Why Wrestle Zone is better.... (The Canadian Crippler's Official Prison Thread)

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The Canadian Crippler

Dark Match Jobber
It just is....

And I wanted to post a thread...i know it's spamming but i'm sorry, couldn't help it...give me warning for it I guess...I just sooo bored....nothing to talk about on here....
Wow, didn't think i'd get that...but then again...iv'e seen stupider on this site...now i bet ur gonna ban me...right? I just wanted to contribute...I didn't know what to put for a thread..it was my first thread...
Then how about not posting, you already had three warnings, so the next step was to put you in here. You even said in your thread that you'd probably get warned, what did you expect.
That would have meant you were banned, so in fact I have given you a chance to do something about your behavior and maybe contribute to the forum.
Your in here until I saw otherwise. If you register a new account while you are in here, you'll be IP Banned and raped by every staff member on this site four times over
Your in here until I saw otherwise. If you register a new account while you are in here, you'll be IP Banned and raped by every staff member on this site four times over

Except me. I have a girlfriend who's more than willing to take one up the bum.
Because we insult idiots who don't know how to post? Probably, but we don't tend to lose decent posters, because they don't get treated like the bad one's.
Shit, can't see how many members on ur gay site now...but I DO know that on average there are only 40-50 diff. ppl that actually visit this...why ppl going to thread name site more and more? i'm sure u already know...and which they double ur numbers...u have thounsands of accts made but no ppl!
I asked politely before then u 2 ***'s start doing ur gay bash again like usual....
Using gay in a derogatory manner is quite honestly the stupidest thing you could have ever done. Just shows that your actually an idiot and that we were indeed right for putting you in here.

See I think one thing people don't get about me, Jake and the rest of the staff is that we like to piss around, what people don't get it 95% of the time we are joking around in the Bar Room, and in here.

Like I said, you broke the rules, you have been punished... if you actually post in here in a constructive manner, you may be let out... if you dont like the rest of the people we have put in here you will remain in here until you either a) leave or b) Try to re-register and get banned.
Well i'm not re-registering and I told u I was trying before but when there are mods that think they are cool running a stupid site that doesnt even make money, it's kind of hard to say that it was a joke like you JUST said what....95% of the time? Then you throw in personal attacks for no reason....maybe you guys need to get g/f's....and real ones, not the blow up dolls that your dad got you for your 25th b-day that u keep under your bed in your parents basement...
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