Ryback and shellshock

keith hall

the streak will not be BEAT!!!
so let me get this straight...Ryback was supposedly punished on Monday night Raw by having Big Show kick out of shell shock right...

how is that a punishment...?

Last year one of the proposed wrestlemania matches was Big show v.s. Ryback...the big story in that match would've been Ryback hitting Shellshock on the big man...that was going to be his Wrestlemania moment...

now due to horrible booking decisions...(and cena's injury)...we didn't get this...instead they had Mark Henry fall on top of Ryback...

that sounds kinda like punishment...not What we got Monday...

instead WWE had Big Show kick out of the Shellshock...

and I'm fine with that...why?...because the match was good!!!...Ryback was a beast!...and it was Show's return match...so yeah He was gonna win...

but when Ryback picked him up where was Michael Cole?...he acted like it wasn't a big deal...like anyone could do it...

Same thing happened a week later when Ryback picked up Khaki...the commentary refused to put the move over...

so two instances where Ryback has picked up huge guys with no response from the commentary...if they do it every time cena AA's khali and show...then why not for Ryback?
My guess is that commentary not going over the top regarding the use of Shellshock on Big Show was Ryback's "punishment." However, the mere concept of a Vince McMahon creation actually getting punished screamed of dirt sheet speculation. Ryback isn't getting pushed because he isn't over. Instead, beating him is simply an impressive win by a contender.
Well besides JBL, cole and Jerry have been pretty stagnant in their role.They dont get excited for much.I mean hell Cole barely got excited for Brock Lesnar's return.If he can barely get excited for that then Ryback picking someone bigger than him up ...isnt in his top 1000 moments to get excited about.

Either that or they purposefully didnt react to it as a form of punishment by not getting the move more over.Punishment or not, dirt sheets or not, I think Ryback is a freaking huge mistake by the WWE.

Dont get me wrong, the strong booking of the Shield for one whole year ( Raw was basically worth watching because of them, Db and punk and wyatts ) shows that they can still do some good stuff but jesus christ the booking of Ryback after he ended his jobber-raping-spree was awful.They killed his character.

Lots of people on this forum say that wrestlers need to "take it" and its their job to get over not WWE's.That's true to an extent but what they did to Ryback and still doing is just plain stupid and they are the only reason he is not succesful and over anymore, at least in my opinion , and I'm not even that big of a Ryback fan.
I disagree with the dirt sheets claiming this is Ryback's punishment on this for a few reasons, but the main reason is that this for me was one of his better matches! For what I thought was simply going to be a 5 minute squash match, both guys were actually given some decent time in the ring and I thought both came out of it well. Ryback's dominated a large proportion of the match, while Show looked good kicking out of Shell Shocked and got the victory with his finisher.

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