Ryback: Pick on someone your own size

This is the most Ryback has been over since his first few appearances.

No coincidence there. What they were doing when he was first introduced was creating a bully; albeit a good guy bully. He kept beating up two tomato cans at once.....and the program lasted too long. Then, he had a "feud" with Jinder Mahal that made you scratch your head trying to figure the purpose behind it. Then, he beat Miz.....and next thing you know, he's fighting CM Punk for the title at PPVs.

A strange progression, to be sure.

Now, he's at it again, facing down much smaller men who are afraid to look him in the eye. It's all leading to something, but still odd in the supposition that they're trying to re-invent someone we already know. Yes, he seems to still be transitioning to heel status, but with that physique and attitude, it's almost as if he was always a heel, no?

Okay, so now that Mark Henry and Ryback have achieved role reversals, they can fight some more. Big Show is in the mix, too. There are very few people who are his size, but he'll see them soon enough.
One person I could see that Vince is supposedly real high on Titus O Neil. We have Darren Young bullied he stands up but Ryback hurts him and Titus says to pick on someone your own size and bam Gets Titus a push and shows what happens to bullies

From a storyline standpoint, I'd rather Young fend for himself.

Plus I don't think the WWE wants to tread on a gay bashing storyline, even if the outcome makes Young look good.

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