Will Bryan get Backup?

i think it would be fucking Awesome if Punk started helping Bryan..then turns heel on him and joins the corporation. IMAGINE Punk in a suit every week. Gold. throw in a Vince face turn somewhere down the line and u have

Punk repping HHH vs Bryan repping Vinny Mac at Mania 30 for WWE Title and Control of WWE
DB doesn't need backup. If WWE wants to push DB as the next top level star, he has to do this on his own, kind of like how Austin did back in the Attitude Era against the Corperation. Big Show, Ziggler or Punk could make a cameo but that's about it. DB must go solo or he could get lost in the shuffle.
Interestingly, he had all the back-up he could ever want....and got rid of it. Having Kane and Randy Orton at your back is a damn effective way to stave off impossible odds against you, no?

But the whole idea of Daniel losing their support accents what he's all about as a performer these days. He's become the favorite of the crowd because he's Joe Everyman.....the little guy who fights the big boys.......and goes it alone. If he didn't have that persona going for him, the fans wouldn't care about him the way they do.

That's a conundrum for Danny because larger men than him have found it impossible to deal with the evil forces in WWE without having ammunition on their side. To me, the prime example was John Cena in the days of Nexus: as hard as he tried to go it alone, he needed help and, shockingly, was able to enlist heels like Chris Jericho and Edge to join the battle, in addition to the faces who were also threatened by Nexus.

If Cena needed reinforcements, can you imagine that Daniel Bryan wouldn't? It's significant that Triple H turned against him last Monday night; with all the people standing in the ring with him, Daniel had no allies....none at all.

So, Creative has a pretty problem facing them; they have to write storylines that reflect and respect his prowess as a lovable loner.....while still making the situations in which he finds himself appear reasonable. After all, if Big Show can't single-handedly repel an attack from The Shield, how is Daniel Bryan supposed to do it?

Yes, he'll get back-up, but it will be situational. When he has to, Daniel will still be presented as the little engine that could.
I think if punk isnt too busy fighting his heyman guy opponents hed be good to help daniel bryan but now i think there is one person that can step up and shine and is way overdue. DREW MCINTYRE. the supposed "chosen one" picked by Vince himself to be the next champion.. fell by the wayside got fired came back and now is a "rocker" with 3mb. now would be the perfect time for him to dump is 3mb partners and go after the corporation for not becoming the champion he was "chosen" to be. He has the charisma and being a face will elevate his career and people will love him. Bring back his old music and cofront the mcmahon helmsley group people will go nuts.
It might be best if he didn't but, then again, WWE might not want to drag this angle out for too long out of concern for the return of Monday Night Football and the potential impact said return has on the ratings. As a result, as a means of keeping the fight looking more even rather than Bryan facing impossible odds that he doesn't seem to be able to overcome, he could get some allies soon.

However, I had a thought that popped into my head out of the blue as it pertains to a potential ally for Bryan. Aside from wrestling every now and again, Triple H is mostly an executive while Vince & Stephanie aren't wrestlers at all. So maybe Bryan could have some back up in the form of moral support, someone who isn't a wrestler but is someone who carries a great deal of weight & credibility in his own right that believes in Bryan. The best person I could think of for such a role would be Shawn Michaels.

Shawn Michaels has a very long history with the McMahons and, of course, he's Triple H's best friend. Adding him to the mix as a supporter of Bryan against Triple H, maybe making the story out to where Bryan approached him or he came forward of his own volition, due to some of Triple H's comments of Bryan not being the ideal "face" of WWE. After all, HBK was never a chiseled sort of guy, he was also never someone that went about trying to be the perfect "corporate image". The fact that HBK is sporting a thick, wooly beard himself these days could be used as a metaphor for HBK supporting Bryan in simply being who he is just as HBK was who he was back in the day and who he is now. HBK's long history with Triple H & Vince, not to mention his status as one of the all time greats could only add all that much more credibility to Bryan and add just that much more depth to the whole angle.
However, I had a thought that popped into my head out of the blue as it pertains to a potential ally for Bryan. Aside from wrestling every now and again, Triple H is mostly an executive while Vince & Stephanie aren't wrestlers at all. So maybe Bryan could have some back up in the form of moral support, someone who isn't a wrestler but is someone who carries a great deal of weight & credibility in his own right that believes in Bryan. The best person I could think of for such a role would be Shawn Michaels.

Shawn Michaels has a very long history with the McMahons and, of course, he's Triple H's best friend. Adding him to the mix as a supporter of Bryan against Triple H, maybe making the story out to where Bryan approached him or he came forward of his own volition, due to some of Triple H's comments of Bryan not being the ideal "face" of WWE. After all, HBK was never a chiseled sort of guy, he was also never someone that went about trying to be the perfect "corporate image". The fact that HBK is sporting a thick, wooly beard himself these days could be used as a metaphor for HBK supporting Bryan in simply being who he is just as HBK was who he was back in the day and who he is now. HBK's long history with Triple H & Vince, not to mention his status as one of the all time greats could only add all that much more credibility to Bryan and add just that much more depth to the whole angle.

Good post! I was thinking about this myself the last couple of days. They were billing HBK as the guy who trained D. Bryan at the Summerslam pre-show and in between match commentary. He has been out of the picture for a long time and he could easily come back with the "This is how Vince treated me when I was coming up" angle. I don't think they will role this aspect of the feud out until way closer to Mania since they will want HBK's presence around that time of year.

I wouldn't even say it's out of the realm of possibility that HBK gets back in the ring if it's with HHH in some capacity. Either as foe or friend. We shall see.
I think Bryan's allies should be some other talents that are "held down". Personally, I would choose The Miz and Alex Riley. They were also two of the hottest young prospects in the company at one point, and they have the "Superstar look", yet WWE cast them off to the sidelines as commentators/hypemen, and thus they have a reason to help Bryan fight the Corporation. You can bring up their NXT connections, and have Miz say that Bryan earned his respect when he beat him for the U.S. Title all those years ago. They can help Bryan out by teaming up with him in six man tags against The Shield.
I hate the idea of Bryan being helped, it would kill any credibility he has started to build. Really, the point of his character is an underdog who can overcome his limitation with pure talent and work ethic. That would be destroyed if he needed help to defeat McMahon/HHH.

He needs to do it alone, and he needs to prove himself.

Just My Opinion.
I think it could play out similar to when Austin was fighting the corporation. He never asked for help...but would occassionally get help from unlikely sources. Mankind would help him out every now and then...DX would get involved and help him out at times...but Austin never asked for it.

That's how I see it happening. Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, and Big Show eventually will assist him in fighting the corporation...but it's only because they have the same enemy. An alliance or need....not of want.
I think it should play out for a while with Bryan taking beating after beating with no one helping while HHH/Orton add more "stars" to their group including Ryback, Miz etc. guys who would like to help Bryan but are afraid of losing their spot..

After a few months of Bryan taking a beating HHH orders one and The Shield refuses instead helping Bryan turning them face and forming a group of independent guys who love wrestling and don't care about the spotlight. This leaves CM Punk to decide if he wants to go with the guys who love wrestling or keep his "spot" as a top entertainer. Then you would have a group of "wrestlers" VS "sports Entertainers" and instead of turning HHH or Vince throw in Paul Heyman and you can have some Heyman guys take on some Vince guys at WrestleMania for control of the WWE.
I hate the idea of Bryan being helped, it would kill any credibility he has started to build. Really, the point of his character is an underdog who can overcome his limitation with pure talent and work ethic. That would be destroyed if he needed help to defeat McMahon/HHH.

He needs to do it alone, and he needs to prove himself.

Just My Opinion.

Not any more than getting a beat down at the end of every show.

He has already proven himself by beating guys like Orton and Cena clean. The Shield has destroyed everyone they've come up against, not being able to take them 3 on 1 isn't going to kill his credibility. Three straight shows have ended with him getting RKO'd, that is what will kill his momentum.
I think it could play out similar to when Austin was fighting the corporation. He never asked for help...but would occassionally get help from unlikely sources. Mankind would help him out every now and then...DX would get involved and help him out at times...but Austin never asked for it.

That's how I see it happening. Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, and Big Show eventually will assist him in fighting the corporation...but it's only because they have the same enemy. An alliance or need....not of want.

Yes this would make for a perfect solution with Bryan fighting the new Corporation with Orton being the corporate champion much like how The Rock was in the Corporation and Austin had to fight off Rock and the rest of the Corporation similar to what Bryan is doing right now with Orton and the new Corporation and Bryan getting outside help from Henry, Ziggler, Show and whoever else Bryan can align himself with

How about CM Punk? He would be a perfect ally for Bryan considering Punk himself is an anti-hero and Punk disrespects authority whenever authority tries to control him
I don't think anyone will align with him or come to assist him per say. However, his main problem is that everytime he wants to get to Orton, he gets jumped by the shield before. It's like Orton is Shielding himself from Bryan. See what I did there? I think what will happen, is the Shield members will have their own feud(s) with other superstars and become incapacitated from assaults duing or after their matched and therefore it just leaves Orton wide open for Bryan to finally get to him after getting beat up every week.
I don't think anyone will align with him or come to assist him per say. However, his main problem is that everytime he wants to get to Orton, he gets jumped by the shield before. It's like Orton is Shielding himself from Bryan. See what I did there? I think what will happen, is the Shield members will have their own feud(s) with other superstars and become incapacitated from assaults duing or after their matched and therefore it just leaves Orton wide open for Bryan to finally get to him after getting beat up every week.

Not really because even if The Shield somehow do get incapacitated there is still Triple H and his trusty sledgehammer which I'm sure he has with him everywhere he goes so even if Bryan manages to get past them he has to get past the COO of the company to even get to Orton
The 1st person who helps Bryan will probably become the #2 face in the company at this point, especially since WWE is lacking in the face department right now with Sheamus and Cena on the shelf. RVD or Christian could do that but personally I think it should go to someone younger. Now this goes against every fiber of my being but since the WWE is most likely gonna go with this guy in some capacity they might as well put Dolph Ziggler in that spot.

Dolph has fizzled since turning face, he's been mostly dicking around with Big E. lately so having him as the 1st person to join with Bryan would give him a boost that he could use at this point. He has potential as a face, at least some of the crowd wants to get behind the guy and this would be a good reason to.

On paper I love the HBK idea but my only worry is that HBK takes too much of the spotlight. For Ziggler it would be a good boost for him to stand up to the boss, get more over with the crowd but at the same time Ziggler won't take any of the spotlight away from Bryan. It's alright for Ziggler to be a background player but with HBK in the story you risk making Bryan a background player as well and that is just something that can't happen at this point. If HBK takes a background role in all of this then I would love it but that just doesn't seem very realistic.
Bryan shouldn't get support yet. They need to wait a few months first and then the superstars will decide that they have to intervene. Raw has foreshadowed that. It is interesting to see what way they go next and they may do a combination of:

1) The martyr. Big Show getting fired seems like an obvious option which will help alienate Bryan from the roster.

2) The younger guys who can use it break into the top of the card and use the rub to become big stars. Ziggler, Rhodes and even The Miz are options here.

3) A returning part-timer. The Undertaker would be a fantastic option. Maybe even Jericho, HBK or The Rock. All four are unlikely but would be pretty cool.
Yesterday, I read an article from Mark Madden than was uncharacteristically positive. The article (as most of you most likely know) was about the current Daniel Bryan vs. The Corporation angle. In this article, he stated that whoever was the first person to jump off that stage and help Bryan would be reborn as a huge babyface.... and I'm inclined to agree.

Which brings me to the point of this thread....

Who should that person(s) be?

There are a couple of guys who are obvious, and after that we have the beauty of wild speculation, let's examine a few...

1. Big Show

The Scenario: Big Show finally remembers that he was given an ironclad contract and gets down there and starts bustin' heads

The Pros: It would be logical... as previously stated, Big Show has a kayfabe ironclad contract, and escaping repercussions can be easily explained. On top of that, he has a pre-existing feud with The Shield and as a large man can handle their numbers like few others.

The Cons: Big Show really isn't in the prime of his career, he's been wildly inconsistent. I personally wouldn't consider Big Show a big enough star to fully realize the potential this position would bring.

Dolph Ziggler

The Scenario: Dolph gets fed up watching the destruction of Bryan every week. He gets fired, and Bryan keeps getting bullied, but Ziggler shows up and attacks through the crowd before being officially reinstated.

The Pros: Dolph Ziggler seems kind of in limbo since his face turn, he's over as a face, but the audience really hasn't been given a reason to truly cheer for Ziggler, outside of his natural charisma and the fact that he's stopped cheating. Ziggler has the look and skill to squeeze the most out of this position.

The Cons: I really don't see too many, feel free to add some.


The Scenario: The Shield is about to finish off Bryan with their patented Triple Powerbomb when "FEED ME MORE" blares out on the sound system and Ryback comes out and clears house.

The Pros: Ryback has been kind of damaged since the debut of The Shield. Coming out and finally being the one to put them in their place would bring the angle full circle and finally cement Ryback as a top tier talent. He can even modify his bully character into a bully who bullies other bullies. Take that BE A STAR!!

The Cons: Ryback is actually making some decent progress and character evolution as a heel, I'm a bit wary of ending that and potentially pushing him as a top face before he's ready and developed.

The Shield

The Scenario: Triple H motions for The Shield to finish Bryan.... and instead in an act of defiance, they leave Randy Orton and Triple H in a broken heap to end RAW

The Pros: The moment Dave Batista powerbombed Triple H through a table back in 2005 was the moment he became a superstar. Imagine if The Shield did that in support of the most over guy since Stone Cold.

The Cons: It would ruin the balance of power. Where's the fun in toppling a regime when the numbers aren't in their favor? The New Corporation needs The Shield to be their muscle.

The Wyatt Family

The Scenario: Triple H gives The Shield the nod to finish off Bryan when all of a sudden the lights go out and we see Bray Wyatt on the screen... "We're here." The Wyatt's come out and take care of The Shield while Bryan finally gets some one on one action vs. Orton or Triple H

The Pros: Wyatt's character is one that seems like he's beyond the authority of The WWE, and it would give a formidable trio to match Rollins, Ambrose & Reigns

The Cons: Crazy, backwood hill folk don't scream faces to me for some reason... I really don't know how they would operate as the good guys.

So who do you think it should be? Don't limit it to my suggestions, feel free to leave your own and discuss.
Ziggler should be the guy. He has struggled a bit getting over as a face, and this would most certainly put him over the top. Have him get more and more annoyed by the treatment of Bryan, and just when we think it is going to be The Big Show have Ziggler run out and make the save.
I firmly believe that The Wyatt Family could be the ones to help because they are so weird that they are in a gray area as far as whether they are face or heel. I've said it before, it would be great for Wyatt and CO. to follow Bryan around and help him when he really doesn't want their help and each time Wyatt just laughs in his face and does the cross pose. I understand it will never happen but it would be awesome to me.

Also Big Show looked like he was ready to jump in there and HHH was looking him dead in the face saying "Go ahead try me". I think Show and Henry are going to be the ones to ultimately be Bryan's allies in all of this
With the way the storyline is being built the current babyface roster will be hesitant to help for fear of getting fired so I dont see anyone coming to the aid anytime soon. It looks like they are building to having Big Show finally snap and step up, keep in mind he does have an Iron Clad contract that apparently everyone forgot about.

However it makes the most sense to have it be a returning star make the save from the crowd. What better way to have someone debut or re-debut than by having them make the save and say that they are tired of watching from home and decided to do something about it. Who that person could be is a whole other question though. Matt Morgan, Batista, MVP, Stone Cold, and Rock are really the only names that jump out as someone who could make an impact by stepping up.

I would prefer that they have a current star step up though. I remember in the Attitude Era when Stone Cold was forced into a handicap match with Kane and Taker McMahon told the roster that if anyone comes to help they will be fired and then at the start of the match Billy Gunn's music hit and he came to Austin's aid. The crowd went nuts and Gunn looked to be on track to be a major star. That moment should happen with someone like Kofi or Ziggler.
Undertaker would be perfect if he could do it. Maybe not so much to help Bryan but just to get his revenge on the shield, that way it doesnt overshadow HHH/Orton vs Bryan.

I'd also sort of like to see Lesnar go up against the Shield as a face. I think the crowd would go nuts for him.

I'm prepared to not be surprised when we find out WWE oversold Cena's injury and he makes an early return to make the save.
What if the Miz and mysterio came to db's aid Miz could use the push and it's a great way to write mysterio back on tv and even or wwe can have big show and Henry backing bryan up either way wwe needs to back bryan up
If Bryan gets help then it should not be from ppl more popular than him, or in sense should not be a veteran like Big Show or Mark Henry. This will be the ideal opportunity to establish new stars. Ziggler, Miz, Big E, Kofi Kingston might help. Don't advice Punk or Cena or Shemus coming to help on later stage as they might steal Bryan's momentum away.
The Wyatt Family

The Scenario: Triple H gives The Shield the nod to finish off Bryan when all of a sudden the lights go out and we see Bray Wyatt on the screen... "We're here." The Wyatt's come out and take care of The Shield while Bryan finally gets some one on one action vs. Orton or Triple H

The Pros: Wyatt's character is one that seems like he's beyond the authority of The WWE, and it would give a formidable trio to match Rollins, Ambrose & Reigns

The Cons: Crazy, backwood hill folk don't scream faces to me for some reason... I really don't know how they would operate as the good guys.

Wyatt's character seems like he doesn't really care all that much about what goes on in the WWE. He has his own message to spread, and getting involved in a corporate power struggle seems like it would be beneath him.
I think The Shield should turn on Randy and Triple H. It would make sense since they are supposed to be "A shield against injustice" and not just shitty henchmen. I don't think it will happen but it would be awesome.

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