What is the Number 3 Championship in Wrestling?

What is the Number 3 Championship in Wrestling?

  • WWE ECW Championship

  • WWE US Championship

  • WWE Intercontinental Championship

  • TNA World Heavyweight Championship

  • IWGP Heavyweight Championship

  • AJPW Triple Crown Championship

  • NWA World Heavyweight Championship

  • ROH World Championship

  • Other

  • Too hard to decide/There is none

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I have to go with the TNA world heavyweight championship, if we go by ratings like most have allready, then it would be the ECW belt, but IMO the chase for the TNA belt is a lot more intense than the ECW belt by all means, i dont know how ECW is still running at this point, but i dont like the show at all right now, no good wrestling (IMO once again) while TNA needs creative help, the chase for the belt is always good, intense, and i say booker T/joe is much more respectable than hardy/henry any day of the week T_T (all of this is, IMO)
Oh man, this is TOUGH. Great thread, though. Let's see here, how to divide this up? Ah yes! Tournament Style!

Round One

Rule #1 - TNA World Title > ECW World Title.

I base this off of the fact that, despite the ratings of ECW being essentially equal to that of TNA, the fact is that TNA is an entire promotion, whereas ECW is the 3rd tier on an already depleted and split roster from WWE. Also, though more subjective, it's fairly easy to argue that the level of talent competing for the TNA Title is greater that that of the ECW Title. It's hard for anyone to take Mark Henry, Matt Hardy, and Shelton Benjamin over Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, and Christian Cage.

Rule #2 - WWE Intercontinental Title > WWE US Title

Both championships have been disrespected as mid-card titles the past year and a half or so, and I'll even accept that fact that, in my thread from a few months back that had the US title voted OVER the IC title by a 81-80 margin. But that notwithstanding, the Intercontinental Title can enjoy the fact that it is a) on the top brand, and b) has history on its side. When WWE won the war against WCW, the US Title lost alot of its historical luster. The IC Title did not. When I think of the IC belt, it still invokes thoughts of Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Mr. Perfect, Razor Ramon, etc.

Rule #3 - IWGP Title > AJPW Title

The IWGP Title has more prestige and history to it. The Triple Crown belt is great, but the IWGP edges it out just a touch. Some absolute legends have held the IWGP, such as Big Van Vader, Antonio Inoki, Bam Bam Bigelow, Scott Norton, etc.

Rule #4 - ROH World Title > NWA World Title

Oh how the mighty have fallen. It's not the 80s anymore. Between Shane Douglas tossing down the NWA Belt to start Extreme Championship Wrestling, to TNA separating, etc - there hardly is an NWA Title anymore. ROH is up and coming, and the belt itself has created a name for itself as a launching pad for Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, CM Punk, etc.

Ok, round two.

Rule # 5 - TNA World Title > IWGP Title

It pains me to say this, but the TNA World Title is defended in the US, the IWGP title is defended in Japan. That makes the TNA World Title more relevant in the West, which is what I am going by. The IWGP Title has more worldwide influence, but the TNA World Title has more mainstream attention.

Rule #6 - WWE Intercontinental Title > ROH World Title

ROH is a #3 promotion at best. It's trying to carve a niche as a wrestling experience, and that's fine. But it has little exposure, and the stars who come out of there don't always live up to the hype. Such a small niche audience pays any attention to the ROH Title anyway, but the IC title is well known and has history.


Rule #7 - TNA World Title > WWE IC Title

This is strictly due to the disrespect the IC Title has seen for the past 2-3 years. Aisde from Johnny Nitro, there has not been a true, regular, meaningful IC Title reign. The TNA Title set out to set itself apart from the NWA Title, and I think putting the belt on Kurt Angle first and foremost was a smart way to go with it. It'll be interesting to see if my answer to this stays the same in 6 months, with the IC Title and Kofi Kingston getting a legit push and the TNA Title on Samoa Joe losing steam.

But for now, the TNA World Title is my answer.
For me the Intercontiental title is the number 3 belt as it has so much history and so many classic matches have been fought for the belt. Also, it gives young wrestlers the chance to gain championship experience before going on to be credibe heavyweight contenders
For me, the ROH Championship is the 3rd most important belt in wrestling. The IC title is nothing anymore, and the TNA Championship has just never been anything to me. I can't take a title held by Jeff Jarrett seriously. I don't care if it "violates" the rules or whatever, that's how I feel. WWE, World Heavyweight and ROH Championship.
I'm going to choose the TNA World Title. I chose it because it is the top belt in the 2nd company. ECW might be the 3rd show on the #1 promotion but it is only 1 hour. TNA is a bigger show. TNA is a top title and the ECW isn't. Also the TNA World title looks much better in my opinion. The prestigious titles should be gold not silver. If not the TNA World Title it might be the NWA World Title. If it wasn't for that title we wouldn't have the WWE or TNA World Titles to begin with. But I'm going to go with the TNA World Title.
This is an easy one. The TNA title is clearly #3. Yes, WWE is obviously the top promotion and consider the ECW title as a top title but I would value that one under the IC title and maybe on par with the US title. I mean, since Big Show and maybe Lashley there hasn't even been a real top contender to hold the title. Morrison may well be in the future but not then or now. Punk is World Heavyweight champ, but still not a true main eventer in my book. And Kane is just a midcarder now himself. Chavo as champ was a joke as is Henry.
The TNA title on the other hand is being contested among true main eventers. Angle, Sting, Joe, Booker T...and soon Jarrett are all proven draws and with the possible exception of Joe would immediately be main eventers if they went to WWE right now.
I would have to go with the TNA World title. Main reason: they are the #2 promotion in the business today, the top two titles obviously being the WWE Championship and World Heavyweight Championship...the ECW Championship is more of a midcarder belt (just above Intercontinental Championship and US Championship), I would probably rank TNA World Championship #3, ECW Championship #4, and ROH World Championship #5
In American Wrestling(I watch a few Japan shows, nothing that would call me a true mark for it), the order for me is this(this is including the traditional WHC belt

1 - The WWE title. The one that Rock, Mick Foley, Hulk Hogan etc held during the 90's. I was brought up in the 90s, the WWe was the only real company for me until WCW got boguht out
2 - The WCW World Heavywieght title. Held by legends like Ric Flair and Savage, this belt was THE anti-sports entertainment belt, until Russo bastardised it.
3- The intercontiental belt. Its been around the longest and when I was growing up, the ic belt meant more to me than any other.
4 - The NWA belt. Like it has been said, its no longer the 80s. But this belt means so much mroe in terms of presitge. Was a little bastardised by TNA, but I can live with that.
5 - The old ECW title belt. This belt symbolised the attitude era for me. This belt helped change the face of wrestling.
6 - The US title. Like it has been said ebfore, US title meant squat to the ic title, especially after the Invasion. But it has been around for longer than most, so ill give it kudos for that.
7 The new whc belt, also known as Triple Hs belt. This belt means nothing to me. It was created for Triple H after the WWE screwed up the Undistputed title/Invasion storyline. But its being defended in the biggest company in the us, so it will have to go ahead of my final pick
8- TNAs title belt/ROH title belt/ECW belt. These two are on equal pegging for me. Yes we know Russo is a tool, but it seems to have protected the prestige of TNAs main title. It had Kurt Angle as its holder for months, and that guy is a legit wrestler. Nevermind Sharkboy and Curry man running around the undercard, Kurt is a true atlete. Much the same way ROH uses proper wrestlers to hold its gold. The ECW belt matches these two as its fdefended in the biggest company.
TNA. The ECW is nothing more than a mid card title. TNA may be the #2 promotion but their title means alot more the WWE's distant 3rd brand. When thinking about the title's worth think about the champions that have held it. Former ECW champs are(excluding the old ecw) are RVD, Big Show, CM Punk, Lashley, Chavo, Henry ect. TNA have had Angle(one of the best ever), Christian, Sting, Joe, ect. The TNA belt have had better talent holding the title and it makes the belt the #3 champion ship.
currently the # 3 belt is TNA... but if you look at the legacy of the current belts the #3 belt would be the IC belt. look at all the greats that has had it... the only great that I can think up that didn't have it is Hulk Hogan. it's just a wasted title half the time now. I remeber when the IC champion was always one of the top 5 wrestlers in WWE.
Based on the legacy, I would say the IC Belt. It may be nothing more than a ring accessory today, but it used to be the second best belt in WWE. Bret Hart main evented many shows while being IC champion. Also, during the Two-Man Power Trip days, the IC belt was pushed as the near equivalent of the WWE belt.

TNA may be the #2 promotion but they are FAR from WWE's level. I would say the TNA belt is only slightly above the ECW title.
I would say its the ECW title, but BARELY.

Essentially, ECW's title is a fluctuating championship. Its a belt for a midcarder to hold to test their status as a main event talent. Lately, the way they've been booking it, the caliber of wrestler that achieves this goal is between the range of a solid midcarder to an upper midcarder, or the rare occurrence of "washed up old talent that will never get past this point". ECW itself is a testing grounds. If they give someone like Mark Henry the title and the ratings drop, no big loss, its only the 1 hour show that doesn't get high ratings as it is. They simply change the idea, shift it to someone else, and if that works, they know who's worth more. But its still thought of as the top championship (despite being the ONLY championship) on ECW, and they still find a way to add a title defense to every ppv just like they do with the WWE and WHC titles. The IC and US titles don't end up on ppvs most of the time anymore, so by proxy, you'd have to place ECW above the IC/US.

TNA would be close to beating out ECW, because its the highest belt in that entire company, however, its still just TNA, which hasn't even come remotely close to the comparison in popularity to the WWE as the former WCW and ECW had become. I know WWE fans that don't participate on internet forums or read reports and everything, and they haven't even heard of TNA. So in the general scope of things, for those not paying attention to TNA, ECW clearly beats it out.
I see the logical arguments for ECW or Intercontinental or whatever ... but honestly ... it is easy to see that TNA is the third most important belt. I think this thread would be MUCH better if it was what is FOURTH (U.S. Title, IC, ECW Title, ROH Title, X-Division Title).
All you need do to see that TNA is better than ECW is take a look at the last 10 champions

TNA/NWA World Championship Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Sting, Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, Abyss, Sting, Jeff Jarret, Christian Cage and Jeff Jarrett This group of wrestlers is pretty solid. A combined 60 World Championship reigns between them recognized by PWI. And that is not to mention numerous second tier, third tier and tag-team accomplishments. Even if you "take away" these guys TNA World Titles ... they are a combined 34-time World Champions in other companies.

ECW Championship Mark Henry, Kane, Chavo Guerrero, CM Punk, Jon Morrison, Bobby Lashley, Vince McMahon, Bobby Lashley, Big Show, Rob Van Dam Another solid group ... but mostly of UPPER MIDCARDERS. These guys account for a combined 8 World Titles among them.

Intercontinental Chapionship Kofi Kingston, Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Umaga, Santino, Umaga, Jeff Hardy, Johnny Nitro, Jeff Hardy, Johnny Nitro A nice combined 3 World Titles here (all Y2J).

I mean, this just is not a contest. Sure ECW's WORLD title was great, but it clearly does not exist anymore. And the IC Title has a wonderful history.
But just look at the names on the TNA list ... and it has clearly vaulted itself into the third spot.
I am going to say the TNA world title on this one, I was torn between the TNA World Title and The Box Office Championship held by the legendary Arnold Schwarzenneger.

I am going with TNA because of its history, Shawn Michaels himself said its not neccessarily the title its who holds it, currently its held by Samoa Joe but he did beat Kurt Angle for it and if anyone can raise the prestige of a title its someone like Kurt Angle and he won it after the likes of Sting and Jeff Jarrett, so based on the legacy of a title that is considered a WORLD title its got to be the TNA World Title.
Well seeing the question is what is the 3rd best title im going with the TNA world title the ECW title lost its meaning its just a rookie or midcarder title and the WWE title and the WWE world title the 2 best, TNA's world title the thirdand then the IC title and the ECW title and then the united states title.
I'm agree, the TNA world title is the number 3 title in wrestling. The ECW just seems to only be on par with the IC and US championship. The IC and/or the US title have been higher on WWE's P25 pretty much since the beggining of Kane's title reign back in March and was often above it before that and hell, chavo was ECW champion and still wrestled in the RoyalRumble. World champions aren't supposed to wrestle in those.So that's why TNA is number three, it is TNA's number one title, WWE number 3 title might be ECW, but the IC and US titles sometimes look way better.
It's got to be the TNA belt.

The ECW title means nothing. Once you give that belt to Mark Henry, Chavo, and soon, Matt Hardy, it's nothing.

The TNA World Championship has been held by Kurt Angle, Christian, Booker T, and guys like that. To me, it holds more value than getting the ECW title. In TNA, the World Championship makes you the top dog. In WWE, holding the ECW title means nothing.
I used to say WWE, IC & TNA. Now, the IC is just nothing. IC used to have class, prestige, now it's tossed around like a ****e to anyone and everyone.

World Title, idk. I look at the WWE title having obviously more history, but I just cant see the World Title as the #1 Title. I say WWE, TNA, then World Title. If the IC Title was like it was ten years ago or so, then that would be three.
I now switch my pick from the ECW Championship to the Intercontinental Championship. and I would also like to make this a thread about the best Title in all of the World. The Intercontinetal Championship meets that grade. The reason why? The person who currently holds the Title. Santino Marella. He is by far the most prestigious Wrestler going now adays. That makes the belt that he has the number 1 belt in the World. Move over WWE and WHC, theIC is the new Big Boy in town.
Looking at things from a world perspective as opposed to strictly a myopic American perspective, I'd easily go with the IWGP followed by the AJPW Triple Crown. Just basing these on who has held them in recent years and the promotions they come from. Once upon a time, the NWA belt was in this esteem, but I was still in the fourth grade then.

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