Why not Morrison?

Morrison gets snubbed because of the WWE's 'style over subtsnace' policy that's helped to screw-up the product for the past several years.

The company is more interested in a guy who can 'talk the talk' rather than one who can 'walk the walk'.

That's why a less-talented in-ring worker like the Miz can get the title, because he can talk with the microphone.

Apparently they forget about what someone can or can't actually do once the bell rings, and they're more concerned about what they do with a microphone in their hand.

Hopefully, Morrison keeps working on his mic skills and they'll finally wake up and give this talent the true push he deserves.
Morrison gets snubbed because of the WWE's 'style over subtsnace' policy that's helped to screw-up the product for the past several years.

The company is more interested in a guy who can 'talk the talk' rather than one who can 'walk the walk'.

That's why a less-talented in-ring worker like the Miz can get the title, because he can talk with the microphone.

Apparently they forget about what someone can or can't actually do once the bell rings, and they're more concerned about what they do with a microphone in their hand.

Hopefully, Morrison keeps working on his mic skills and they'll finally wake up and give this talent the true push he deserves.

So guys like Cena and Batista couldn't 'walk the walk'? Is that what you're saying? Also, I don't get your style over substance argument because all I see from Morrison is style. All I see is parkour spots here and there and to me he's just a slightly better version of Kofi if that tells you anything. I don't like the Miz but I think he's a better in-ring worker right now than Morrison. It's not about flashy moves. It's about getting the crowd involved and entertained in a match whether you're a face or heel and I can name ten people who can do that before I get to Morrison.
Here's why Morrison didn't win:

Let's assume you don't watch wrestling that much, but you get Wrestlemania, and check the Main Event.

"Alright, let's see who the Main Events for Smackdown! and RAW are,

hmm, Edge vs Alberto Del Rio. Okay let's see RAW...

John Morrison vs The Miz.

Who are they? Wonder what else is on that night..."

With all due respect to Morrison, he's not enough of a draw to Main Event Wrestlemania. This is, of course, assuming that Rock isn't having a match that night, which he probably isn't. After Wrestlemania, Morrison is going to headline PPV's, I can gurantee it. His popularity just started going up too late for Wrestlemania, that's all.
Here's why Morrison didn't win:

Let's assume you don't watch wrestling that much, but you get Wrestlemania, and check the Main Event.

"Alright, let's see who the Main Events for Smackdown! and RAW are,

hmm, Edge vs Alberto Del Rio. Okay let's see RAW...

John Morrison vs The Miz.

Who are they? Wonder what else is on that night..."

With all due respect to Morrison, he's not enough of a draw to Main Event Wrestlemania. This is, of course, assuming that Rock isn't having a match that night, which he probably isn't. After Wrestlemania, Morrison is going to headline PPV's, I can gurantee it. His popularity just started going up too late for Wrestlemania, that's all.

Soooo true. I've always known there must be some star power in each main event match or they will lose those people that don't watch wrestling that much. Morrison will get his time really soon after that AMAZING performance at the rumble and at Elimination Chamber. Stuff like that you'll never see ever again.
So guys like Cena and Batista couldn't 'walk the walk'? Is that what you're saying?

Early Batista? Yeah, absolutely. It's just too bad that as soon as he got good in the ring he left. And I give Cena some credit for at least trying to add some moves to a pretty mediocre move-set. That gut-wrench suplex the other night was a nice add.

Also, I don't get your style over substance argument because all I see from Morrison is style. All I see is parkour spots here and there and to me he's just a slightly better version of Kofi if that tells you anything.

Not crazy about the 'forced spots', but Morrison can do it in the ring as well.

I don't like the Miz but I think he's a better in-ring worker right now than Morrison.

No, he isn't.

It's not about flashy moves. It's about getting the crowd involved and entertained in a match whether you're a face or heel and I can name ten people who can do that before I get to Morrison.

I'm not saying flashy, I'm saying skillful. If you're thinking that Miz is a better in-ring wrestler, then the WWE has you right where they want you.
For all the talk of Morrison's spots the best thing about him is his selling, he looked as if he was in agony last night as he worked that Ec match, it makes him very believable as an underdog athlete fighting from underneath.
If it was my company..... Morrison would be WWE Champion within 2 months of less.
The things John Morrison does in the ring are unbelieveable and only can be seen in superhero movies, or videogames. Is that enough to put a title on a guy, for me you damn right it is. I mean they put the title on guys for less.

Who cares if he pussed out and didn't confront Batista about cheating with Melina. Maybe he likes head attached to his shoulders. He's smart lol.

I am officially on the John Morrison wagon after last night.
I hear ya... What can ya do, ya know? They take the ideal WM card and throw it in our faces... and to top it off, he jobs to CM Punk, burying him even deeper below the surface that would be a WWE Title shot. Where they take him from here is the question. I'm hopin for a Money In the Bank win, or SOMETHING... Funny how they turn down a perfect chance to establish the main eventer of the future for unnecessarily dragging out the present (Cena). It's still early, but there're some booking/writing decisions that really bother me, and I certainly hope they give Morrison the opportunity to steal the show like we know he can at WrestleMania, but the slot he should have done it is in the main event... or instead of being the future Icon he'll be known as John "Eternal Mid-card" Morrison... [sad face]

I, too, am ANGRY and pro John Morrison.
I think it's amazing how people have to done far less and successfully gotten over,but he's quite literally putting himself in unnecessary danger and just can't break through. At this point, all he has left to do is to grow fucking wings and fly into and out of WM 27 as his entrance and exit. Probably still wouldn't get a title run.

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