Worst Match Ever!!

i'll go ahead and go with Patterson vs. Brisco in that overly ******ed "Evening Gown Hardcore" match for the Hardcore title at King of the Ring 2000. I can't even describe how awful this match was. The entrances were shit, and the use of teddy bears and pillows for "hardcore" weapons was laughable in a very pathetic way. The action in the match was just cringe worthy to watch. Basically the whole build up to the match was dumb. Why were to retired non wrestlers even competing for the Hardcore belt? Did the disguising to sneak after each other really work that well, to the point that they thought it would work on a pay-per-view match? I have no idea what they were thinking as everything was one big joke leading up to the match as well as the match itself. The whole object was for two men in drag to strip their opponent to their quote on quote "bra and panties". How horrendous does it get? Finally it ended with Crash Holly destroying both of them and pinning Patterson to win the title. No wonder this won the 2000 worst worked match of the year, it was god freaking' awful.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Chamber of Horrors match in WCW where the loser was electrocuted. Cactus Jack and Abby the Butcher were in that match with others I can't remember at this time. How about Sting and Robocop?

Survivor's Jenna Morosca and Sharmell (Booker T's wife) wrestled a God awful match if you can call it that in TNA at Victory Road last year. I blame TNA more then Jenna since it was their idea, but this match should of never happened. Another bad match in TNA was Eric Young vs. Danny Bonaduce in dark match prior to the 2007 Lockdown PPV. That match was really bad.
I'm surprised nobody has posted the Fingerpoke of Doom match. From then on WCW was starting to go downhill.

The other one that was almost a carbon copy of that was that one match with Hogan and Jarrett and Jarrett laid down on the ground waiting to be pinned, followed by some bitching between Hogan and Russo. I can't fully remember the story but the thing that sticks out in my mind is when Hogan says, "That's why this company is in the damn shape it's in, it's because of bullshit like this."

^^ This right here. To me, this undoubtedly was one of the big downfalls leading to WCW's demise. The story leading up to the match was just awful. A previously undefeated Goldberg is beaten by Nash with help of Hall's convenient cattle prod shot. Awful booking to end Goldberg's streak. On top of that, Goldberg was due to get a rematch before being "arrested" for stalking Miss Elizabeth. Insert Hogan and a poke to the chest, and we have a new WCW champion on Nitro. :disappointed:This moment was just plain embarrassing, and showed why WCW was done shortly after!
I have not seen this one mentioned yet: HOLLYWOOD HOGAN VS. STING (CROW VERSION) at Starcade with the Bret Hart ref ending. The match was built up for well over a year with Sting and his silence, his bat and repelling down from the rafters. Terrible match, Hogan literally won with a legit 3 count, then they bring in Bret in a WWE Montreal Screwjob style and reference thing to reverse it. Sting was in horrible shape, pale as a ghost and Hogan and the nWO started going down from that point, breaking off into factions, etc.

To be honest, your not wrong here...but to be honest, a lot of WCW matches from 97-01 were pretty bullshit..some storylines were good, but the matches were just f*cked up!!

This match is one of the worst in WCW history..I say this because there have been other crap matches aswell...remember a year later...Hogan vs Warrior??
hogan vs Warrior at Halloween Havoc 98'..and to think I actually looked foward to that shit..stupid stupid me.

That PPV may be the most dissapointing card ever you had Nash vs Hall (theyre 1st match since the nwo split),Sting vs Bret Hart(that was a dream match of mine for years,used to play it out with action figures lol)Sting with a bat and a goatee kinda killed what couldve been great.hogan vs Warrior 2 ofcourse was a suck fest and Goldberg vs DDP the best match of the main events gets cut off by cable companys nation wide(except for where I live,for some odd reason we were getting the ppv feed on every tv in the house even the ones without a ppv box..wierd) but that mustve sucked for the milions who lost theyre feed.
For me it was when Hogan laid down for Sting so he could get a paycheck. I was really looking forward to the match and then that happened after Hogan refused to come out for 5 minutes.
The other disappointing match for me was between HHH and Flair , I think it was on Raw during the HHH going to put the old dog down angle. I was really hyped up to see two of the best in the business put on a classic and what they delivered was a clunky, stiff (not in a good way, but in a wtf can't they sell a move type way) match. Thier timing was just awful and the match was just poorly put together. It was one of the most disapointing matches I had ever watched! I guess anyone can have a bad night but from two seasoned ring vets I didnt expect a match that looked like two rookie jobbers.
I have to vote for the Goldberg/Lesnar match at Wrestlemania XX. I just recently watched this on youtube and I don't blame the fans for acting like they did. This match should've been a slugfest from the get go, but instead the majority of it was them staring each other down and daring the other to do something.

I think the main reason I picked it was that I expect more from a Mania match, especially when you have two wrestlers as decorated as they were on their way out of the business. The fans who paid money to see these two have a good send-off match and ended up seeing them basically do nothing got ripped off. The only redeeming part was seeing them both get stunned. Thanks Stone Cold!
No one's going to say Sharmell vs. Jenna Morasca?

Right, I know no one watches TNA PPV's anymore, but surely people have seen that match on YouTube (most likely, Botchamania). Holy freaking trainwreck. Wrestlers, if you love your wives, keep them the hell away from a wrestling arena. Reality TV show contestants, The Miz is the exception to the rule. Johnny Fairplay is the standard. If you aren't sure you're something exceptional, just accept that your fifteen minutes are done and go back to selling insurance.
Problem was, I had non wrestling friends watching and it was just sooooo bad. A comedy match. And what really made it bad was a Headshrinker (I think Fatu) looking behind him to find a banana peel to slip on. It was sooo obvious! and a pathetic match.
I'm going to put up two that no one said.

This first match was great for what it was but had a real bullshit finish that killed it for me: Vader vs Yokozuna from the April 8, 1996 edition of Raw. As my avatar shows I'm a huge Vader fan but this was god awful. Didn't end cleanly after a Vader bomb on Yoko's leg. Now I understand it was to get Yoko off TV cause of his weight, but the fact remains this match could have been so much more with 2 of the most talented big men squaring off.

The second match: Sid vs El Gigante in a stretcher match (Superbrawl 1991). Last I checked, a stretcher match meant carting your opponent out in a stretcher to finish the match. How in the hell do you finish with a pinfall?

Dishonorable mentions:

Jenna vs Sharmell: Best part was Kong KOing Jenna after the match.
Taker vs. Gonzales: Blame Gonzales here (2 entries on the list, tsk tsk)
Road Dogg/Billy gunn vs Foley/Funk in a Dumpster match: Now I'm all for hardcore matches but this was just a mockery.
Originally Posted by Wonder
Undertaker vs CM Punk Hell in a Cell - This one was so bad, this one was just like a squash match. It could have been so good. But no, you just have to make CM Punk look bad with that...

but this is a returning Undertaker.., so yes, it can work, look at his WM matches, everyone has lost, yet some have gotten pretty good pushes from it.

but for MY pick, and im surprised no one has said it...

The Undertaker vs Vince McMahon Survivor Series 2003 - Buried Alive Match

i mean HONESTLY?? you got Big Evil against Vinny Mac, and you have him LOSE? yes the involvment from Kane and whatever, but 90% of the match was 'Taker beating the shit out of vince, then gets beat.. personally i thought it was worse then Vince winning the WWF title, or the Royal Rumble
The second match: Sid vs El Gigante in a stretcher match (Superbrawl 1991). Last I checked, a stretcher match meant carting your opponent out in a stretcher to finish the match. How in the hell do you finish with a pinfall?
That is the one that came to my mind. This match was just absolutely awful. I think Gigante's match with One Man Gang a few months later at The Great American Bash might have been even worse though. Gigante/Gonzales seemed to try, bless him, but he was dreadful.

There have been a lot of matches mentioned which may have been not particulaly good or which were not as good as they should have been given the talent involved, but which really are nowhere near the worst ever.

I also can't believe this got mentioned:
Road Dogg/Billy gunn vs Foley/Funk in a Dumpster match: Now I'm all for hardcore matches but this was just a mockery.
I thought they had a very good brawl (although I admit overturning the decision later because they used an illegal dumpster was stupid).
lesnar goldberg, hands down, worst match, maybe not ever, but that I've seen, not to mention I was talking to my bro bout it 3 days ago because of where lesnar is now, so yeah still scarred on my brain, heh. what makes it even worse for me is that I was REALLYYYY looking forward to this match and to say they didn't deliver is to say rubbing a porcupine on your balls may cause some slight discomfort
but for MY pick, and im surprised no one has said it...

The Undertaker vs Vince McMahon Survivor Series 2003 - Buried Alive Match

i mean HONESTLY?? you got Big Evil against Vinny Mac, and you have him LOSE? yes the involvment from Kane and whatever, but 90% of the match was 'Taker beating the shit out of vince, then gets beat.. personally i thought it was worse then Vince winning the WWF title, or the Royal Rumble

It was a great way to kick of the feud between Kane & Taker at WM XX...with all the mind games and everything...it was the prefect way to say goodbye to the biker gimmick(which I did like)..and say hello to the deadman once again..

If you think its the worst match because Vince won, then there is something wrong with you..its the match you look at now who won it!! I agree with you though Taker really busted and kicked the penis outta VKM..but it had to have someone interupting in order to make VKM victorious..and who other than the man who earlier on in the night put Shane McMahon in an ambulance!!
I don't think I could name just any single match as the worst ever. Hogan vs. Warrior II is definitely one that springs to mind as well as Hollywood Hogan vs. Roddy Piper. The Undertaker vs. The Giant Gonzalez was just awful, though I will give 'Taker credit for actually getting people to care about the feud.

I haven't read through all the posts, just the first two pages and as I was about to continue reading, there was a match that just suddenly popped into my head. It's a match from recent years and it took place back in 2006 in TNA. I'm not exactly sure of the date when it happened, but I remember it because it was a reverse battle royal. It was the dumbest friggin' think I'd ever seen in my life. The concept in and of itself is so stupid that you just wanna shoot whomever it was that came up with the idea. As the name suggests, all the wrestlers are outside the ring and the object of the ring is to toss all the other guys inside the ring in order to be declared the winner. I vaguely remember watching it, thankfully I think I've blocked most of the memory out, and it was just the dumbest match idea I think I've ever seen to this day.
I don't think I could name just any single match as the worst ever. Hogan vs. Warrior II is definitely one that springs to mind as well as Hollywood Hogan vs. Roddy Piper. The Undertaker vs. The Giant Gonzalez was just awful, though I will give 'Taker credit for actually getting people to care about the feud.

I haven't read through all the posts, just the first two pages and as I was about to continue reading, there was a match that just suddenly popped into my head. It's a match from recent years and it took place back in 2006 in TNA. I'm not exactly sure of the date when it happened, but I remember it because it was a reverse battle royal. It was the dumbest friggin' think I'd ever seen in my life. The concept in and of itself is so stupid that you just wanna shoot whomever it was that came up with the idea. As the name suggests, all the wrestlers are outside the ring and the object of the ring is to toss all the other guys inside the ring in order to be declared the winner. I vaguely remember watching it, thankfully I think I've blocked most of the memory out, and it was just the dumbest match idea I think I've ever seen to this day.

Actually no. The reverse battle royal went like this: 16 guys started outside. The first 8 in went to a traditional battle royal till there were 2 left, and those 2 went in a one-fall match. I agree, the way it was set up was bad.... now if they started at the top of the ramp and tried to get in, then it would have been a little bit better.

I found 2 Loch Ness matches that might curl a few hairs: Loch Ness vs the Giant and Loch Ness vs. Bagwell. Let's talk the bagwell match first: Bagwell threw everything at Loch Ness and the match ended with a knockdown and a 600+ pound elbow drop. Awful. Loch Ness vs. Giant: A bit better with Giant showing off agility with a stinger splash (albeit a failed one), but it was just slow slugging and a win off a missed Loch ness elbow drop. Those matches really insulted the man known as Haystacks Calhoun.
I got a REAL bad one..

Al Snow vs "Head" for the Hardcore Title.
it was a match consisting of Snow beating up Head.
Hitting it with a chair, putting it threw a table,
smashing it on the steps. I mean REALLY?
I got a REAL bad one..

Al Snow vs "Head" for the Hardcore Title.
it was a match consisting of Snow beating up Head.
Hitting it with a chair, putting it threw a table,
smashing it on the steps. I mean REALLY?

Oh we're going to go into the realm of bad hardcore-like matches are we? :lmao:

I can counter with two really lousy ones:

1. Al Snow vs. HIMSELF! He couldn't get an opponent so he decides to beat himself up, including spraying a fire extinguisher in his own face.

2. Al Snow vs Big Bossman in the Kennel from Hell: "Pepper" burgers and "vicious" dogs urinating and humping between the 2 cages. Bad storyline, bad match.
Fake Rosie vs. Fake Donald

I dare someone to find a way to justify this match. Pathetic crap.

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Hogan and the Warrior in the rematch, the ring work was bad and so the build.The match moves were so bad, you had a botched fireball and that wrecked the whole match even more.
I got a REAL bad one..

Al Snow vs "Head" for the Hardcore Title.
it was a match consisting of Snow beating up Head.
Hitting it with a chair, putting it threw a table,
smashing it on the steps. I mean REALLY?

I enjoy these types of matches...Al Snow was a legend!! he was just funny...

I remember watching it as well..and someone mentioned Al Snow vs Himself!! hahaha

I could sit back and relax and just laugh at these all day!!

As it may of been funny as hell, I think that the Al Snow vs Al Snow match was the worst of all time, seriously, putting yourself through a table?!? Funny, but unnecessary.
Jenna Morasca vs Sharmell

So TNA put a Survivor winner(I think) that has never learned how to wrestle and is Just a floater with Nash so they put her against another Non-Wrestler in Sharmell to shows cracks in the Main Event Mafia. So basically there was a lot of slapping and rolling around in this match but thank god it was short. This was a crappy match on a VERY crappy Pay Per View.

But it is very hard to name just one match the worst match ever. Sure there are bad matches here and there but is there a worst match in pro wrestling history ever?

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