Worst Main Event in History?

Jeff Hardy needs to be fired, IF he's the reason this happened, and he probably is. Like many of you, I don't believe this was any story line, this was impromptu. Now while Hardy possibly being stoned makes this on him, Bischoff, Hogan, Russo and Carter are just as much to blame. Its one thing to hire Hardy, its another to keep him employed, but you're asking for disaster if you put him in the main event, in a PPV, knowing the guy is high as hell! People may despise Vince McMahon for many things, but that would never happen in WWE, look back at the Benoit tragedy, it was rebooked from CM Punk vs Benoit to Punk vs Morrison(although he was Nitro then) vs Miz if I remember correctly, why didn't TNA do that??? Are they trying to go bankrupt?
Im the biggest TNA mark around and tonight was a dead set fail. Absolutely terrible!

If this isn't the sign that TNA should focus on the younger talent IN THE FUCKING MAIN EVENT PICTURE (it reminds me more and more of WCW every day) then they are in fucking denial. What are they thinking when they book this shit?

Say what you want about Russo but shit wasn't nearly half as bad before Bischoff and Hogan came in. AJ, Douglas Williams, Desmonde Wolfe (IF THERE IS A GOD, HE WILL COME BACK!), Anderson is ok, Kurt Angle... GET THESE GUYS IN THE MAIN EVENT NOW! I dont give a fuck for a heel Hardy or pot smoking RVD.

My anger levels are raising more and more as i even type this. The perfect summary would be 'its a sad sad day for TNA Wrestling'.
Tna has great talent. So many great matches and story's are at their finger tips, and this is what we get. Let down after let down. Tna can only keep playing Russian Roulette for so long before they commit company suicide. All last night was, is another bullet in an already loaded gun.
Dixie it's time to wake up. Before your true talent walks on you. And we start seeing matches like Styles vs. Del Rio. But after last night, you should all ready know that.
It's obvious no one told Hardy this was going to be a squash as he was really trying to kick out of the pin attempt and Sting was really leaning on him hard. Then after that he got up straight away no selling the Death Drop and looked legit upset and confused.
Long time reader, first time poster. I've only followed TNA through spoilers for the last few years, I was a big fan of TNA in the early years (having bought all of the Best of DVDs for the Originals, and Pay Per Views from 2005-2006). Back then I thought that Jeff Hardy deserved the title, but after watching his Jan. 4th return, and having followed all of his behind the scene issues, I think he would have been better off staying out of wrestling entirely.

I still don't get how a guy could go from the Top of the WWE to this in so short a time, and still not get the help he obviously needs:disappointed: IMO I think he, Matt, or his wife, should be calling Vince, and taking him up on the WWE paid rehab offer that is given to all past/present WWE workers. If nothing is done about his drug problems than I fear that he'll end up dead like a lot of the other wrestlers in his position that died before him which would be a shame.
This has got to be the epitome of epic fail. The Screwjob- Vince wanted to make sure Bret didn't pull a Medusa and take his belt to WCW. The FPoD- storyline. The 90-second main event? Inexcusable.

TNA is the old WCW, period. They've got Russo, Sting, they had an attempt at the nWo (the Band, then Immortal). So, I'm wondering how long before Vince McMahon buys them, too.
blkship, the difference here is that people had no news about Benoit before the PPV. If the guy doesn't show up and while you try to reach him and he is not answering you have to put something together on the spot. What happened with Jeff Hardy, is that he was there and maybe just maybe took something before his match either way we don't know yet what happened and at least bischoff came out and tried to make it a no DQ match. The thing that is weird about the whole situation, is that i figured that the rest of Immortal would jump the ring the moment Bischoff said no DQ and that didn't happen and Sting just pinned J.hardy. Now since we don't have all the details yet something is definitly up but what? Jeff was stoned out of his mind? He had a legit injury at the last minute( far fetch i know but still?) of this has some thing to do with Sting?
just watched it again. you can clearly see bischoff put the mic down and talk to jeff hardy as he's shaking his hand. he then goes over to sting and gives him the message. Taz is even pissed as hardy is doing the thing with the T-shirt and says "what the hell is jeff hardy doing here?" hardy is pissed after he is pinned. had this been a work, it would have followed with hardy at least beating sting down.
Quote "I didn't think TNA could surprise me anymore, but this did. It's not good though. I got to wonder when Sting was walking to the back if he couldn't help thinking:

"Damn, i should have gone to WWE"

I doubt it but still..." pag_v1

I was thinking the exact same thing, I'm guessing that this:banghead: was his and most everyone eases reaction to what went down in the main event.
Victory Road = Road to Ruins for TNA. All I have to say is that second hand smoking is very dangerous especially for TNA, what ever J. Hardy smoked must had been inhale by his bosses. How can TNA allow this junkie to go out there and make a mockery of the whole promotion. No one won tonight folks, not tna, not Hogan, Bischoff, Russo, Dixie or Sting. I remember reading people post on this website on how Sting did the right thing for coming back to TNA and how Sting and TNA kicked WWE in the ass with the video stuff and blah blah. I agree with what Legend posted on this thread with the number 1 contender match, that would had been the best way to clean J. Hardy crap on the run. PS: Who ever paid $45 for this crap should check them self into a drug clinic with J. Hardy and Charlie Sheen.
TNA is the old WCW, period. They've got Russo, Sting, they had an attempt at the nWo (the Band, then Immortal). So, I'm wondering how long before Vince McMahon buys them, too.

I don't think Vince would waste his time buying TNA, or at least buying it and then using it's small selection of talent. The only guys at TNA with talent are traditionally too small for Vince, and we all know that he doesn't respect indie credibility, so I'd almost hate to see a guy like Styles work for WWE because he'd probably just get a name change and then would never be heard from again.

The only thing that I have to add about this whole situation is that as someone who used to root for Jeff Hardy, I hope he gets his life turned around before he becomes another wrestling tragedy. If it's indeed true that he was, "unfit to perform," then I think it's time for people to worry for him, not abandon him. If TNA were a legit company that actually cared about it's workers, then they'd pay for him to go to rehab. The man clearly has a substance abuse problem, so get the man some help while there still might be some time. I don't want anything bad to happen to Jeff Hardy, and I find it more tragic than infuriating to see him ruin himself, this way.
I don't think Vince would waste his time buying TNA, or at least buying it and then using it's small selection of talent. The only guys at TNA with talent are traditionally too small for Vince, and we all know that he doesn't respect indie credibility, so I'd almost hate to see a guy like Styles work for WWE because he'd probably just get a name change and then would never be heard from again.The only thing that I have to add about this whole situation is that as someone who used to root for Jeff Hardy, I hope he gets his life turned around before he becomes another wrestling tragedy. If it's indeed true that he was, "unfit to perform," then I think it's time for people to worry for him, not abandon him. If TNA were a legit company that actually cared about it's workers, then they'd pay for him to go to rehab. The man clearly has a substance abuse problem, so get the man some help while there still might be some time. I don't want anything bad to happen to Jeff Hardy, and I find it more tragic than infuriating to see him ruin himself, this way.

TNA guy's are traditionally to small for Vince? Um, The Miz is a small dude and he's WWE Champion. And, how about Jericho, Benoit, Rey Mysterio, Michael's, Punk? Del Rio won the Royal Rumble.

And you state Vince doesn't respect guy's with indie credibility. Um, who's current US Champion? Daniel Bryan AKA Bryan Danielson. CM Punk is a 3 time World Champion and is one of the top heel's of the company.
Here are a first time viewer of TNA. I finally broke down and streamed a PPV. Honestly my bro and I watched it and we we're impressed. Probably the only poster that is remotely willing to say that but compared to the stuff WWE has been doing majority of last year. I mean granted since the royal rumble, WWE has been knocking it out of the park but watching the TNA PPV was a nice refreshment to the staleness of the WWE product. The Mr. Anderson/RVD match was cool, seeing AJ Styles steal the match was great, TNA kicks WWE butt with the womens division but I still think that might be jumping the gun. Even the opening bout was well a nice (granted I've seen better) but the hardcore bout was cool. Maybe it's because most of TNA's talent are the WWE rehash (there are exceptions yes) but my overall point is with everyone pissing over the TNA PPV, me being a first time viewer I was honestly entertained. Aside from the god awful main event and the ending to the matt morgan/mexican dude match the PPV I felt was good. It was cool seeing the X-divison match too considering this year looks like WWE wont be having a MITB match at mania. I know the WZ will piss all over the main event and yeah Dixie should probably fire Hardy for that bullshit if it does happen to come out true but I don't see the issues with the undercard. Just a first time viewers point of view.
I posted this in another thread.

Jeff Hardy knew nothing about the quick finish in my opinion. You can see he visibly tries to kick out of the pin and Sting is pushing down really hard with the pin to make sure he doesnt kick out. After Bischoff whispers something in his ear, he is not visibly deterred or pissed off at that time. It's not til after the match where he is steaming and reports have it he was starting the BS chants after TNA went off the air.

This may have been a signal of intent to all wrestlers backstage that certain behavior is not tolerated (e.g. being stoned for work) and that management always has the last laugh. This could see Jeff Hardy gone from TNA in my opinion whether it be him getting sacked or walking out. I dont care which one, showing up to work where you can hurt someone in a blink of an eye is not acceptable, no matter what you do.
1. I have to say that TNA Victory Road 11 Main event is by far the worst out of the 3 choices given. Hardy was clearly wasted and Sting was clearly disgusted for stepping on this crap that TNA call a Main Event.
2. At the WWE Montreal screw job we saw a good wrestling match with a controversial finish that made good TV.
3. The WCW finger poke I found it to be funny, people made to much of it. It was NWO Original vs NWO Original I think they was just poking fun on how gullible wrestling fans can be.
But tonight PPV was crap and sad. Victory Road = Road to Ruins for TNA.
Which is worse...well I did not view the match only read what happened with that said though what I read didnt sound like a quality pay per view main event. If I had paid to watch that I would probably be really upset, so I will have to say this sounds worse. The Montreal Screw Job ended up being an epic tale to some extent, got a lot of attention, even a documentary was done so as bad as it was at the present time it ended up being pretty cool the way it stuck around. The finger poke of doom happened on live TV, and being a fan of the nWo when I saw that I was laughing in excitement seeing the nWo get back together only to "screw" WCW over. So I would have to say from what I read of tonights match I would have to say this one is worse.
It's hard to say which is worse. Screwjob is out because it's iconic and it was a fantastic match.

Fingerpoke of Doom is hard to excuse because it was so horrible....and it went exactly as it was written which makes it worse. They actually planned that horrible angle.

Tonight.....well....it's so hard to call it the worse because they all had to improvise or risk airing the death of a ******ed risk taking druggie live. And it would be in the middle of a match instead of an entrance like Owen. Hard to keep that off the air if he tries a Swanton Bomb and doesn't rotate enough and breaks his neck. So I'm gonna say Fingerpoke was worse than tonight. Sting tried to salvage something but realized it wasn't going to happen so he escaped with his health and Hardy's health (relatively) in tact.
This is a ridiculous question by a TNA hating mark. What happened tonight doesnt even compare to The Screwjob and the Finger poke. Tonight will be forgotten in a few months... the Screwjob and the Finger will NEVER be forgotten ever.
This is a ridiculous question by a TNA hating mark. What happened tonight doesnt even compare to The Screwjob and the Finger poke. Tonight will be forgotten in a few months... the Screwjob and the Finger will NEVER be forgotten ever.

I don't think so. Tonight we saw a man hit rock bottom live on PPV. Jeff Hardy is in bad shape, dude, and TNA has a large portion of their programming devoted to the guy.

If it's proven that Hardy came out to the ring "under the influence", it's the type of thing that could be picked up by "real" news programs. This could spell disaster for TNA, and if they somehow skim by it'll be the equivalent of dodging a bullet.

Either way, they've got to address the situation. Jeff Hardy should be given an ultimatum; Go to rehab and stay or course or clear out your locker...
Montreal Screwjob was entertaining, Broke kayfabe etc... but it was still entertaining (Wrestling isn't sport, its entertainment)
the Finger poke was free TV, you weren't paying money, and it wasn't endangering peoples lives.
The thing that sticks out on the Jeff Hardy incident, is if the match actually happened, I fear for Sting, and Jeff's lives. the best possible outcome was screwing people out of money, if they had tried to wrestle, Hardy couldn't even walk a straight line down the ramp, and fell into the corner a couple times, You would of seen an injury or something worse.
The Montreal Screwjob was Vince McMahon protecting what belonged to him. I'm not here to debate it right now, but Vince did the right thing plain and simple, because Bischoff could of easily ordered Bret to show up on Nitro the very next night with the WWF Title in hand. This is coming from a huge Hart Mark at that. ;)

The Finger Poke of Doom, is something I never understood why so many people hated. My friends and I loved it when it happened. It was such a great way to get the nWo back as one collective unit. It showed Hogan had always been the one and only true leader of the nWo. IT WAS FREE TV FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!! Not like you were robbed or your parents were robbed of their money for ordering a PPV! I can vividly remember myself and at least 15 t 18 of my buddies marking out when we realized what happened, because "The Band" (no TNA pun intended) was back together. Heck we loved the angle so much, we made a storyline similar to it in our backyard fed at the time.

Victory Road 2011, that was just pathetic. Sting looked beyond pissed off, Brian Hebner looked embarrassed to even be out there, you could even see a look of disappointment in Bischoff's face as he was telling Sting to "shake his hand" (obviously Bischoff was telling Sting to end it right away).

Now I know the old saying is "Any publicity is good publicity" or hell to quote Bischoff "Controversy equals money" but this is the worst kind of bad publicity/controversy if it is true Jeff was doped up out of his mind tonight. If he was and officials don't handle this properly, prepare for the mass exodus of TNA to begin. Which is a shame because I do enjoy their product most of the time.
There are a million rumors flying around tonight about Jeff Hardy and his condition at the TNA Victory Road pay per view. We can report with certainty that TNA management was concerned about Jeff's condition this evening, and that was the reason the main event went one minute, twenty eight seconds. We can also report Sting was said to be furious over the situation, and apparently he wasn't the only one.

WrestleZone has spoken with several key insiders and several wrestlers in TNA, and the consensus opinion is that something has to be done regarding tonight's Victory Road pay per view debacle.

"This is the type of controversy that kills a promotion," one very concerned wrestler told us tonight, "what happens when Spike TV executives Doug Herzog, Kevin Kay and Brian Diamond watch this, and try to justify this to sponsors and advertisers? It's embarrassing, and it's terrible for the company to go off the air with the fans chanting BULLSHIT when the company knew they had a major problem to deal with."

"Why wasn't he replaced?" asked another wrestler, "why couldn't we have just handled it professionally, instead of risking everyone's well being, including Sting's and the fans, by putting someone who was not fit to wrestle out in the ring?" Even a key insider who is usually a Hardy defender told us "Jeff should not have been cleared to wrestle in that main event tonight."

While no one would pinpoint exactly what Hardy's problem was, it is clear TNA President Dixie Carter has a dressing room filled with concerned and angry talent at the moment. While Ric Flair's presence is "amusing" (as one wrestler put it), the precedent is being set for wrestlers to act in any way they want, and there is a sense of anarchy in the TNA dressing room right now.

"Bischoff doesn't have any authority. The agents don't lay down the law," one very prominent TNA wrestler told us, "no one learned from WCW what happens when the inmates take over the asylum!"
Im legit scared for TNA. I really hope this blows over because there is just widespread hate on the company for this. Some from their biggest supporters, that I know of at least. They cant afford to lose fans right now.. doesnt have anything to do with their money situation but they're finally getting some consistency. 1.3s and 1.4s are almost the norm now. They cant have a set back.
TNA guy's are traditionally to small for Vince? Um, The Miz is a small dude and he's WWE Champion. And, how about Jericho, Benoit, Rey Mysterio, Michael's, Punk? Del Rio won the Royal Rumble.

And you state Vince doesn't respect guy's with indie credibility. Um, who's current US Champion? Daniel Bryan AKA Bryan Danielson. CM Punk is a 3 time World Champion and is one of the top heel's of the company.

The Miz is billed at 6'1", 231 lbs.
AJ Styles is billed at 5'11", 215 lbs.

Now, we all know these numbers tend to be fudged somewhat, but that's still a three inch height difference and a fifteen pound weight difference. You admit yourself that Miz is a smaller guy, but AJ is billed not even at 6'0". Not to mention, Miz is a little bulkier than AJ, and that's probably due to a little more muscle. Punk is probably a better example, who's billed at 6'1", 211 lbs. Sure, AJ is more agile and athletic than Punk tends to be, at least these days, but he also looks smaller, because he has some room to add weight. Jericho is probably your best example as someone built like AJ, but Jericho had a lot of other things that made up for his size difference like his legendary amount of charisma and showmanship. AJ gets by a lot on his athleticism, but so does John Morrison and JoMo is having to scratch and claw his way to get attention. Not to mention, JoMo is pretty much a home-bred guy for Vince, which leads me to the next point...

Going on WWE.com right now and checking out the official show rosters, I see three guys with some serious indie cred: Evan Bourne, CM Punk, and DBD. Now, I admit it's hard to say as to just how far these guys will go, but I think these guys have hit their walls, in WWE, or are at least edging it. Evan Bourne will almost certainly never be a World Champion for Vince; he'd be lucky to win an IC or US Championship in WWE, which leads me to DBD. DBD was getting buried as the US Champ for a while, being tied up in a Diva's feud and just not appearing on TV, and he's only emerging now to possibly face Sheamus at Wrestlemania because they need matches to fill out the card. It wouldn't even be absurd to suggest that Sheamus will take the US Championship off of DBD at Mania, given the facts that Sheamus needs to be legitimized again and that DBD is already being under-booked. I'm afraid DBD has hit his wall, for the time being, and I can't foresee a way that Vince and creative will push him, hard. I'm not saying it's impossible; it certainly isn't that. But, it's still very unlikely.

This leaves CM Punk, who's already a multi-time World Champion, though he's never been WWE Champion, but he's still a proven success and it seems as though he's getting his biggest push, so far. I do have to admit that Vincent McMahon is a very, very intelligent businessman; it's what's kept him in business through wrestling's ups and downs. CM Punk is one of those rare cases where I think Vince just couldn't get past the dollar signs. Punk is a highly talented and gifted performer, and VKM isn't stupid enough to let that go unnoticed...for at least most of the time. lol. Seriously, though, Punk may become WWE Champion after Mania (because Cena will have to have someone to feud with once he's Champion, again), and that would be a great success story.

However, as for other legends who made it in the indies before coming to work for Vince:

Benoit: sure, he won at WM22, but his first night on Raw, he was buried in a loss to Triple H. He could have instantly been a Main Event contender, but Vince had that shot in the foot, almost immediately.

Eddie: Again, Eddie was WWE Champion after being put over the man that was arguably the hottest wrestler on the market at the time, Brock Lesnar, but they had to give the belt to somebody so that Lesnar could have his Mania match with Goldberg, and EG was a guy who really deserved it. I hate to put it this way, but both Benoit's and Eddie's title wins were basically just feel good wins for guys who'd busted their asses off in the industry, only for Vince to make them pay their dues all over again in his promotion. The same can be said for Rey, who probably wouldn't have gotten his first championship had it not been for Eddie's death and Vince doing everything he possibly could to cash in on it, as horrible as that is to say.

Dean Malenko: Never got anywhere, despite being one of the best wrestlers in his day.

Tazz: See: Dean Malenko.

Perry Saturn: Not quite Malenko's caliber, but see: Dean Malenko.

Shane Douglas: Also not quite the same caliber as some of these other wrestlers, but he was still butchered quite badly with that horrible, "Dean Douglas," gimmick.

He never used various Japanese wrestlers like Taka Michinoku, who could have at least garnered some screen time with his wrestling ability, either. About the only guys I can think of that made it pretty big in WWE, despite the fact that they were straight indie guys, were the Dudleys. Vince used them right, and that's something he probably deserves credit for.

Look: I could go on and on with this, but even a guy like Benoit, who came to WWE as the WCW Champion as he never dropped the belt in a match, was buried his first night in WWE. Sure, he got a match with Triple H on his first day there, but he still lost and was sent to the back of the line.

Vince doesn't respect AJ for his time in PWG or any other great indie promotion, nor does he respect Christopher Daniels or Samoa Joe for it, either. The only reason Vince uses guys like DBD and Bourne is because he knows it appeals to a demographic, and VKM likes money and ratings just as much as you'd probably expect him to.

It's pretty certain, at this point, that VKM doesn't like Cruiserweights and he doesn't respect indie guys, otherwise he'd hire them and push them. The only time he does use them is because he knows the crowd likes them, that's all.

Sorry for the novel, and I'm sure I'll make some enemies for some of the things I've said, but that's how I feel.
First and foremost I would like to say... I'm Sorry!!

I'm sorry that Dixie Carter watches my post and decides to prove me wrong....

I had stated that the Main Event match from impact in which Sting won the belt was horrible that it was crap and that in no way shape or form should have happened the way it did as it was horrible. I had also stated that the two could not put on a worse match than that...

1:28 Seconds... WOW!! Thank you!!!! Now I'm going to guess They will not scream about how great the buy rates for the PPV were!! (sarcasm) It's official 99% of the IWC would be more efficient making the calls behind TNA. As I don't know many people who would send a worker out into the ring who was not fit to perform...

You know maybe I'm wrong. But I just don't see TNA as surviving much longer if they keep things up the way they are...

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