Will the new post button ever get fixed?!

We've mentioned it to them many times before. Nothing has been done. We've menitoend it in the Board Room several times. They're hardly ever here anyway.

Hence why you should endlessly flood their e-mails until shit gets fixed, is this concept really that fucking hard to understand?
Oh like the 20 damn threads we've made about it?

Or maybe the 10 fucking times we've talked to them about it and they keep saying "we'll do it" and "be patient"? That fucking big enough for you? Get over it Justin. It's inconvenient for all of a minute for you and you have to throw a fucking fit over it. Nothing is going to change so shut up about it.
So instead of trying we should just let the forum get continuously worse? We might as well do something. That stupid "you must wait 200 seconds" things happens to me all the time. I can't ever search or anything because of it.
Oh like the 20 damn threads we've made about it?

Or maybe the 10 fucking times we've talked to them about it and they keep saying "we'll do it" and "be patient"? That fucking big enough for you? Get over it Justin. It's inconvenient for all of a minute for you and you have to throw a fucking fit over it. Nothing is going to change so shut up about it.

How about the fucking fix it already then I won't have to bitch about it anymore, and I said FLOOD THEIR E-MAIL, not make threads and talk about it in the board rooms, you have a problem with my thread then spot fucking posting in it
Talking to the fuckers hasn't worked. We've complained about them for almost a year now. They're not going to do anything about them. They "fixed" a few thigns and we haven't heard much from them since.
How about the fucking fix it already then I won't have to bitch about it anymore, and I said FLOOD THEIR E-MAIL, not make threads and talk about it in the board rooms, you have a problem with my thread then spot fucking posting in it

Or how about you actually quit bitching for once? Never tried it before so who knows, it might actually work.
Yes Justin I'll get right to that. I'll make sure to go and tell people WHO ARE NEVER FUCKING HERE what to do. Since they're never here, don't pay attention to us and don't have a damn clue who you or I are, they'll get right on that. After that, I'll stop world hunger while I'm at it.
We've done that Wes. We've emailed them, IC has called them, and we get the same answer. "We'll get to it." It's been done.
I think that if we keep E-mailing them and Flooding their In-boxes they will eventually get annoyed and just do something to make it stop, hopefully.

I am with Justin on this one but I understand what you are saying KB, and you are right about somethings.
:banghead:, That's why you flood their e-mail boxes, you seriously think they never ever check their e-mail, fucking really?!?!, seriously it's fucking called persistence, you keep pushing and keep on their asses until they fucking do something about the fucking issues with the fucking site, instead of being a bunch of fucking *****es who just buy into all the shit they fucking feed you, but fuck, if you really just want to stand by and watch the site you love so much further fall apart and continue to have issues than so be it
The issue is we've tried all those things. I'm as frustrated with these things as anyone is. The LDs are worthless anymore and we couldn't even have a good one for Wrestle fucking Mania because the posts were all over the place. It aggrivates me though when people think we've done nothing to try to get them to fix it. Believe me, we've tried and are still trying. It's like trying to get blood out of a stone though. Literally, they do nothing.

Justin, is anything stopping you from emailing them? Go find their adress and do it yourself. Don't jump on me when I've been trying to do it.
I'm with KB here. I only had that message once and it only ever appeared that one time. It was a minor inconvenience for a few seconds and thI refreshed it and my posen it was gone. t was there un-harmed. It's such a little thing to get upset over. Plus the forums are free so no biggie imo.
Justin, is anything stopping you from emailing them? Go find their adress and do it yourself. Don't jump on me when I've been trying to do it.

I plan on doing so, I'm only using this thread to rant, and see if other posters are as annoyed about it as I am, which several clearly are, the fact that you told to shut up about it, and suggested that we don't try anything at all because nothing was ever going to change simply because it hasn't already is what I had issue with, just because you haven't gotten them to fix the shit yet doesn't mean that if enough poster start flooding their e-mail boxes about the problems that they will eventually realizes it's a bigger issue then they think and will fix it
I plan on doing so, I'm only using this thread to rant, and see if other posters are as annoyed about it as I am, which several clearly are, the fact that you told to shut up about it, and suggested that we don't try anything at all because nothing was ever going to change simply because it hasn't already is what I had issue with, just because you haven't gotten them to fix the shit yet doesn't mean that if enough poster start flooding their e-mail boxes about the problems that they will eventually realizes it's a bigger issue then they think and will fix it

But it's not that big of an issue...
But it's not that big of an issue...

Everytime I log on I have to deal with it, I have sat at my computer clicking on the danm thing for literally 5 fucking mins. at a fucking time waiting for it to show me the new posts, it is that big of an issue, especially when you've seen the forum do nothing but go down hill since Crave bought them and fucked them up, I don't have these problems on other forums, who also use Vbullitin, why should I have to deal with them here
And yet you're still here. That's the issue. Why should Crave care about how many people e-mail them if the people that are keep coming back? Fix them or not, same result.
And yet you're still here. That's the issue. Why should Crave care about how many people e-mail them if the people that are keep coming back? Fix them or not, same result.

Why shouldn't Crave care?, if they receive and endless stream of e-mails from posters that use their site, why wouldn't they want to keep them happy?, and if they fixed them they'd prolly get more people visiting the site, more hits = more $$$$ for Crave, are you suggesting that they don't care about making money?

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