Would Eddie Gurrerro be in the Hall of Fame if he hadn't died?

False. That honor goes to Owen Hart.

Ooh true.

He could put on a good match, had a good luck (well, after the 'roids), appealed strongly to the Hispanic market, and could work the stick.

How is that not a Hall of Fame wrestler?

He could put on a good match..at times. He wasn't great, and in a 'legit' HOF for only the 'best of the best' which is what the thread asks, do you really think Eddie should be in it? Is he the best of the best?

While I agree that dying seems to push guys up several notches that they don't belong, as what happened to Eddie, that doesn't change the fact that Eddie was still a very good worker.

I'm not denying Eddie was a good worker, I liked him, and still do. But he wasn't as good as everyone says he was.

I've always thought Eddie better than HBK, even before Eddie died.

HBK is sort of like Ric Flair. More hype than quality.

Agreed. No one ALWAYS puts on great matches, including my favorite John Cena.

But, I'd take an Eddie match over HBK match.

But you just hate HBK, not sure why.
Ooh true.

He could put on a good match..at times.
At times? Yes, at times, when else is there? Just like everyone else, he could put on a good match "at times".

But, those "at times" generally occurred as often, if not more so, than the majority of workers in wrestling.

He wasn't great, and in a 'legit' HOF for only the 'best of the best' which is what the thread asks, do you really think Eddie should be in it?
The thread also asks "If he hadn't died", which means you can't just use what he had, you also have to use what he WOULD have had.

Is he the best of the best?
No, only Hulk Hogan holds that distinction. But, if we are going to use that as our guideline, then there is no point to a Hall of Fame, we should just call it the Hulk Hogan Nostalgia Museum.

I'm not denying Eddie was a good worker, I liked him, and still do. But he wasn't as good as everyone says he was.
Agreed. But he was still better than you seem to be giving him credit for.

But you just hate HBK, not sure why.
I don't hate HBK, I just see him for what he truly is. He's not the god that people make him out to be. He's fairly bland and boring on the stick, he often seems disinterested in matches, hates to drop titles to anyone who is not his friend, and has poor ability when it comes to delivering offense (a fact he has admitted himself).
But since you said legit HOF, I don't believe he is an all time great, I can name a lot of people who are and were better than him. He's had a successful career but nothing really worth mentioning again. He benefited from his death, and is put up the ladder because you seemingly become more famous after death. Eddie deserves to be in this HOF because it is nothing but a joke, but he isn't good enough to be in a legit HOF.

Apparently the theory around here is that you need to be the best of the best to be in this legit HoF. So therefore, only one person can be the best of the best. Hulk Hogan would win that. So you're going to have a one man Hall of Fame? You're going to deny people like Bret Hart & Stone Cold Steve Austin in there? Bullshit. After everyone dies they're pushed up the ladder, but let's look past that. Nothing worth mentioning? People are in the HoF and they've done less than him. So what the fuck? Look back over his career. He had unbelieveable matches, and bad matches. As everyone has. But the majority of them were good matches. He deserves his place.
Eddie Guerrerro definantly did not have a hall of fame career before he died. Sure he had some good matches, and a couple of great matches but not enough to be considered a hall of famer. He didnt really have any epic feuds that will be remembered for years either, i.e. like Austin/Mcmahon, Hogan/Andre, Hogan/Savage, Sting/Flair, HBK/Hart, Rock/Austin etc.

Eddie had a good career but it wasn't a hall of fame career by any stretch of the imaginantion, he was only a main eventer for a couple of years, and even then wasn't one of the top guys in the company. In brief Eddie didnt have the matches, or the fueds to be considered for the hall of fame. The only merit which might get him consideration would be his great attitude, and what he gave to the business. But it is debateable if these alone are enough to warrant a place in the hall of fame (Benoit fans would have you believe so, but I'm not so convinced).

In respect to what he might have achieved if in the rest of career, its impossible to tell for sure. We can predict that he might have gone on to have a great main event career, but we will never know. So you have to base it on what he already achieved before his death. Putting Eddie in the hall of fame however was a great show of respect by the WWE, and you can't criticise them for doing them doing, and he did have an above average career, I'm just not sure it was a hall of fame career.
Eddie Guerrerro definantly did not have a hall of fame career before he died. Sure he had some good matches, and a couple of great matches but not enough to be considered a hall of famer. He didnt really have any epic feuds that will be remembered for years either, i.e. like Austin/Mcmahon, Hogan/Andre, Hogan/Savage, Sting/Flair, HBK/Hart, Rock/Austin etc.

Read the title of the thread. It asks if he HADN'T have died. Don't just base it on what he already achieved.

Eddie had a good career but it wasn't a hall of fame career by any stretch of the imaginantion, he was only a main eventer for a couple of years, and even then wasn't one of the top guys in the company.

Again, let's look to what he may have achieved, shall we? Confirmed to have won the World Heavyweight Championship when he died. So, that's another title reign with opponents such as Batista & Orton, it could have been very successful. He could have developed as a wrestler, becoming ever better.

In respect to what he might have achieved if in the rest of career, its impossible to tell for sure. So you have to base it on what he already achieved before his death.

No. We don't have to base it on what he may have achieved, with his ability & potential ability.
ok, how crazy can any of you be, eddie would have DEFFINITELY WENT INTO THE LEGIT HOF, he was a great worker, could move the fans either way he needed to, and was one of the few that could make himself heel one second, and then turn around the next day and have the fans loving him again. He was a great worker, and would be one of the top three holding up the company right now had he not passed away. and if u say that eddie shouldnt go, i dont ever want to hear someone sasy the likes of cena, batista, or should i dare say, hunter or shawn micheals.
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Everyone in this thread needs to pick up the latest Eddie Guerrero DVD "Viva La Raza - The Legacy of Eddie Guerrero" i guarantee you'll see exactly why Eddie Guerrero is in the HOF.

Average in the ring???? This must be wrestling blasphemy. Eddie Guerrero has pulled out multple 5 star wrestling matches with Angle, Benoit, Malenko, Mysterio, Edge, Flair, Jericho, 2 Cold Scorpio and even JBL. He had a unique style that was both exiting and traditional.

The man mastered playing the crowd especially during his final years in WWE. Everyone smiled when Eddie pulled a trick on the referee. He could play a great babyface who'd humiliate the heels and he could play a terrific vicious heel.

Eddie Guerrero is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time and absoloutelt deserves to be in the HOF. End of story.

Bullshit. The only people that Shawn Michaels can have a good match with are people that can carry the offensive portion of the match. Because HBK can't. HBK works because he is a fantastic seller, but has much to be desired on offense.

Holy shit i never realised that but you're 100% right.
Mike rc, your clearly the smartest person to comment on this subject, had Eddie not died he would not be in the HOF.....yet. But he most certainly would be eventually
I would say yes. But he wouldn't have gotten in so soon for obvious reasons. I think Eddie would have been inducted years after his last WWE run.

If a guy like Rocky Johnson could get in, then I wouldn't see why Eddie Gurerro couldn't get in. I mean what did Rocky do that was so special other than being the first black tag team champion and being The Rock's father.

Eddie had a very good career before he's untimely death. He had a very great run in WCW, then was a solid midcarder for years. He had a good run as IC champion and his tag team with Chavo was also very sucessful. Then he was able to reach the top, the old way by climbing the ranks.

While I never was a fan of Eddie I think he would have definetly made the cut eventually. Eddie was a huge guy in the latino market as well and should be credit with helping to bring that demographic to the WWE. He enjoyed quite the sucess as a tag teamer(although it wasn't the greatest)a midcarder, and then as a mainevent. And then you would have to think about what he would have done if he didn't die. Although there was the chance he would eventually fall from the top, he also could have countinued his sucess thus futhering his HOF spot. So while his untimely death hurried up the process he would have eventually made the cut, imo.
If a guy like Rocky Johnson could get in, then I wouldn't see why Eddie Gurerro couldn't get in. I mean what did Rocky do that was so special other than being the first black tag team champion and being The Rock's father.

Whilst it may seem like Rocky Johnson was just put into the Hall Of Fame to get The Rock to make have some kind of involvement in Wrestlemania, he was hailed as a great worker and was a role model to young Black men wishing to get involved in the wrestling business. If you want evidence of that i'll quote jay lethal after he and consequences creed won the tag titles "we almost look as good as Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson".

Eddie was a huge guy in the latino market as well and should be credit with helping to bring that demographic to the WWE.

In the same way that Rocky Johnson may have been a draw for members of the Black community.

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