WM 29: Ryback vs. Mark Henry

This match is gonna be short, yet effective.

I predict a staredown, some trash talking, a few power moves here and there and Ryback attempts and (hopefully) succeeds to hit the shellshock.

Should be good.
I'm really looking forward to this match, but unfortunately the Smarky New York crowd is going to take a big steamy shit on this match. Ryback vs. Henry is going to be a fun, short, brutal match. Heel Henry is the perfect monster to match up against Ryback to show how dominant he can potentially be.

My Pick: Ryback. He needs the win. His momentum has slowed considerably since feuding with the Shield. He is in desperate need of a big time win over a credible opponent. A five star classic this will not be, but it can be very enjoyable.
I'm really looking forward to this match, but unfortunately the Smarky New York crowd is going to take a big steamy shit on this match. Ryback vs. Henry is going to be a fun, short, brutal match. Heel Henry is the perfect monster to match up against Ryback to show how dominant he can potentially be.

My Pick: Ryback. He needs the win. His momentum has slowed considerably since feuding with the Shield. He is in desperate need of a big time win over a credible opponent. A five star classic this will not be, but it can be very enjoyable.

I agree with almost everything you said here, but I really hope the bolded portion isn't true. I know how New York crowds can be, but I'm holding out hope that the WrestleMania crowd will be more diverse and be less smarky than what we've come to expect from the New York crowd. Doubt it, but I'm holding out hope.

But yeah, this match is gonna be fun. We all know it's just there to have Ryback get a big win and connect with his finisher on Henry. That doesn't mean it's not going to fun, though. Two ridiculously strong guys in the ring like this can put on a nice, short match to get the crowd going. I expect a couple of power moves from both guys, but Ryback to ultimately come out on top of Henry. That way, he can move on and start regaining some of his momentum that he lost after facing Punk and the Shield.
No one is getting buried here. It's crazy to say that.

Second, I don't think the NYC crowd shits on it. The modern smark isn't the smark from 1998 where they irrationally hate anything over 250 that doesn't do a moonsault. Smart fans appreciate Henry and they'll pop for Ryback doing crazy shit.

It's match will be a blast.
I would be surprised if Ryback lost this. Yeah, I know they are pushing Henry again but Ryback is the guy with far more long term value to the company, and he hasnt had a big win in a while so I think its important that he wins at his first Wrestlemania.

I don't expect this to be a classic match, no-one does but two giant men hitting power moves on each other for a few minutes will be pretty entertaining. If they are planning on Ryback hitting Shellshock on Henry, they better be sure he can do it as him failing to lift The Worlds Strongest Man could look prety embarassing on the biggest card of the year. I would expect the match to be pretty short to avoid Ryback tiring himself out which could stop him from hitting his big move.

Ryback to win in a fairly short but entertaining power match.
It's no secret around here that I am not a fan of Mark Henry, even after last year's World Heavyweight Championship run. With that in mind.... Ryback desperately needs a big win here. He was booked very well during his undefeated streak, up until he got rushed into the WWE Championship angle with CM Punk and the feud with The Shield that followed. He has lost too much on PPV and this is his chance to get the big win that gets him back on track. What does Mark Henry gain from a win here? Nothing. Not a thing. Absolutely NOTHING!

I can see this going on second or so, it will probably be earlier on the card. It likely won't be one of the better matches either, but I don't think it's in too much danger of sucking. As long as Ryback is booked well and the match doesn't drag on longer than it needs to. Have Henry look like he still has a chance, but with Ryback winning and getting a much needed victory. They'll both likely be moving on to other feuds after Wrestlemania. Perhaps a return to the world title scene for both of them, athough if they did they most likely would be chasing seperate titles. Ryback in the WWE Championship chase and Henry trying to regain the World Heavyweight Championship. That, or they both might just go into other random filler feuds for the next couple of months.

Ryback will defeat Mark Henry.
This is really the only match on the card other than The Shield vs Orton/Sheamus/Show that I'll hunt down on youtube later in the week. Keep it short, 7-8 minutes is enough, just an exchange of smash mouth moves, Ryback hits Shellshock on the massive Henry for his Mania moment and takes it home with the 3 count.
This match seems to be set up for the most part to give Ryback a wrestlemania moment similiar to Cena's when he lifted the Big Show up for the first time for the FU which I have no issue with actually I'm looking forward to seeing if Ryback can pull it off and when/if he does he'll most likely get a huge pop from the crowd. I'm certain Ryback wins this and I go into more detail in my prediction video that I just posted up.
Ryback will win this match and shell shock Mark Henry. It'll be one of those pleasant highlights in the post mania video package. I don't know what else to add here so moving on.........
Honestly I never liked the power vs power kind of match. It is the third post I make about Mania and for the third time in a row I say this is another match that I don't care, I don't have big hopes on this one either.

There is two purpose in this match: make an "oh my god" moment, when Ryback picks Henry for the Shell shock and the other purpose is for Ryback to get finally his big win on a PPV. For me is time for Ryback to prove that he can have a match without gimmick, a single match without squashes, it's time for him to prove that he can be the next big star and is more than a big guy who squashes on singles match.

Ryback wins.
I'm a big fan of both these guys. Since his debut I've been vehemently behind Ryback, he has star written all over him, he posses incredible strength, a mean look, despite some not knowing it he can do in the ring as his Florida Championship Wrestling work is proof of that and the dude behind the character seems like a very cool and humble guy. Mark Henry on the other hand is just... well, Mark Henry. Even when his on-screen character sucked Mark Henry was always one of the nicest guys outside the ring, having met him television doesn't do his pure size much justice.

This will either be Ryback's big moment where he hits Mark with the Shellshock or Mark will finally get that WrestleMania moment hes always desired. Either way I think this'll be a clash of the titans, should be good to see two bulls lock horns.
Like most can't see anything other than a Ryback win! They are even teasing the shell shock early on, with that failed attempt at the suplex! So Mania moment coming up for Ryback me reckons!
that was wwe completely burying ryback. pathetic

Agreed 100%

It doesn't matter though. They don't need another main event face character because they have Mr Make A Wish Mega Super Cena who is seemingly more immortal than even Hulk Hogan ever was.
Ryback/Mark Henry was the most perplexing match of the night. I just didn't understand the point in having Henry fall on him for the win during the Shellshocked only to have him successfully do it after the match. I really think Ryback needed that win. Can anyone really see the upside of Henry winning this match?
Ryback/Mark Henry was the most perplexing match of the night. I just didn't understand the point in having Henry fall on him for the win during the Shellshocked only to have him successfully do it after the match. I really think Ryback needed that win. Can anyone really see the upside of Henry winning this match?

I didn't predict every match right but this was the only result that actually caught me by surprise, I just can't see the point in Ryback losing and then hitting his move, he really needed that big stage win IMO.
I hope WWE has something planned because that was horrible booking. Who knows, maybe there's a reason for it that we will find out soon. At the very least, the victory did look kinda lucky on Henry's part.
Another way of looking at the match is that it may have went the way it did to set up Cena's first fued over the title. Henry is one of the WWE's bigger heels and winning last night only further elevates him.

I believe the finish of the match was to set up Henry/Cena and the aftermatch stuff was thrown in their to make Ryback look as strong as possible following a loss.

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