The First Dr. Strange Reviews Are In......

What I want to talk about is Marvel's blatant rip off of DC's Dr. Fate for Dr. Strange.

Hmmmm, this would make a good thread. I'm going to use a lot of my thread ideas as discussion points for my YouTube venture.
Holy shit you're telling me a company ripped off their main competitor?

You better call congress, the supreme court and the president and get them involved because nothing like that has ever happened before.
Wow, you don't have to be a dick. I'm not saying that in the tone of I'm shocked or surprised or even that I'm mad. I just thought that it would be a good discussion to have as there are several others out there. On both sides.
You should do a thread on how DragonBall Z ripped off DC's Superman.

But DBZ didn't rip off Superman. Sure Goku was sent to Earth from another planet, however, it was to destroy it. Also, Goku wasn't sent to Earth because his planet was dying. He was sent there because the Saiyans conquered other planets and sold them. Goku doesn't get strength from the sun, and isn't a super hero. Literally their only comparison is that they're both aliens sent to Earth. Hell, I guess all other alien characters in fiction are rip offs of Supes.
To say Goku isn't a Superhero is ******ed.

And he's got a lot more in common with Superman than just being aliens sent to earth.
But DBZ didn't rip off Superman. Sure Goku was sent to Earth from another planet, however, it was to destroy it.

It can be a rip off and still be enjoyable. Batman stole from Zorro and it's pretty great. But I wouldn't necessarily say Goku was sent to Earth to destroy it. I think that's more evil Raditz/Vegeta propaganda than actual fact:




Conquer it? Sure. Destroy it? Why the hell would you send your kid out in what's obviously a safety protocol if he's hard wired to just destroy it? Bardock got him off the planet because it was about to be destroyed. Like Krypton.

Also, Goku wasn't sent to Earth because his planet was dying. He was sent there because the Saiyans conquered other planets and sold them.

From the comic strips I provided, that's not the case at all. Burdock wanted his kid to escape. Not to conquer. They even talk of leaving themselves, but they knew they'd be found out due to their Scouters.

Goku doesn't get strength from the sun,

He can. The Spirit Bomb can be collected from several energies across the galaxy, the Sun included. King Kai says this in the episode "Closer, Closer".

He can tap into The Spirit Bomb to get strength:


But that's just something that hypothetically could happen, not that it has actually happened. There are several other instances where Goku and Superman are alike to the point of plagiarism.

and isn't a super hero.


Google said:


a benevolent fictional character with superhuman powers, such as Superman.

Goku is a benevolent fictional character with superhuman powers. So, he is a super hero.

Literally their only comparison is that they're both aliens sent to Earth. Hell, I guess all other alien characters in fiction are rip offs of Supes.

  • Comes from a planet with high gravity
  • Doesn't find out he's an alien until he's older (and is shocked to find out).
  • Can destroy planets easily.
  • Takes the moral high ground and doesn't kill unless he absolutely has to.
  • Swore to protect Earth from invaders.
  • Three villains survive the destruction of his homeplanet and are the same race he is. (Nappa, Vegeta, and Raditz for Goku. General Zod, Ursa, and Non for Superman.) Of course, other Saiyans have survived, like Turles, Tarble, etc. So have other Kryptonians. But the common belief is 3 evil Saiyans, and 3 evil Kryptonians.
  • He fought a mad scientist that created androids specifically to kill him. (Dr. Gero - Goku, The Mad Scientist - Superman).
Those strips that you provided are not canon and furthermore, they were created about 2-3 years ago. You know what is canon? The film Bardock: Father of Goku and the original Dragonball Manga which NEVER depicted Goku's mother and in which Bardock only ever seen his son once before he was sent to Earth to destroy it by the Saiyan officials, not his parents.

I know that you're going to say I need proof so I'll go ahead and post the entire movie Bardock: The Father of Goku. You tell me where in this film you see his parents put him on a ship to escape Freeza? Also, how the hell is Bardock present to put Goku on a ship to escape Freeza when it was he who provoked and swayed Freeza to destroy Planet Vegeta?


Need anything else, let me know.

Also the depiction of Goku as a benevolent hero was the American depiction. IDK why people don't get this. In all actuality, Goku is a selfish character who only fights because, well, he enjoys it. Sure he'll protect his loved ones, but he really really isn't a hero. Gohan, is the hero Great Saiyaman. Actually, Goku has put the Earth in danger more times than he's saved it by letting opponents live and get stronger so he could fight them again.

Your comparisons all come from the American dub. In original Japanese anime and Manga his planet does not have higher gravity, the three villians thing is a stretch as Raditz came to Earth to bring Goku back, not to make it his home or conquer it. Vegeta and Nappa then followed only because of the Dragon Balls. He doesn't kill not because of moral high ground but because he wants to fight them again. Superman knew from childhood that he was an alien so what does Goku being older have to do with anything? He never swore to protect earth. He only swore to get stronger at all costs. He only fought the mad scientist and his androids, again, to test his limits and because they were specifically created to destroy him.

We can do this all day if you want. Fact is, Goku being a rip off of Supes is a stretch. The only super hero trope that Goku fits is having super powers, but I would argue that in his universe he doesn't have super powers as everyone and their momma has the same abilities. Goku's abilities come from martial arts and training. He wasn't born with them, he doesn't get power from a yellow sun, he didn't experience some kind of scientific accident, and he didn't take a serum. He's not a super hero. He doesn't fly around looking for petty crimes to stop and villians to beat. He only wants to test his limits and fight. Hell, even in Resurrection F, he asked Freeza to be his sparring partner and told him to leave Earth so that they could fight again. He spared Vegeta so they could fight again. He wished that Buu would could be back as a good person so THEY COULD FIGHT AGAIN. He had a chance to stop the Androids from ever being activated by finding the Dragon Balls but declined so HE COULD FIGHT THEM. See the trend here?
Good lord it's the BZT all over again


We can all agree that this debate would get more views than a Youtube video on how Doctor Strange ripped off some guy a majority of people don't know, though. I'm only trying to help in my dickish, problematic ways.
Probably would if for no other reason than to see Phenom shoot himself in the foot over & over.

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