Why should Vince McMahon give a damn about what you think?


Championship Contender
I see it all the time. People complain constantly about the WWE. They can never, ever be satisfied. There are so many hypocrites out there. They condemn WWE trying to sell their merchandise on-air and then go and buy the newest Randy Orton t-shirt. They badmouth John Cena for the same shit. "Oh, he only knows 5 moves." Then they go and praise the Ironman match he and Orton had. "Oh my god, Verne Troyer on Raw. Stupid. I won't watch this shit at all." What do they do 15 seconds after it ends? "OMFG I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED ON RAW."

The WWE has definitely improved over the past few months. It seems like they finally paid attention to what they've been asking for. "We want new stars!" Okay, here you go; Here's Kofi Kingston, feuding with the former WWE Champion Randy Orton. "Dude, why isn't Kofi champ?" Not happy? Here's Sheamus. You wanted to be shocked, you bitched and moaned about not enough suprises in the WWE. They completely just launch Sheamus or there, it's sink or swim. You wanted a different main event? You got it! What the hell do you do? "Oh he's not ready." "Wtf? Sheamus. Fuck the WWE. I'm not ordering this PPV."

Why can't you just enjoy the fucking product? You cut down the little kids enjoying their favorite wrestlers, their heroes perform. Weren't you one of them? The kids seem to be the smartest ones. They enjoy it, they cheer their favorites. They don't systematically break down the damn show and attempt to list every single flaw that there might have been.

You sit at shows, and boo Cena, thinking you're cool. You boo the good guys because you want to stand out and be a douchebag. Then you come here and complain that Cena shouldn't get boo'ed and Orton shouldn't get cheered.

All that's leading up to the title question: Why in the blue hell, should Vince McMahon care what you think? You particular group, the ones i'm addressing here. Not fans in general. Clear that up right now. He's been doing everything you wanted shy of reverting back to 1997, but you still complain and bitch and just act like douchebags in general. It's a very simple solution, if you don't like the product, don't watch it. Don't waste the people who still enjoy it's time sifting through your 1 million posts of how the WWE sucks because Miz isn't champion, or Zack Ryder isn't on RAW. Why can't you just be a fan? Is it that hard to just sit back and just get into the match. Watch the chemistry, watch the damn match. Learn the psychology. It's ridiculous.. the WWE isn't killing itself, fans like I listed above are killing the WWE.
All I need to say to this is well said. No one is happy with anything anymore, everybody wants to be right. Hell, if you want a wrestling show that is booked, pushed & cheered for the way you want it, maybe you should go out, invest a shit ton of money, build up a lifetimes worth of experience in wrestling promotion and then maybe give your two bits about how Vince McMahon is running his show. Cuz despite what you guys are whining about, the WWE seems to still be doing fine with the amount of money they're making. Yeah, the ratings are super huge like they were before, but what's this? They make more money than you do flipping burgers at McDonalds & typing posts on the internet?
I agree with everything that both of you just said. That is basically exactly what I've been telling people. Furthermore, Im glad that any new talent is being pushed, I dont care who it is. WWE is successful and they just dont go out and blatantly do things if they think it's all going to fuck up. Sure, I do see how John Cena is the same old shit, and his title reigns can get one too long. But the guy can perform, and perform damn well with different spots and he at least tries to make himself interesting which gets some points from me.

Vince and the WWE would be stupid to take the debates from the IWC with anything put a grain of salt. Yes, there are some good topics and good points raised, but Vince does things for business. We're not Vince McMahon so why should we tell him what to do? There is a reason he's successful, but of course, especially in today's world, a lot of people are always going to shoot things down.

Wrestling is like a repeating cycle of change. It goes through good and bad periods in that cycle. It's picking up now, in my opinion also, and I for one, do plan on buying TLC. If you don't like it, don't watch, because that's a pretty lame thing to do anyway.
Well I think there's one problem with your assumptions. You assume one person hates Cena and then cheers Cena. You assume one person wants new wrestlers to be given a chance and then that same person doesn't at the same time.

But the fact is, there are many people of all types, with all types of opinions. Yeah there's a lot of bitching, but you're lumping everyone together into one big group and calling the group "hypocrite". But the group is made up of multiple people with vastly different opinions.

People like to bitch, that's for sure. The internet is full of it. But the funny thing is you're bitching about the bitching. So you're bitching too. You're no different from any of the other people on here. You have an opinion, they have an opinion.

It's okay to not be happy with WWE. It's okay to be happy with WWE. It's when people think they know what's up and want to shove their opinion down everyone's throat is when BS starts. It's when people think their opinion is the only acceptable one is when people get in arguments.

No one's "killing" anything, they just all have opinions. If you don't like their opinions then don't read them and ignore the IWC.
First off, Vince must care what his actual viewing audience thinks-as that affects ratings and profit. I'm not saying he cares exactly what I or anyone else on this forum specifically think; but if you are selling a product, it's only to your benefit to care about your (potential) buyer.

As for dissecting the decisions, storylines and gimmicks in the WWE, that IS part of the enjoyment for a lot of people. It's really no different than football or any other sport/show. Fans like to discuss the minutia of what they are watching or following. Part of that is using a critical eye. For instance, I've been on forums where fans of the show "heroes" have totally torn the show down scene by scene and bragged about how they'd change the plot/save the show's ratings. You don't have to be 100% in love with something to be a fan. A true fan cares enough to see the good and the bad of their passion.

Sometimes I enjoy reading the posts on here more than the WWE shows themselves. I know how I feel about a particular match or wrestler, but it is always interesting to hear other perspectives or points I never considered. If the "bitching" bothers you that much, perhaps you are just not suited for forums like these, as they tend to have a lot of in depth analysis (& not always favorable ). Everyone is entitled to their opinion and expressing it-as long as it is done in a respectful way.
Well I boo Cena, so I guess that makes me a hypocrite. I mean just because I've been booing him since I first saw him makes me one of the band wagon jumpers. I mean there's no possible way that my reason for not liking Cena has anything to do with me just not liking the character. And I mean, it's one face that I boo... it's not like I boo all the others. I mean, I love Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne.

As for the Sheamus push, I wasn't bothered by it... He just came out of left field. I love the fact that they're pushing new guys. And out of all the "big guys" now, I'd say Sheamus is one that they can push very well.

I've also never said I wasn't going to watch a week of Raw because of a guest host. Call me crazy, but when I turn to a wrestling program that's exactly what I tune in for. And besides, most of the hosts have been doing great jobs.

And with always hating Cena, I've also always appreciated Orton's character. I mean here's a young kid who is looking to follow in his father's footsteps, and he sides with the two biggest heels in WWE at the time. This kid goes on and becomes the youngest world champion, a multiple time IC champion, and a tag team champion.

As for the ironman match, I hated it through and through.

But yeah, I'm a hypocrite because I have an opinion and don't mind expressing it. I'm a hypocrite because I happen to love wrestling whether it's watching it, talking about it, or performin it. Yeah, I'm such a hypocrite.
Why can't you just enjoy the fucking product? You cut down the little kids enjoying their favorite wrestlers, their heroes perform. Weren't you one of them? The kids seem to be the smartest ones. They enjoy it, they cheer their favorites. They don't systematically break down the damn show and attempt to list every single flaw that there might have been.

Have you hever heard of the saying a "true friend will side with you if you are right, and tell you that you are wrong if you are"? Well something like that.

My point is people who are passionate about something like in movies, videogames, books, or whatever they tend to critizise it the most? Take Star Wars or Final Fantasy for example there are passionate fans tend to be the most critical about the prequels or the post FFVII games, its not because they like to b**** about its because they have been there since the beginning to have a better persepctive on things and sometimes, leads to a higher standand. Film critics/buffs are usually the most passionate about film but equally they tend to be the ones that are the most critical about movies.

It also works the other way it's usually these fans that appreciate something that becomes "truly" great. One example is the Flair/Michaels match in WM24, I bet you for most kids it was just another match. However for hardcore IWC fans, it was something special the retirment of the legend.

You sit at shows, and boo Cena, thinking you're cool. You boo the good guys because you want to stand out and be a douchebag. Then you come here and complain that Cena shouldn't get boo'ed and Orton shouldn't get cheered.

Maybe it is because there are fans that just boo him because its their choice. It's like you are saying fans do not have the right to cheer or boo who they want to. Remember cheering for the heelish Austin is what turned Austin into the biggest mega face since Hulk Hogan.

Fans have the right who they want to boo or cheer. It's not because we think its cool its because its either we dont like him or we do but I just prefer the other guy.

All that's leading up to the title question: Why in the blue hell, should Vince McMahon care what you think? You particular group, the ones i'm addressing here. Not fans in general. Clear that up right now. He's been doing everything you wanted shy of reverting back to 1997, but you still complain and bitch and just act like douchebags in general. It's a very simple solution, if you don't like the product, don't watch it. Don't waste the people who still enjoy it's time sifting through your 1 million posts of how the WWE sucks because Miz isn't champion, or Zack Ryder isn't on RAW. Why can't you just be a fan? .

Why would Vince care? Well one its because we as fans drive the attendance and the ratings.

As for being just a fan? Does a fan blindly act as drones? Of course not, how did we become a fan of something in the first place?

Is it that hard to just sit back and just get into the match. Watch the chemistry, watch the damn match. Learn the psychology.

It's not hard but we cant force ourselves from enjoying something we are not.
i agree 100%, man people have been seriously getting on my nerves and im glad someone posted something about this, maybe it might kick some sense into these guys, nice post :worship:

In all seriousness, this negativity is annoying. Yeah, there are loads of things wrong with the WWE, but pushing new stars is not one of them. Recently, they have been on the ball with building up new guys like Kofi, Morrison, and Miz.

I think that if you go to shows you'd better cheer faces and boo heels, and adjust volume accordingly to how much you like him. Don't like Cena? Don't cheer! Just sit there in silence. Silence is much more powerful than boos.

It's a dick move to hate on kids for having a good time. Seriously, just let them enjoy themselves. Were you ever at that age, where you could have some fun with wrestling because you either didn't know it was staged or didn't care? Let them have fun, and don't be an asshole.

As for THAT group, I think Vince McMahon should care what all groups of his fans think, but he should take every suggestion, weigh it, and implement the ones that don't suck. If THAT group had their way, we'd have Santino and Bourne as our champions, and everyone would be heel. This isn't a knock on Santino or Bourne, as I quite like them, I'm just saying that not every idea is a good one.
First of all, noone who posts on the IWC has any expectation that Vince Mcmahon, or anyone in the industry, will read there comments. They are just expressing themselves, and it has as much relevance as anything else on the net (ie: none). Yet, there is obviously a massive market for it, and people enjoy doing it.

Second....the ring psychology , the chemistry, the things you enjoy about the show: you act as though we are obligated to enjoy it, and foolish if we don't. Well for me, the whole thing just feels transparent, like catching an airing of a movie you've seen 50 times. You'll probably stop on it for a moment and say "man I liked this movie", and then tune out again. There are a lot of things that led to that state of disinterest/contempt, but now that it exists, it's not going to be altered by even the most well thought out argument.
People like what they like. Then they get on the internet and talk about what they like and don't like. Sometimes, those arguments may seem hypocritical or forced, but the entire act of expressing our opinions revolves around attempting to justify what we FEEL. You like what you like, then try to explain it. The REAL douchebags are the ones who expect everyone to share there opinion, and then write a massive rant explaining why every who doesen't is a hypocrite or a douchebag.

I'll acknowledge that there is a lot the WWE that is positive (IMO). Namely, in terms of who they are pushing and the overall quality of performers. But that doesen't change all of the things I dislike about the product: the writing (or lack therof) , the wrestling style, the shows pacing, the overall theme and direction of the show, the gimmicks, etc. My girlfriend watches WWE. Every now and then, I'll tune in for a match or a promo. I might even enjoy it. Then 5 minutes later I'll go and do something else, because the show fails to hold my interest, or because the things I dislike about it are still far more obvious than the things I do like. Likewise, other posters have there reasons for disliking the WWE's programming; they aren't 'made up' just to spite you, they are as real to them as your opinions are to yourself.

To touch on a few of your other points;

Why should fans who dislike Cena cheer for Cena? Why are they obligated to alter what they enjoy/dislike because of what kid's enjoy? Just what the hell do kids know? Seriously...people can hate John Cena. It's not a frigging conspiracy.

How are fans with a different opinion than your own 'killing the WWE'? As you said, there are plenty of kids watching right now to keep it afloat.

Why is anyone obligated to 'just be a fan'?

Why should we give a damn what Vince Mcmahon thinks?
It's a dick move to hate on kids for having a good time. Seriously, just let them enjoy themselves. Were you ever at that age, where you could have some fun with wrestling because you either didn't know it was staged or didn't care? Let them have fun, and don't be an asshole.

This is true. Let kids cheer Cena, etc. I have no problem with that. Even if you go to a live event, and you cheer Orton, that doesn't ruin it for the kid--a 10-year old Cena mark will just cheer harder for Cena, and maybe have a better time than if you weren't there because he's even more into it.

What I object to is people using "kids like it" as a shield to defend moronic crap. Just because it's moronic doesn't mean kids like it. People do this with Hornswoggle. They use under-12 WWE fans as a defense because they don't want to admit that they enjoy watching a midget do crotch chops.

Stop blaming the kids, people. Don't say "there are plenty of kids who like Hornswoggle." Man up and say "there are plenty of morons like me who like Hornswoggle, and we buy tickets and WWE crap too."

Unless you have some anecdotes of particular kids who like Hornswoggle. Have you seen any crowd shots of kids with Hornswoggle gear, or chanting his name, or cheering him on against Chavo?

And don't confuse DX pops with Hornswoggle pops. DX may be tired, old and stale, but they got that way by being one of most important factions in pro wrestling history, up there with the NWO, the Horsemen, the Freebirds, the Hart family.

Why should Vince McMahon give a damn what I think? Well, because in my opinion my posts are pretty well thought out and supported by decent arguments about what will make good tv, what will make fans happy and how happy fans will grow the fanbase.
You know, it's rather ironic. A baseball fan muses how much better his team would be with a power hitting outfielder or with a true lead off hitter, it's normal. A football team has a hole in their defense, the team's fans discuss online how that problem can be solved, all is copacetic. Basketball, hockey, rugby, soccer, footie, swimming, track and field, Polynesian slap-fighting, regardless of the sport if you're a fan you yearn for the best possible product you can possibly hope for. And that is normal. Except, apparently, in wrestling where longing for a better product makes you complacent.

Bottom line is it's normal to complain about a product even if you enjoy it. It's perfectly acceptable to yearn for a better product from the company one spends their hard earned money to support. Most of the fans that boo John Cena, and particularly those that call him a mediocre wrestler, do not buy his shirts. They instead buy the shirts of those wrestlers they do enjoy. Fans are not wrong for thinking it's too early for Sheamus to get a title shot. Even those fans who were clamoring for a change and a push for some of the younger talent. The bottom line is Sheamus is a very fresh face, and while he may indeed make a lovely main eventer, it's far too early to tell. Meanwhile there are several other people on the roster who deserve a main event push and have proven to be ready for it. Guys like Morrison, MVP, Christian, and the ever under-utilized Kane. Even Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, and Kofi Kingston have shown a lot more to WWE audiences than Sheamus has if nothing more by virtue of tenure, and that verges on the list of people who are almost ready for a main event push like Miz and Rhodes/DiBiase.

Now let's look at this "push" that you've come down on people so boldly for complaining about. So far it's 1 match, and a match that hasn't happened yet. They're building the match well, but then what? Sheamus jobs to Cena and retreats back to the undercard to lick his wounds? That's the likely outcome, and rather defeats the purpose of the push. Especially when the world's champion is showing up the "youngsters" by squashing their self-appointed spokesman Carlito while DX once again slips into the main event regardless of neither of them currently holding any title whatsoever. Through this push all they've managed to do so far is push the world's title holder to midcard matches so Hunter and his questionably-hetero life-mate can find their way back to the main event.

So when the fans see things like this should they complain? Sure. If they feel so inclined. Should they stop watching? If they honestly receive no enjoyment what-so-ever from watching the weekly programming then yes they probably should. Does Vince McMahon care? Hell no. He's so lost in his own world he can't see outside it. SHOULD McMahon care? Hell yes. I enjoy wrestling. I'd rather have mediocre wrestling than no wrestling at all, but Vinnie can have a great show on a week to week basis. So like many other fans I will continue to voice my opinions on how that could be done in the hopes that one day Vince (or whoever takes over for Vince when he's finally carried off to the nuthatch) decides to look outside his bubble and see what the fans really think. Maybe then he'll get over his big man fetish long enough to let Shoichi Funaki, Evan Bourne, and James Yun win a few matches here and there.
Well said man, now I'm not gonna pretend I have never complained about something the WWE has done on here, but the bottom line is everyone on here loves the wrestling business and though we don't agree with everything they do, they must do most things right for the company to be so huge. I believe I heard Michael Cole mention one time that Raw is the longest running weekly episonic show in history!

For those of you who pick apart a show every week about what creative should have done and threaten to not watch WWE anymore, if it really bothered you as much as you say it does, you wouldn't be watching it.
Well I boo Cena, so I guess that makes me a hypocrite.

Lulz, gotta love when people don't even attempt to do some very very very basic critical reading. He didn't say if you boo Cena you are a hypocrite, he said you're a hypocrite if you boo Cena then praise his matches because Orton or another IWC favorite is in there.

I mean just because I've been booing him since I first saw him makes me one of the band wagon jumpers. I mean there's no possible way that my reason for not liking Cena has anything to do with me just not liking the character. And I mean, it's one face that I boo... it's not like I boo all the others. I mean, I love Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne.

I find it very interesting how you feel very personally attacked by this. Once again, I'd like to reiterate, booing Cena alone does NOT make you a hypocrite, only if you boo Cena AND THEN praise his matches, does it make you a hypocrite.

As for the Sheamus push, I wasn't bothered by it... He just came out of left field. I love the fact that they're pushing new guys. And out of all the "big guys" now, I'd say Sheamus is one that they can push very well.

Well it's good to see you put the weak sarcasm away and decided to

I've also never said I wasn't going to watch a week of Raw because of a guest host. Call me crazy, but when I turn to a wrestling program that's exactly what I tune in for. And besides, most of the hosts have been doing great jobs.

So once again, you have no issue with what he's saying besides the fact that you think he called you a hypocrite, when in reality, he didn't.

And with always hating Cena, I've also always appreciated Orton's character. I mean here's a young kid who is looking to follow in his father's footsteps, and he sides with the two biggest heels in WWE at the time. This kid goes on and becomes the youngest world champion, a multiple time IC champion, and a tag team champion.

That's why you like Orton? Because his daddy was a wrestler and he was pushed well, possibly because of this legacy? I would have thought it must have had something to do with his personality or move set, you know, like why you hate John Cena. Or do you hate John Cena because his daddy wasn't a wrestler? You said you, "appreciated Orton's character," yet you go on to say nothing about his character in your explanation.

As for the ironman match, I hated it through and through.
Why? That was a pretty good match. I'm not a mark for either wrestler, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching it.

But yeah, I'm a hypocrite because I have an opinion and don't mind expressing it. I'm a hypocrite because I happen to love wrestling whether it's watching it, talking about it, or performin it. Yeah, I'm such a hypocrite.

Wow, you really need to not draw up your own conclusions. He never said having your own opinion makes you a hypocrite. He never says you're a hypocrite because you love wrestling. He says people who trash talk John Cena but go onto praise some of his work, despite stating their distaste for Cena, are the hypocrites. If you are not in this group, then you are not a hypocrite.

The reason I decided to break down this poorly constructed response is because this sort of sums up most IWC fans right now in my opinion. They say they hate the WWE product, but they don't. They have issues with it, as do we all. Whether they hate certain superstars (Cena, HHH, and Batista seem to be the most common few), the lack of blood, the divas division, or the guest host situation on RAW, they will pinpoint this and blow it way out of proportion.

Why do people do this? I'm not quite sure. Maybe they forget that as long as wrestling has existed that it has always, and will always, have it's problems. Not every superstar will work out, not every angle will be entertaining, and there will be title shots given to guys who may not belong in the title scene right now. But if history has taught us anything, it all works out in the end.

Vince McMahon should care what some of the IWC has to say, and I think he does, but I'm sure he doesn't take anything they says to seriously. Members of the IWC tend to think they know more about professional wrestling than Vince McMahon, but they don't, and he knows that better than anyone else. He can hear their pleas for fresh faces in the main event, maybe something as specific as a push for a certain guy. But things like... turning Cena heel or slapping the WWE title on Miz, he knows better than that.

I know it's common thought right now that to Vince I, being a 20 year old male, am a second rate viewer to the younger wrestling fans. I disagree with this sentiment. Yes, he is trying to deliver a product that younger fans will be allowed to watch, but he is also trying to deliver a product that I can enjoy as well. Otherwise, we'd see Rey Mysterio, Cena, Dx, Cena, and Batista have free reign over the WWE, because the kids never get tired of seeing the good guys win. Vince is still trying to deliver something that we can all enjoy. If you like is product, watch it. If you don't, stop watching it, because essentially all you're doing is giving him your money.
I see it all the time. People complain constantly about the WWE. They can never, ever be satisfied. There are so many hypocrites out there. They condemn WWE trying to sell their merchandise on-air and then go and buy the newest Randy Orton t-shirt. They badmouth John Cena for the same shit. "Oh, he only knows 5 moves." Then they go and praise the Ironman match he and Orton had. "Oh my god, Verne Troyer on Raw. Stupid. I won't watch this shit at all." What do they do 15 seconds after it ends? "OMFG I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED ON RAW."

Ok only one of those example is actually hypocritical, that being the last one. Disliking the way in which a product is advertised should not affect your opinion of the actual product. For example I like Guitar Hero, but I hate the commercials for it. Does buying Guitar Hero make me a hypocrite? No, because I never said I didn't like it, just the way it's advertised. As for the John Cena thing, I've said that before, except the way I've phrased it is 'He only does 5 moves.' Never said he doesn't know more, he just doesn't really use that many. And surely it's actually for these people to be objective enough to say 'don't like the guy, think he's pretty shit really, but hey he actually had a good match.'

The WWE has definitely improved over the past few months. It seems like they finally paid attention to what they've been asking for. "We want new stars!" Okay, here you go; Here's Kofi Kingston, feuding with the former WWE Champion Randy Orton. "Dude, why isn't Kofi champ?" Not happy? Here's Sheamus. You wanted to be shocked, you bitched and moaned about not enough suprises in the WWE. They completely just launch Sheamus or there, it's sink or swim. You wanted a different main event? You got it! What the hell do you do? "Oh he's not ready." "Wtf? Sheamus. Fuck the WWE. I'm not ordering this PPV."

I don't think anyone has said anything about Kofi being champ. The issue people have had is that Kofi has been building up quite a bit of momemtum over the last few months, to the point that he seems ready to be put into the main event and then...Sheamus. Don't get me wrong I like Sheamus, I think if they developed his character he could be big. But you know what? There's not even the slightest chance he's gonna go over Cena. Not a single person believes that he will. Plus the fans don't give a shit about him yet. People don't just want random new guys in the title picture. They want WWE to create new stars, they want them to push the guys who are over in the midcard. Bottom line is that Sheamus is not going to become a major on the back of this match. Matter of fact it'll probably do his career more harm than good, because Vince will see that the mute reaction he gets during the match, and move straight back down to the midcard or worse. Its kinda like premature ejaculation. No one enjojys it because it happens too fast.

Why can't you just enjoy the fucking product? You cut down the little kids enjoying their favorite wrestlers, their heroes perform. Weren't you one of them? The kids seem to be the smartest ones. They enjoy it, they cheer their favorites. They don't systematically break down the damn show and attempt to list every single flaw that there might have been.

Kids enjoy it without question and don't break the show down and list the flaws because...drumroll...kids are fucking stupid. Ok they're not stupid but they don't do these things because they lack the ability to do so. Their brains haven't fully developed yet. You ever asked an 8 year old to explain why they like or dislike something? It wouldn't be the most eloquent or well thought out answer. As we get older our opinions and tastes become more sophisticated, and we are better able to verbalise our opinions and break something down in a critical fashion. If you want to know why I can't enjoy the product well...there's a lot or reasons actually. Just so we're clear I don't really watch it a whole lot of it anymore, I do however like to keep an eye on it in case it picks up and there are still elements of the product I still enjoy, but they're outweighed by all the things I hate.

You sit at shows, and boo Cena, thinking you're cool. You boo the good guys because you want to stand out and be a douchebag. Then you come here and complain that Cena shouldn't get boo'ed and Orton shouldn't get cheered.

No, I boo the good guys because for the most part, they boring, one dimensional and they're personalities and gimmick are pretty interchangeable. Why should I like someone just because I'm told to. Cena is supposed to be a face. But guess what, if I met John Cena and he was the same as he is on RAW, I'd fucking hate the chap. He's just not that likeable. His whole spiel about doing everything for the fans, makes him come across as a complete ******** who panders to the crowd and tell them what he thinks they want to hear. It's boring, it's one dimensional.

All that's leading up to the title question: Why in the blue hell, should Vince McMahon care what you think? You particular group, the ones i'm addressing here. Not fans in general. Clear that up right now. He's been doing everything you wanted shy of reverting back to 1997, but you still complain and bitch and just act like douchebags in general. It's a very simple solution, if you don't like the product, don't watch it. Don't waste the people who still enjoy it's time sifting through your 1 million posts of how the WWE sucks because Miz isn't champion, or Zack Ryder isn't on RAW. Why can't you just be a fan? Is it that hard to just sit back and just get into the match. Watch the chemistry, watch the damn match. Learn the psychology. It's ridiculous.. the WWE isn't killing itself, fans like I listed above are killing the WWE.

Because I'm a fan. Because I used to pay money for the PPV's go see the live shows when they came to Ireland. Because this current sterile, predictable boring product has caused me to stop throwing money at Vince and the WWE. Because I'ma fan at heart and I know what I like and dislike, and it seems to be the same things that most people've spoken to about wrestling like and dislike. He should care what I think because I used to champion WWE and convince people to watch it and give it a go. And just because I might complain about it does not mean I'm not passionate about. That's the thing you need to understand. Most people who complain about WWE are just as passionate about it as you, and want to be the best fucking product it can possibly be. But the sad fact is it's not.

Or maybe I'm just a contrary fucker who likes to fuckin give out about everything. Who knows?
Awesome, another thread designed to say "Fuck You" to anyone who doesn't approve of the WWE product.

You people sit here and you bitch and moan about how the "IWC smarks" are so negative all the time and are always shitting on the WWE and trying to make you feel bad for liking the current product, and then you turn around and you do the same exact thing to anyone who doesn't like the current product. It's fucking ridiculous, wrestling fans are going to bitch, get used to it and stop trying to tell us to stop airing our opinion because you disagree with it. I'll say whatever the fuck I please about whatever topic in the WWE I want to, because I've spent enough money on them through out my life that I've earned the right to say whatever the fuck I feel like about John Cena, Sheamus, DX, Hornswoggle, or any other topic that might cross my mind.

Why should Vince McMahon care what we think? Because we're his fans maybe? The IWC may represent a minority of the WWE audience, but that doesn't mean you don't listen to what they want as well, we're a part of his audience as well and we're going to be vocal about what we want to see in the product. Why is this a problem to so many of you? It's like you're personally insulted that I thought the Cena-Orton Iron Man match was average.

This must be the millionth thread started this week about how we're all fucking idiots if we don't like the current product or give our opinion on what we want to see. So fucking what if someone wants Shelton Benjamin as their World Champion? Why should they have to compromise what they want to see for something that's better for Vince McMahon's business plan? I don't give a shit if the WWE makes 20 trillion dollars, I'm not seeing a cent of that money, I'm contributing to their payroll every time I buy a DVD or purchase a PPV or watch their TV shows. I reserve the right to say whatever the fuck I want about the WWE, and frankly I don't care if you approve or not.
Did anyone actually read the thread? People are getting hot over some shit, and they're missing points that were clearly explained in the thread. This wasn't dedicated to bash you for liking the WWE, or badmouthing it. It was directed at the hypocrites. Fucking actually read it, then go ahead and break it down.The IWC is such a small spot on Vince's radar, so why should he care? Because everyone goes and makes a million threads bashing Raw and saying he should die because Verne Troyer guest hosted? Vince doesn't care. People raised hell about Troyer hosting and he went and did it anyways. When's the last time Vince did something just because the IWC raised hell about it?
Well why should Vince listen to people. Yeah,as far as the business is lucrative, it`s all good for him. He makes profit out of the current product, well it is a success. So why change it? I agree.

But then again, fans have every right to complain if they think the product ain`t good. If someone pays for an event and everything attached and is not satisfied, he has every right to moan about it. I no longer buy any WWE product, cause I think it`s a downgraded,pretty average product but I know some people who still buy the PPV but are often disappointed(inconsistency), so what? They can`t say the thing sucks? Of course they can, of course they should even if Vince won`t give a damn. Some might say, they don`t like it, don`t watch it..well that`s way too easy.

A paradox would be disaster/epic movies(of the sort)...they`re crap, pure and simple, people shout that they are terrible but they remain box office hits...the producers don`t care, they make money but people who watch those movies have every right to complain.

It`s not killing the industry, there is always room for criticism.
People are entitled to dislike the WWE after all. If one thinks that the WWE puts on a shitty product, then I can respect their view point even if I don't agree with it.

However, the negativity can get annoying at times and terms like "Shareholders" are pure nonsense. Whether such a term is intended as a smear or not, that's the way it comes across. I like a lot of what the WWE is doing, I'm not going to say that it's the end all and be all of what a wrestling company should be. The WWE could improve itself in several areas, but I do agree that there are those among the IWC that are just anti-WWE no matter what. That's all well and good, but it's a shitty thing when those particular posters try to dog other posters or place some sort of arrogant label on them just because they enjoy the WWE.

Very often, there'll be one negative thread about the WWE after another on the forum and, that's all well and good. As I said, if one doesn't like the WWE then by all means voice it. There's definitely nothing wrong with highlighting the positives going on in the WWE but, let's face it, it's very fashionable for the IWC in general, not every one but a lot, to simply dog the WWE no matter what it does.

Compared with most of 2008, the WWE has improved it's product considerably in my eyes this year.
I agree with the post 100 percent. The IWC are nothing but hypocritical losers who are quick to jump to conclusions. They bitched when Miz & Morrison won the Tag Titles but once they dropped the titles, the IWC complained shit loads. They are BEGGING for an Edge & Christian reunion yet they complain that the WWE is stuck in the past. They despise John Cena yet he puts on phenomenal matches on PPV (Yeah, I said it. Fucking deal with it). They constantly praise guys like Shelton Benjamin when he has 0 fucking charisma (Yeah, I said that too). The list is so endless that it just boggles the mind. Vince shouldn't give a damn what these guys think because it's simple, they've never been in the WWE, or even a wrestling ring for that matter. These whiners and complainers think they know so much because they read fake news off the internet like Chavo threatening to leave the WWE, The Undertaker losing at WM 24, and Cena dropping the title to Orton at Summerslam '07.

The bottom line is, the IWC knows squat and most of them live in their parent's basements and stay on their computers on Friday nights which is why Vince doesn't give a damn what they think.
I really despise this post, and everything it stands for. It's wrong, period. I don't like John Cena, that opinion of mine will never change. I rarely praise his matches, and hate almost all of his promos, I'm not a hypocrite.

No, You are the hypocrite, the guy that gets frazzled, when it comes to people who (rightfully) hate the WWE's product right now. You shouldn't bitch and moan, about other people that bitch and moan, pot meet kettle.

I haven't watched a damn Raw since August why ? Because it sucks, nothing changes, nothing, wrestling as a whole is down big time, it's a bad joke, and is only getting worse those who deny that fact are delusional, or worse insane.
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I really despise this post, and everything it stands for. It's wrong period. I don't like John Cena, that opinion of mine will never change. I rarely praise his matches, and hate almost all of his promos, I'm not a hypocrite.

And you're more than entitled to that opinion. I think the original poster was a little broad in his labeling of the IWC overall.

No, You are the hypocrite, the guy that gets frazzled, when it comes to people who (rightfully) hate the WWE's product right now. You shouldn't bitch and moan, about other people that bitch and moan, pot meet kettle.

The "rightfully" part is really what the post is all about. Anyone that likes the WWE product isn't wrong for liking it. There are good things about the WWE and there are negative things about it. There's nothing wrong at all with enjoying what's good about the product instead of constantly harping on the product negatively.

I haven't watched a damn Raw since August why ? Because it sucks, nothing changes, nothing, wrestling as a whole is down big time, it's a bad joke, and is only getting worse those who deny that fact are delusional, or worse insane.

I'm sorry but this makes no real sense at all. If you haven't watched Raw since August, then how can you possibly know it sucks? Because you read negative comments on the net? How can you say nothing has changed when you haven't watched it in months? Calling people insane or delusional for liking it? It's precisely this kind of base negativity that the thread is about. If you don't like Raw, wonderful, but insulting those that do is just plain arrogant.
Vince McMahon shouldn't care what I think. He shouldn't care what anyone in this thread thinks. He shouldn't care what any individual thinks, because they are insignificant. As a collective, he doesn't need to care what the IWC thinks. Why? Because the same people who bitch about Cena being shit and shoved down their throats are the same people that were doing it in 2006, and they are still tuning in. Vince doesn't need to care if people that tune in week in, week out think about the show, so long as it isn't so bad they turn it off, which is evidently not happening.

What Vince needs to care about is getting the transient fans through the door, and this is something that he isn't doing right now. The ratings have plateaued, and I don't see them going in either direction very quickly, to be honest with you. Vince should care about the bigger picture, and some people in the IWC have the right idea with their opinions and suggestions, but the vast majority are either focussed on trying to get a more wrestling centric show, which is like saying "why not divide your audience by 10?" or are happy to watch the product week in week out no matter what and then complain about it, which is pathetic.
I think you've made some good points here, people are rarely pleased and do try and stand out for no reason.
But then look at where you're posting it, this is a wrestling discussion forum, people are supposed to express their opinions and some people just dont like the WWE product or certain things it does. We're here to express our opinions, not everyone expects to change the WWE, they don't believe their comments will make a difference or that Vince McMahon is listening, but obviously some people are listening, like yourself, and that's what were on here for!
I wish I was allowed to just say lol.

First off everyone will find something wrong with what someone else says just for the sake of arguement. surprisingly I actually agree with this post. Vince shouldn't give 2 shits about what I think. BUT I actually believe that he does. Does Vince screw us. Yes. That's because he knows what we want and wants us to want it so bad that he'll fuck us 3 times just to give us a thrill on the 4th. technically he could have monkey's wrestling if he wanted. He doesn't have to work so hard to put together a show for us just so we can be entertained. Does he make a TON of money doing it? yes. and is it probably his only motivation for even owning the wwe. yes. but he isn't stupid he knows keeping us entertained and even frustrated alot of the time will actually keep us tuning in. just to see what happens. if we tune in and go to the shows he makes money which keeps him happy and gives us a damn show. think about it this way. you may not like the product but you keep tuning in. why? because you just never know.

Now that I've ranted on about it, I'll simplify it. Should he care?...No. Does he?....Yes

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