Why should Vince McMahon give a damn about what you think?

Vince will only truly listen to what the fans want when the ratings and revenue go down a significant level. Most hardcore wrestling fans, myself included, will usually watch the product no matter how bad it gets. There are a few exceptions as I have taken a few short breaks from watching WWE over the last five years but I ultimately love wrestling and find myself tuning back in. Vince has proven that he can put on whatever he wants as a product as will mostly garner a rating of 3.0 and above. There have been a few times the ratings have slipped to a 2.8 or 2.9 but usually doesn't stay there for more than a week or two.

WWE also has a monopoly as there's isn't much 'national' competition out there. You have TNA on Spike and ROH on HDNet but not much else except for regional federations on local tv stations. WWE is the most easy and convenient to catch with shows on different channels. Vince can continue to put on segments that seem to humor himself (Obama vs Hillary and horrible things like that) that will gain criticism from the wrestling community but doesn't lose much viewership.

It took WCW competing with WWE back in the Monday Night Wars for the WWE product to change drastically. I don't foresee the WWE product changing much until they have another company cutting into their viewership and revenue. This is why I desperately want TNA to flourish as we need it to gain a better wrestling product overall. I may sometimes hate the WWE product but I'm a fan of the wrestlers so find myself tuning in week after week. There are times I abstain when the product gets really bad but sadly I'd rather watch bad wrestling over no wrestling at all (and sad that I'm part of the problem as we should tune out more with how WWE has been the past five years). I have abstained from buying PPVs and going to live events to show my disdain however. Probably doesn't count as much in the grand scheme of things but at least it's something.

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