Bill Lesnar

Occasional Pre-Show
Well well well where do I start? Oh im William Patrick Lesnar by the way
I was the most hyped poster in the history of this fucking forum. Guess what? Ive been watching wrestling for more than 20 years from the NWA all the way to the current wwe product. I know more about wrestling then this forum does put together. Seriously fuck this garbage forum and its fucking garbage posters. This forum being run by Jarret and Russo will never thrive period. I’m sick to fucking death of reading post by teens about the 90s (you didn’t watch, don’t comment losers). Im sick of reading generic, bland posts from boring posters like Jack hammer who are considered the shit. People on this forum actually think Vince is coming back, Jericho will turn face etc? GET A FUCKING CLUE WILL YOU.

***** on this site have the nerve to tell me I’m not a good poster?, really?. I no more about the biz than any of you hacks. Posters like Stinger and his high school librarian group who don’t have the faintest idea about what their on about actually think they can call me out?. Listen mother fuckers, I’ve travelled the world gone to ppvs,house shows the whole fucking lot, met wrestlers backstage and you ***** think you know better than me do you?, I’ve watched virtually every ppv there is that isn’t made by TNA. I live and breathe the biz and I have losers who are only good for knocking cheap hookers in their hotels telling me about wrestling (like the hamburgler or whatever the fuck his name is). This forum stinks like my cats anus that’s perched up next to me. Spam? You think I Spam, oh god you crude pricks. Your non spam sections couldn’t be more trivial. Each section is filled with piles and piles of garbage of boring essays that read as though there from wikie. Headlining mania is Orton vs Cena and edge vs triple H you dumb fucks. WHY because that what makes money and that’s what wrestling is all about MONEY. JESUS CHRIST AND TAKER IS INJURED HE WONT MAKE MANIA. Some of the posters like Natural, brain etc just don’t have a clue whats going do they.

Actually on brain, him and his cute librarian know it all mate Bunker Boi would get along quite well wouldn’t they. Both enjoy dim environments and luv a good book right?, gotta love them Book worms. Neither of you know a thing about Wrestling btw, all the flowery language in the world couldn’t hide that. KB still lives with mum judging by his lame posts about the most trivial things. Probably loves his family strip poker esp when it goes wrong. Dude no one gives a shit if youre hungry or not (go to your local pizza joint you lazy cunt and stop spending 24/7 on this shite forum) not one cares if you like Rayne and oh WAIT no one cares about your weird dreams. God you are a walking fail. Think running a wrestling forum makes you tough huh, you love your oily men in spandex huh, get off to Ortons huge dick huh?. If youre going to try and act smart do it properly otherwise retreat back to your mothers room. You made a crappy review site which is boring (get a personality you dim cunt, your posts read like Grishams voice) and I posted there, I gave it views, I actually gave it life, and you showed no respect. Because you’re an uptight, crappy old man most likey called Francis. Im sick of your bullshit. Much like HHH anyone who’s a threat to you, you try and bury with your untalented ass. Next time you have a nightmare please don’t wake up.

Oh and SLyfox, oh wise and mighty slyfox who actually is dumb enough to think Cenas a better wrestler than orton. Give me fucking break, Cena got over on charisma. He is shite in the ring. He is a cash cow and ill give credit where its due he is great for the company but better wrestler than a guy who has a rep for being a great wrestler? NO. If youre going to be a mod, to a better a job. Instead of acting like an aggressive mofo who hasn’t smoked *** in a while, please welcome members in the site and you know welcome them. That’s your job, add to that some wrestling knowledge. TNAS finances suck (I won’t reveal my souces), and Dixie has a source (not her farther) and once that source stops funding her, they will go out of Biz because Panda energy will lose interest. The outside source funds Dixie in hope that the TNA product will catch on much like WCW but if that doesn’t, they are screwed, Screwed like your mother after a night with Bill Fucking Lesnar. I could go on listing your many negative qualities but it’s not worthy it. WAIT your not worth it. Shout out to another boring non spam poster DMan btw. Hey why do seagulls have wings? To beat Dman to the rubbish dump ofcourse!!

Bro no jokes get a grip, you’re a shite poster whos only a mod because you luv taking Slys virtual cock everynight. As for you being an indy guy, what a load of shite as if anyone believes that nonsense. The rest of the mods are decent enough, with SSC being top of the pile. The reason why that guy is so popular is because he doesn’t take the net seriously. Unlike Sly and KB he does not need power to get over. Theres a lesson for you hardnosed Nazis. Fuel and Sound Of madness, please fuck off from any of my threads. The two of you wankers should actually gain decent Wrestling knowledge before coming at me same goes for the other teens yeah Angelic Diablo (terrible sigmaker btw, one of WZ’s worst), nightmare others arnt relevant enough for me to comment on. Oh and little Noah, that little munckin you started watching in 2010, that fat porky little fucker. WOW mum should be controlling this pizza face and daddy should be handing out beatings to this overweight sack of poo. Hopefully when you go back to school, you release that being dumped in bins and the like you are pointless. Next time you try and suck Bill lesnar dick, he will gag you with it.

There are some good posters on this site…SNS,Macca and a few others. These guys have a sense of humour and know they shit, but they are still treated like shit because KB has an inferiority complex to anyone a level above him. They played along with my character which I respect because I had to dumb down a lot for. Makes me laugh as well how ive been treated here. I actually wanted to come back and post about wrestling, however Jenks posted racist rubbish and what not…and hes better than me? Whatever fuck this site. Jenks is a good poster btw, combines knowledge and humour very well. Those jealous corporate wankers getting their knickers in a knot over a GREAT poster again. Holds this shite back dearly. To many bland posters who post boring and sleep worthy bullshit. To many ego driven mods who have perfected the art of ass kissing instead of good posting. I mean OMG one of your mods Ferbian is 18 and has the cheek to post about Old school wrestling…what the fuck is up with that?. I could go on…like Kb wanted to but this site (what a power hungry waste of space, get a fucking life). Whatever

Ive busted my ass here for 5 months, posting stuff that ***** here could never dream off. Bill lesnar is done, Finished. Driven away. These losers expect me to write trivial essays on god knows what. Well fuck off. I have some pride. This essay development is the last straw. I could go on, buts it's 430 in the morning

See you on SVR Doc.

Keep perving on barely legal chicks Sully!

Good night and goodbye!

good luck Jenks! and thank you SSC,Joe,Smiley and Macca and Blue Cardinal.

I have been forced from this forum by the forums very own Triple H

1. If I'm HHH, where's my Stephanie?

2. You stopped posting on my site and it hit the highest number of views in a day that it's had yet.

3. Finally, you get it.
You know what the most frustrating thing was? He really was a good poster. He just didn't get it until the very end.
Ha! Seriously though it sucks to see Bill go as aside from the whole third person schtick he was a really good poster.
im done. its over. Sick to fucking death of being treated like a 3rd world citizen. Kb ur Steph idk lariet?

2. yeah right

3. Fuck it im out

its been a wild ride
The fuck Lesnar?
I was always on your side, and you call me a shit poster & graphic maker?

At least Im making good money out of making graphics for different companies, something you can never do.
All you do is try and try and try to come back on an online wrestling site, thats all you can ever do.
KB actually gave you a shot to be back here (in prison) and you fucking blew it.

do me a favor Bill, and go fuck yourself.
I was always on your side you mother fucking prick.

Stop talking shit about us here and leave you son of a bitch.
Go die bitch.
He leaves, he comes back to say again that he's leaving, he says he's leaving again.

Bill Lesnar is....kind of gone?
He leaves, he comes back to say again that he's leaving, he says he's leaving again.

Bill Lesnar is....kind of gone?

Thank goodness, the dude does not make any sence.
Comes here and has some pretty good posts, but he has horrible grammar, and talks shit, and annoys the fuck outta u, and sly.

He keeps shitting on guys like JackHammer, Stinger, etc.
Im happy hes gone.
In case anyone was wondering, the "it" that he didn't get was that I was never going to pay attention to him at all as long as he kept up that dumbass Bill Lesnar thing every time he posted. It was annoying as hell and there's no way I'm listening to someone that is trying to appeal to me for some mercy and they can't stop being all stupid for five minutes.
In case anyone was wondering, the "it" that he didn't get was that I was never going to pay attention to him at all as long as he kept up that dumbass Bill Lesnar thing every time he posted. It was annoying as hell and there's no way I'm listening to someone that is trying to appeal to me for some mercy and they can't stop being all stupid for five minutes.
Thank you KB!!!

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