Why Ryback Continues To Face Local Talents On Television

I don't think Goldberg's ring work is what did him in.

That's not what I was saying, I was saying that eventually you HAVE to work longer than 2 minute squash matches and you HAVE to actually feud with people employed on the main roster who might show for a second that there's doubt as to whether the monster can actually lose. That's what happened with Goldberg, they had him squash jobbers for 6 months to a year and then when that ran it's course they realized they had to start booking him into actual feuds and actually have him wrestle 10 minute plus matches. You can't just have a guy squash midcarders and jobbers for his entire career, WCW didn't make any money off of Goldberg until they actually had him mix it up with legit roster members that the fans cared about like DDP or the nWo.

I just don't see the fans caring about a Ryback feud. At all. Goldberg's whole streak and domination act was fresh and new when it happened. Now? It's beyond old and cliched, hence the constant "Goldberg!" chants at Ryback. That's not a positive chant by the way. Ryback comes off as being from an era past, and that shit doesn't work anymore.
Okay no offense but this is a pretty silly statement to make when Ryback has literally wrestled 99.9% of his matches on Smackdown, the most heavily edited and canned wrestling show in existence today. The Goldberg chants are fading BECAUSE THEY'RE EDITING THEM OUT. They haven't faded at all, they get louder each week. And his reactions, even when being canned on Smackdown, are minimal at best. The fans care for about twenty seconds when he hits his finisher then they're ready to move on. There's absolutely no money to be made with a guy just squashing local jobbers every week.

And better than Goldberg? Come on. Go back and watch the Nitros from the Fall of 1997 when Goldberg debuted. He was over as fuck literally within about a month and a half. By the beginning of 1998 everyone already knew he was the next big thing in the company.

I wasn't really referring to Smackdown, I was more eluding to Over the Limit and the RAW following it, Ryback got big reactions for every move he hit and even a pop during his entrance. They are fading throughout each match, last week at No Way Out for example, they began loud and with each move he hit, they began lowering. Also, based off fan reports I've read, people enjoy his matches, plus the "Finish Him," line seems to be catching on, e.g. the "Finish Him," sign in the crowd during RAW.

I watched Goldberg's rise while it was happening, despite being quite young I do remember he wasn't really all that over until around the time of Starrcade, much like Ryback his reaction steadily grew. I can remember he got a huge ovation when he faced McMichael though.


Either way. Ryback's job is to get a reaction. Ignoring the Goldberg chants, he is still getting a reaction, ignore every Smackdown match if you want, but any appearance he has made on RAW or Pay-Per-Views his reaction steadily grows, plus Vince is supposedly a supporter.
And that only works for so long man. See: Goldberg, or, any other big guy who did exactly what you're saying for awhile. Eventually that runs it's course and you HAVE to book them into longer feuds/matches where they'll actually have to do something other than hit a few power moves and look intense.


YEa!! That Batista guy never went anywere!!
YEa!! That Batista guy never went anywere!!

Batista didn't do the squash-jobbers-for-a-year route like Goldberg or Ryback is attempting. In fact he pretty much was inserted into long term angles and feuds from his debut as the Deacon. So, yeah, but no. Batista had charisma, a look, a connection with the fans. Ryback has none of these things thus far. He's another CAW who can hit a few power moves. I could name twenty guys exactly like that who didn't make it for every one Batista or Goldberg you could name. You guys REALLY think this slackjawed motherfucker has potential to be the next Goldberg? Seriously?
Batista didn't do the squash-jobbers-for-a-year route like Goldberg or Ryback is attempting. In fact he pretty much was inserted into long term angles and feuds from his debut as the Deacon. So, yeah, but no. Batista had charisma, a look, a connection with the fans. Ryback has none of these things thus far. He's another CAW who can hit a few power moves. I could name twenty guys exactly like that who didn't make it for every one Batista or Goldberg you could name. You guys REALLY think this slackjawed motherfucker has potential to be the next Goldberg? Seriously?

I really wouldn't use Goldberg as a parallel. He didn't really have such a good run after winning the WCW title.
I really wouldn't use Goldberg as a parallel. He didn't really have such a good run after winning the WCW title.

No, but he drew WCW a fuckload of money from 98-99. Which is of course always the bottom line for any wrestler, their drawing ability.
Who gives a crap whether a C-card wrestler can draw or not. He is filler, nothing more. I rather have this than cringe-worthy disco dancing filler.
Who gives a crap whether a C-card wrestler can draw or not. He is filler, nothing more. I rather have this than cringe-worthy disco dancing filler.

If that "c-card" wrestler can draw, then he'll make his way up the card. He won't be considered filler, as a result.

Still, you're completely wrong. Ryback's been getting good TV time and he's been on PPVs, he's not "filler." He's slowly becoming a focal point of Smackdown.
His singlet is gorgeous. It's like he's the Terminator. Sumptuous.

If that "c-card" wrestler can draw, then he'll make his way up the card. He won't be considered filler, as a result.

Still, you're completely wrong. Ryback's been getting good TV time and he's been on PPVs, he's not "filler." He's slowly becoming a focal point of Smackdown.

The key word is IF. The reality is it is 1/100 chance for a star to break out no matter the circumstances. Right now he IS filler, not ifs no buts.
I'm meh on Ryback. He's some ripped up muscle dude who's generic as all hell. Maybe he'll break out and become a big star, maybe he won't. Doesn't very much matter to me.

I will say this, if I wanted to be a main event WWE superstar, the last person I'd use for inspiration is Adam Bomb. A failed character is never somebody who should be emulated.

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