Would Eddie Gurrerro be in the Hall of Fame if he hadn't died?

Definitely would put Shawn in there. He's miles ahead of Eddie in both aspects. He's been around forever and was on top for a long while. Shawn was just better than he was on the mic. He's been involved in major angles and more big time matches than Eddie. All of the Mania main events make a huge difference too. Eddie was on top during a down time in the company and was only given a few months with the belt. Shawn was a multi time champion, but was up against the best WCW ever had. Shawn is far more deserving than Eddie.
Definitely would put Shawn in there. He's miles ahead of Eddie in both aspects. He's been around forever and was on top for a long while. Shawn was just better than he was on the mic. He's been involved in major angles and more big time matches than Eddie. All of the Mania main events make a huge difference too. Eddie was on top during a down time in the company and was only given a few months with the belt. Shawn was a multi time champion, but was up against the best WCW ever had. Shawn is far more deserving than Eddie.

Shawn was not better than Eddie on the mic. You can't compare the two. In the ring yeah Shawn was probably better. But since his return Shawn has been doing downhill since. Jericho carried him in his most recent fued, and besides that his matches haven't been all that amazing. WrestleMania, I'll give to him. He always provides class matches. But other than that he's a lazy worker in my opinion. Does just enough to get by. It's not Eddie's fault when he was champion, Vince makes that call. & Shawn was a TERRIBLE champion. The worst rated in the history of all time. That pretty much speaks for itself. He did NOTHING to up his game while champion, and just went with the flow. However, I won't go too much into that because that's off topic here.
Yeah he was. Shawn's promos are great as either face or heel. He can be anywhere from funy to serious. Eddie got over for dropping in random spanish phrases and saying 4 different words in a catchphrase. Shawn has been downhill since returning? Are you watching the same shows that I am? He's been as solid as anyone. Shawn's time as champion was bad for the whole comapny. There's not a single person that the blame can be placed on, and the same is true with Eddie. His time with the title was just bad for the whole company. Eddie was up against Angle and JBL for the belt. That's one great and one awful opponent. Shawn was against a variety of people in his reigns. While Eddie was above average, Shawn was always great in the ring. He's never been truly bad. Eddie has been close to it at times.
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Yeah he was. Shawn's promos are great as either face or heel. He can be anywhere from funy to serious. Eddie got over for dropping in random spanish phrases and saying 4 different words in a catchphrase. Shawn has been downhill since returning? Are you watching the same shows that I am? He's been as solid as anyone. Shawn's time as champion was bad for the whole comapny. There's not a single person that the blame can be placed on, and the same is true with Eddie. His time with the title was just bad for the whole company. Eddie was up against Angle and JBL for the belt. That's one great and one awful opponent. Shawn was against a variety of people in his reigns. While Eddie was above average, Shawn was always great in the ring. He's never been truly bad. Eddie has been close to it at times.

You can blame the champion to a degree. It's up to them as champion to ensure they can do the best that is possible with the fueds they're given. Shawn was as lazy as anyone is attempting to up his game, and improve his title reign. He didn't up himself in the ring, nor promos. To be the champion, in my opinion they need to up their game every single week to prove why they should still be champion. Shawn never did that. That is the reason he was the worst rated champion of all time.

I would like an example of where Eddie has been close to bad at times please. By times, you mean more than once. Evidence please.
Don't call yourself an Eddie fan because you're clearly not.

Oh sorry, go on, you tell me which wrestlers I enjoy watching then, because clearly you have better knowledge of that than me.

What was overrated about him exactly?

Was? Nothing. He was rated correctly. Is? Everyone thinks that because he died he's automatically amazing.

The fact that he put on great matches? The fact that he entertained millions? The fact that technically, he was one of the best in the business? Dare I say, above HBK?

LOL, you are the epitome of what I mean here. Never, ever in Eddies life would someone have dared say he was better than the Heartbreak Kid. Yet now he's dead, sure, he was better. :rolleyes:

Shit. Look what I just did. Eddie deserves to be in a 'legit' Hall of Fame. He was fucking superb. Always put on great matches & was entertaining as anyone.

Always? Where are you looking? I like Eddie, but to say he always put on great matches is bordering on being a blind fan.

He had a special connection with the crowd. They loved him. He loved them. Don't deny that he shouldn't be inducted, because you know he should.

And you know what I 'know' better than I do as well, right?
The thing is, when you start as high as Michaels, you're allowed to coast for a long time. Very few people deny that Shawn is a legendary talent. Most of the time all you'll defending Eddie's greatness is his fans. Eddie's reign was completely out of nowhere and bombed. Shawn's was built up for a long time and was exactly like Jeff Hardy's. he got there and then what was he supposed to do?

We'll start with his WCW feud with Chavo when Chavo was insane. Never before have I been more bored with a feud. It was just mindless fights over nothing at all. We'll move on to his penultimate feud with Batista. This feud was jsut bad. It went nowhere and added in Orton in matches that no one thought Eddie had a chance. Nothing interesting happened here and he was fed to Batista to make him look stronger. They had zero chemistry together and the matches were awful.
Hmmmmm.. tricky one that. For the while he was in WWE he was great technical and entertaining wrestler, great on the mic, good in the ring and played a great heel and entertaining Babyface. Did he deserve a HOF spot? So far in his career, no. But I think if he was still alive, he would have done great and become a great wrestler as WWE clearly had plans for him in the future.

People thought he was amazing before. Sure, new magical fans that suddenly love him did come out after he died, but they were there while he was alive. Having followed him from his time in ECW, through to the WWE and until his death, he was NOT overrated. He is as good as people say he is. Fantastic wrestler. Ok perhaps not always, but around 95% of the time he did. Watch his matches, they were all good.
That's the point. They're just good. There's very few great Eddie matches. While he was rarely bad, he wasn't great. his matches with Rey were about Rey going insane in the ring, Angle was by far better than he was, and the Jericho matches were a combination thereof. How many times has Eddie been asked to carry someone to a great match? Rarely, because he was given great talent to work with most of the time. When he was given JBL, nothing happened, and that was before JBL started his downward spiral into awfulness.
I got two problems with this idea that people keep saying that Eddie couldn't carry a bad/mediocre wrestler to a great match.

1) So what? How many truly great matches happen in the current era of WWE anyways? Maybe a few per year. Many "great" matches have some elements that aren't that great looking back. In some cases they suck completely (I'm looking at you, Hulk/Andre WMIII). In the rare case of a great match that actually stand the test of time, it usually is between two great wrestlers. IMO, Eddie's matches are better with time. Watch a broadcast of WWE or TNA, even one with a match that people have responded well to, say Cena vs. Michaels, then watch a DVD of Eddie from any time in his career. Eddie has a better variety of moves, faster workrate, never misses a spot, is incredibly crisp in all his moves. Anyways, now I've gotten off track, let me get me to my second point.

2) Even if you could hold that against him, I still disagree with this notion that Eddie wasn't able to carry a bad wrestler to a great match. Eddie had at least a few great matches with JBL, for example.
Milk[lw];870851 said:
Now then, we are not talking about Vince's kayfaybe hall. As we were with Shawn Micheals. We are talking about a legit Hall of Fame, that is for the best, of the best. Eddie had one World Champion title reign. Which wasn't all that great, I stopped watching when he got it. His only memorable fued (for me) was vs Rey mystero, and thats only because i was a HUGE Mystero mark for several years. His charisma was okay, but did it really sell with the fans? (while he was alive folks) Latino Heat was good, but with someone like Rey, could have been better. He was a sound wrestler, and rather boring I dare say at times.

We'll look at his fued with Batista. We all know it was a matter of time before he turned on him. Then Batista would have pumbled him into the pulp that he was. But, he died. Leaving us with a bad fued. (hey, whats new?)

His fued with reyrey was okay. Like I said above, I was a huge mysero smark. If not for rey being such a babyface at the time, it would have blown. Hardcore. Are we really supposed to believe that rey's son was eddies?

Now remember this was for the LEGIT hall of fame, not in the kayfabe sense. If Eddie hadn't died, would he deserve to be in the hall of fame?


I think that Eddie Guerrero would eventually have got in the Hall-Of-Fame anyway, even if he hadn't died. I don't think that he would have been in yet , though, because he would still be wrestling, and I read that J.R. said on one of his blogs, that you have to be no longer actively competitive to be in the Hall-Of-Fame.

He may have even been in the Hall-Of-Fame as part of the Guerrero family, who are legendary in wrestling, especailly in Mexico.
Nope. The guy was slightly above average at best. There's little if any validation that he should go into a legit hall of fame. People like Shawn Michaels are legends in the ring and can have great matches with anyone. Almost all of Eddie's great matches have been with people that are great in ring performers as well. While there are exceptions, that to me is the sign of an average worker. He was popular, which is a very different thing that being good.


You keep saying that it is a legit Hall-Of-Fame. I question that. I am not disputing who has been put in the Hall-Of-Fame (except maybe Mae Young, whose biggest contributions are flashing herself and giving birth to a hand). However, it is who is NOT in the HoF which I question, and the slection process.

I can understand Benoit not being in. His actions were so bad, that you can't put him in on that reason alone. But the Ultimate Warrior or Randy "Macho Man" Savage aren't in. You know why? Because Vince McMahon has issues with them. What? A true HoF would be chosen by a panel of people from different fields of the wrestling business (a Legend, a wrestling journo, a commentator etc. Vince could be on that panel, but his would only be one vote, and would not influence the final decision). So, you get in if you are Vince's boy. Kurt Angle and the Rock may never be in the Hall-Of-Fame, because they left WWE and it upeset Vince. Mick Foley may not be in for jumping to TNA. Now if that happens, it would make the HoF ridiculous.

I'd like to see the following be inducted into the HoF at some stage:-

Kurt Angle, The Rock, Trish Stratus, Randy Savage, Ultimate Warrior, Owen Hart, Mick Foley and Rick Steamboat.
If he hadn't have died, Eddie would have been in the Hall of Fame. It is said (and was said before he died) that he was about to be World Champion again. He was a strong Hispanic draw, very good in the ring, and was really coming into his own.

As of right now, I'm not sure he'd be in, but if he had not died, I think he eventually would have been Hall of Fame caliber.

Oh, and his match vs. Rey at Halloween Havoc 1997 is one of the most underrated matches, in my opinion.

Nope. The guy was slightly above average at best.
Really Klunker? Just slighly above average? C'mon now.

People like Shawn Michaels are legends in the ring and can have great matches with anyone.
Bullshit. The only people that Shawn Michaels can have a good match with are people that can carry the offensive portion of the match. Because HBK can't. HBK works because he is a fantastic seller, but has much to be desired on offense.

Almost all of Eddie's great matches have been with people that are great in ring performers as well.
As opposed to...who? How many workers have had great matches with people who were bad?

It pains m to say things like this because I was an Eddie fan, but my God he is now the most overrated wrestler ever in the business.
False. That honor goes to Owen Hart.

Bottom line is he wasn't a great wrestler, and especially seeings as you added legit HOF no way should he be inducted.
He could put on a good match, had a good luck (well, after the 'roids), appealed strongly to the Hispanic market, and could work the stick.

How is that not a Hall of Fame wrestler?

Eddie Guerrero was a Great Man, a Great Friend, a Great Husband, a Great Father and Most of All, A GREAT WRESTLER. Eddie Should be and Will be in The Hall Of Fame ! God Bless Eddie ! VIVA LA RAZA !

Eddie Guerrero was a piece of shit. He abused drugs and alcohol, and sold out his family, simply for fame, money and success. He was a piece of shit.

But he was still Hall of Fame worthy.

Guerrero was average at best.
Surely you are just being contrary with this. Guerrero was VERY solid in the ring.

Dare I say, above HBK?
You should. Lord knows I would. But, then again, HBK is overrated.

Batista connects with the crowd and I would assume loves them. Should he be in the Hall of Fame?
Without a doubt. Why not? Numerous good matches, big draw, multiple World Title reigns.

Why wouldn't he be?

Eddie had good matches with good wrestlers and forgettable matches with bad wrestlers.
Just like any wrestler in history.

Where was this love for him during his WCW time, or during his earlier WWE time? He had his fans, but until the last about two years of his life he wasn't pushed as anything special.
You need to go back and watch some old WCW. Eddie was getting very strong reactions for a midcarder back during WCW.

Show me ONE match he had with a bad wrestler that was great.
Do the same for Shawn Michaels or Undertaker.

Being the best of the best should.
Then only Hulk Hogan deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. Because only he is the best of the best.

What did he do that was so great? I've yet to see it. Was it the dance? Was it having a popular catchphrase? Benoit was light years ahead of Eddie in the ring, and if you don't realize that then I can't help you.
Please explain how.

HHH has won title after title and has been in the main event for years now.
Yes, and broke into the main-event in a time where there were very few main-eventers, and then became a member of the booking team.

Compare that to Eddie Guerrero who spent the first eight years in American wrestling behind guys like Hogan, Savage, Flair, Luger, Sting, and then Austin, Rock, etc.

Do you really want to go down this road?

Yeah he was. Shawn's promos are great as either face or heel.
Completely false. Shawn's mic work has always been fairly bland and generic. He's been given some interesting material, but when it comes to the words he says, and the way he says them, it's been fairly boring.

Was? Nothing. He was rated correctly. Is? Everyone thinks that because he died he's automatically amazing.
While I agree that dying seems to push guys up several notches that they don't belong, as what happened to Eddie, that doesn't change the fact that Eddie was still a very good worker.

LOL, you are the epitome of what I mean here. Never, ever in Eddies life would someone have dared say he was better than the Heartbreak Kid. Yet now he's dead, sure, he was better. :rolleyes:
I've always thought Eddie better than HBK, even before Eddie died.

HBK is sort of like Ric Flair. More hype than quality.

Always? Where are you looking? I like Eddie, but to say he always put on great matches is bordering on being a blind fan.
Agreed. No one ALWAYS puts on great matches, including my favorite John Cena.

But, I'd take an Eddie match over HBK match.

The thing is, when you start as high as Michaels, you're allowed to coast for a long time.
Then he's been coasting since about March of 1996.

Very few people deny that Shawn is a legendary talent.

Eddie's reign was completely out of nowhere and bombed. Shawn's was built up for a long time and was exactly like Jeff Hardy's. he got there and then what was he supposed to do?
Eddie's came out of nowhere and "bombed", and Shawn's was built for months and bombed even worse.

What's your point. Oh, and Eddie's reign didn't exactly "bomb" either. Not only did his reign fall along the general direction of the WWE at the time, he was very strong in the Hispanic demographic.
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I understand exactly what you mean when you say ''legit'' Hall of Famer. I do think that Eddie should be in the same Hall of Fame as Austin, Hulk, Flair, and Andre. I'm not saying that he is in the same level as those legends, but still. But I feel that WWE always had plans to put him in the hall, but it happened a lot earlier becuase of his death.

If the WWE's Hall is legit, then my name is Waylenn Jennings. I'm talking about a Wrestling hall of fame that is legit, not just for wwe, but for TNA/NWA/WCW as well. Quite frankly, Eddie Gurrerro, dosent deserve to be in the hall, nor has he ever done anything to deserve to be in it. He never really had a 5 star moment, and the only moment hes ever had, was really Chris Beniots.
Milk[lw];871947 said:
If the WWE's Hall is legit, then my name is Waylenn Jennings.
Take out the Celebrity inductees, and then tell me why the WWE Hall of Fame is not legit.

I would love to hear why.

I'm talking about a Wrestling hall of fame that is legit, not just for wwe, but for TNA/NWA/WCW as well.
TNA doesn't have any retired Hall of Famers.

As far as NWA and WCW (not to mention the AWA), the WWE inducts plenty of them. How else do you think Flair and Rhodes got in?

Quite frankly, Eddie Gurrerro, dosent deserve to be in the hall, nor has he ever done anything to deserve to be in it.
But, the thread said "if he hadn't died". So, we can't just look at past accomplishments, we also have to look at the context in which he was still working.

And, using that, Eddie would have built the credentials to be in.
Take out the Celebrity inductees, and then tell me why the WWE Hall of Fame is not legit.

I would love to hear why.

Why should guys like the wild samoans be in the HOF, if Savage isnt in it? Sure they helped with the tag team division, but they wernt the glue in it. The time of the wild samoans, the tag division was extreamly strong. But i fail to see where they really made it anymore special.

TNA doesn't have any retired Hall of Famers.

As far as NWA and WCW (not to mention the AWA), the WWE inducts plenty of them. How else do you think Flair and Rhodes got in?

True. But, Killer Kowalski isn't in the fame. But he revolutionized the heel that we know today.

But, the thread said "if he hadn't died". So, we can't just look at past accomplishments, we also have to look at the context in which he was still working.

And, using that, Eddie would have built the credentials to be in.

Yes, but I don't see what he could have done to make himself anybetter. His fued with Batista wasn't all that great, nor do I see how it could've became great. Today, if he was still around, theres no way he could keep up with HHH, Koslov, Edge (assuming hes still on sd, havnt watched it to know) and Jeff Hardy. He would be headed straight for the US title.
Alright, first off, I am sick and tired of people on here putting Shawn Michaels down and saying all he is, is hype. Bullshit!! He goes out there and puts on a wrestling clinic each and every time. He's been in the best matches in WWE's history and by far is better then Eddie Guerrero. HBK will be in the Hall of Fame some day and damn sure deserves it. I wish we could have seen old HBK hook it up with "Latino Heat", I think it could have been a great match. Unfortunately, Eddie was put in the Hall of Fame because he died, and Rey was World Champion because Eddie died. It's sad, but it's the truth. Eddie hasn't really earned the right to be in the Hall of Fame, not yet anyways. If he were still alive today, maybe he could have gotten in there down the road.
Milk[lw];871988 said:
Why should guys like the wild samoans be in the HOF, if Savage isnt in it? Sure they helped with the tag team division, but they wernt the glue in it. The time of the wild samoans, the tag division was extreamly strong. But i fail to see where they really made it anymore special.
How about because they held the World Title belts for a year and a half combined, over three different titles reigns?

I'm not saying that Savage shouldn't be in, but trying to say that the Wild Samoans shouldn't is silly.

By the way, is the MLB Hall of Fame not a legit Hall of Fame because Joe Jackson or Pete Rose isn't in it?

True. But, Killer Kowalski isn't in the fame. But he revolutionized the heel that we know today.
And neither is Bruno Sammartino, the longest reigning World Champion in history.

Do you think that, perhaps, the reason Killer isn't in is because the WWE hasn't been allowed to induct him? Or, perhaps, they just haven't gotten the "okay" to do it yet?

Just because they are not in now, doesn't mean the WWE doesn't want them in.

Yes, but I don't see what he could have done to make himself anybetter. His fued with Batista wasn't all that great, nor do I see how it could've became great.
His angle with Batista was cut completely short, and everyone who watched it knows that. He died before it could be played out fully.

Today, if he was still around, theres no way he could keep up with HHH, Koslov, Edge (assuming hes still on sd, havnt watched it to know) and Jeff Hardy. He would be headed straight for the US title.

He was two or three times the worker that ALL of those guys are.
I think the real problem is, we never got to see Eddie live out what he could be doing, I do feel he managed to reach a peak in 2004/05 as he was finally over with the fans. I wasn't a great fan when he first came to WWE, I felt he would be someone we forget about that once dated Chyna.

I think if Eddie was still around, we would have better reasons and examples to clarify this, I think he would have got there in the end, especially when he was destined to be a two time World Champion, we just lost Eddie too soon to guess how the rest of his career would have worked out.

I think Benoit only stands a chance when everything cools down about the last few days of his life and WWE can acknowledge him fully for his career, as well as most people. Give it at least 5 years before they start re-using him in the archives fully and maybe we'll see him in the HOF some day. But much like Eddie's situation, it's too soon tell.
How about because they held the World Title belts for a year and a half combined, over three different titles reigns?

I'm not saying that Savage shouldn't be in, but trying to say that the Wild Samoans shouldn't is silly.

Point proven. I wasn't entertained by them, but a lot of people were. Personal biased took over myself there.

By the way, is the MLB Hall of Fame not a legit Hall of Fame because Joe Jackson or Pete Rose isn't in it?

Of course.

And neither is Bruno Sammartino, the longest reigning World Champion in history.

Do you think that, perhaps, the reason Killer isn't in is because the WWE hasn't been allowed to induct him? Or, perhaps, they just haven't gotten the "okay" to do it yet?

Just because they are not in now, doesn't mean the WWE doesn't want them in.

Why in the world would Eddie Gurrurro be inducted anywhere near before they were?? He died. So be it. If I died tomorrow do I deserve to be in my schools Hall of Fame (the plak on the wall) Because i came in 4th place last year in regionals?

His fued with Batista was cut completely short, and everyone who watched it knows that. He died before it could be played out fully.


He was two or three times the worker that ALL of those guys are.

Of course it was. But the month and a half we saw it. Werent all that great. A fued should be good two weeks in. At least. They had 2 matches, and held the tag titles together. It wasnt too good.
Yes of course. Eddie Guerero like him or not entertained the fans for a long time. He was to many a charismatic wrestler that is still being remembered till this day. I'm going to be honest and say that I've found nothing intresting about Guerrero but I respect the man for what he's acomplished in ECW, WCW and the WWE. Besides the Hall Of Fame is nothing more than a commercial conference of old wrestlers to generate more attention to Wrestlemania. If some guy like Afa which I've never heard about got in, Guerrero certainly should too.
No he would not have been. Eddie was over yes, but honestly nobody ever thought of him as a hall of famer. Eddie was overrated by far. He was not great in the ring, and had very few memorable moments during his career. Eddie had poor matches over, and over during his career. Sure the guy was over and made me laugh a few times, but really he was not hall of fame worthy. If he retired, and had not passed away, he would be remembered for being a comedy wrestler. He really does not have the credentials to be in a legit HOF.
Wow, there is a lot of had being spewed here about Eddie. About the drugs and family thing, then you have to take out a lot of guys. Hogan, Flair, Perfect, the list goes on about the wrestlers who abused drugs. As a wrestler, being primarily a cruiserweight most of his career and to compete on the level with heavy and super heavyweights makes him hall of fame worthy. He made JBL look good, if that is not worthy of the Hall of Fame, then what is?

If the arguement is truely about if he is Hall of Fame worthy, then the question should be what makes a Hall of Famer? Championships? great matches? memorable moments? What does it take? It is not his fault that he was burried for the first few years in WCW. Once he was allowed to show what he was made of, then his Hall of Fameniss was on display. Are Flair, Hogan and the other giants of the 80s, who stayed on top in the 90s past there prime, and into the 2000s holding back younger talent and using there "creative control clause" Hall of Fame worthy? Or are they in the Hall of Fame for wrestling politics?
Seriously, I think Guerrero is a HOF wrestler because of his World Title Reign and other wrestling accomplishments. The WWE HOF is a joke, and if wrestlers like Doink the Clown, and they Wild Samoans can be in the HOF, a person like Guerrero should be in the HOF. Guerrero wasn't the greatest but he was an above average mic worker, and an above average "entertainer".

But since you said legit HOF, I don't believe he is an all time great, I can name a lot of people who are and were better than him. He's had a successful career but nothing really worth mentioning again. He benefited from his death, and is put up the ladder because you seemingly become more famous after death. Eddie deserves to be in this HOF because it is nothing but a joke, but he isn't good enough to be in a legit HOF.
I'm honestly astounded that there are people saying his matches aren't that great. Is there some other wrestler named Eddie Guerrero who I didn't know about? As far as in-ring talent and ability to perform in a variety of styles he was among the best. I can understand not liking some his storylines or his character because that is just a matter of personal taste, but personally I thought he was a part of several great moments. "I lie, I cheat, I steal" is known by most wrestling fans. I mean, it's not quite a "Suck it" or "That's the bottom line..." or one of The Rock's 500 catchphrases, but it's still a classic in my book.

But I definitely get what the topic is getting at. He is remembered more fondly than he was received while he was alive. It's kind of human nature. Haven't any of you ever been to a funeral before? They talk up all the best qualities of someone and gloss over their negative ones. It doesn't diminish the legitimate good qualities of that person just because the people around after them choose to remember in a somewhat inaccurate way.

The same thing happens in music all the time. Jimi Hendrix, for example, is remembered as much more of a legend than he was in his own lifetime. He only had one hit song. Now, 40 years later, you can buy just about any product with his face on it. It's kind of annoying, but I can tune that out and still enjoy his music. Yes, it is kind of dumb that some people starting acting like Eddy was one of all time greats only because that is what the WWE storylines were pushing at the time. He was still HOF great though, and would have continued to be had he not died.

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