With the way he has been built as Champ how can Miz win in the chamber?


Pre-Show Stalwart
The Miz has been built as the cowardly heel champ that needs outside help to win all matches (even a match against a man in his 60's) so with that bein said how can he survive the chamber when 5 other man are out to take his title?

Alex Riley cant help, nobody can help because they are in a chamber! (unless someone pulls a hbk and comes in from underneath the cell but im sure that wont happen 2 years in a row)

Does Cena win and then Miz gets his rematch at mania? but who would want to see that? we all know Cena would obviously retain

Does any of you actually WANT to see Miz vs Cena? because im pretty sure we saw that same match on raw a few months ago to determine the captian of team raw! These 2 aren't that great in the ring together IMO

So here's what i want to know from all of you

Who do you expect to be in this match?

How do you see the Miz cheating his way to win?

Or do you expect someone else to win? if so who?
As i've stated in another topic, i expect to see The Miz finally gain some "wrestling respect."

This will be really the first time The Miz will have to compete on his own accord to retain the championship. And i believe in this one match at Elimination Chamber, The Miz will grow into a believable champ that can headline Wrestlemania.

Just my thoughts.
I think his reign is similar to Kurt Angles first reign. How could Kurt retain in a 6 man he'll in a cell vs rock, Austin, taker, rikishi, and hhh? How will miz retain vs orton, cena, punk, Morrison & sheamus(all educated guesses) this is either the point where wwe doesn't trust miz to draw at mania and gives the title to punk, orton, or cena. Or the point where miz will turn into the ultimate underdog and still come out on top despite the odds. Hopefully the trust miz can draw at the big show and he comes up with a loop in the hole to win and brag about on raw til cena wants to shut him up once and for all at mania. But we'll have to wait and see.
First he has to be the last man released from the pod with at least 2-3 of the guys already elminated and the other two have already beat each other down. Make sure those two are guys who hate each other like Cena Punk who have a hate for each other than is even more than the title. So they beat Miz down but keep turning back to each other. Cena gets his knee hurt but battles back. Then Cena AA on Punk elimination and then before Super Cena can recover SKF for the 1...2...Kickout. SKF again countered AA but his kneee gives out and Bam Mix pins Super Cena after a SKF bam
Oh yeah, trust me, there's a cowardly way to win ANY match. Get it down to the final three, Miz and two others, one of the others eliminates the other and stands up right into a Skull Crushing Finale.

That, or Punk wins. The Wrestlemania matches are going to be Orton-Punk and Cena-Miz, either one could have the title involved.

As for the participants, I think it's safe to assume Miz, Orton, Punk, Cena, Morrison, and Sheamus. They're clearly the class of Raw right now.
The Miz has been built as the cowardly heel champ that needs outside help to win all matches (even a match against a man in his 60's) so with that bein said how can he survive the chamber when 5 other man are out to take his title?

Alex Riley cant help, nobody can help because they are in a chamber! (unless someone pulls a hbk and comes in from underneath the cell but im sure that wont happen 2 years in a row)

Does Cena win and then Miz gets his rematch at mania? but who would want to see that? we all know Cena would obviously retain

Does any of you actually WANT to see Miz vs Cena? because im pretty sure we saw that same match on raw a few months ago to determine the captian of team raw! These 2 aren't that great in the ring together IMO

So here's what i want to know from all of you

Who do you expect to be in this match?

How do you see the Miz cheating his way to win?

Or do you expect someone else to win? if so who?

I think the match will consist of The Miz, Cena, Punk, Randy Orton, Morrison and Sheamus. I expect the Miz to retain cleanly, by being the last one to enter the match and take advantage of either Cena, Orton or Morrison who have all taken a beating by that point. He still won't look strong due to the fact that he's the fresh guy capitalizing on someone who is hurt and exhausted. After what happened in the RR Cena vs. Miz one on one is gonna happen and it looks like it will be at 'Mania.
Personally I think they really need to give the title to Punk or Orton and have them face for the title at mania and miz can face cena in a grudge match.

But if they did want to keep it on miz they could easily do it without him beating all 5 guys.Coming in the chamber(like hornswoggle and HBK did), attacking before(edge on Kofi), attacking after some get eliminated(JBL took out almost everyone with a chiar after being eliminated first a couple years go), also anytime someone gets eliminated they open the big chamber door, not to mention he could enter very last and only have to cover one beaten up guy
plain and simple. Cheat.... Thats what the Miz is, a sneaky champ, and lucky
To paraphrase Jessie Ventura refering to HonkyTonk Man
"Miz is a lucky wrestler and it's better to be lucky then good.."

Personally i've gone off him, he's still good enough on the mic but his inring is lacklustre :( still it's better than nothing and it is giving someone new a chance
I think his reign is similar to Kurt Angles first reign. How could Kurt retain in a 6 man he'll in a cell vs rock, Austin, taker, rikishi, and hhh? How will miz retain vs orton, cena, punk, Morrison & sheamus(all educated guesses)

The difference here though is that in the 6-man HiaC the first person to pin someone or make them submit won if I recall, so everyone will be trying to interrupt pinfalls and submissions. In the EC though it's just that...elimination. If it were me I'd rather have less people in the chamber as it gives me a better chance to walk out with the title.

Nevertheless though, while I don't mind The Miz I'm not too keen on him being champion right now, (Riley and Cole don't help things much), but if he can retain without outside interference (or as per last year, underneath interference) to me it would help his credibility a bit.
If he can retain cleanly and have good spots and eliminate like 2 people cleanly he'll get respect from IWC atleast...

On the other hand if the RAW GM comes into play and does a McMahon in the HIAC match by trying to pull of the door or something similar; consequently making Miz win through some cheat he'll get more heat and not be respected by IWC (who I must add aren't WWE's main target market so I aspect outside interference).
EC is the ideal match for the Miz(erable) - being such a clusterfuck match, anyone can loose and not look weak in the process - a la Goldberg. I would agree that Cena, Punk, Orton are nailed to be in the match. However, aside from the spiderman moment, JoMo didn't look great in the RR and I'm not sure the push for him is still as strong. If he does end up in the match, then management obviously has more faith in his ability to improve his mic work than most people.

I wouldn't be surprised to see another member of Nexus, probably Otunga or Ryan in the EC to help Punk. As for Seamus - the possible angle with DMc might divert his attention - or Trips finally comes back and cost him his spot in the EC to set up either a King of Kings match at WM or puts Trips back in the title picture.

I would disagree that a Punk vs Orton match at WM would need the title to be a draw. IMO it would HAVE to go the other way and be Cena vs Miz(erable) for the title as they have NO cemistry in the ring and thus the title is needed to make it worth watching - but there would only be one out come, a JC win. The only issue would be the unended fued between JC and Punk. That said though, I find it highly unlikely that JC or Trips either walk in or if not, out, of WM as wwe champ. It's been nerely a year since either wore the strap and I doubt VKM has changed his MO that the biggest draw needs to have the strap.

Does it make for great TV? No, but since when has VKM or the WWE cared about the fans? They're market is kids and they want SuperCena. PV
i dont think miz will retain but lose the title to cena but will be eliminated before hand by someone else either way he will go to mania to verse cena in a rematch for the title
Who says the Raw EC match will be for the title?? Del Rio won the Rumble, which means he'll more than likely go after the SD title at Mania. Which would leave the Raw champ without a contender. Wouldn't it make more sense to have the Raw EC match be for the number one contender and have Miz vs Cena for the title at the PPV?
Didn't HHH manage it when constantly using evolution to help him reatain his title?

I suppose they could do something lame like A-Ri pulling a Shawn Michaels!
Who says the Raw EC match will be for the title?? Del Rio won the Rumble, which means he'll more than likely go after the SD title at Mania. Which would leave the Raw champ without a contender. Wouldn't it make more sense to have the Raw EC match be for the number one contender and have Miz vs Cena for the title at the PPV?

That's a very good idea. It's what they should do. IMO Wrestlemania opponents should not interact with each other in the ring so close to Mania.

If Miz is in the match however, the most likely way for him to retain would be if he entered the chamber last with only one or two guys remaining in the ring. That way a fresh Miz gets an easy clean pin over a tired opponent.

But I like your idea of a #1 contenders match. Technically Miz doesn't have to defend the title for another 30 days. EC is on teh 20th, so he's not obligated to defend the title for another 9 days after that.
Couple of ways imo.

1. The Raw GM makes the RAW EC be a #1 Contenders match rather than for the title. (Doubt it considering its a PPV, but still...)

2. It's down to say Orton, Sheamus and Miz. (Yeah, i don't see this happening either as Cena won't be eliminated before these guys, but yeah...) Then HHH hits and beats the shit out of both Sheamus and Orton, Miz wins.

3. He wins clean(ish). Comes out 2nd last/Last. Prays on wounded opponenets etc etc, and probably ends up pinning someone like JoMo to win it so Cena/Orton don't look weak.

Just my opinion, but i am 100% sure Cena will beat Miz at Mania for the title, so it's bound to happen one way or another. Riley could also give him a weapon (steel pipe or whatever)
Sorry if this has been posted before but...Unless The Miz starts winning some serious matches, there is no way anyone is gonna start taking him serious. Of course he has personality and good mic skills, if he didn't then his reality-tv career would've been worthless. He also is very good in the ring and I enjoyed his match with John Morrison as the first match of 2011. But even the finish to that match was more the self destruction Royal Rumble, I had a feeling he was gonna win to prove all those "doubters" out there, but all he did was prove them right. Without the "new" Nexus, The Miz was done. After that finish, there is no way he's main eventing Wrestlemania as WWE Champion. If he loses the belt at Elimination Chamber, then I can't even picture him on the event at all. John Morrison has been traveling down his own path so a match with him would just be a waste of time. Right now it looks like Cena vs Miz at Wrestlemania for the strap(because this match being non-title would be another waste of time). Even if The Miz wins this one I still don't see him being looked at as a serious champion. I can't even take him seriously as a wrestler right now. The Miz has a chance to be great, but unless something changes, I see him going down in the record books as just a transitional champion, if a champion at all.

So how can we SAVE THE MIZ!!!
Since Day 1 of the Miz being champion, people were saying they like it because he's a guy that's "beatable". And I couldn't agree more with the way he's been booked. He's the wise talking heal that legit earned all he's got in his life. Yeah he takes shortcuts, so what? It's a VERY common heal tactic to have outside interfearence. More heals win title matchs with dirty tactics then not, it's a scripted television show!

The Miz is doing fine, A-Ry and Cole are doing great helping, and Cena/Miz at Mania, title or not, will be a good match with a likely "awesome" build, filled with dirty tactics and interference.
At this point, he IS a transitional champion. I think it is likely we will see HHH tonight and he or Cena will end up facing Miz at Mania and Miz will go over, only for JoMo to cash in MITB on him that night in a Mania moment.

The Miz is still unproven, he is where Chris Jericho was during his Undisputed title reign, retaining by screwy means till someone can finally dethrone him and if they are serious about JoMo AND Miz, the logical way is for them to face each other... untill that happens, you won't know which has the longer term success potential.
You have to be kidding me!!

This is getting real old. To answer your question or respond to your apology, YES!!!!! It has been posted before. What do you people not understand about Miz being Heel?

What is a Heel?? A BAD GUY!! He is not a monster Heel that needs to dominate someone to get over. He is not like Big Show or Kane or someone with their size or gimmick.

His main attribute at this point is being smart. Finding a way to win. That is what he does in every match he is. WWE is not making him look weak, they are making him look like a Heel. A smart one at that.

Miz continues to be a work in progress. There will be a time when Miz is cheered by the crowd and is as over as anyone we have ever seen. That time will probably be in the next year. Though he has a lot of haters, he has a massive amount of fans as well.

His route is very similar to The Rock. He started off as a weak Face, then emerged with a proper gimmick as a Heel. Did The Rock win every match clean? Fuck no! As a matter of fact, when he was with The Corporation and was WWF Champion, he ALWAYS cheated to win.

He actually looks stronger than The Rock did in those days, because The Rock lost a few times, and dropped the title to Mick Foley twice.

The Miz, with whatever means he has used to stay champion, REMAINS Champion!! It proves WWE has faith in him and this time he is spending as Champion, is great for him and GREAT for The WWE. They have gotten much more exposure with Miz holding the belt.

Sure, other new comers have deserved it too. But, just because Miz used to be on MTV, doesn't mean he hasn't worked as hard, if not harder, than everyone else in the company.

What kind of exposure would they have gotten if Cena was Champ now? Same old shit.

What kind of exposure would they have gotten if Miz failed to successfully cash in his briefcase, and Orton remained Champ? Same old shit!! I bet if anything, the talk over the whole situation would have been about Miz not succeeding in cashing it in.

What if Wade Barrett would have knocked Orton off? Would Barrett have been on TMZ? Would Barrett have been on assorted talks shows and what not??? The answer is no!!

The Miz has been a great Champion for WWE. Not in the "Fighting Champion" sense, where he is wowing everyone on a weekly basis with his title defenses.

But where it actually counts most. He has created a buzz, he has created a Main Stream media awareness of him as Champion. Most of all, he has gotten more heat than just about everyone in the business today!!

On a side note, they are also building Alex Riley in the process, just having him around the Miz, THE WWE CHAMPION!!

So, kudos to the WWE and how they have handled The Miz. I think they are doing it perfect and fans like the OP just may never get it!!!!!!
I personally love The Miz at the moment, he's playing the classic heel role, you know the routine.. once you turn heel, you cant win a honest match to save your life.
Even the Biggest Baddest Face once he turns Heel becomes a coward, tries to avoid the face to face confrontation, takes shortcuts etc, its perfect!!

He is geeky and isnt dominant by any means but I can see him making alot of progress over the next year. In Ring wise.
I also love the Miz' heel role at the moment, but I do agree w/some of what the OP says. We're forgetting not everybody is part of the IWC and as such not as into the technical and backstage/behind the scenes/involved aspect as others.

That being said, even heels would use different tactics. This is where I agree w/the OP. Instead of having Riley or Nexus or somebody interfere, why not have him "bring a weapon out of the trunks" such as brass knucks or something? Why not have him do some things like eye gouging and choking w/some kind of rope/strap and then put his legs on the ropes and get a pinfall? Change it up so the faces look just a little more vulnerable in that regard and the heel a little more dimensional than just having another person involved in the actual end outcome.

I understand that Piper had Cowboy Bob and had help often. But he also had kind of a mean streak and would resort to other things besides "Ace"'s cast. A little more versatility would only help the Miz. Let him get a chair and blatantly beat somebody for a DQ. Have something happen either from him or somebody to get a countout victory. One time have him get to the verge of getting beaten only to slip out and take a countout loss.

All I'm really saying here is that they are sitting on the edge of hurting Miz on that higher level. Cowardly heel is cowardly heel, but don't have him rely too much on other people to get the job done, let him do the job himself even if it's in a slightly underhanded or devious way. It would still lend a hand towards his credibility.
so ill be honest, im not the biggest miz fan, but i do like how he is being booked. he is getting the wins by hook or crook granted, but we have seen this before with kurt angle. they are building him with a huge string of victories making it where people are going to watch and order the pay per views just to see when he will lose the strap. its rather brilliant to be honest. those of us who have been craving a lenghty title run get one, the wwe get improved buy rates and ratings, and you all get something to bitch or brag about on the boards. winners all around

Seriously, the guy is a joke & doesn't deserve to be champion. Forget about saving The Miz. How 'bout saving the WWE by getting The Miz as far away from the WWE title as possible.

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