Wonder Woman Reviews

Pretty sure 97% means that 97% of the critics did not dislike it. It doesn't mean it is a great movie qualitywise. It just means that it plays positively to almost all audiences. The kind of movie you can bring lots of adults to and expect a positive result. This movie may just be the Lionel Ritchie movies. Enjoyable but not worth murdering a hobo to see.

That being said, Norcal may still be right about biases.

Yes, I believe the 97% figure comes from Rotten Tomatoes which doesn't measure the overall quality of the film, but how many critics gave it a positive vs. negative review. Even a movie with 100% on Rotten Tomatoes may not be an all time great film, it just means it was liked by all critics who reviewed it.

Metacritic is my go to for measuring the average rating critics have given it, and Wonder Woman has a 75 on that website, which is pretty good. To compare, the original Guardians of the Galaxy has a 76, the original The Avengers has a 69, and The Dark Knight has an 82.
I'll be going to see the film tomorrow (Friday) after work. I have to take my brother and sister to see it. My sister is all hyped up for the movie. I'll give my own detailed opinion of the film after that.
I'm not going to see it in the theater. I'll probably rent it when it comes out on Google Play so I'll give my full comprehensive review now: It's good, I enjoyed it.
Saw it last night - day before the premiere. It's definitely the best DC movie out but that's not saying much. The scenes were beautiful and what do you know, color helps. There was some CGI that I was just not fond of but it didn't deter me too much. I'd say the movie was okay. Not good, not bad, just okay. Gal Gadot was more than decent, I must say.

Ares is not who you think...
It'd work better if it came before BvS. It's perfunctory but when the action kicks in it's very entertaining. So for 40 minutes of that 140 it's a thrill ride.
Still I haven't seen it but I wanted to add that I thought they could take out about 20 minutes without the movie losing anything. The villian was pretty good but not up there with Nicholson's or Ledger's Joker.
I finally got to watch Wonder Woman and I have to say, it's amazing what color and fun can do for a movie.

The film is everything I hoped that it'd be. It was fun, interesting, exciting, thrilling, touching, and they even added in some humor for good measure. The scenes on Themyscira were gorgeous and vibrant. I kept having to remind myself that this was actually a DC movie because, again, colors. They don't make you wait long at all to get the meat of the story either. The battle that takes place on Themyscira happens relatively early in the film. For those concerned about Gal Gadot don't be. Her acting in this movie was top notch. Her chemistry with Chris Pine was one of the absolute best things about the movie. She more than lives up to the potential she showed in BvS. Of course the big story here is the movie being a female led movie with a female director. Yay woman power, but the film doesn't hit you over the head with that at all. Yes it's a female led movie, however, never once did I get the impression that they were trying to say that this is finally a woman's time or that men are dogs. Sure they talk about the vices and corruption of men all throughout the movie but that was more about mankind, not just the male sex. Then there's the action, OMG the action. The action in this movie was wonderful and also practical. Anyone who is a comic book fan knows that Wonder Woman is very durable but she's not invincible. So throughout the movie she's constantly shifting from offense to defense and back again. She'll take out a bad guy, block a few bullets with her wrist bands or shield and then go back to kicking ass. It was very well done.

All in all, what really makes this movie so much better than the other DCEU films is that it has heart. It's not just throwing action and special effects at the wall to see what sticks. It has a clear and rather simple message and it does a damn good job of conveying that message. Diana is very naive in the ways of mankind and throughout the movie that creates numerous funny fish out of water scenes, but it also creates very touching and emotional scenes where Diana is angry at people for not trying to do all they can to help. When she climbs up that latter out of the trench to cross no man's land, I got kind of teary eyed. That entire sequence is breath taking. Not just for the superb action but for the acting and the message that it conveys.

The only gripe that I have about this movie is that the villains are too Saturday morning cartoonish. There's even a scene where two of the villains begin to laugh and cackle over their diabolical scheme. Also, the main villain isn't nearly fleshed out enough. They could've done so much more with them. It seems that Ledger's Joker and Hiddleston's Loki is going to forever be the yard stick for great villains. That's a Marvel gripe too. Get it together people.

Wonder Woman is a damn good film and far and away the best in the DCEU. I know that's faint praise so let me clarify. It's the best DC film since Dark Knight. Even better than Dark Knight Rises and better than a lot of the solo Marvel films as well. If I were giving a grade, it'd be an A-.
Pretty sure 97% means that 97% of the critics did not dislike it. It doesn't mean it is a great movie qualitywise. It just means that it plays positively to almost all audiences. The kind of movie you can bring lots of adults to and expect a positive result. This movie may just be the Lionel Ritchie movies. Enjoyable but not worth murdering a hobo to see.

That being said, Norcal may still be right about biases.

I'm aware of how the scoring works. Do you think Pink Flamingos had 97% on there? It still indicates universal critical approval.
I'm aware of how the scoring works. Do you think Pink Flamingos had 97% on there? It still indicates universal critical approval.

I was curious to see what it did have, and it actually has an 80% favorable on Rotten Tomatoes, but I'm guessing that's largely due to reviews from critics from more recent years that had some idea of what they were getting into.
I was curious to see what it did have, and it actually has an 80% favorable on Rotten Tomatoes, but I'm guessing that's largely due to reviews from critics from more recent years that had some idea of what they were getting into.

I was about to go back and quote my post and say "well, I shouldn't be presumptive, people are fucking weird "

It was a movie. It had scenes. Gal Godot was pretty good, except she was really hard to understand sometimes. It's a 6/10 movie. I will forget that I watched it a month from now.
Pink Flamingos is terrible, and I love weird shitty movies. John Waters is a poor excuse for a filmmaker, even though I respect him as a person.
You know the theory that you could make a totally competent movie and it would get 100% on Rotten Tomatoes as long as everyone agrees it's at least OK? Wonder Woman is that movie. Though I'm surprised the last twenty minutes didn't sour more people. Woof.
I saw Captain Underpants. It was one of the better movies that I have taken my kids to. But I like that kind of humor and I was proud of myself for figuring out who lended their voices to the four main characters. There was a preview for Ferdinand where John Cena lends his voice as the main character. His bull sounds a lot like his elephant which sounds a lot like his regular voice unless he is working on Massachusetts.
The movie is quite good. Could have been better had they not introduced the god of confusion at the end. That part kinda sucked. But certainly an 8/10 movie. Gal Gadot, hot as usual. Action scenes were great. Totally worth the 2 and a half hours.
Genuinely the worst super hero film I've ever seen, and I've seen Deadpool.

It's ridden with plot holes, it's overlong, completely inconsistent within itself and there's about 12 seconds of comic relief in 5 hours. That film is about as empowering to women as Deuce Bigelow: Male Gigolo. I get that super hero films require a certain level of suspension of disbelief, but this was fucking ludicrous.
I have two young girls and I think it's great they have, on the surface, an empowering heroine to look up to. But yeah, what Tasty said.
Also, I'm going to have to watch this every day for the rest of my life when it's available to purchase.

This has just dawned on me. I'm going to have to spend some time alone. Goodbye.
I have two young girls and I think it's great they have, on the surface, an empowering heroine to look up to. But yeah, what Tasty said.

Oh totally, I can see that. But when we're in a world where even Disney have stopped making women need a man to find meaning, maybe a female director of a strong female character should be able to do so.
Genuinely the worst super hero film I've ever seen, and I've seen Deadpool.

It's ridden with plot holes, it's overlong, completely inconsistent within itself and there's about 12 seconds of comic relief in 5 hours. That film is about as empowering to women as Deuce Bigelow: Male Gigolo. I get that super hero films require a certain level of suspension of disbelief, but this was fucking ludicrous.

:rolleyes: To each their own.

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