Why the IWC will never be taken seriously.

Of course the IWC should be taken seriously. Remember the night after Wrestlemania when EVERYONE was cheering for Dolph, that is because of the IWC. The IWC may be the smaller percentage of the "WWE universe" but they are the most vocal and the regular fan will generally follow suit, ie. Dolph Ziggler.

The WWE's problem is every time they try and cater to the IWC they don't give us what we are asking. Instead they give us some watered down pitiful attempt at 'creative' story lines.
I don't really consider myself a part of the "IWC". I'm simply a fan posting thoughts on certain topics, which is what everyone here technically is. People these days like to label groups to have something to blame. It's the "IWC's" fault that wrestling is bad. It's the IWC to blame for this or that. I've never liked that term and refuse to be a label in someone's shortsighted vocabulary.

That said, I do believe that most fans[as we should be termed] are wishy washy and change views way too often. Guys like Cena, Orton, and CM Punk are great examples. These are guys who busted ass to get where they are and were fan favs in their beginnings. As soon as these guys established themselves and became mainstays fans automatically turned on them and hate threads appear right up to this day. The point here is that we are all fans of WWE or wrestling. Whatever the case is, we all have guys we hate and guys we love to watch. Trying to put a label on us is pretty ignorant in and of itself. We will never be taken seriously because we change our minds so frequently and you cannot keep a consistent status-quo on that.
I don't really consider myself a part of the "IWC". I'm simply a fan posting thoughts on certain topics, which is what everyone here technically is. People these days like to label groups to have something to blame. It's the "IWC's" fault that wrestling is bad. It's the IWC to blame for this or that. I've never liked that term and refuse to be a label in someone's shortsighted vocabulary.

That said, I do believe that most fans[as we should be termed] are wishy washy and change views way too often. Guys like Cena, Orton, and CM Punk are great examples. These are guys who busted ass to get where they are and were fan favs in their beginnings. As soon as these guys established themselves and became mainstays fans automatically turned on them and hate threads appear right up to this day. The point here is that we are all fans of WWE or wrestling. Whatever the case is, we all have guys we hate and guys we love to watch. Trying to put a label on us is pretty ignorant in and of itself. We will never be taken seriously because we change our minds so frequently and you cannot keep a consistent status-quo on that.

To be fair, the people against those guys you mentioned arent against them for no reason:

1. Cena = Because the fans initially liked him because he used to say hilarious stuff and showed a decent moveset while cheating in matches but those fans stopped liking him because WWE made him into a superhero boyscout with "invincible" booking.

2. Orton = Fans initially supported him because of his energetic and arrogant Legend Killer persona where he was still somewhat unpredictable. Fans started turning against once he started with the monotonous delivery, and ridiculous taunts to prep his RKO in his new "Viper" shtick.

3. Punk = I still see alot of people supporting Punk and I believe that the Anti-Punk camp is filled with people who never liked him to begin with and due to him moving up on the card, those guys are more vocal.

So the "mind-changing" isnt out of the blue...just keep that in mind.
I think we are passionate about wrestling. I think we give a damn. I think we care about where the company is going and what is happening. I think the IWC is a crucial part of the fan base. I think if you get people who love watching the business even when we don't love what's happening with people who "sorta" like it or are just starting out. I think we are contagious. I think the IWC can do a lot of good and help expose wrestling for all the reasons we love it.

I think the problem the IWC really has is that we bitch. All the time. About everything. Even when something is good; it isn't good enough. The problem with this mentality is we can't be pleased. The IWC are the wives of professional wrestling to people actually in the industry. If we are mad at you, we'll spoil your good time. Yet, the IWC will always be there and sometimes are a lot of fun. The IWC can't be pleased and because of this we can't be taken with every word we say. I think the IWC's opinion can matter, but it takes more positivity than our consistent bitching about everything we don't like. You ever watched a new sport but watched the fans just bitch about everything that is wrong. That doesn't seem like fun to someone who isn't involved. Someone doesn't get the jokes and the references until they are in the club. It should be our job to bridge that gap.
Apparently since I am opinionated fan from the internet I should and never be taken seriously? If that's the case maybe I can return my CM Punk T-Shirt back to the WWE for a refund as well as the past live events I attended because I'm not seen as a relevant customer because I can have harsh criticisms to the product at times.

Sorry I don't see the logic in that, we are customers, fans, people who in someway help generate revenue for the WWE/TNA/etc. we have the right to have an opinion about the product.

Of course we can always stop supporting it(which many have done since the Attitude Era).

That's the point. You won't turn in that shirt. There is no point where you will become frustrated enough with the product to stop watching. That being the case, why on earth would they take your complaints into consideration?
To be fair, the people against those guys you mentioned arent against them for no reason:

1. Cena = Because the fans initially liked him because he used to say hilarious stuff and showed a decent moveset while cheating in matches but those fans stopped liking him because WWE made him into a superhero boyscout with "invincible" booking.

2. Orton = Fans initially supported him because of his energetic and arrogant Legend Killer persona where he was still somewhat unpredictable. Fans started turning against once he started with the monotonous delivery, and ridiculous taunts to prep his RKO in his new "Viper" shtick.

3. Punk = I still see alot of people supporting Punk and I believe that the Anti-Punk camp is filled with people who never liked him to begin with and due to him moving up on the card, those guys are more vocal.

So the "mind-changing" isnt out of the blue...just keep that in mind.

All very good counterpoints indeed. However, the common denominator in all three cases is impulsive mind changing on the net fans parts.

1}Cena; He is the main example of someone the fans really got behind. They loved his rapping schtick because it was funny, that simple. He did have a more impressive moveset and seemed to have better matches back then. I can understand why people turned on him. He has changed a lot in his character evolution and some don't like it. It's understandable. When someone goes from the underdog to the dynasty, they become commonplace and that's the reason most people hate him. That and the "Super Cena" thing he has going for him. And though he's not my favorite, I do respect his work and accomplishments. His dedication to "Make-A-Wish" is very admirable.

2}Orton; Another great example to go back and see his character evolution. His "Legend Killer" material was awesome and his new stuff isn't quite up to par. However, characters change. I still enjoy Orton's work and think most fans exaggerate on his "Viper" character being monotone and boring. It's the same character he's always been minus the heel part of it. Orton seems to work hard and always gets strong fan reaction whether he's a heel or face. Not something many performers these days can do, which is impressive.

3}CM Punk. I must agree with you here. Most people that are anti-Punk have been so from the beginning. It just seems like the popular thing to do these days though, doesn't it? To get behind a guy and then become bored when they become mainstays? We cannot blame all the anti-Punk guys though. I was not impressed with Punk when he debuted and thought he was just another new guy with little potential. I was anti-Punk in the beginning because his work was rather boring and lackluster. Over the last 2 or 3 years, I have come to respect Punk for the worker he has become. He has taken all WWE has given him and made so much more for himself. Not every performer can do that and become a top name.

I dunno. It just seems like some guys are always going to be net targets once they become big. There will be critics of these guys no matter if they are currently great or horrible. It's a trend most fans have noticed and I'm sure I'm not the first to point that out.
Orton; Another great example to go back and see his character evolution. His "Legend Killer" material was awesome and his new stuff isn't quite up to par. However, characters change. I still enjoy Orton's work and think most fans exaggerate on his "Viper" character being monotone and boring. It's the same character he's always been minus the heel part of it. Orton seems to work hard and always gets strong fan reaction whether he's a heel or face. Not something many performers these days can do, which is impressive

Well, I wouldn't say he's the same character because the energetic talkative style he used in his promos have been gone since he started this Viper thing. I think the fans from that time would still like him if WWE creative and Orton would have fused the cocky arrogance of his Legend Killer persona with the "psychotic" nature of the Viper.
The IWC isn't to be taken seriously. Let's get over ourselves. How about we stop taking wrestling so seriously? Some IWC members seem to get really worked up about perceived deficiencies in the current pro wrestling scene. If you don't like it anymore, don't watch it, because it isn't going back. If you like it too much, diversify your hobbies or get a job. It has always been and will always be a lowbrow fake fighting show. The IWC will never be taken seriously because we're not special. We're marks same as the 5-year old kids, they just don't know that it's fake yet. Wrestling promotions only care about your dollar, not your message board rants.
That's the point. You won't turn in that shirt. There is no point where you will become frustrated enough with the product to stop watching. That being the case, why on earth would they take your complaints into consideration?

You think wrestling fans can never be convinced to stop watching? Ha. That's rich.

Wrestling has been gradually but surely getting less popular since 2001, WWE CAN lose more viewers if they keep pissing off fans.
The IWC isn't to be taken seriously. Let's get over ourselves. How about we stop taking wrestling so seriously? Some IWC members seem to get really worked up about perceived deficiencies in the current pro wrestling scene. If you don't like it anymore, don't watch it, because it isn't going back. If you like it too much, diversify your hobbies or get a job. It has always been and will always be a lowbrow fake fighting show. The IWC will never be taken seriously because we're not special. We're marks same as the 5-year old kids, they just don't know that it's fake yet. Wrestling promotions only care about your dollar, not your message board rants.

Maybe because its been a means of entertainment for them since an early point in their lives and they want what's best for it....Yes some can potentially get too "pretentious" or whatever but the fact of the matter is they care at the end of the day because if they didn't they would no longer watch. Regardless, people shouldn't be belittling opinions of wrestling fans, Internet or not. Only time will tell if wrestling will change and if changes to something similar to NXT's current direction then that will make a lot of hardcore fans happy
Well, I wouldn't say he's the same character because the energetic talkative style he used in his promos have been gone since he started this Viper thing. I think the fans from that time would still like him if WWE creative and Orton would have fused the cocky arrogance of his Legend Killer persona with the "psychotic" nature of the Viper.

To be honest, I don't think Orton ever had "the energetic talkative style". He always talked slow and methodical all the way back to his debut on WWE tv. As for the current form of Orton, I think his mannerisms and style of promos are all to get over his character of a Viper-like psychotic person. I will concede though, his "Legend Killer" gimmick was better. It had to be, considering he was always feuding with well known legends. I believe most people will back on Orton's side again once he turns heel again. Unless he gets injured again or is released.
To be honest, I don't think Orton ever had "the energetic talkative style". He always talked slow and methodical all the way back to his debut on WWE tv. As for the current form of Orton, I think his mannerisms and style of promos are all to get over his character of a Viper-like psychotic person. I will concede though, his "Legend Killer" gimmick was better. It had to be, considering he was always feuding with well known legends. I believe most people will back on Orton's side again once he turns heel again. Unless he gets injured again or is released.

What I mean by energetic and talkative is not that he talked like he was on Red Bull all day but his promos had more life and conviction behind them

Compare these promos:


This one is ironic due to the what happened to WWECW lol:


Promo with Ric Flair:


to anything he's done since his Viper shtick and you should be able to tell that his delivery has gotten alot more monotonous. NoW I'm sure there are alot of fans who'll get behind him having another heel run but for me, it's only if his vocal delivery has more energy and life to it than it currently does.

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