Will Kharma be a big deal in 9 months?

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Best for (the Music) Business
Since she really isn't part of a specific brand...

As most of us know by now, Kharma has been written off of television for nine months. The reason is that she is pregnant. This coming Monday will be her last appearance for three quarters of a year. My question to you is, will Kharma be a big deal in nine months?

When word broke out that Vince signed her, people were praying that she wouldn't get mistreated due to TNA ties, and for a better divas division. We were getting that, as people were actually curious what would happen the next week...or the next episode of WWE programming. Now, the diva division goes back to a point of non-interest(I am curious to see what they will do with A.J. Lee. Always felt she was better than Kaitlyn in all aspects). Now, with possibly the most interesting thing in the divas division in 4 years gone for a year, when she returns, will people really care? Will she be as big of a deal as she is now?
That is an excellent question. since her arrival she is the only thing that has made the divas division interesting, I for one will be excited when she returns because I have always liked her and thought she was one of the better women to be involved in wrestling in a long time and thought TNA fucked up royally for letting her go.

With casual wrestling fans short memories when she does come back hopefully she will once again be a big deal, thats even if she wants to come back after having a baby her heart might not be into it with all the traveling she would have to do.
My answer is: YES! Kharma will be a big deal when she returns, not only if the booking is done, right, but just because we haven't even seen her wrestle and perform to her ability yet. All she came to do was attack and seize the women's division full of barbie doll looking sexy women!

I think her return will be kick ass and she will then, dominate the women's division! She's a beast of a woman and WWE needs to utilize that!
She could be gone for 9 years and remain relevant. She brings something completely new to the WWE, in a women who looks like she could take any man, but to a division as stale as can be. Her appearance alone is breath of fresh air, and she has not even wrestled yet. Give her, her first match when she returns and she and the WWE universe will be hooked.
She made a BIG impact coming to the WWE. I actually started to hold my piss during the Diva matches because of Kharma. I havent seen a Diva be so intimadating since JAZZ made her debut some years back.

But to answer your question, its up to the WWE. I dont think those videos they be having to hint somones return will be enough to get us excited. Her return needs to be a suprise, kinda like how Cena return to the Rumble in 2010 ( think dats the dat ). You know have her be a mystery opponent for a diva thats been dominating the division.... maybe Beth Phoneix vs Kharma at WM 28?
I sure hope so, but honestly it will be up to her...does she want to still be a monster wrestler after she has a kid? And to Vince...he invested a lot in her, and she kind of blew it. I know Vince has a generally forgiving and patient manner with newcomers, particularly from other companies, but...but...but I don't really know how to end that sentence. She can be a big deal, but it's up to those two.
If they put a story together the right way it could work... have the breakdown in the ring be from years of being mistreated by the cool pretty girls, and have the time off be as if she was in the looney bin getting help....they could even put a few segments together showin her "in treatment" to keep her on tv without risking physical injury...
Of course. If the WWE can keep it a surprise as to when she comes back after 9 months than she'll get a big reaction again when she re-debuts. :)
An interesting question. It's important to remember that the majority of folks we see in the audience at RAW and Smackdown aren't true wrestling fans. They see what's in front of them in the arena and they watch wrestling on TV, but they don't monitor wrestling forums like this one and don't really know much about what's going on in the field. For them, Kharma's return might not be as big a deal as it is to those of us who follow the sport. That's not to say she won't be able to build excitement again, but there won't be much anticipation for her return because she didn't have the time to build much of a following during her first WWE go-around.

Think of how it was a few years ago when Triple H made his return after a lengthy injury absence. When WWE showed announcements during RAW stating that "Triple H Returns in 3 Weeks!" even casual viewers got excited because they knew who he was, having spent so many years being entertained by him.

But Kharma? Who is she to a viewer whose only knowledge of wrestling comes from turning on the tube?

This turn of events isn't a disaster, but it's going to require starting her from the beginning once she gets back; it will be as if she's showing up in WWE for the first time.
In a sense, this might help out her character for a number of reasons. She was just getting over. As a heel, she was beginning to get a mixed response. Which can be a good thing for a newcomer.

It means that she has a number of directions in which she can travel. Or he, for that matter. Her arrival, to me, almost trumps the Sin Cara run thus far because it means more at the top of the division. Whereas, Cara is division-less and is feuding with Chavo Guerrero and such. Nothing wrong with Chavo, but no one looks at him as a world-beater.

When she comes back, we get to relive that to a certain extent. Now, she has another dimension. She broke down. Why? How does to respond to it? Who will get the brunt of the wrath that is inevitable?

It'll be fun. Interest in the women's division. I mean; look at it this way. She got a thread made about the women's division to an extent that isn't along the lines of, "what should be done with them."

That's gotta let you know how over she was becoming.
They will probably act like she was never there , never refference what she did recently and act like none of this ever happened

And then have her doing the same thing they were having her do

Then she will somehow get pregnant again before they can get to the point of her random attacks , and then repeat the process

Still having a hard time beleiving shes pregnant I want to see a picture of the guy who did it honestly curious
Kharma isn't that big a deal now. Why would she be a big deal 9 months from now? In fact, I don't even understand why WWE make her go on Smackdown (and RAW?), putting down the divas week after week. That's all she did. The whole Kharma thing really had me scratching my head... like wtf... no, not that again...
I say yes, she just has too big of a presence too ignore. Much like Beth Phoenix who made her debut but got injured a few weeks later and was shelved for over a year. She was still able to be a focal point of the Diva's Division after she returned from injury.
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