Worst WM Main Event!!!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm just guessing you weren't watching wrestling in 1991. How was the build ridiculous? Sgt. Slaughter used to be the biggest American patriot in wrestling. He was one of the most popular wrestlers in the WWF before Hulkamania. After a hiatus Slaughter returned but was suddenly pledging his allegiance to Iraq. This was not your typical USA hater. This was a former popular patriot who was siding with a country with whom we were at war. Sgt. Slaughter had more heat than anybody had ever had. I don't think anyone's had more heat since. We all wanted to see our American hero Hulk Hogan take the title from the turncoat.

I'm not surprised that someone mentioned Hogan vs. Slaughter. I thought the build was quite good. I'm sticking with Taker vs. Sid as my choice as that match had hardly any build at all.

Well I did watch pro wrestling in 1991 and i was a die hard wwf fan then and i may have been 7 yrs old but i was smart enough to know a lousey match n a waste of time build up for a match when I see it. I understand slaughter being a turncoat for USA put alot of heat on him however, it wasnt enough for me as a fan to be the main event for wrestlemania back then wrestlemaina was the biggest thing to me beside my birthday n christmas so I know. We should of got Hogan vs Warrior 2 thats what it should of been not Sgt. Slaughter winning the wwf title from warrior,burning a Hulk Hogan t shirt, beating up Hacksaw jim duggan n hogan before wrestlemania and then they had a shitty match to top it off it will always be the worse main event in wrestlemania history.
Taker vs Sid i thought the match was okay the 2 names alone was a believable main event for wrestlemania if they would have build the match up more it would of made it better but it was better than taker vs bundy n diesel n gonzalez from wrestlemania priors with taker in it n better than hogan vs sid for that matter nothing against you brain but Hogan vs Slaughter will always be the worse for me
Well I did watch pro wrestling in 1991 and i was a die hard wwf fan then and i may have been 7 yrs old but i was smart enough to know a lousey match n a waste of time build up for a match when I see it. I understand slaughter being a turncoat for USA put alot of heat on him however, it wasnt enough for me as a fan to be the main event for wrestlemania back then wrestlemaina was the biggest thing to me beside my birthday n christmas so I know. We should of got Hogan vs Warrior 2 thats what it should of been not Sgt. Slaughter winning the wwf title from warrior,burning a Hulk Hogan t shirt, beating up Hacksaw jim duggan n hogan before wrestlemania and then they had a shitty match to top it off it will always be the worse main event in wrestlemania history.
Taker vs Sid i thought the match was okay the 2 names alone was a believable main event for wrestlemania if they would have build the match up more it would of made it better but it was better than taker vs bundy n diesel n gonzalez from wrestlemania priors with taker in it n better than hogan vs sid for that matter nothing against you brain but Hogan vs Slaughter will always be the worse for me

Did you even realize the United States was at war with the country Sgt. Slaughter was supporting? I’m not trying to sound condescending. You were only seven years old so I doubt you really understood the magnitude of what was happening. This wasn’t like Dino Bravo hating America in 1988 or Yokozuna in 1993. Those guys were from another country and while they showed their hatred for America they really just loved their own country. Also America didn’t have a problem with Canada or Japan. Sgt. Slaughter was one of our own. He was someone who once proudly waved the American flag. He was the second most popular guy in the WWF right behind Hulk Hogan. His was a shocking betrayal. I would say the Sgt. Slaughter from SummerSlam 90 – SummerSlam 91 was the most hated guy in wrestling history. It was up to our hero Hulk Hogan to stop him. A lot of people took the feud very personally and everyone wanted to see Hogan kick Slaughter’s ass. That’s my take on it. I’m not saying it was the best main event. I can even understand why some may not like it. I just think it’s far from the worst.

I’m so glad we didn’t get Hogan vs. Warrior at WrestleMania VII. Warrior vs. Savage is one of my favorite matches. That was perfect for WrestleMania and I wouldn’t want to sacrifice it for anything.
I thinks it would be Lawrence Taylor Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow at Wrestlemania XI.
I mean, It's a midcarder against a non-wrestler, Main eventing Wrestlemania. It was even worse that Bam Bam was defeated by him. I wouldn't of even had this in the last three matches of the night.
Reply to That 90's kid:
Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio at Wrestlemania 22

This match had 3 great superstars in it but it ended up being rushed, after a somewhat mediocre build-up and I think they weren't given enough time. Espacially for a triple threat World Heavyweight Championship bout. This match was a step above the Goldberg v Lesnar travesty at Wrestlemania 20. Could have been great, but really didn't make me look back and think - 'oh yeah, that was an awesome main event.' - because I don't believe it was.

This match was brilliant? I have watched it recently and even though it was ten minutes it was probably one of the highlights of the night. Right behind Vkm vs Shawn. I agree with you with the somewhat mediocre build-up and not having enough time, But other then that I would say it was great.
I look at this in three different perspectives, depending on your definition of what a WWE WrestleMania Main Event is.

1. Last match of the card.
I think the worst WrestleMania Main Event of all time was Lawrence Taylor vs. Bam Bam Bigelow. I’m not saying this match should not have taken place, but to be the final match of the WWE’s “SuperBowl” of 1995, well Diesel and Shawn Michaels should have gone last. The WWE Championship match at any WrestleMania should go last. It just should. The only exceptions to this rule are, one, Hulk Hogan, and two, Undertaker / Shawn Michaels at WM XXVI.

2. Main Attraction match (Promoted as a Main Event that did not involve the WWE / World Heavyweight Title).
A close second would have to go to Floyd Mayweather vs. The Big Show. I know this was WM XXIV’s “Main” Main Event, but in my opinion, this match should never have taken place. There are so many things the WWE could have done with Floyd, but I digress.

3. WWE / World Championship Main Event.
This is the third way to look at what a Main Event is, but I don’t find any of these matches bad enough to be categorized with “L. T.” and “Money” as far as WM M.E. goes.
Well, I'll get the obvious one out of the way. Bigelow VS Taylor at Wrestlemania XI. However since virtually everyone is going to pick that.... I'll go with Bret Hart VS Yokozuna at Wrestlemania IX. The reason I picked that one is because what happened was completely bogus and made a lot of people mad. Luckily Bret got revenge the next year at Wrestlemania X. It's definitely between that one and the obvious other choice of Bigelow VS Taylor.

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