Worst Match Over The Past Few Years


Occasional Pre-Show
I think it's obvious that in the past few years the WWE has had it's share of extremely embarassing moments. So I was wondering, which match have you seen that made you say "This is Bullshit," or left you confused as to how they could put on such a poor show and think it might have any potential whatsoever?

My pick has to be Vince McMahon vs Brett Hart at Wrestlemania. When Hart showed that he was wearing a fake cast I was hoping it might be a little decent, since Vince has had memorable matches against both Stone Cold and Shane McMahon and the buildup was so big for this match. However, the bell rang, and Bret Hart looking like he's been hit one too many times hit a series of horrible punches with the aid of his family. No joke I thought he forgot how to do the sharpshooter for a second during the match. It was by far the worst thing I've seen WWE put out in a long long time, especially considering it was wrestlemania.

So I'm asking you, what's the worst match whether it be who was included or what the gimmick was in WWE in the past 5 years?

You must give reasons for the match(es) you choose. Just stating how much you disliked the match isn't enough. All spam posts will be deleted/infracted. Thanks.
I'd honestly have to say anything involving Hornswoggle vs. Chavo Guerrero.

I've never been a huge fan of Chavo but he was too good to be used as fodder and comedy relief for a midget throughout much of 2009. In all honesty, using anyone on the roster for such a purpose is really a shame. Chavo, while not exactly great in my view, is a member of the Guerrero family and whatever credibility he may once have had is basically gone. After all, how can you take a guy seriously who consitently and cleanly was jobbed out to a 4 foot midged dressed as an Irish leprechaun?
I think it's obvious that in the past few years the WWE has had it's share of extremely embarassing moments. So I was wondering, which match have you seen that made you say "This is Bullshit," or left you confused as to how they could put on such a poor show and think it might have any potential whatsoever?

My pick has to be Vince McMahon vs Brett Hart at Wrestlemania. When Hart showed that he was wearing a fake cast I was hoping it might be a little decent, since Vince has had memorable matches against both Stone Cold and Shane McMahon and the buildup was so big for this match. However, the bell rang, and Bret Hart looking like he's been hit one too many times hit a series of horrible punches with the aid of his family. No joke I thought he forgot how to do the sharpshooter for a second during the match. It was by far the worst thing I've seen WWE put out in a long long time, especially considering it was wrestlemania.

So I'm asking you, what's the worst match whether it be who was included or what the gimmick was in WWE in the past 5 years?

How long have you been watching wrestling? I get the feeling you know absolutely nothing about Bret, or his situation going into WrestleMania.

The guy is a borderline cripple. Did you expect some **** classic? Of course this match wasn't on par with Vince vs. Shane, or Vince vs. anyone healthy.

This match was done for older fans. Older fans are loyal fans. Most wanted closure, and they got it. To see Bret Hart at another WrestleMania was one hell of a treat. It's a sad day when new age smarks feel the need to shit on something they know nothing about.

Worst match? JBL vs. Rey Mysterio at WrestleMania 25. I wanted to see Rey fly around for several minutes, less than one isn't cutting it. I understand the story (somewhat) called for it, but I wasn't a fan.
Vince McMahon vs. Bret Hart wasn't supposed to be a fucking good match!! Why don't people understand this? Bret Hart has suffered two strokes, WWE either had to bet Llyods of London to allow him to wrestle or participate in the event or pay them off, Bret Hart was never supposed to be involved in anything physical ever again! Vince McMahon is a now sixty-five year old man, sixty three when the match occured. Are you expecting some kind of violent brawl? No, you're expecting two old guys to go out and have a match, for the sake of ending what was the most personal feud in the history of professional wrestling.

It HAD to happen. If Bret Hart was to ever come back to the WWE, even if he was in a wheelchair and Vince McMahon had to attach his colostomy bag to his hip through surgery, it HAD to happen to end the story. Nobody; unless they have some mental ******ation was expecting that match to be good in any way at all, but it was the fact that you knew it was over twelve years in the making, it was between two guys that hated the sight of each other for a near decade which made it so good. It isn't one of the worst things in WWE ever, because it was one of the purest feel good moment they'll ever broadcast in any way!

Onto the actual question, "Donald Trump" vs. "Rosie O'Donnell."

When they did this I was scratching my head. I didn't get it; could be because I'm not American and I didn't know if they were having a media orientated spat but the boos is what made it awful! Followed by the "Boring!" chants which were louder than I had heard in years, and then lastly followed by the "TNA!" chants which was the first time they'd been heard on WWE television.

By far the worst moment in recent years. Nothing goes against it - and Bret vs. McMahon was miles better, even in the fighting aspect. It was horrible.
i agree with the donald trump vs rosie o'donnell

but i also vote for any michale cole vs jerry lawler match. they got far too much time at wrestlemania and the country whipping match at extreme rules was just awful
I would say Kane v Chavo match for ECW championship at Wrestlemania 24. I never imagined a world title match would last 8 seconds, that too at wrestlemania!!!

As for Brett v Vince, it was not a match for wrestling technicalities. 12 years in making with a big payoff. No one anticipated a spot fest or chain wrestling. It was the story behind the match which made it special.
Not to be part of a bandwagon, but quite frankly, Bret Hart vs Vinnie Mac was not a match. It was a closure, and the only thing I complained about was that it lasted fifteen minutes, when it should have been five, or ten at the most.

Anyway, the worst actual match I have ever watched in the past few years would definitely be any diva matches. It's a shame for the likes of the talented divas being wore down by the very very shitty ones. And if you want to watch HORRIBLE watch that piece of shit match, Kaitlyn vs Maxine right here.


But as for the men's side, I would say that fucking pitiful match of Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole, at that shitty WrestleMania 27.
Hornswoggle Vs The Swagger Soaring Eagle. It was one of those WTF moments that you just hate the writers for. It wasn't even wrestling it was failed comedy. Just painful to watch.
Call me crazy, but my vote goes to the WM27 main event Cena vs. Miz. That match gave us the best video package of all time (Miz's you can hate me now) but the match itself was boring, predictable and just stupid. I'm not a Cena hater by any means, I love his passion and respect all of his accomplishments so maybe it was Miz who wasn't ready, even though it was his fault he was concussed during the match.
Anything with John Cena

ladies and gentlemen, another cena hater. im pretty sure this is a violation. dude, you cant just give a four word post, you have to give the reasons why you are a john cena hater.

as for worst matches, and im surprised no one has said this. i say anything that deals with the diva's. their matches are just a reason to go to the concessions, or take a bathroom break at the house. there is no good storyline with the diva's , and it seems like the title changes hand ever other week. where's the excitement?
I think it's obvious that in the past few years the WWE has had it's share of extremely embarassing moments. So I was wondering, which match have you seen that made you say "This is Bullshit," or left you confused as to how they could put on such a poor show and think it might have any potential whatsoever?

My pick has to be Vince McMahon vs Brett Hart at Wrestlemania. When Hart showed that he was wearing a fake cast I was hoping it might be a little decent, since Vince has had memorable matches against both Stone Cold and Shane McMahon and the buildup was so big for this match. However, the bell rang, and Bret Hart looking like he's been hit one too many times hit a series of horrible punches with the aid of his family. No joke I thought he forgot how to do the sharpshooter for a second during the match. It was by far the worst thing I've seen WWE put out in a long long time, especially considering it was wrestlemania.

So I'm asking you, what's the worst match whether it be who was included or what the gimmick was in WWE in the past 5 years?

That is beyond unfair to say. Bret Hart is a STROKE VICTIM. Austin and HBK were NOT STROKE VICTIMS.

That match was meant as the Hart Family finally getting their revenge and just beat down on Vince. If it was held in Canada, it would have gotten a far bigger pop too.
For all of you saying I can't say the Bret Hart Match wasn't watchable because he had a stroke you are out of your minds. THAT is the exact reason why they should never have made it a wrestlemania match, or even a match at all. Neither of them had a reason to be in the ring. Was the storyline cool leading up to it eh kinda, the screwjob was legendary but all the raw segments leading up to mania pretty much sucked. I blame the creative writing staff for thinking "this is a good idea for a match." It was a pathetic attempt, true story.
Most of the examples listed in this post were novelty matches. McMahon vs Bret and Hornswoggle vs Chavo were never meant to be serious contests. For that reason, I find it hard to deem them "Worst match in the last few years." It's more appropriate to find a match that was meant to be serious.....but stunk anway.

I nominate one of the David Otunga-Darren Young matches in the Spring of 2010. I know they had 2 or 3 fights and I don't recall which one this was.....but man, was it terrible. Miserable timing, visible hesitation and half-finished maneuvers appeared throughout. Neither man seemed comfortable following a script and they probably would have been better off just being allowed to work the match and take advantage of openings as they presented themselves. But as rookies, management wasn't going to take a chance on letting them do that.

What a botch-fest.
For all of you saying I can't say the Bret Hart Match wasn't watchable because he had a stroke you are out of your minds.

I don't think anyone said. I don't think you even knew he had a stroke prior to this thread.

THAT is the exact reason why they should never have made it a wrestlemania match, or even a match at all. Neither of them had a reason to be in the ring.

Umm.... what? You're telling me, with a straight face, that Vince and Bret Hart didn't have a reason to go at it? I can't think of another two men in the history of professional wrestling who needed to be in there more than Vince and Bret.

Was the storyline cool leading up to it eh kinda, the screwjob was legendary but all the raw segments leading up to mania pretty much sucked.

Well, yeah, I'm sure they sucked in the eyes of someone who doesn't know who Bret Hart is.

I blame the creative writing staff for thinking "this is a good idea for a match." It was a pathetic attempt, true story.

True story? No one is questioning your honesty, just your knowledge of anything and everything related to wrestling. I know, it's so awful they took up, what... 15 minutes? 15 minutes of a FOUR HOUR show! This is what bothers me about new age fans - no respect for history. They acknowledge history, but dump all over it in the same breath.

Bottom line - this match wasn't for everyone. It wasn't for you. It was for loyal, long-term fans who wanted closure. That being the case, it worked very well.
Goldberg vs Lesnar WM20. Not because it was a botch-fest because neither man gave any fucking effort. With Austin as ref Madison Square Garden those two decided to lay an egg. That was the first time I've ever heard a WM crowd scream "This is boring". Yes both men were in they're last WWE match but that's no excuse for what happened it was a total disgrace to pay money to see that match live or PPV. The divas of today put in more effort than those two did.

Comic Book Guy voice--> "Worst Match Ever"
I think the answer would depend on how you define "worst".. by this I mean it could describe a match with potential, hype and expectation but on the night turns out to be a let down or it could be just a straight up awful match like as sombody said a match involving Hornswoggle.

For me personally I think for quite a period of time most of the matches on the houseshows and in a lot of cases PPV's were generic, predictable and boring. I think it was Al Snow who mentioned the seven deadly steps which wrestlers had to follow nowdays and how it made things plastic. The Bret Hart Vs Vince McMahon match was pretty bad I agree. I never expected anything better though to be honest seeing as Bret is all fucked up and Vince is.. Vince (but I did hope it would suprise me seeing as it was a long time in the making).

I will base my answer on my first theory of matches that had potential, expectations and say personally I was quite underwhelmed by the Sin Cara Vs Evan Bourne match on Raw. It just seemed forced and not half as enjoyable as I expected. It was far from the worst match I have seen but as I said if I were to pick a straight up awful match I would just choose one involving Hornswoggle.

I did not enjoy this years Royal Rumble match either.
Umm.... what? You're telling me, with a straight face, that Vince and Bret Hart didn't have a reason to go at it? I can't think of another two men in the history of professional wrestling who needed to be in there more than Vince and Bret.

UM OK....so let me hear you out..if Ali and Frazier want to finish their business and rivalry now you think it'd be great for closure for them to both step in the ring now??? You can say I don't know as much about wrestling as you which may or may not be true, but if a match absolutely SUCKED I will say it. It doesn't take someone with years upon years of studying matches to say Bret Hart punching mcmahon for 15 minutes is boring. I know all about the screwjob asshole and I said it was legendary. So keep being biased towards Hart, and if the rock has a few strokes and decides to wrestle austin at wrestlemania 60 I'll apologize.
UM OK....so let me hear you out..if Ali and Frazier want to finish their business and rivalry now you think it'd be great for closure for them to both step in the ring now???

No, seeing boxing is real, and wrestling is fake. It's a fake sport, a male soap opera. The drama is what matters, and this story had plenty of that.

You can say I don't know as much about wrestling as you which may or may not be true

I don't care how much you know, but when you complain about something you know nothing about, I become annoyed.

but if a match absolutely SUCKED I will say it. It doesn't take someone with years upon years of studying matches to say Bret Hart punching mcmahon for 15 minutes is boring.

No, it takes someone who doesn't know anything about their feud to call it boring. Bret punching Vince for 10 minutes, in my eyes, was as entertaining as it gets. Vince deserved every shot he took, and anyone who watched wrestling in late 1997 marked out for it.

The point I'm trying to make, overall, is that Vince and company didn't care if you and the kids liked it. Oh, and we shouldn't act like Bret wasn't over - he was getting some of the biggest pops in wrestling during this last run. Fans loved it. I'm sure you're not alone in the smark pool of people who cry about such things, but remember, you're in the vast minority.
I'm surprised nobody said this one:
Sting vs Jeff Druggy. The match was like a minute long. Why Jeff Hardy is still employed is a fucking mystery Sherlock Holmes couldn't solve

You would be less surprised if you stopped to see what forum this thread is in.

I mean...any number of Divas matches could be listed. The Snooki match at Mania 27 would probably be the worst. I think JoMo was in it, but it was pretty awful. Perhaps any number of Bunnymania matches or the Miss Wrestlemania battle royal could take the title.
UM OK....so let me hear you out..if Ali and Frazier want to finish their business and rivalry now you think it'd be great for closure for them to both step in the ring now??? You can say I don't know as much about wrestling as you which may or may not be true, but if a match absolutely SUCKED I will say it. It doesn't take someone with years upon years of studying matches to say Bret Hart punching mcmahon for 15 minutes is boring. I know all about the screwjob asshole and I said it was legendary. So keep being biased towards Hart, and if the rock has a few strokes and decides to wrestle austin at wrestlemania 60 I'll apologize.

did you watch wrestling in the 90's? Or did you recently start, Bret vs Vince at WM 26 is the perfect example of the storyline overshadowing the actual match. Other examples include the main event of Survivor Series 2001, Undertaker vs. Kane 2010, and most brother vs. brother matches in WWE history. In those examples, the storyline is the main draw (and source of satisfaction) for the fans instead of actual in ring action, which usually doesn't come close to the hype but is still satisfying if the participants still tell the story, which Bret and Vince effectively did at WM 26
Chavo V Hornswoggle!! WTF were the writers smoking when they thought of this idea in 09? Chavo is a fucking Guerrero!! Not the greatest but hes family!! Chavo if given the right circumstances could be a viable contender!! But what does the WWE do instead stick him in a useless feud with that midget named hornswoggle!! Hornswoggle what appeal does he have besides entertaining 1 yr old kids?? Horny went over and over and over again on chavo it was pathetic and quite sad to watch!!! If i was chavo i would have quit right then and there.. Definitely worse match ever Horny v Chavo!! More so than LT vs Bam Bam
I think Bret vs Vince is a justifiable answer for this topic if you are looking at it strictly from the perspective on in-ring work. I know that is a harsh way to look at it given Bret's condition, but that doesn't mean everybody has to be cool with that match just because it's common knowledge that Bret can't physically perform anymore. Bret was always one of my favorites in the 80's and 90's and I was totally into the storyline (for obvious reasons) and was wondering how they would pull off an interesting match. But the match was painfully boring. Even though it was one of the greatest rivalries ever, seeing one guy punch another guy for 15 minutes in a scripted world had no entertainment value for me.

However, I don't think it is the worst match ever. For me the worst match ever would probably be one of Khali's or Kozlov's. Maybe one of the Kane/Khali matches? I would also have to consider Taker-Gonzalez from WM9. It was a terrible match and I think is the only one in the streak where the Undertaker did not win by pinfall or submission. He won by being knocked out by chloroform. Man, that match was just dreadful in every regard.

Also, my memory is very foggy when it comes to Nailz. Does anybody remember if he was worse than Khali?
Cena vs CM Punk at Money in the Bank 2011.

Both men half-assed another run-off-the-mill Cena match that went on for far too long. They buried each other by kicking out of their respective finishers repeatedly. Both came out of this match weaker. There was no excitement whatsoever in this predictable, underwhelming snoozefest and the storyline going into it was just idiotic and uninspired. The crowd hated the match with such passion you could feel it through the screen. Punk was acting unprofessionally throughout the entire bout, applauding his opponent's entrance and clowning around with his buddies at ringside among other things. When Vince came out I half believed he was going to stop this botchfest and have them start over, but I guess he left it at an audible call to end this travesty as quickly as possible. I'm sure both performers got their asses chewed afterwards. No one wanted to see Punk win, so why are they forcing him down our throats? Afterwards, what was the point of having Alberto come out with a suitcase and not cash it in? That was just piss poor writing! And Punk escaping from Vince through the crowd just made him look cowardly and made for the most awkward and pointless ending in PPV history! I'm pretty sure many people in attendance asked for their money back after this.

This match was even worse then Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25.

PWI Match of The Year Award Winner Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker WM25 and again WM26. WM25 really was a terrible match wasn't it? Personally I would say the worst match would have been at WM3 Hillbilly Jim, The Haiti Kid and Little Beaver defeated King Kong Bundy, Little Tokyo and Lord Littlebrook. I suppose it was kind of amusing, but really I couldn't see the point really, but I was always a little bit like that. In fact I just remembered another one: Bam Bam Bigelow(RIP) & Luna Vachon(RIP) vs Doink and Dink. Eugh! And please, don't call me sizist, I don't have anything against what they used to call midget wrestling(don't think your allowed to say that anymore. Its not PC!) I just didn't really enjoy the idea of a 4' 100lb guy trying to seem like somthing against a full grown 300/400lb guy.
i agree with the donald trump vs rosie o'donnell

but i also vote for any michale cole vs jerry lawler match. they got far too much time at wrestlemania and the country whipping match at extreme rules was just awful

Yeah - I with you on the Donald Trump/O'Donnell. And also the Michael Cole match too - why that was given so long on the biggest stage of them all was just beyond understanding. It really did boggle the mind so to speak. The Bret Hart/Vince match was never going to be great and despite what people were saying I'm not sure they really needed a match to end things at all.

Kane Vrs Chavo and Rey Vrs JBL at Mania for being way too short.

Older matches that were awful ...let me see - Kronic Vrs Taker/Kane. I recall that being pretty awful. I also watched a match the other day from WCW in which they had 3 cages - it involved Goldberg, Nash. It was awful !
berlinbrawler... you are an idiot. and robbo not sure if you were agreeing with him or being sarcastic but if you were agreeing with him then same to you. How could you possibly say that Cena vs Punk was a poor quality match? For once a match isnt completely mundane and predictable and you dog it? For christs sake! That match had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. What a well done match by both guys. Granted there were some small botches but even cena of whom im not very found of, showed off some new moves. Great match. You obviously lack the skills to be a FAN rather than some fantasy wwe writer. Also Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels wm 25 was a classic. Maybe the best match i've seen in a long time. Lets see two wrestlers there age put on a match that solid. Undertaker did shit I didnt even believe he could do! Shawn was incredible as usual. I just dont understand where ur coming from. But anyways to the question worst match ive ever seen is probably anything with the great kahli. Guys the worst ring worker EVER. I literally have to look away when hes wrestling cause its so embarrassing. EASILY the worst wrestler of all time. (Just my opinion).

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