Will Orton actually be the one kicked out of Legacy?

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Ok, so everyone has recently been talking about the inevitable fall of Legacy. But what EVERYONE is saying is that Ted and/or Rhodes will be going face. But here's something that I've realized lately...

Orton has been either losing week in and week out, or been punked out week in and week out. So who's to say that Randy Orton won't be the one getting kicked out of Legacy and having him turn face?

I mean, let's stop and face the music here. Orton is LONG over due for a turn, and what better way than to have him be kicked out of HIS group? And like, Legacy could even take over as Raw's top heels. That way Legacy, as a team, can continue to build up as a legit team and Orton can find a way to contend for another title... Who knows, maybe an Orton vs. Miz storyline? Or maybe Orton can team with Edge when he returns, reunite Rated RKO, and rival against JeriShow.

What do you guys think?
never gonna happen.

I don't ever see Orton going babyface cause he sucked at it the first time and he needs to stay heel forever.

I expect Orton vs DiBiase for WrestleMania XXVI.
never gonna happen.

I don't ever see Orton going babyface cause he sucked at it the first time and he needs to stay heel forever.

I expect Orton vs DiBiase for WrestleMania XXVI.

That was a compelling argument, AgeofLegacy.

Do you not think that Orton and WWE are capable of turning Orton's character into a babyface again, and having them learn from the way they did his Face turn the last time?

I think when a company has the capability to look back, recognize, and observe their mistakes in how a Face Turn was handled, there is opportunity from the company to execute it right the next time. Of course, this is WWE Creative we're talking about, so I can understand why there would be reservations.

However, I find it very hard to believe that they could not turn Orton Face if they wanted to. Hell, he's already getting cheers in the audience, unlike last time, even when he's playing a Heel. Imagine if he went full-fledged face.
I just want to throw out that i hate when people say random feuds that could happen such as orton and miz. That's like saying "oh i think if paul burchill gets pushed he might have some good feuds with Cena, maybe Triple H. He could be a top heel and fight Undertaker for the title next year at the Royal Rumble."

But anyways, they are not turning Orton heel. It has been reported either here before or I've read it somewhere else that he wants to be a heel MOST of his career. Now i said most so that does not mean he will be one his ENTIRE, but the small part of his career he may be a face will not be in the next few months. Orton is the top heel right now and it would be so stupid to turn him face when you already have Triple H, Cena, and HBK to be the face. Also, RAW has no main eventing heels other than Orton. Big Show and Jericho are apparently on Smack Down even though Big Sow is on RAW. But to follow your idea, Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase are not going to be top heels on any brand for at least maybe three years. They barely win matches, so what makes you think they will be at the top of RAW?

But what i do agree with is that Orton could get kicked out of Legacy. For some reason, I can picture it happening, but if it did happen, i think Legacy would be the faces instead of Orton. It would make some sense with Dibiase coming out with The Marine 2 (why is there a second one and why was he chosen for that role) if they really wanted to maybe hype it up like they over did with cena's last movie. But overall, i can see Orton getting kicked out, but Legacy would become the faces in the situation IF wwe went that way with one side becoming the faces.
I think that Orton could be kicked out of Legacy without either turning face. Randy is still an asshole, and Legacy are kicking him out because he has failed as champion.

That doesn't make anyone a hero. Orton is getting cheers, but IMO they're heel cheers. Those might actually stop if Legacy is beating down Orton because Orton is on a losing streak.

ORton-Legacy tension can be kept unresolved. Have Legacy chase Jerishow for the tag belts, letting Jerishow develop a bit of tweener-ness. Orton can keep himself in that mix for a bit, until maybe he wins the Rumble. He'd still have Legacy on his case while chasing the World title again.

Maybe Goldust shows up on Raw inexplicably and starts helping out Randy whether he wants it or not. Goldust-Cody tension, Goldust-Orton tension, ORton&Goldust vs Legacy. (More Goldust push than I ever expected in 2010, but there you are.)

Just about anything but turning Orton face. Not crazy about the Million Dollar Baby as a face either.
I don't see Orton becoming a babyface, at least anytime soon. They have worked hard to make Orton a super heel, and he has reached that status. They have dug him way too deep, just for him to "change" and become a babyface.
Yea I thinks it would be too soon to turn him face right now. Who exactly would be the main event heel? Unless your thinking one of the members of DX is turning heel, there is no way Orton should go face. I like his character right now and his fued with Kofi is the best fued going so far. Orton as a heel can do more than as a face so I see no reason for the switch. Yet.
I see Legacy and DX soemhow trading places in the coming weeks and with McMahon being his typical self and DX doing what they did to hornswoggle, I can see them completely doing a heel/face trade and coming to a head by Wrestlemania.

Remember Triple H was always most effective and he prefers that role for himself and if orton were to be kicked out, it would only be because Rhodes and Dibiase were swayed into the new DX camp.
are any of you watching raw? he's doing a superb job of putting kofi over... kofi is the most popular/interesting guy in the wwe right now and most of the credit goes to orton... i'm actually interested in a rivalry again... if he can do this with other superstars it'll be much more valuable than some merchandise he can earn by going face
Isn't there the possibility that if Dibiase and Rhodes kick Orton out of Legacy, couldn't they become the faces?

Orton is supposed to be WWE's biggest heel. He's done way too much in his career as a heel to stop now. I personally believe if R&D kick Orton out of Legacy or they leave it, it would actually prompt them to become faces because they decided to stop following the top heel's orders.

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