Why So Much Hate For TNA?


Dark Match Winner
I'm not a tna fan boy/ wwe hater type of guy, I watch both companies and i like and dislike things about both companies and thats exactly the reason i dont get why people hate tna so much. I didnt like tna before but i didnt even watch it but if you watch the product you will find good and bad in both companies.
Does tna have crappy angles? sure! but why hate so much when wwe has very crappy angles also? Since i started watching tna i apreciate it so much more because they came from nothing to what they are and have now. Im not saying it is perfect because its not but im pretty sure alot of tna haters dont even watch the show and all they say is stuff like tna have a bunch of washed up guys from the past or all they do is take former wwe guys, etc.

Give me one legit reason why you think tna its not worth watching
TNA has some pretty big shoes to fill. It doesn't help matters that most of their star power are guys who came from huge companies, or have done huge things for the industry years ago. People start watching TNA convinced that TNA will accomplish huge, game-changing things with all this star power, and they walk away disappointed every time.

It's not a bad thing that this company isn't changing the entire industry every single time they put on a show, because that's impossible. But this is what people were expecting, and it was stupid of them to do so. Why do you think all the newbie hate for TNA stems from, "Hogan is old! Sting sucks! Kurt Angle isn't good anymore! Bischoff is toxic! Jeff Hardy does drugs!"

When you expect the same flash in the pan to start the same fire the NWO did for the WCW simply because you have the same guys that were around for it, you lose sight of what the company is trying to be.
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3722800 said:
TNA has some pretty big shoes to fill. It doesn't help matters that most of their star power are guys who came from huge companies, or have done huge things for the industry years ago. People start watching TNA convinced that TNA will accomplish huge, game-changing things with all this star power, and they walk away disappointed every time.

It's not a bad thing that this company isn't changing the entire industry every single time they put on a show, because that's impossible. But this is what people were expecting, and it was stupid of them to do so. Why do you think all the newbie hate for TNA stems from, "Hogan is old! Sting sucks! Kurt Angle isn't good anymore! Bischoff is toxic! Jeff Hardy does drugs!"

When you expect the same flash in the pan to start the same fire the NWO did for the WCW simply because you have the same guys that were around for it, you lose sight of what the company is trying to be.

ignorance is bliss on this site... the majority of their stars are not from bigger companies
TNA lost my viewership when it tried to push their competition with WWE directly. That January where Hogan and Bischoff came out and made the entire company a joke etc... The reason fans feel disappointed when TNA doesn't reinvent professional wrestling is because Hulk Hogan comes out and makes 30 min monologues about how TNA is reinventing the industry, I can understand promoting your product, but Hogan's grandiose speeches a couple years ago pretty much set up the company for a fall.

It's something I've had issues getting over since then. I watch TNA from time to time still, the product has gotten much better in the last couple months, and they definitely have their focus in the right place most of the time, but seeing things like Gunner vs Garret Bischoff at a PPV, seeing Jeff Hardy still employed after Victory Road, things like this still make me turn the TV off.

TNA has some really great home bread talent, and it's nice to see them being featured well now, it wasn't long ago that the ME list was all washed up WWE guys, they've improved greatly in this respect, giving their own stars time to mature.

I don't have a real legit reason to not watch TNA right now, besides the fact I don't find an hour to DVR it before the next week erases and I lose the storylines a bit which makes me not want to watch it, but that's my fault not TNAs.

The thing that I will point out, you're comparing TNA to WWE, and upset that other people are comparing WWE to TNA. That's just a bit of food for thought.
Honestly, I really kind of stopped watching TNA, but yet I still keep going back. So, I don't know if I consider myself a hater or not. But now that Russo's gone, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Think of it this way, bud.

If you fill a big ass room with 50 Justin Bieber fans and 15 Elvis Presley fans, who's gonna make more noise? The Justin Bieber fans, of course. Why? There's just more of them. Just because they're noisier doesn't mean Bieber is better than Presley, it just means that at this very moment Bieber has a bigger following.

This example is of course inaccuarate because WWE can't possibly suck as much as Bieber and TNA is nowhere near Elvis' level of entertainment, but you get my point.

Any company that is 2nd to the WWE would've been treated this way, regardless of how good it is. All it matters is that the TNA fans know that it's not as bad as people make it out to be, nowhere NEAR. What some random WWE mark thinks is irrelevant, but still irritating. Not because he hates on TNA, just because he's ignorant.

Don't expect the hate to die down, it's always going to be this way, try to ignore it if you can even though it's nearly impossible if you check wrestling related stuff on the Internet.
The thing that I will point out, you're comparing TNA to WWE, and upset that other people are comparing WWE to TNA. That's just a bit of food for thought.

Well that wasnt my intention because i dont want to compare the companies, i just dont know why so many people hate tna, why not try to enjoy it, why expect the world of wrestling to change? just try look for the good things they have and enjoy the product, but i guess it will always be this way.
Well that wasnt my intention because i dont want to compare the companies, i just dont know why so many people hate tna, why not try to enjoy it, why expect the world of wrestling to change? just try look for the good things they have and enjoy the product, but i guess it will always be this way.

I made this point, but it needs a little reinforcement I think.

Hulk Hogan makes grandiose speeches, it's wrestling, build up the Hulkamania and that. But The reason people expect the world of wrestling to change is because Hulk Hogan has done at least a dozen promos in the last couple years that have promised to change wrestling while bashing WWE either directly or indirectly. TNA's best chance to flourish is if they keep it quiet and be their own thing, but it's a constant struggle for TNA to try and repeat WCW, and stick it to the WWE, unfortunately TNA is not at WCW's level when they started pulling those antics, so it hurts them everytime. I think ECW2.0 was the actual final straw when I just stopped watching the show on a weekly basis.
Think of it this way, bud.

If you fill a big ass room with 50 Justin Bieber fans and 15 Elvis Presley fans, who's gonna make more noise? The Justin Bieber fans, of course. Why? There's just more of them. Just because they're noisier doesn't mean Bieber is better than Presley, it just means that at this very moment Bieber has a bigger following.

This example is of course inaccuarate because WWE can't possibly suck as much as Bieber and TNA is nowhere near Elvis' level of entertainment, but you get my point.

Any company that is 2nd to the WWE would've been treated this way, regardless of how good it is. All it matters is that the TNA fans know that it's not as bad as people make it out to be, nowhere NEAR. What some random WWE mark thinks is irrelevant, but still irritating. Not because he hates on TNA, just because he's ignorant.

Don't expect the hate to die down, it's always going to be this way, try to ignore it if you can even though it's nearly impossible if you check wrestling related stuff on the Internet.

Well, if it isn't the biggest TNA mark on this forum himself, as usual bashing WWE.
It's cool to have your opinion, but to seriously think Bieber is better than WWE is certainly grounds for questioning just what the heck goes on in the head of yours.
I mean sure this Zack Ryder/Eve/Cena thing is idiotic but Punk has been doing well as champ, HHH isn't getting his grubby mitts on the title, Rock vs Cena will be one of the biggest draws in a long time, Kharma will put some attention on the divas, and Jericho is back.

WWE usually kicks ass from the Rumble to Mania, I really don't see what your problem is.
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3722800 said:
TNA has some pretty big shoes to fill. It doesn't help matters that most of their star power are guys who came from huge companies, or have done huge things for the industry years ago. People start watching TNA convinced that TNA will accomplish huge, game-changing things with all this star power, and they walk away disappointed every time.

It's not a bad thing that this company isn't changing the entire industry every single time they put on a show, because that's impossible. But this is what people were expecting, and it was stupid of them to do so. Why do you think all the newbie hate for TNA stems from, "Hogan is old! Sting sucks! Kurt Angle isn't good anymore! Bischoff is toxic! Jeff Hardy does drugs!"

When you expect the same flash in the pan to start the same fire the NWO did for the WCW simply because you have the same guys that were around for it, you lose sight of what the company is trying to be.

Do you know why they put over the guys "who came from huge companies"? its to help get the casual fan interested in the product by giving them a face they recognized, because if you like it or not they're is way more casual fans then they are fans like us.

See, when they do this, they are introducing these homegrown talents to the casual fans. So, now how are you going to put over homegrown talent with homegrown talent when the casual fan hasn't the sliest clue who these guys are? doesn't seem to be working for ROH now is it?

Some of you talk like you know what you're talking about, when it reality you don't no jack shi**
I'll watch it here and there. Number one thing that completely turns me off is their sloppy camera work. I'm guessing they do it in purpose as a way to be creative, but I'm not a fan of their backstage shots. As a film student I automatically take notice to this stuff. Secondly, it's their story lines. I'll tune in one week then tune back in two weeks later and the match-ups have completely changed drastically. That kind of inconsistency just sorta bugs me. Only reason I like to watch it here and there is because they have great wrestlers who aren't so limited in their matches like in the WWE.
So basically, the negatives just outweigh the positives for me. If i hear about a good match i just go youtube it. OH, and also, I moved so I don't have the spike channel.
ignorance is bliss on this site... the majority of their stars are not from bigger companies

I said "star power." Meaning Hogan, Flair, Bischoff, Hardy, Angle, and the ECW guys.

Do you know why they put over the guys "who came from huge companies"? its to help get the casual fan interested in the product by giving them a face they recognized, because if you like it or not they're is way more casual fans then they are fans like us.

See, when they do this, they are introducing these homegrown talents to the casual fans. So, now how are you going to put over homegrown talent with homegrown talent when the casual fan hasn't the sliest clue who these guys are? doesn't seem to be working for ROH now is it?

Some of you talk like you know what you're talking about, when it reality you don't no jack shi**

What are you, 5? I never said this was a bad thing. Get the bias out of your mouth and actually comprehend what I'm trying to say.

TNA was trying to be one thing, and the fans interpreted it a different way. It didn't help that, throughout the beginning of the Hogan/Bischoff "era," they ran horrible, nonsensical storylines, and bordered on lying to their fans with these huge promises that never panned out. They even resorted to blatantly ripping off an Undertaker return promo with a lackluster Sting return.

TNA being what it currently is is NOT a bad thing. I'm just trying to explain the "hate" it gets.

I'm even doing it with a pro-TNA opinion, but Jesus Christ, you guys can't put down your bias for one second and read without picking up your e-torches and e-pitchforks and swarming to TNA's rescue.
Do you know why they put over the guys "who came from huge companies"? its to help get the casual fan interested in the product by giving them a face they recognized, because if you like it or not they're is way more casual fans then they are fans like us.

See, when they do this, they are introducing these homegrown talents to the casual fans. So, now how are you going to put over homegrown talent with homegrown talent when the casual fan hasn't the sliest clue who these guys are? doesn't seem to be working for ROH now is it?

Some of you talk like you know what you're talking about, when it reality you don't no jack shi**

You know I hear this argument a lot but from my experience its a load of crap. I've been a rather casual wresting fan since the attitude era. I watched WWE and not really anything else. I never felt the need to watch anything elseas WWE gave me what I wanted in a wrestling product. Then Cena happened, he goes marine and pretty much crushes the roster leaving me a feeling of "WTF is this crap." I followed it because of Edge and Christian and that was about it.

I flipped through the channels and found TNA care to guess what was the first match I ever saw in TNA? Christopher Daniels in a gauntlet match with his final opponent being AJ Styles. After watching that I made sure to catch the show every day and saw Samoa Joe, Daniels, and Styles ripping up the X-Division and loved it. I got rather bored with the main event as it was dominated by Jeff Jerret who simply looked like he didn't belong in a company with guys like the above. Then they brought in Christian and Kurt Angle and my first thought was "wow those two with the other guys in the X-Division could really cement an amazing main event for this company." Sadly the rest is history and they fumbled that setup hard.

The point of this whole thing though it what TNA needs to be is different. It doesn't need to be a bunch of old WCW/WWE/ECW guys hogging TV time while TNA talent is wasted. There was a time, and some people still are, when people where looking for something different than what WWE provides them. TNA can provide that with guys like Roode, Daniels, Storm, AJ, eventually Crimson,and the like in the main event putting on awesome matches. They can't provide that with Sting/Hogan/Nash/Hall/etc etc sitting in the spot light.
You know I hear this argument a lot but from my experience its a load of crap. I've been a rather casual wresting fan since the attitude era. I watched WWE and not really anything else. I never felt the need to watch anything elseas WWE gave me what I wanted in a wrestling product. Then Cena happened, he goes marine and pretty much crushes the roster leaving me a feeling of "WTF is this crap." I followed it because of Edge and Christian and that was about it.

I flipped through the channels and found TNA care to guess what was the first match I ever saw in TNA? Christopher Daniels in a gauntlet match with his final opponent being AJ Styles. After watching that I made sure to catch the show every day and saw Samoa Joe, Daniels, and Styles ripping up the X-Division and loved it. I got rather bored with the main event as it was dominated by Jeff Jerret who simply looked like he didn't belong in a company with guys like the above. Then they brought in Christian and Kurt Angle and my first thought was "wow those two with the other guys in the X-Division could really cement an amazing main event for this company." Sadly the rest is history and they fumbled that setup hard.

The point of this whole thing though it what TNA needs to be is different. It doesn't need to be a bunch of old WCW/WWE/ECW guys hogging TV time while TNA talent is wasted. There was a time, and some people still are, when people where looking for something different than what WWE provides them. TNA can provide that with guys like Roode, Daniels, Storm, AJ, eventually Crimson,and the like in the main event putting on awesome matches. They can't provide that with Sting/Hogan/Nash/Hall/etc etc sitting in the spot light.

You're a "wrestling fan" not a casual fan.
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3722960 said:
I said "star power." Meaning Hogan, Flair, Bischoff, Hardy, Angle, and the ECW guys.

What are you, 5? I never said this was a bad thing. Get the bias out of your mouth and actually comprehend what I'm trying to say.

TNA was trying to be one thing, and the fans interpreted it a different way. It didn't help that, throughout the beginning of the Hogan/Bischoff "era," they ran horrible, nonsensical storylines, and bordered on lying to their fans with these huge promises that never panned out. They even resorted to blatantly ripping off an Undertaker return promo with a lackluster Sting return.

TNA being what it currently is is NOT a bad thing. I'm just trying to explain the "hate" it gets.

I'm even doing it with a pro-TNA opinion, but Jesus Christ, you guys can't put down your bias for one second and read without picking up your e-torches and e-pitchforks and swarming to TNA's rescue.

I don't care if you're doing it with a "pro-TNA opinion", you're mad because you got schooled and now trying make it out as you meant it one way when you didn't to begin with. People like you never will succeed in business because you can't comprehend that 1+1 = 2

I'm now done with this topic because it's ******ed, there will always be haters in any form of sports and wrestling is no different.
I don't care if you're doing it with a "pro-TNA opinion", you're mad because you got schooled and now trying make it out as you meant it one way when you didn't to begin with. People like you never will succeed in business because you can't comprehend that 1+1 = 2

I'm now done with this topic because it's ******ed, there will always be haters in any form of sports and wrestling is no different.

I don't even know what you're trying to say. Are you drunk or something? What did I get "schooled" in?

The meaning of what I said was pretty clear in my first post, you know, when I said, "It's not a bad thing that this company isn't changing the entire industry every single time they put on a show, because that's impossible. But this is what people were expecting, and it was stupid of them to do so."

You are the kind of person that fuels the hatred for the product you're so desperately trying to defend. You argue like a 5 year old, talking about "schooling" people, forcing them to aggressively defend their position, and oppose yours. If you want people to stop hating TNA so much, why don't you grow up and stop being angry that someone doesn't enjoy something you enjoy?
My problem with TNA/Impact is every single time they start to build momentum they take giant leaps back. I felt pre-hogan and during the MEM run TNA was beginning to change for the better. But then they broke up the MEM in a very bad way, and they started getting ready for Hogan. They waste homegrown talent like aj/daniels/lethal/joe, and while yes they have made some headway with Storm and Roode I get the feeling its only a matter of time before they kill it. The frequent heel/face switches were hard to fathom. First Angle hates Immortal for screwing him and because of jarrett, even going so far as to get Fortune to leave Immortal, and beating up Immortal weeks earlier, to him joing them because Dixie new about Jeff and Karen. It made no sense with him being over Karen in the storyline. My other problem is Anderson. He was over getting great reactions and gets sent home because creative has nothing for him. Hello he is a selfish asshole who the fans cheer, Bobby Roode is a selfish asshole the fans hate, so you put them against each other. I love the knockouts and remember when they were the highest rated segment and were even getting considered for their own show. What happened? They killed it. Same thing with the X division and tag division. They have a secondary title that should be used as a stepping stone but instead is a joke. Seriously who is the TV champ right now because I don't even know. And I know the WWE does not use their titles right. Which would be helped if they would just end the two brands and have one world title and one midcard title. but that is not the point, the point is whats wrong with TNA.

All of that said i still watch and hope it gets better, but im guessing a lot of it comes form that actually.
You know I hear this argument a lot but from my experience its a load of crap. I've been a rather casual wresting fan since the attitude era. I watched WWE and not really anything else. I never felt the need to watch anything elseas WWE gave me what I wanted in a wrestling product. Then Cena happened, he goes marine and pretty much crushes the roster leaving me a feeling of "WTF is this crap." I followed it because of Edge and Christian and that was about it.

I flipped through the channels and found TNA care to guess what was the first match I ever saw in TNA? Christopher Daniels in a gauntlet match with his final opponent being AJ Styles. After watching that I made sure to catch the show every day and saw Samoa Joe, Daniels, and Styles ripping up the X-Division and loved it. I got rather bored with the main event as it was dominated by Jeff Jerret who simply looked like he didn't belong in a company with guys like the above. Then they brought in Christian and Kurt Angle and my first thought was "wow those two with the other guys in the X-Division could really cement an amazing main event for this company." Sadly the rest is history and they fumbled that setup hard.

The point of this whole thing though it what TNA needs to be is different. It doesn't need to be a bunch of old WCW/WWE/ECW guys hogging TV time while TNA talent is wasted. There was a time, and some people still are, when people where looking for something different than what WWE provides them. TNA can provide that with guys like Roode, Daniels, Storm, AJ, eventually Crimson,and the like in the main event putting on awesome matches. They can't provide that with Sting/Hogan/Nash/Hall/etc etc sitting in the spot light.

Well said.... There's one thing to bring in big names to create a buzz but the main point should be to hook those fans then show them what the company is really about, and you can still use those seasoned veterans in main events but not every single PPV every single year. You have to build for the future which they aren't doing, they are building for the here and now.

TNA was awesome several years ago, as Sacred said the main event wasn't that great since it was just Jeff Jarrett hogging the spotlight but the XDivision and the tag division were very captivating, it certainly hooked me and i was WWF since 83 and happened to catch TNA on youtube 6 yrs ago or so when there was stables, Bobby Roode/Eric Young were a part of the Canadian stable, AMW were the best team there was. So many great angles/storylines and wrestling

WWE as crap as it has been still knows you have to build a future and not dwell in the past all the time.
Why does the TNA section always has a thread which has nothing to do with Impact or the upcoming PPVs ? WWE section has threads about matches,wrestlers etc whereas TNA section always has these kind of stupid dumb threads.

Who cares if there are haters or not ? WWE has haters too but I've never seen threads like this in the WWE section.

This thread is BS. TNA section needs to be improved. These kind of dumb threads puts a bad impression on TNA and detracts fans.

TNA is doing good. By reading threads threads like this a fan who doesn't hate TNA will start to hate TNA.
Honestly, I really kind of stopped watching TNA, but yet I still keep going back. So, I don't know if I consider myself a hater or not. But now that Russo's gone, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

can only hope it's a good step and replacing him with a WWE creative from the past. Now if they could just replace the production crew and the announcers and teach people to act they'd be on a winning formula ;)
Well, I'm going to crush this softball. "School" is in session.
Do you know why they put over the guys "who came from huge companies"? its to help get the casual fan interested in the product by giving them a face they recognized, because if you like it or not they're is way more casual fans then they are fans like us.
Yes, that is the theory. It didn't pan out. What ended up happening was that the fans which had been watching TNA tuned out, and a different set of fans tuned in to see the stars of early-aughts WWE. The ratings rose for a couple of weeks and then crashed miserably with the Monday Night Massacres. Their average ratings are up 10% over two years. For a company that went on a spending binge in 2010 to enlarge the company, those are dismal results.
See, when they do this, they are introducing these homegrown talents to the casual fans. So, now how are you going to put over homegrown talent with homegrown talent when the casual fan hasn't the sliest clue who these guys are? doesn't seem to be working for ROH now is it?
Oh boy, another ROH basher. Because as everyone knows, the only possible goal of a business is to be tops in the broadest possible explanation of their type of business.

ROH is what's called a "niche business". They will never be the #1 or #2 company in professional wrestling, and that isn't their goal. They are focused on supplying a certain product that a certain segment of the industry desires. They are not going for mass appeal, in the format of WWE or TNA/IW. The people that ROH appeals to are interested in seeing a faux athletic competition between two people they aren't entirely familiar with. (This does not mean it will be immediately embraced and responded to with cliched "this is awesome" chants. It means it will be given a chance, rather than offhandedly dismissed.)
Some of you talk like you know what you're talking about, when it reality you don't no jack shi**
The word is shit. If you're going to use it, don't act like a fucking twelve year old and pretend that interposing a * means people who are going to be offended by it can't be. If you can't bring yourself to say shit, figure out another word, expression, or idiom to use.

For what it's worth, I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about, and merely acting dismissive of other people's opinions isn't enough, on its own, to convince me otherwise.
kor420 said:
I don't care if you're doing it with a "pro-TNA opinion", you're mad because you got schooled and now trying make it out as you meant it one way when you didn't to begin with. People like you never will succeed in business because you can't comprehend that 1+1 = 2

I'm now done with this topic because it's ******ed, there will always be haters in any form of sports and wrestling is no different.
I got Tommy's point right off the bat, and, yes, he did mean it the way he said. You insisted he must mean it as an attack against TNA/IW, and here we are.

By the way, what businesses have you been successful in, that you can throw out an insult like that with any kind of authority? I've been successful in two businesses now in two almost entirely different fields. I'm a bit curious to know what your qualifications are.

The ridiculous bit about haters aside- and this is advice from an old, knowledgeable hand to someone who's obviously still a greenhorn in these manners- don't tell people that you've decided to quit a thread. Just leave. Telling people that you're leaving just makes it look like you don't want people to think you lost an argument. On the internet. About professional wrestling. Which is sadder than a dumpster full of slow greyhounds.
I've only just started watching TNA (My fist full show wast Against All Odds), and I think that the wrestling on show at TNA actually surpasses what WWE have on show most of the time. There are wrestlers in WWE that I believe out shine most of what TNA has to give, but its a few wrestlers (Punk, Ziggler, Y2J to name the main ones). But the overall wrestling in TNA is much better, The X Division has (probably) the best overall wrestling in the world, and I absolutly loved the 2-3 matches involving these guys at AOO.
I can consider myself converted from a WWE mark to a Wrestling fan this week, and am loving every minute of it... hopefully TNA can keep up what I've seen.
I wonder how differently people would look at tna if it was held in an arena like Wembley Arena every week. That first episode from wembley was probably my most favourite episode i have seen in a LONG time. Having the big crowd really does make a difference! The fact that wee constantly has a big crowd is partly the reason that i still watch it. If Raw was in the impact zone, i really wouldn't think much of it.

I sometimes think that the fact that TNA does not have a sold out arena every week that people just look down on it as if it is not good enough for them. but hey, thats just my opinion.

Hopefully tna can get out of the zone sooner rather than later.
And yea i am british and don't have sky sports, but i watch raw online.
I do not "hate" TNA, but I do not enjoy the show. In the UK, we get all TNA tv shows AND PPV shown for free on our free tv networks. They have to do this in the UK as TNA is not known well at all in the UK. In fact, most of their viewers went to see the London TNA taping the other week and if that had gone out live in the UK, then the show would unlikely have drawn an audience.

The brand of TNA has become diminished in peoples minds so much so that now people won't watch even if it is a good show as they expect it to be a poor show. I grew up watching Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan and so on in the WWF in 1991/92. I then saw their last time they would peak in 1997/1998. Even in 1998, the combined age of Flair and Hogan was 94. And that was 14 years ago.

Their combined age in TNA last year was 120 years. I am not being anti old people but these guys have been around forever, and they are well past their peak. They could make effective one year shows, where they show up and get involved in an angle. but they are no longer as entertaining as they once were and even their own reputations have been damaged by this too.

Furthermore, Sting is heading in the same direction. And of course, one of the worst things to happen at TNA, has been Vince Russo. He is an ideas guy, but he is not THE ideas guy. His shows have always bored me senseless, from WCW to TNA at least. The guy left WWF in 1998. 14 years on, all he has done is lose money for whoever he has worked for.

I don't hate TNA, I just think they have lots of resources, and should do more house shows, and focus on creating stars. Not using older guys from WWE/WCW/ECW. Be that in front or behind the camera.

I'd also like to see them get rid of Mr Anderson. He is a terrible performer and wrestler and his character is as bad as Jeff Jarretts in 1995, 1998/1999/2000..
I just want to finish the above post- We get TNA for Free, both PPV and TV shows, on free to air tv. I don't even watch it when it is free.

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