World Champion or WWE Champion?


Pre-Show Stalwart
My question is, what is more important, the WWE Championship or the World Championship.
Surely the answer SHOULD be the World Championship. The World Title says you are champion wrestler of the world.
The WWE Championship is more impressive, but it means you are the champion wrestler of World Wrestling Entertainment.

The WWE Championship, because that, it's on the flagship show and usually gets the main event at PPV's.
WWE Championship, what Wes said and because that's the WWE title with the larger legacy.

Hogan, Warrior, Savage, Sammartino, Morales, Cena, Triple H, Austin, Rock & Others have all held it.

In the event that they merged the two belts, it would be the WHC that would vanish.
It's strange, it is generally thought that the WWE title is the top title. The most prestigious title that everyone wants.
But when you think about it, since the WWE has had both titles, it seems the World title has been used on established stars while the WWE title has been used on newer, younger champions.

Think about it, in the last few years, think of the young guys who were still only rising stars or older guys who were established but everyone thought would never be a world champion. Brock Lesnar? Jeff Hardy? Eddie Guerrero? JBL? RVD? It was Cena's first world title. And Edge's.

When you think about that in terms of the world title, there's only 3 names that come to mind, Punk, Mysterio and Batista. Khali doesn't count, he was never meant to be the champion.

So I think that over the last 7 or so years, the WWE title has been used for breaking superstars into the main event. The World title was mostly held by the most established, experienced guys in the business. Triple H, Cena, Jericho, Undertaker, Michaels. Especially Triple H.
And of course, think of the people who've wanted the world title, and the people who've wanted the WWE title. And I'm talking about in terms of designs now. The world title design has be held by some of the finest. The current WWE title design was created for Cena, not exactly the most loved guy ever to step into the ring.

Then look at the WWE title's recent history. It's had 2 of it's longest reigns in JBL and John Cena back when he was barely in the WWE for 4 years. Think about that.
Cena isn't so bad, he's improved as he's held the title. But JBL? for 280 days? Come on.
And nowadays it's being passed around to get Triple H up to the 16 time world champion mark.

The longest reigning world champions are Triple H and Batista. Ok, Batista isn't great, but he, like Cena, improved while he held the title. So lets say Batista and Cena cancel each other out.
So Triple H as the longest reigning champion in his prime and with Evolution, before he had ever set his sights on getting 16 world titles (also 280 days strangely) in comparison to JBL who was old, slow and fat. Again, come on.

So that's why I think the world title is better than the WWE title since they've both been in the WWE since 2002.
On face value I would say the WWE is more important but because of the way it looks (like a cheap toy) I have to say that its probably tied with the world title in importance.

I always wondered if this is the reason they didn't change the WWE title back to the unified look because then it would be the title light years more important than the world title. at least the way it is now you have the WWE toy belt and the world champ "real looking" belt.
You would think a World Championship would be the more prestigious but within the WWE it would be the WWE championship because of it's much longer history than the current WWE World championship. Certainly the current tacky appearance of the WWE title does not give out the image which should support its heritage but still, it is more prestigious than WWE's version of the World championship which imo looks how a championship of its calliber should.
I think the WWE is trying to make them equal championships. As in, the most important title for that brand. That's why the WHC went back to SD at Backlash. the superstars usually go for the title that is on their brand. But they are both World Titles. And seeing as how the WWE title has been around longer than the WHC (the WWE version in 2002), I would say it is more prestigious. Today's big main eventers have held both titles (Cena, HHH, HBK, Orton, Edge).
It doesn't matter, they are both props, and they only have different names because they are on different brands. They are both equally as prestigious, and will be considered as such by the wrestlers on their respective brands. They will never acknowledge that one is more important than the other, nor should they.

If you listen to JR (who puts titles over better than Cole), he'll state (which ever title match he is calling) that Title "X" is the most coveted prize in the business. He's said this for HHH when he was WHC, and when he was WWE Champion.

They are both the same title. They technically have the same history now because they have spun off of the Undisputed Title. They both began in 2002 when Brock was drafted to smackdown. The one with the history is the WWF Heavyweight Championship. Not the WWE Championship. So the clock was "reset" on these two titles. WHC was for WCW, and WWE title was for WWF. They are equally as important.
I’ve said this so many times in so many places and I’ve seen so many arguments about this, but I still believe the WWE Title to be the number one Title in all of Wrestling since 1963. I’m talking about from the Kayfabe multiple World Championships’ Title histories (NWA, WWE, WCW, ECW, TNA, and the rest) to the money making marketing that is the symbol, or better yet, the Coat of Arms of the WWE.

The World Heavyweight Title is only called the “World” Title, because it is unbranded. If anything, they are both equal as World Titles as proven by the multiple times the top two Titles have switched brands. Even if the WWE were to combine its World Heavyweight Title history to the WCW World Title’s, it still isn’t the “older” Title.

Yes, everyone can argue about the appearance, but does the appearance hold that much weight to the point where levels of prestige is questioned?? The most “popular” Boxing World Titles, in my opinion, of course, have a green strap. To me, this looks kind of, for a lack of a better word, wack, but it sure doesn’t make it less prestigious. How can it?? It’s just the look. Okay, so the WWE Title spins and Cena’s U. S. and World Title’s featured characteristic was already outdated when it debuted to begin with, but it’s not as bad as some past designs.

To sum it up, as far as importance, I say they are equal, as far as prestige, I say it’s all about which one has the bigger “W”.
My question is, what is more important, the WWE Championship or the World Championship.
Surely the answer SHOULD be the World Championship. The World Title says you are champion wrestler of the world.
The WWE Championship is more impressive, but it means you are the champion wrestler of World Wrestling Entertainment.


The quick answer to this question is "Whatever Championship is on Raw" .... since McMahon feels that Raw is the only show that matters to him.

In the big scheme of things, and IF the brands were perceived as equals, like when they first did the roster split, BOTH championships should be considered equals.

Same thing with the IC and US Titles.
Same thing with the Tag Team Titles (which are now unified, unfortunately)
Same thing with the Women's and Divas Titles.
I think you guys are overlooking something here. The World Heavyweight title used to be WCW's top title which would always make it the #2 title WWE. Think about it, Vince...remember Vince the evil genius who always wants everyone to look at him as the superior being and always wants all eyes on him and his promotion? What better way to tell the world WWE is #1 than by pushing the WWE title over the WHC?

Also, did anyone notice when Smackdown changed networks how coincidentally the WWE title went to Smackdown along with Top Stars like Jeff Hardy and of all people..Triple H!!! Even good ole JR was moved because they wanted to really push the show. Now a year later Smackdown has established itself on the new network and has great ratings and the WWE title goes back to RAW, the flagship show along with HHH and several other big names.

WWE title is #1, WHC is #2 and at a distant third is that other title...ummm...I tend to forget what it's called.
Here's the story. Both titles are on an equal level, whether you people want to think that. Sure, in name, the World Heavyweight Championship should be "top" because it says "World" and only because of that. BUT, why would the WWE not make the "WWE" Title the main one? Oh, only because it has the initials WWE on it. But see, they didnt do that either. They let both titles be, for the most part, equal.

There was a good point made that the WWE title has been put on newer champs in the past few years, and I believe that is that case only because of seniority in the WWE. Do you honestly think Undertaker wants to wear the WWE title? It just wouldnt look right. Same with Batista. And I think the same goes for the WHC. It didnt look right on Cena, not too good on Edge, and not at all good on Orton or Mysterio.

The belt itself has to worn by someone who wants to wear it. Like I said with Taker, Im sure he wouldnt be caught dead in the WWE title, so they never put him in the matches. So the debate on which title is greater is moot points, and the debate on the looks of the titles will go on forever. Classic fans hate the new belt, because it looks like a toy. What title sells more merchandise? 1 guess... WWE TITLE. Get over the look of the "Toy" and realize it isnt going anywhere. The WHC is almost an identical replica of the Big Gold Belt used by WCW, but no on complains about that. That belt is going to go soon, just like the ECW World Title. Only a matter of time before there is not much left from the "Good Ole Days" of WCW and ECW.

There should only be one top title, and that should be the WWE title. With the design above, which has always been my favourite. It shows that you're top of the company, and if I was a wrestler that's the one that I'd want. World Championship doesn't really seem connected with the show. That doesn't make sense really, I know. But being the WWE champion just seems so much better. World Champion could mean of anything.
Well, I think they are both just as equal in prestige. The WWE Championship was originally the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. But, since the World Heavyweight Championship came along, they had to shorten it, so they wouldn't nearly have the same name. I really don't know which I would rather have though... I think I would go World Heavyweight, then WWE Championship, because of the legacy in the WWE Title. I don't believe the WWE Championship should be someones first World Championship, because it deserves to be shared for the better wrestlers. Wait a minute, lol I think I just came out with a different answer.
I'm with Lord Sidious on this one. The simple answer is that whichever belt is currently on RAW is the belt that is seen to be the most important. People can argue until they're blue in the face as to if the World title is connected to the WCW title and if the word "World" should automatically be above "WWE" but none of that truly matters. The WWE only references history when it can add to a storyline.

All things being equal, the WWE title is more important than the World title, the Divas title is more important than the Women's title and the U.S. title is more important that the IC title. All of that could change in a year's time though thanks to the draft.

It's not a fair system nor one that I agree with but sadly that's how the WWE rolls.
I think with the merger of the WCW WHC with the WWF(E) WHC, the Undisputed WWE WHC was born (thank you Y2J). Jericho/Trips/Hogan/Taker/Rock and Lesnar were the only UWWEWH Champions (see how this can confuse you).

Then the brand split. Brock became WWE Champion, with the history of the WWF. If you notice, WCW's title lineage stops at Jericho v. Rock.

The WHC was created to give both shows a title, but it's history starts at HHH when Bischoff handed it to him. So the WWE Title has the prestige.

This has nothing to do with the design of the belt. Rock and Austin had their own versions of the WWE WHC in their reigns. Just because you liked those belts better than Cena's doesn't make'em more prestigous.

They are treated the same for the most part NOW and are somewhat interchangeable (thank you Cena). But there was a time when the dotcom had the histories and the WWE goes back to the initial WWF Title when they broke from the NWA. While the WHC starts with Trips after the brand split.

I think the only reason the WHC design is the BGB is because Vince knows the nostalgia aspect of the look. Not to say he wouldn't piss on history if it gets him a quick buck.
When I look at the two from a prestige perspective, I think they sorta balance each other out in a strange way. The World title defiantly looks much more impressive, and certain stars, ie the Undertaker seem to prefer it to the WWE. However it is the former title from a failed company which Vince dislikes. On the other hand the WWE has the stronger history and memory and thus should count for more, though the constant changing of design weakens its prestige. So yeah as a common fan I would say that I would rate them the same, only a few stars really seem to care which they get of the two (though I do remember a Goldberg interview in which he said he wanted to go for the World title as it was "his" and it held much greater significance for him as the ex WCW title)
(Sorry forgot to add this bit- got cut off from the previous one :( )

In response to some of the posters complaining about the look of the current WWE title, I would say that currently it wouldn't make much sense to change it back to some of its earlier designs from a purely marketing perspective. Most of the previous titles looked fairly similar to the "big gold belt", bar the WWE in its "Cena" form which looks conspicuously different and thus easier to sell the two separately.
Yeah but didnt it seem easier to take Punk having the WHC than the WWE title. HHH Cena and Orton were what that title was all about for a long time. And the WHC was perfect for Jericho because it wasn't the top belt at the time and honestly Chris Jericho wasn't the top guy at the time even though he was on the flagship show. It was all about HHH and the WWE title and at Survivor Series Cena's RETURN and title win were overshadowed by Edge and his WWE title win.

Cena and HHH's only 2 matches have been for the WWE Championship

Hands down the WWE championship is the most prestigious

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