Will the new post button ever get fixed?!


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
Seriously this shit has been fucked up for fucking ever now, every time I go to click it I get that same stupid fucking message about how I have to 23143563567 seconds before I can click again or some fucking shit, it's fucking annoying as all hell, when the fuck is shit like this going to ever fucking get fixed?!?!?!
I fucking hate this shit too, and it pisses me off more than anything on here. Why can you mods/admins not just email the people on the main site to fix the shit. I'm pretty sure that idiot Cash posts headlines everyday and leaves his email at the top. Flood his box.
Never gotten one of those.

Seriously you've never gotten this...

This forum requires that you wait 20 seconds between searches. Please try again in 1256285665 seconds.

That is literally what it says every fucking time I click the danm thing, and I spend at least 5 fucking mins. clicking the shit, WZ prolly loses poster cause of this shit too, people get frustrated and just say fuck it and leave
Ahh that Shit is like super annoying. I get it all the time too. Why do I have to wait a certain amount of seconds to search or post something when It could just be done immediately and not like later. Someone seriously needs to flood Cash's inbox like wes said and then maybe he will understand that we want a bunch of the things on these forums fixed ASAP.
Not to mention out of order posts, avatars from 1985, my damn pop up blocker going apeshit everytime I click anything, anywhere on this forum, slow loading, etc.
You'd think with teh 55 fucking admins they've brought in to do tech related maintenance of the fucking site, that maybe just fucking maybe they could keep the place running smooth, but nope apparently Crave just pays a bunch of computer nerds to sit around and fuck shit up
Let's have a look at these admins...

Crave Admins

And none of these clowns have the time to fix this shit? I find that hard to believe, it can't take THAT long, can it?
It's probably a hardware/server issue. They can't just access the admin cp, go to the clock section, and uncheck the 'fuck up forum clocks' option.
Why should they fix it? They get no money from here as a user fee or anything, so if we leave, why would they care?
I've only ever had one of those. I posted one day, came back the next and tried to post. It then gave me that message that I had to wait 20 seconds between posts :S
They don't run these forums as a charity case. They probably make ad revenue when we use the forum, so hypothetically we could make them do something if enough of us threatened to leave.
Let's all chip in for a plane ticket for me to go to America. Me and the Cash Box will sort this out face to face, toe to toe.
We've mentioned it to them many times before. Nothing has been done. We've menitoend it in the Board Room several times. They're hardly ever here anyway.

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