. Where did he work during the 90's?? You blew nothing out of the water, because you didn't go by what I actually said.

And what did Anderson achieve in WWE? Id never heard of the guy until he showed up in TNA and now hes one of the top guys in the promotion.

I don't recall saying he WAS a big draw in WWE, but he had name recognition. If you didn't know him, you didn't watch WWE. Seeing TNA is attempting to expand their audience, and WWE has a much larger one, he's a familiar face. I don't know if it's working or not, nor do I care as it relates to this particular conversation. I am, once again, giving reasons why guys like Roode aren't moving up.

Anyway to get back on topic, if Hogan etc think Roode could be a draw and deserves a push, he'll get pushed.

They don't, obviously. Same with Joe, A.J., Matt Morgan, Magnus, etc. I watched the entire WCW ordeal unfold, and if that taught me anything, it's that Hogan and company had their minds made up the second they walked into TNA.

It's how these guys run things, the way which is not working and hasnt worked for the longest time, that rubs me up the wrong way. It's stuffing up the main event.

Hardy and RVD have name value but what is that worth to TNA? Is it worth anything now? They have put on shoddy matches, are getting paid a lot and havent earnt the main event spot. Bringing them in was fine, a great idea but they should have been made to work hard. Instead, we are getting a second rate heel run with Hardy and Immortal who are dominating the camera.

I would like nothing more than to see Jeff Hardy be as interesting as he was when he was winning world titles. But I am beginning to think that HHH, Edge and CM Punk deserve a massive amount of credit for getting him into that spot because he is nowhere near that level in TNA.

I literally disagree with nothing you just said.
And what do you consider RVD and Jeff Hardy? They're on top because, once upon a time, they had name-recognition. Where did they gain this stardom? WWE. It's not an excuse, it's how these guys run things. Did it in WCW, and they're doing the same thing in TNA.

It's how these guys run things, the way which is not working and hasnt worked for the longest time, that rubs me up the wrong way. It's stuffing up the main event.

Hardy and RVD have name value but what is that worth to TNA? Is it worth anything now? They have put on shoddy matches, are getting paid a lot and havent earnt the main event spot. Bringing them in was fine, a great idea but they should have been made to work hard. Instead, we are getting a second rate heel run with Hardy and Immortal who are dominating the camera.

I would like nothing more than to see Jeff Hardy be as interesting as he was when he was winning world titles. But I am beginning to think that HHH, Edge and CM Punk deserve a massive amount of credit for getting him into that spot because he is nowhere near that level in TNA.

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