Worst Main Event in History?

I finaly got a chance to watch the main event of Victory Road because I didn't want to pass judgement so quickly, and here's what I noticed:

1. TNA was stalling like crazy before the match. The two long backstage promos, the entrances, Jeremy Borash's introduction, Eric Bischoff's interjection. I noticed that the match didn't start for a good 10 minutes.

2. I've seen Hardy come out staggering before, and after a while, I just figured it was part of the character.

3. Borash didn't even know where Jeff was to introduce him, as he was looking around for the intros. He was busy walking around the ring talking to fans.

4. Bischoff was definitely thrown a bit when he shook Jeff's hand and Jeff wouldn't let go, and Sting was definitely not happy.

5. Jeff was messed up with the T-shirt thing, plus the whole thing made no sense since Jeff is a heel and shouldn't be throwing his shirt to the fans. Even if it was a heel ploy to sucker the fans in, the stalling obviously made some fans restless.

6. Sting was definitely holding him down to pin him and was not just pissed, but very disappointed. He gave him that shame-filled smirk that clearly showed his feelings toward him.

7. Jeff, on the other hand, not only no-sold the finish but was talking to Sting like he was asking what the hell. It had the look of the Montreal Screwjob at the end, with everyone just looking confused.

8. The biggest thing is that no one gets that way instantly. If Jeff Hardy was too messed up to wrestle, they would have known it from the beginning of the show and could have found a way around it, a new scenario, something! Instead, they stall and stall hoping maybe Jeff would sober up enough to compete.

I won't say this is TNA's death knell because WCW put out hundreds of bad shows at the end, but this should be the end of Jeff Hardy. If he even shows up on Impact, there better be an apology said, or a public humiliation, something to atone for this awful event that will plague TNA for a long time.
Worst Main Event in history? Excellent question.

To be honest, I'm not sure I can find a main event that is any worse than what we saw last night. Just a bad wrestling match doesn't match up to this. At least in a bad match, you have two guys who (somewhat) trying. This wasn't even an attempt.

Whether this was a work, real-life scenario, whatever--it doesn't matter. People paid for this show, and this was the worst main event anyone could have asked for. The Fingerpoke of Doom was pretty bad, but at least it was free. I'll have to think about this some more, but I doubt I'm going to find anything as bad as this.

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