World Heavyweight Championship Design


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Since july 22 the back strap of the whc has been ruby red now christian was the champ at the time so maybe he requested it but why just the back i think if they (WWE,whchampion) wants to make changes they should redue the whole thing. Its not exactly old debuting in 03. But isnt the most appealing to the naked eye.

Should wwe redue the whc or keep it the big gold belt??

Why do you think the straps where redone to be red??

Do you think there well ever be a time where the WWE feel like its time 4 a fresh design ??
WWE revamped the belt in early June actually, there was a thread about it. They altered the rubies, polished it, replaced the leather strap and I believe they did something to actually make the belt a deeper shade of gold. Also if you notice they added the WWE logo to the side-plates and to the actual belt itself, so really they've already revamped it and there isn't any reason for them to redesign the World Heavyweight Championship belt.

World Heavyweight Championship is a belt I never see the WWE replacing. It's a one of a kind belt, it isn't like the WWE Championship which they regularly replaced several times over the course of fifty plus years. World Heavyweight Championship belt has been the same since the early nineties and replacing it would take away from the prestige.

It has a formal look to it anyway, it has that look of a superior belt, something some say the WWE Championship lacks, so it balances it out. World Heavyweight Championship shouldn't be replaced, ever. Revamp it every now and then, sure, they've even done that with the WWE Championship over the past few years, it's something which has to be done as the belts can't whistand the test of time I'm afraid, but never replace it. It won't bring on any positive.
They should never redo the design of the World Heavyweight Championship because the "big gold belt" design shows everything a champion should look like. It is a great look and it was used before for other belts such as the WCW belt. The straps in red are a nice touch though, that looks really cool. As for the belt itself, no. They should not change that design because it is perfect the way it looks. I don't see them ever changing it.
This belt has always been my very favorite and I never want to see it redesigned. Now, do I mind the subtle changes? Of course not. It hasn't tarnished the look of the belt, so I'm all for it, but that's the picture perfect design of a world title. It looks prestigious and royal. The day that belt is redesigned, is a sad sad day for all of pro wrestling.
If there is a belt that needs to be changed it is obviously the WWE title. That title design is only for the chain-gang rapper Cena. They just removed that spinner thing. That "champ" caption on that belt I believe is so informal. Why not bring back the design prior to the spinner belt which I believed is last held by JBL?

As for the WHC belt? No. Don't change it. It's prestige will be lost if they change it.
Should wwe redue the whc or keep it the big gold belt??

Keep the Big Gold Belt. Why change it if it already looks like a prestigious prize.

Why do you think the straps where redone to be red??

Titles get slight changes all the time. The WWE Championship used to have a side plate that said "MON NITE RAW" on it. Now that plate reads "WWE CHAMP". So maybe the old strap was falling apart. A new strap to the title isn't going to affect anything.

Do you think there well ever be a time where the WWE feel like its time 4 a fresh design ??

The World Heavyweight Championship should always be the Big Gold Belt. That design is historic and WWE knows that. In other words, "Why fix what's not broken?"
When people think of a "championship belt" they think of that design. Why else would sports stars wear it? It's iconic. It's big, gold, and beautiful. They might upgrade it. Polish it, make the leather better, add details, but the basic design is and should always be about the same.
I like the subtle changes they do, like adding the ruby red on the back of the strap or adding WWE logos to the plates, but overall I think it great that they stick with the "Big Gold Belt" design for this one. While I agree that it was never truly beautiful, it has tradition! It artificially links it to the WCW title, the NWA title and all the tradition that go with those. Take that connection away and it really is just a belt that one day was handed to Triple H because he is such a sexy mothafucka.

They got plenty of belt designs that could sorely use a revamping (for example the WWE title), but the WHC title isn't one of them.
They should not change the WHC belt anytime soon. It looks quite prestigious and regal. It adheres to what the general perception of the belt looks like.

Why should something that looks that good be changed.
The World Heavyweight Championship should ALWAYS, ALWAYS be represented by the iconic 'Big Gold Belt'. It and the NWA 'domed globe' are the two most iconic belts in all of wrestling, boxing, or MMA. Really, Big Gold is the most iconic.

Since 1985 it has represented the NWA World Heavyweight Title, WCW World Heavyweight Title, NWA World Heavyweight Title (again), World Heavyweight Title (no promotional affiliation), WCW International World Heavyweight Title, Unified WCW World Heavyweight Title, and World Heavyweight Title (again; WWE).

I wish they would bring back the original design - the original larger size and no WWE logo. But, no, they should NEVER change it. NOTHING says that I am the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION more than the 'Big Gold Belt'. Whoooooooo!!!!!
The World Heavyweight Championship is a belt that has been worn by guys like Sting, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, DDP, Goldberg & in such, no, the belt should never be changed. A few updates to it once in awhile is okay with me, but what makes that belt so prestigious is it's history of who has held that belt, even if not holding it during it's WWE incarnation & it's long design history. Changing that belt is worse than having to watch Ric Flair bloody himself on every episode of Impact & WCW. I think that the WWE title should be completely re-designed, but if it isn't then I won't be upset because the World title has the design of a classic wrestling title & the WWE title shows the modern-era design. The WWE title no longer spins, so it is no longer a "spinner" title or a "gangster" title. It has a WWE logo, diamonds & lots of flash & gold, but it is not bad. And to clarigy, it doesn't look bad on guys like Triple H, Edge, Sheamus, Orton or even Del Rio. Hell, it looked great on CM Punk too! The WWE will never change the World title, maybe the WWE title, but the World title is here to stay.

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