Why not Morrison?

I think it was book extremely well. I love that they are not having Miz in the EC, as it would be extremely difficult for him to come out of there as champion and still have that "beatable champion" aspect still around, which I think is going to be a large portion of the WM Miz/Cena build up.

1. It gave some more plot to the Orton/Punk setup for WM. The hiding under the ring/drag him out by his foot sequence was pretty hilarious to me too.

2. Even though he didn't win, Morrison was the star with multiple absurd spots.

3. R-Truth didn't look horrible.

4. Sheamus looked like a monster again, which hasn't been the case as of late. Finishing 2nd + eliminating Cena + only losing due to Cena interference post-elimination makes him look great.

5. King winning makes the most sense for EC/WM. It'd be pretty difficult to have a legit contender face Miz at EC, lose while keeping Miz's "beatable champion" booking running, and then not have a shot at him at WM. This result allows the top 6 Raw guys (well, 5 + RTruth) to be in the EC, allows Miz to continue to defend the title with help (I'm assuming Cole interferes setting up Lawler/Cole at WM - both giving Lawler his WM match he's never had and ending the whole Cole/Lawler feud), and sets up for a WM title defense between Miz/Cena which will have great promos to build it up and - hopefully - results in a clean Miz victory to solidify him as a legit main event player for the foreseeable future.

There just doesn't seem to be a better way to have booked it to me. Having Morrison win then lose at EC and not get a WM rematch would just kill a lot of his momentum, Punk/Orton at WM looks more and more likely, can't have Cena/Miz face off at EC then WM, Sheamus/Miz is just heel/heel and wouldn't work well, and R-Truth is just no.

Loved it tbh, and don't really understand all the hate. Sure, Lawler/Miz isn't going to be great - hell prob even good -, but it's the logical choice based on all the storylines.
The Elimination Chamber matches will outshine the WWE Championship match, so wouldn't it make more sense to put one of your top stars in Morrison in the more visible match? John Morrison already had a title shot recently, giving him another one (that he wouldn't win) so soon is all but pointless. Putting him in the RAW Elimination Chamber where he can look strong against superstars like CM Punk, Randy Orton, and John Cena will do much more for him than losing to The Miz in a championship match.

Furthermore, this sets up Jerry Lawler for a match at Wrestlemania. He looked great in his TLC match with Miz and he should be able to put on a decent enough show at Elimination Chamber. I think he'll have Miz almost beat before King gets screwed somehow, probably by Cole. This will set up a Wrestlemania match between King and Cole, which is something I think we all want to see.
if benoit, eddie guerrero, jbl, jeff hardy, great kahli why not THE HELL CAN MORRISON NOT WIN IT!!! answer me that?? and btw everyone is expecting cena to have a easy win at mania vs. miz and i bet the wwe wil put over miz coz u dont think he has a chance! well he does... miz is the #2 "face" of the company... he does interviews outside of the wwe to help them make more money and wwe are pushing this guy to the moon and plus he is AWWESOOOOME!!! so shut the hell up to all the people hating on miz! and im including u miz girl!

Chris Benoit was 10x more over than Morrison, 100x the wrestler Morrison is and won it as a "thank you" reign for all his years in the business.

Eddie Guerrero was 1000x more over than Morrison and a much better wrestler and mic worker than Morrison.

JBL was one of the best heels of the last decade. Despised heels make great TV.

Jeff Hardy was rivaling Cena in overness and merchandise sales. He was an actual draw.

Khali's size makes him credible no matter what and he draws 1 billion viewers in India.

Morrison does none of those things.
I'd agree Ted Dibiase shoulda got more push, but then again he hasn't done anything to deserve being pushed since he split with Rhodes. and who woulda thunk that, he was destined to be the one that actually did something out of those two and look where he's heading.

Morrison was not weakend by last night, he was never gonna win, face it.
maybe next year. for me Morrison is all show and no go, he is a lousy persona as a face much better as the cocky heel, but can go in ring.
Ziggler shoulda got the rub more then Morrison, he's a star already

R-Truth hasn't ever been relevant, sorry to those who disagree but he needs to get the Future Endevours push.

Truly think the right person won out of the possibilities, it puts an new opponent for Edge and Ziggler in a 3 way tussle going into WrestleMania. Also Cena will get his hands on Miz either b4 or at WrestleMania for the World title. Which will put Cena back at the top and make all the kiddies happy.

Orton will be around til Mania, then he obviously needs to rest his wounds.

Nash and Booker coulda got a bit more air time, but lets face it they worked for the enemy, the fact they even got any spotlight they should be gratefull

On the wholee the Rumble was one of the most entertaining in years, despite the clock that varied between 30seconds and 1 minute and the action did seem rushed. and the useless diva's match

The ending was funny, who woulda though Santino woulda been in the final 2 and almost had it :p
I'd agree Ted Dibiase shoulda got more push, but then again he hasn't done anything to deserve being pushed since he split with Rhodes. and who woulda thunk that, he was destined to be the one that actually did something out of those two and look where he's heading.

Morrison was not weakend by last night, he was never gonna win, face it.
maybe next year. for me Morrison is all show and no go, he is a lousy persona as a face much better as the cocky heel, but can go in ring.
Ziggler shoulda got the rub more then Morrison, he's a star already

R-Truth hasn't ever been relevant, sorry to those who disagree but he needs to get the Future Endevours push.

Truly think the right person won out of the possibilities, it puts an new opponent for Edge and Ziggler in a 3 way tussle going into WrestleMania. Also Cena will get his hands on Miz either b4 or at WrestleMania for the World title. Which will put Cena back at the top and make all the kiddies happy.

Orton will be around til Mania, then he obviously needs to rest his wounds.

Nash and Booker coulda got a bit more air time, but lets face it they worked for the enemy, the fact they even got any spotlight they should be gratefull

On the wholee the Rumble was one of the most entertaining in years, despite the clock that varied between 30seconds and 1 minute and the action did seem rushed. and the useless diva's match

The ending was funny, who woulda though Santino woulda been in the final 2 and almost had it :p

The RAW Rumble not the actual Royal Rumble lol.

Anyways , the only thing I would change is the winner from King to Sheamus , I mean this is still a WWE Title match at a PPV, I wouldn't want to buy a PPV with King and Miz as the WWE title match up. Everything else was fine , the winner just threw me off though but then again if Sheamus won that would mean King would be in the Chamber itself which is just as bad , if not worse. Now that I think about it , King should not have been in the match in the first place , I think they should have made King give up his spot to someone more "qualified" for the match.
I agree with "rahkeyshe" logical choice. And of course, what's wrong with King? I don't recall him being a bad wrestler.. infact, one of the best. And you just shot him down like nothing.. I'm glad he's getting this match, because, it's logical and a great set up to a gimmick match with The Miz's biggest mark, Michael Cole.
Ok, it's "should have", not "should of".

I think it was booked just fine. There was a lot of tension from Lawler and Cole the whole night. The segment with Ted was just to continue with the Ted/Maryse shit. I am glad Lawler won (I knew he was going to once they announced his name and that the losers would be in the EC).
The RAW Rumble not the actual Royal Rumble lol.

Anyways , the only thing I would change is the winner from King to Sheamus , I mean this is still a WWE Title match at a PPV, I wouldn't want to buy a PPV with King and Miz as the WWE title match up. Everything else was fine , the winner just threw me off though but then again if Sheamus won that would mean King would be in the Chamber itself which is just as bad , if not worse. Now that I think about it , King should not have been in the match in the first place , I think they should have made King give up his spot to someone more "qualified" for the match.

But, um, Sheamus is a heel.

Heel vs. heel matches rarely even happen in WWE.

Reason: no one for the fan's to cheer for.
I really couldn't careless for King winning it, but at the end of the day it is what we least expected from the 7 participants in the RAW Rumble. I am fine with the unexpectedness aswell as I am fine that they will obviously pressumably have The King put The Miz over thus Miz riding into Mania with the strap.
Taking the champ out of EC match was IMO stupid, as it would have been the ideal time to get the strap off the WWE blackhole of talent (mizerable) without him having to look weaker than he does normally. It would have also allowed for a Lawlor v Miz match at WM, giving Jerry a high profile match and getting the only to come out of Cleveland worse than the Cavs out of the ME picture at last.

That said, given what needed to be set up, the Raw Rumble worked well. Heat between Orton/Punk and Cena/Miz is ramped up (with JC and Miz being kept apart until WM so JC can win the strap there), JoMo continues to look good being a spot monkey - so that keeps him the picture for MitB and King gets an obvious storyline against Cole into WM.

The only people who suffered were Seamus (he didn't look that good in either rumble and looks lost until HHH decides to come back), R-Truth (Ted Jr must have really pissed of someone for the recent treatment he's had on Raw and NXT, especially with Truth looking so mediocre) and the WWE fans (who endured another clusterfuck evening with too much Cole, too Miz and more evidence of sagnation in creative). But unless you're between 7-12, as a fan, WWE doesn't give a flying f'k about you.
Chris Benoit was 10x more over than Morrison, 100x the wrestler Morrison is and won it as a "thank you" reign for all his years in the business.

Eddie Guerrero was 1000x more over than Morrison and a much better wrestler and mic worker than Morrison.

JBL was one of the best heels of the last decade. Despised heels make great TV.

Jeff Hardy was rivaling Cena in overness and merchandise sales. He was an actual draw.

Khali's size makes him credible no matter what and he draws 1 billion viewers in India.

Morrison does none of those things.

Nuff said in the above post.

And for those of who you say "He's great in the ring, fuck mic work!" , just take a look at Chris Benoit. Sure, he has a WM moment, a 5 month reign and then what? BURIED! Jesus Christ, "fuck mic work" in pro wrestling? Really..........
The op lost me once he said that ted should have gotten involved in the match. Ted is completely useless. Nothing seems to be able to get him over. Its not the wwe's fault, ted just sucks. Always has, always will. Rhodes is who carried ted.

The booking was great. It made sheamus look like a beast again, since he has fallen a bit from grace. It continued the orton vs punk fued. It makes it so the EC will be packed with ME talent, while using the championship match to set up something between cole and lawler. And it got people hyped for morrison more. He was getting cheered loader than cena. I actually hope that morrison wins the ec. I know cena needs to do something big, but morrison is very hot right now, and he has never beaten the miz. Hell, make it a three way with morrison vs cena vs the miz. you could even have morrison win mitb, then announce that he'll be in the main event later.
i think j cena is cool sometimes in his jokes and all. but i for 1 am tired of seeing him in the main title picture idk bout the rest of you but cena in the semi main event at mania is the last thing i w want to see. i think cena has had hella enough mania moments involving the title i think cena is just being greedy. there are others who are much more deserving of tht match with miz. 1 obviously jomo for they have always feuded together great, 2 randy oton, 3 even hornswoggle. im just glad cena didnt win any of the rumbles i just think he is getting greedy with the mania moments and should let someone else get their career highlight.
i think j cena is cool sometimes in his jokes and all. but i for 1 am tired of seeing him in the main title picture idk bout the rest of you but cena in the semi main event at mania is the last thing i w want to see. i think cena has had hella enough mania moments involving the title i think cena is just being greedy. there are others who are much more deserving of tht match with miz. 1 obviously jomo for they have always feuded together great, 2 randy oton, 3 even hornswoggle. im just glad cena didnt win any of the rumbles i just think he is getting greedy with the mania moments and should let someone else get their career highlight.

You thinking that Hornswoggle deserves to main event WM says all I need to know. Cena is a draw and Morrison isn't. Orton has been in the main event two out of the last three years. Miz vs. Cena would be great and we will see how Miz can do on the biggest stage against the best. This also sets up Orton/Punk and Lawler/Cole. Last night went well.
Taking the champ out of EC match was IMO stupid, as it would have been the ideal time to get the strap off the WWE blackhole of talent (mizerable) without him having to look weaker than he does normally. It would have also allowed for a Lawlor v Miz match at WM, giving Jerry a high profile match and getting the only to come out of Cleveland worse than the Cavs out of the ME picture at last.

That said, given what needed to be set up, the Raw Rumble worked well. Heat between Orton/Punk and Cena/Miz is ramped up (with JC and Miz being kept apart until WM so JC can win the strap there), JoMo continues to look good being a spot monkey - so that keeps him the picture for MitB and King gets an obvious storyline against Cole into WM.

The only people who suffered were Seamus (he didn't look that good in either rumble and looks lost until HHH decides to come back), R-Truth (Ted Jr must have really pissed of someone for the recent treatment he's had on Raw and NXT, especially with Truth looking so mediocre) and the WWE fans (who endured another clusterfuck evening with too much Cole, too Miz and more evidence of sagnation in creative). But unless you're between 7-12, as a fan, WWE doesn't give a flying f'k about you.

You..are..a Moron..THe WWE playeed this perfectly. Sheamus can be back on top soon as Triple H gets back so he is fine. WWE really is now doing really well with the youth movement. If u want to see the same shit over and over again, there is TNA for you. Actually you do sound like a TNA fan. A complete R-tard.
Taking the champ out of EC match was IMO stupid, as it would have been the ideal time to get the strap off the WWE blackhole of talent (mizerable) without him having to look weaker than he does normally. It would have also allowed for a Lawlor v Miz match at WM, giving Jerry a high profile match and getting the only to come out of Cleveland worse than the Cavs out of the ME picture at last.

That said, given what needed to be set up, the Raw Rumble worked well. Heat between Orton/Punk and Cena/Miz is ramped up (with JC and Miz being kept apart until WM so JC can win the strap there), JoMo continues to look good being a spot monkey - so that keeps him the picture for MitB and King gets an obvious storyline against Cole into WM.

The only people who suffered were Seamus (he didn't look that good in either rumble and looks lost until HHH decides to come back), R-Truth (Ted Jr must have really pissed of someone for the recent treatment he's had on Raw and NXT, especially with Truth looking so mediocre) and the WWE fans (who endured another clusterfuck evening with too much Cole, too Miz and more evidence of sagnation in creative). But unless you're between 7-12, as a fan, WWE doesn't give a flying f'k about you.

Miz losing the title at EC wouldn't put him in a match against The King at WM. It would put him back in the title match with JC (or who ever the winner may be) at WM. King is going to be against Cole in some fashion to kill off the heat between them, and possibly end the Cole heel stand.

With all possible outcomes, the RAW Rumble was booked great. CM Punk is taking the "Coward Heel" role and running with it, giving more heat to the CM/Orton match that is bound to happen at WM. JoMo being the king of all spots and ridiculous Non-Eliminations will give him a good shot at stealing the show if there's a MITB match. R-Truth is just there for filler, seeing as how there's not really a 6th person to fill the WT Picture right now.Sheamus looked strong once again, which as everyone has said will help build him to a (hopeful) match against Trips at WM.

All in all, I think they booked it well. The one thing I would have changed was R-Truth. I would have put Santino into the match, simply because he was the last person in the rumble, and it could have turned into a push for Santino.
The Elimination Chamber matches will outshine the WWE Championship match, so wouldn't it make more sense to put one of your top stars in Morrison in the more visible match? John Morrison already had a title shot recently, giving him another one (that he wouldn't win) so soon is all but pointless. Putting him in the RAW Elimination Chamber where he can look strong against superstars like CM Punk, Randy Orton, and John Cena will do much more for him than losing to The Miz in a championship match.

Furthermore, this sets up Jerry Lawler for a match at Wrestlemania. He looked great in his TLC match with Miz and he should be able to put on a decent enough show at Elimination Chamber. I think he'll have Miz almost beat before King gets screwed somehow, probably by Cole. This will set up a Wrestlemania match between King and Cole, which is something I think we all want to see.

Thank you. Finally someone said what I thought was obvious as hell last night. They're not gonna put Lawler in the EC match. As soon as he was thrown in last night it was clear he was gonna win. This sets him up for EC where Cole will most likely get involved, and then the next night on Raw the "Anonymous GM" will annouce that Cole and Lawler will have a match at Wrestlemania. Lawler will beat the shit out of Cole. The end.
I don't agree with the booking here.

You could've had the title be defended in the Elimination Chamber. You could've had Miz cheat to win in that environment.

You could've given it to John Morrison. Apparently Miz vs. Morrison doesn't cut it but Miz vs. King does?

It's so blatantly obvious that Cena is winning the Chamber match and Miz is retaining. So why bother? This is so telegraphed anybody who can't see this obviously doesn't pay attention to RAW.

Morrison showed against Sheamus at TLC he is World Title material. Instead of giving him his title match at the Royal Rumble, he gets it on RAW. If John Cena is on the card, people will buy. If Randy Orton is on the card, people will buy. The main attraction is the Rumble itself, not the championship match.

You could've made either Sheamus or Miz a tweener or tease a possible face turn but then they don't turn face.

But instead, you give it to a 61 year old who has no business in the ring. And this is WWE's (mostly RAW's) fault for not having enough credible faces. Orton is basically a heel who gets a face reaction. Santino? Unless he gets repackaged and gets a massive make over he'll never be title material. Cena? Hey, Cena vs. Miz at the Chamber, you could've had Miz cheat to win and thus even more time to buildup their match at Wrestlemania.

This is not a good idea.
was glad Jerry won and anyone should have seen it coming, Would rather have the other 6 guys be in the chamber..

Would rather see morrison win the chamber and getting his shot at mania instead of the throw away ppv.
Lawler had no business in the RAW Rumble to begin with.

That being said, if they were gonna put him in it, he should not have won.

While I agree that nobody wants to see Lawler in the EC match, there are ways to work around that.

If it were up to me and Jerry just HAD to be in it, Cole/Riley would have screwed Jerry out of winning the rumble match and Shameus would have won it.

For those who don't think the heel vs heel would work, I think you're underestimating the mic skills of both Shameus and Miz. Anyone remember how that MITB briefcase got its dent? They would be able to set it up nicely.

At the EC have HHH interfere costing Shameus the match. Later in the night, have Riley-on the orders of Cole- "injure" Lawler so that he is unable to compete in the EC. Let HHH volunteer to take Lawler's place only to recieve a Brogue Kick from Shameus on the way to the ring thus replacing the Game with Shameus. Then Cena can pin Shameus for the win giving closure to any fans that don't think Cena has ever beaten Shameus.

But oh no! Let's let a 60 year old announcer wrestle for the title!

I hate to reference TNA, but it amazes me how the same people who shit on the EV2 angle like the idea of Jerry wrestling for the WWE Title.
This is a time when a title shot is not as prestigious as a different match. It's similar to wrestling Taker at Mania, it's just as good, if not better, than wrestling for the Championship. In this case, the Elimination Chamber is going to be the focal point of the night, and with this ridiculous amount of talent inside it, John Morrison is going to come off looking great. Expect for him to get at least one elimination and to do some crazy shit with the cage wall and the pods.

Sure, if John Morrison faced Miz for the WWE Championship, it would be pretty cool and JoMo would still get to do some of his awesome spots, but Miz would win and that would make JoMo look weak in the end. On the other hand, it's pretty hard to look weak in the elimination chamber, as it often takes the combined efforts of superstars or the help of the harsh environment to eliminate someone. I don't think John Morrison wins the Elimination Chamber either, but he'll definitely look strong in the match and I suspect he'll get to showcase his talents at Wrestlemania one way or another.
I don't agree with the booking here.

You could've had the title be defended in the Elimination Chamber. You could've had Miz cheat to win in that environment.

You could've given it to John Morrison. Apparently Miz vs. Morrison doesn't cut it but Miz vs. King does?

It's so blatantly obvious that Cena is winning the Chamber match and Miz is retaining. So why bother? This is so telegraphed anybody who can't see this obviously doesn't pay attention to RAW.

Morrison showed against Sheamus at TLC he is World Title material. Instead of giving him his title match at the Royal Rumble, he gets it on RAW. If John Cena is on the card, people will buy. If Randy Orton is on the card, people will buy. The main attraction is the Rumble itself, not the championship match.

You could've made either Sheamus or Miz a tweener or tease a possible face turn but then they don't turn face.

But instead, you give it to a 61 year old who has no business in the ring. And this is WWE's (mostly RAW's) fault for not having enough credible faces. Orton is basically a heel who gets a face reaction. Santino? Unless he gets repackaged and gets a massive make over he'll never be title material. Cena? Hey, Cena vs. Miz at the Chamber, you could've had Miz cheat to win and thus even more time to buildup their match at Wrestlemania.

This is not a good idea.

So you'd have liked to see The King go into The EC match? Also why do Cena & Miz at EC then expect people to pay for it again at Mania?

I have no problem with the booking. Anybody is buying the PPV it's for the EC matches, so King/Miz makes a nice little sidestory. Cole can get involved too, setting up a Lawler/Cole (maybe w/. Alex Riley) for Mania.

I think if JoMo can keep his spot monkey fest into the EC, he could be inline for winning the MiTB at Mania (assuming they'll have one).

Actually the only thing with the booking is that I would have had The Miz screw Cena again & set up a Miz is scared of Cena, but has nowhere to run at Mania angle. Also why not let Jomo do more crazy stuff like that at the Rumble? Surely he looks better doing it at the bigger event, plus people payed for it so make it more of a show.
I didn't say King go into the EC match. I personally don't think King has a place for the spot he is in right now.

As for Cena/Miz. Why not have it end in a controversial finish and then the rematch at Mania? I mean Cena/Miz, this is huge. Why not have more time to build up Miz/Cena?
They needed Morrison in the Elimination Chamber match and Cena for Wrestlemania. And nobody wanted to see Orton/Miz again. There really wasn't another option. Plus, this is also a way to set up the Lawler vs Cole and possibly Alex Riley at WM. Because neither Cole nor Riley would be able to interfere in the Elimination Chamber match to screw over Lawler again.
Ya.. shut up. Heels clash quite often. In fact, face vs face is pretty rare. The fans will usually pick one of the other to cheer for for a short amount of time.

Heel vs. heel matches are okay for free TV, but when it comes to PPV fans want a match where there is clear good guy and bad guy. You'll be hard pressed to find a heel vs. heel match in a recent PPV, especially for the WWE Title. Face vs. face is much more common as fans can root for both guys.

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