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What Role Will Edge Play In The Coming Week?


It was announced on this past Monday's Raw that Edge will be returning to WWE. Both Raw & SmackDown! will be in Canada this week, with Raw coming from Edge's hometown of Toronto, Ontario. It was announced later in the week that Edge will also be appearing at this week's SmackDown! tapings.

As WWE almost never brings back legends, apart from an "old school" episode of Raw or an occasional appearance for a legend on the night his/her induction into the HOF is announced, without giving them some sort of role to fulfill. Edge showing up on Raw will be a nice moment of nostalgia and will probably draw some fans to see exactly what's going to happen, but I ultimately see him involving himself somehow in the corporation angle. The primary reason I see it happening is because Edge has nothing to lose. As he was forced to retire 2.5 years ago due to injury, he no longer works for WWE. Therefore, he's bulletproof since Triple H has nothing to threaten him with.

It was announced earlier today that an angle began last night via Twitter in which Goldust Tweeted in wanting his brother Cody to have a 2nd change. Brad Maddox accepted, stating that Rhodes would get his job back if he "apologizes" and if Goldust is able to beat Randy Orton in a match this Monday. Now, it's fairly obvious that Randy Orton isn't going to lose to Goldust in any sort of clean way. So there's a possibility of some babyfaces gaining some momentum here. My first reaction was that Daniel Bryan could interfere and take Orton out, which could still happen, though Triple H would probably try to "punish" him in some way. Bryan could still provide some sort of a distraction, especially if The Shield are at ringside for Orton's match the way they have been lately. Bryan could attack The Shield, causing general chaos at ringside and getting the ref's attention as well as Orton. Bryan could also be joined by Ziggler & Big Show to aid him as well. While Orton is distracted, Edge comes up from the other side, nails him with a spear, and Goldust is able to score the win.

If the match happens early on during Raw and was to take place before Edge's in-ring promo, WWE could have his promo later in which he explains his reasons for doing what he did. In the middle of things, The Shield's music hits and they make their way down in order to make an example out of Edge, resulting in the babyfaces coming out to make the save. Edge is retired due to medical reasons after all, so I doubt they're going to risk him getting hurt by having The Shield beat him down to any significant degree. Maybe the heels are rousted and Triple H, foaming at the mouth and sputtering all over creation, decides to make a six man or eight man tag match for the main event. If Bryan has only Show & Ziggler come out to help, they could take on The Shield. IF, IF Goldust wins his match against Orton, then he could be put in with the babyfaces as they help Edge out while Orton would tag with The Shield. Or, maybe Cody Rhodes himself will be on Raw and be put in the match.

If Edge isn't there to sort of help give the babyfaces a little boost of momentum into fighting back, then it'll be a waste of air time and opportunity, in my opinion.
I for one am not sure how they are going to use edge... I am sure they will probably do "The Cutting Edge" where he could interview Triple H or Orton. He will be there to hype his show Haven and what not, but I don't see him getting involved in anything. He may get beat up or something but that is it. Now Smackdown he may do something, who knows.

Also I am not sold on Goldust winning this match with Orton. I mean if Orton were to beat the heck out of goldust to prove a point perhaps cody comes back even more pissed and does some serious damage. What if it's all a swerve for cody to turn and join the corporation? I have no idea but I really don't see edge doing to much on raw but stir the storyline up... and give Daniel some advice. I mean edge getting beat up in Canada is golden for Heels, Just makes sense to go that route.
He will address the current issue with Bryan, then Triple H will have him thrown out of the building. Another great way to get heat, toss a hometown hero from the premises. Doubt he will see any physical contact given his neck is still healing.
Edge is coming back for one night to plug his new season of his tv show, He wont be involved in any wrestling match, he may spear somebody but thats about the extent of it. Maybe he will front his former Rater RKO partner Orton and be on the receiving end of an RKO, or Helmsley will belittle him for being so skinny now. Either way, he wont advance any storyline, he is there solely to flog his new shows season commencing in the next few weeks.
He's just coming back to plug the next series of his tv show that's it. Maybe he'll wish Christian a quick recovery
In the last interview I saw with Edge he said he couldn't do anything physical in the ring again so I don't see him getting attacked or attacking anyone. It's possible he confronts Orton due to their history but I am not sure it's a good idea to have the first real mic shredding of HHH and co come from a guy who will only be there for one week and who cannot do anything physical in a ring ever again.

I actually think he'll come out merely to plug his show and hype the crowd, then Sandow will come out and start talking about illiterate Canadians and get into it with Edge over the MITB case given Edge's history with it. This will lead to some comedy banter and Christian coming out to join in and run Sandow off. That would set up Sandow vs Christian w/Edge for Smackdown.
He's just coming back to plug the next series of his tv show that's it. Maybe he'll wish Christian a quick recovery

Have you watched the USA Network at all? They're making a big deal out of Edge's return as 'One Night Only.' Besides, his TV show is on SyFy, and he'll be on Smackdown as well. I could see him hosting the Cutting Edge with Bryan, Orton, and HHH as a lead-in to Night of Champions, as it's the go-home show.

As for his role on Raw, I think it's fairly obvious that he'll be there to confront HHH and Randy Orton. He has history with both, especially Orton, as Rated RKO. I'm not sure how physical he can get, even to hit Orton with a spear, as JackHammer suggested, but if he is able, it's a perfect use for Edge. Having him cut a promo first would be my guess, however, as I see Orton and Golddust as perhaps the Main Event of Raw. Him interfering after cutting a scathing promo on Orton like he did on Christian at Summerslam 2011 would be appropriate, as he's going to return and be received as a face.

If it was anyone else, my worry would be on focusing too much time on a non-performer. But Edge is so savvy that he gets it. He knows he's not active anymore and when he's made returns, they've been good and meaningful but they haven't taken up too much time. More importantly, he's never overshadowed one of the active wrestlers. He's said his peace and gotten out of the way.

I think we can expect more of the same. Can he hit the spear without risking his neck? If so, great. It's obvious Cody is going to be elevated, and a plethora of interference starting with Bryan and perhaps Cody jumping the guardrail, leading to distractions that allow Edge to put Orton down would be fitting.

Very few retired wrestlers get me excited when the return. Edge is at the top of the list for me.

If Edge isn't there to sort of help give the babyfaces a little boost of momentum into fighting back, then it'll be a waste of air time and opportunity, in my opinion.
Remember Summerslam 2011?

Given his history with Orton, I could see him cutting a scathing promo. Understanding Orton taking "advantage" of the situation with the briefcase, as Edge has in the past, but then being HHH's corporate puppet. Even if he can't get physical, he damn sure could cut a promo on Orton putting him in his place for the role he's taken, much like what Christian became at the time.

Interference later, if he's able? Awesome. But an Edge promo itself carries weight, and that alone would be meaningful. I imagine he'll be involved in a big way somehow, as he's going to be on Smackdown as well. He'll plug Haven, sure, but a Cutting Edge segment will likely happen as well.

Can't wait.
I think we're gonna see something different... I am fully expecting Dustin to go heel tomorrow night to "get his job back" and become the mid card member of the corporation. Suddenly Edge is in the position of interviewing the former Goldust (post corporate makeover) on The Cutting Edge.

Edge talks about brotherhood and how Christian wasn't his brother for real but was to him, and how could he do this to Cody?

Dustin talks about how his career wasn't done but all he heard about was how his brother should be getting "his" spots, so now he's taking his chance and as the older brother it's Cody's place to support him and tow the line.

When Edge disagrees it looks like it's going physical and perhaps the whole corporate stable start to come down, only for Cody and possibly Christian (if he can appear but not wrestle) to save Edge from the beatdown.
In the last interview I saw with Edge he said he couldn't do anything physical in the ring again so I don't see him getting attacked or attacking anyone. It's possible he confronts Orton due to their history but I am not sure it's a good idea to have the first real mic shredding of HHH and co come from a guy who will only be there for one week and who cannot do anything physical in a ring ever again.

I actually think he'll come out merely to plug his show and hype the crowd, then Sandow will come out and start talking about illiterate Canadians and get into it with Edge over the MITB case given Edge's history with it. This will lead to some comedy banter and Christian coming out to join in and run Sandow off. That would set up Sandow vs Christian w/Edge for Smackdown.

I can actually see this happening. Over the last couple of weeks Sandow hasn't seemed to have much direction. With Cody Rhodes seemingly be earmarked for bigger things and the centre of focus being on Bryan vs. The Corporation & Punk/Heyman, Sandow is the verge of being the forgotten man and a feud with Christian would entertaining on the mic and in the ring. To be honest I don't want to see Edge get too involved with the Corporation storyline as there can't really be any meaningful payoff due to his physical limitations. As for him plugging Haven he probably will as USA & SyFy are both part of the NBC Universal group which is why WWE have a show on SyFy in the first place
The Christian v Sandow match is a very plausible outcome to Edge being there. However, I think his appearance is going to serve the "New Corporation" storyline. More bullying by "The Legend Killer" and the Shield, that will cause Big Show, Henry (who has returned to action) and Christian to make a save. It could go any way, but I really think if Bryan is going to get over on Raw tomorrow, this would be a good way for them to keep some major heat.
Edge might host the "The Cutting Edge". I don't want to see him get involved in Corporation storyline which doesn't need him anyway as they have many characters in them already. I'd like to see him host Punk and Paul Heyman. I know this has been done on Miz TV more times, but think that their story is getting kind of bland hope he can spice some things up there to make it more interesting.
I don't have much faith in WWE's creative ability anymore, nor do I think Edge's appearances will be anything beyond maybe minor fan pandering and promotion for his show "Haven". In a perfect world, maybe we'd get a few good "Cutting Edge" segments in which he actually did something to contribute to the continuation of the storylines, but I seriously doubt he'll have a major role in either shows. Probably just telling fans he misses them and urging them to tune into "Haven". That simple.
My guess is that Edge opens the show. He will come to the ring and talk about his show followed by some trash about HHH/Orton, which leads to them coming out and confronting Edge. It may appear as if Edge is going to get a beat down but will be saved by Daniel Bryan who takes the real beatdown. And that's about it. He is just being used to plug his show and for his name to draw since WWE is going up against MNF.
I am very much looking forward to his return. I am interested to see how they use them. They are several ways to use him, I would love to see him back on a more permanent basis.

The obvious option is for him to confront Orton and HHH. This will most likely be a very bland segment (or at least unsurprising) Edge was a fantastic superstar who's career ended prematurely so hopefully he comes back to be a figurehead for the "face" side of the roster. Very unlikely but I think there needs to be someone fighting their corner although it is a little early for someone to be implicated.
I think people are going to be VERY disappointed in his "return." I'm saying this because we (meaning WZ) know he's really only there to plug his television show and really not do much more than that. Sure he'll probably throw in some quips about Triple H's regime and for all I know he may talk to Orton about how's he unjust ala Rated RKO. However I'm not seeing much coming from him. Like it's been said already it will probably lead to a Bryan beat down at the start.

WWE cannot make it look like Edge will get beaten down. Remember this is the same guy that they brought EVERYONE out to hear his goodbye speech on how if he wrestled another match he might be paralyzed. If he appears like he might be in trouble I will be angry as it just shows would seem ignorant to me.

If ANYTHING I could see him somehow helping Bryan be still standing as the show ends with a potential Goldust in there too but for sure his role will not be what the average fan wants.
I thought Christian is injured? If he's not then Edge's angle will probably be something with Christian.

Given his history with Triple H and Randy Orton, they could have some kind of confrontation involving The Shield, and Orton giving Edge a beatdown before DB and Christian make the save, or something like that.

However, because we're so close to the PPV, I don't think they'll throw Edge into the main event storyline.

As I said at the outset, it will probably be some kind of angle involving Christian and a heel, maybe Sandow.

Then on the RAW after NOC, I could see Trips saying that because of his actions the previous week on RAW, Christian will be "punished" by having to fight The Shield or whatever.
Let me throw this out there: I am a huge fan of Edge's. But between him not being as interested in wrestling these days and WWE's lack of creative, we know what we are getting before it even happens. Generic pandering, a few insults to the heels, and a cheap plug for Haven. Not too hard to predict WWE programming these days!

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