Will whoever win this really change things?

FlexAmerican Dynamite

I have been following this for the most part and I have read most of the posts by all three participants. While Im still undecided because each of them have good solid arguments as to why they should be the next mod(even if one of them refuses to play dirty). Now I obviously haven't been here this long but as I believe another mod stated this election has basically become so personal it has unnecessarily spilled out into other threads which have nothing to do with the election. Im asking all three of you is it really worth it? It's not liking you guys are fighting for a KB or Sly position, your trying to become a mod. Two of you it seems (correct me if im wrong) are trying to become mods in the WWE section. A section that is already moderated and once again as I point out not really changing anything on the forum what so ever. It seems as though the only person needed to be a mod would be Coco because we do need a spam mod. Now Im not saying you guys have to be the best of friends after all this is a competition but the level of hatred two of the candidates seem to have for the other makes it seem as if Dagger does win it will encite a riot all over the WZ forums. Now I don't really know Dagger,Coco, or Crock at all. I have no idea if any of what people are accusing Dagger for are true, I don't really know if all Coco is a popular troll, but I just want people to keep in mind(perticularly the ones not even involved in the election) this an election for a mod. After this is all over one of these three fine posters will have their name in bold and will be able to infract upon breaking rules. Some people are looking at this like one of these three will have complete control over everything. Is all the hate threads really needed? I mean won't some of you feel kind of stupid after causing such a fuss over something as simple as a mod? If anybody took the time the read this Im just saying this isn't me saying I know all their is to know, Im not saying I wouldn't be doing the exact same thing If I was in any of the three candidates positions. Just a new poster giving his thoughts on the election so far. Peace out.
Yes. They will change things by proving that this election won't change things, thus preventing us from holding any future elections.
Yes. They will change things by proving that this election won't change things, thus preventing us from holding any future elections.

I think Sly's having way too much fun to dump this idea. I'm guessing it's going to be an annual thing. Not sure who would actually want to run after this, but he's definitely having his fun.

Oh, and no, nothing will change. What needs to change? I think this place is about as organized as an internet wrestling forum gets.
Does the designation of a mod ever cause visible change?


There isn't much to change. Maybe you can create another tournament, give more/less infractions, etc. Then again, when it comes to discipline, if you're doing too much, you're told to calm down. If you aren't doing enough, someone else does it for you. If you're a disruptive cunt, you're let go (nothing like that has happened during my tenure).
Does the designation of a mod ever cause visible change?


They were Sly's ideas, but the execution was mine. The CL eventually became the Newswire, and the section radically changed from being a discussion of social/religious/moral/chit-chat topics to solely News Stories and their analysis.
Appointments of moderators do change things. I speak from personal experience when I tell you that. I overhauled WZPC when I took over. The M&TV section got better and more organised and that's just my sections. LSN has told you about his experiences too. It does matter.

That said, there is only so much that either Crock or Dagger will be able to do. They're working with other mods in a section that they have been modding for lot longer. At least Coco's section will be his own if he gets it. It's a lot wasier to change things in that case. If you want change, vote Coco.
i agree with DAve. The personal autonomy to mold your section into your own image can definitely make a difference. essentially, myself becoming CL/Newswire Mod has overhauled two sections, mine, and Potluck. look at how Potluck has changed from "Your Favorite Sandwhich?", to "What do you believe?", and such. it's become a much more discussion, debate driven section. I'm not bragging or taking credit for this, Ive simply been a cog in the machine. but yes, Mods can make visible change. Damn, I hate posting from my phone.
Not dramatically, probably not even noticeably. This is just an example but how do you feel the landscape of WZ has altered in any significant manner since Nick became a moderator? Nate? JGlass? Honestly, if you don't notice the change afterwards, it says as much about how good a job said moderator does than otherwise.

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