Why not Morrison?

''Spot monkey'', wow, I hate that term so much. That can be said about two great chain wrestlers doing amazing and CHOREOGRAPHED reversals that everyone pops for.

Morrison is getting the SAME heat now that Miz got when wwe started pushing him. Its typical IWC crap. People complaining that Danielson isnt the world champ,Kaval got released,and bitching waiting for Black to get on tv. Its just cliche wannabe smart talk.

Is morrison the best on the mic, or on the mat, NO, But he is NOT trying to. He paid his dues, and is part of the youth movement in wwe. So for the fact that things are going into a different direction, we should be EMBRACING these changes, The fact that Cena/triple h/orton arent all trading the titles back and forth over and over again. They are giving us what we wanted for years. But of course the IWC complains all the time.
Morrison is in the process of a fantastic push, and messing that up by having him lose to Miz at Elimination Chamber would be awful. Everyone at this point expects something crazy from Morrison in a regular match, so in the Elimination Chamber he will without a doubt to something that will be insane. Also, there's no way Lawler could go in an Elimination Chamber without suffering a brutal injury. He's too old for that kind of match. So when you look at it from that standpoint, why would it make any sense for Morrison to win? It would make the most sense for Morrison to win the Elimination Chamber and finally beat the Miz at Mania, but from a business standpoint, Vince would never let two upper midcarders (Morrison and Del Rio) headline the biggest PPV of the year.
Why couldnt they have gave that Raw Rumble to Morrison. Why give it to Jerry when everyone knows hes not going to win. So why can't they have Morrison win, face Miz at the Chamber. So for now it looks like nothing is going for Morrison at Mania now, because hes not going to win in the chamber, so I just dont get why they couldnt give him this one tonight. Somone in the back must really hate Morrison.

What are your thoughts?

Not at all: this is long term planning at its best. If John Morrison faced the Miz at EC; he'd be left with nothing at Mania. By putting JoMo in the Chamber match he can develop a feud to head into Mania. Now most likely it is going to be R-Truth as the speculation is HHH vs Sheamus and Orton vs Punk and Cena vs Miz. But JoMo vs Daniel Bryan could be a good match; or if they want to keep JoMo a face have a Raw vs Smackdown 1 on 1 match at Mania and have JoMo face Dolph Ziggler.

My personal speculation is that John Morrison and Jerry Lawler team up to face Michael Cole and Alex Riley at WrestleMania.

Relax: this is long term planning and John Morrison will probably taste the gold sometime later this year.
This thread is championship material also...with all the CAPS AND STUFF IT'S TREMENDOUS OOOOOH YEAH.

I THINK THAT JOHN MORRISON IS A PRETTY GOOD....haha. I think Morrison is very gifted in the ring, and I think he has stolen the show in the last two chamber matches that he has been in. With the momentum that he has going forward after his big acrobatics at the Royal Rumble and a strong EC performance...look for him to be a legit contender to win MITB.
I agree. His performance lately has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. Expect him to be full-time Main Event by the end of the year.
John Morrison is wun of, if not thee best in-ring performer ive ever seen...who else can u remember giving such consistently jaw dropping matches? I see him as a mix between HBK RVD and Jeff Hardy..its really only a matter of time before he wins the title...

can you imagine him and shelton benjamin in a ladder match? smh lolz
Morrison is definitely in my top 5 wrestler right now. I've been a faan for a while but he needs that one great feud to put him were he needs to be. (and to answer the the title of this thread,VERY)
I was on the John Morrison bandwagon LONG ago. I think the guy has the best physique in all of pro wrestling, and his in-ring work is nothing short of phenominal.

But still, the Starship Pain isn't an effective finishing manuever. Morrison needs a new finisher (the "kick" he's been using on & off recently ain't gonna cut it either). I think he should be allowed to reintroduce the Moonlight Drive. It was a unique finisher and I think it looks a lot more legit than the often botched starship pain.

His mic work leaves something to be desired as well, but I think it's because he's a natural arrogant/cocky heel. I see Morrison as a world champion, but he's going to break the little one's hearts with a heel turn somewhere along the way.
Ok seriously, he is a great performer. Probably one of the best in WWE and if he jumped ship to TNA I would nerdgasm all over to see a match with him and A.J. and or Joe. But aside from that, this is probably the 10000000th thread saying the same shit over and over again. Everybody knows he is good and after every raw and ppv there is a new freaking thread about it. This thread should be closed just for the sake of repeated topic.
Morrison was awesome tonight his in ring ability astounded me i think he deserves a title shot at mania as much as cena does.

Morrison Needs to face miz sometime coz of the way there tag team ended. But personally i would prefer cena vs the miz at mania.
Morrison sucks he's boring and repetitive in the ring......Just joking.

He is obviously one of the best in ring performers this era.Whenever you know Morrison is going to be in a match you know it won't be boring he instantly makes any match better him and Punk were the all stars of the Elimination Chamber.

Morrison will be a World Champion by 2012 and he rightfully deserves it as long as he stops using the SSP as a finisher.
It seems as though what they are doing is keeping Morrison relevant, but they don't want to push him until after Wrestlemania. In the grand scheme of things, you have to believe that the sooner the push the better, however, for their biggest show of the year, professional wrestlings Super Bowl, you put the guy who sells the most merchandise and gets the most fans in the seat and tuned in on the biggest stage.

Obviously, that is John Cena.

Although Morrison versus Miz has their rivalry set so they can build it up
And although Morrison versus Miz is right in line with their youth movement
And although Morrison versus Miz might have already had the match of the year so far

You go with the proven guy right now and a guy who can cut a promo and that man is the big bowl of fruity pebbles himself, John Cena.

Morrison's run, imo, will come after Wrestlemania and that's why we keep seeing his abilities and innovation later in the card and on a weekly basis, to keep him relevant and make him more popular. He's also getting time to cut promos that really won't relate in anything more than practice sessions to put on tape and work with him on.

However, once 'mania is over I think that Morrison's time will finally come. Whether it's Cena or (hopefully) The Miz, you can bet he will be in the main spotlight over the summer and in the championship hunt to and probably through Summerslam.

After last Monday's ELECTRIC promo, you knew who was going. The Rock will see John Cena at wrestlemania. Just like The Rock will see The Miz at wrestlemania... Involvement has all but been promised by The Rock in a match with these two in some capacity, and that's going to be the main storyline and the main event for Wrestlemania. Morrison will probably be somewhere on the undercard. Most likely in the Money in the Bank event if they have one at 'mania this year to continue to show of his skills.

Regardless of what kind of match he's in whether it's an iron man match or a lingerie pillow fight, you know he's going to be there in some capacity just so we can start the road after Wrestlemania with Morrison as the main event!
John Morrison is a terrible in-ring performer. Seriously, he's a freakin' ninga. He only does these over the top shitty spot's for a fuckin pop. Really.

He can't strike to save his life, his promo's are atrocious, he takes ten seconds to set up his spots. He's just so bad!

I saw the Spiderman hanging of the side chain spot coming from a while away. The spot of the top of the chamber was way to over the top and took way to fuckin' long. Escpecially when he had to look for Sheamus for 5 seconds aand Sheamus to realize what the fuck was going on. And he just fell, the hell was that supposed to be, a joke?

Seriously, the guy is a ninga who is only good at spot's. I seriously think WWE were like, "the hell with this guy, we gave him a #1 contender slot and he still can't can over. Fuck this, we'll make his a ninga, it'll work."

Seriously, how many time's is he going to do this elaborate shitty spot's until somebody realizes "hey, we get it, you can hang off stuff, can you do something else, like actually wrestle?"

Morrison is bar none of the worst worker's in the business today. H'es a spot monkey with no personality. Who is very similar to a superstar who was released a few year's ago. If he does'nt learn to fuckin' talk on a mic and actually get a crowd into his matches, he's not going anywhere but on the unemployed list.

Best in-ring performer? Give me a break!
John Morrison is a terrible in-ring performer. Seriously, he's a freakin' ninga. He only does these over the top shitty spot's for a fuckin pop. Really.

He can't strike to save his life, his promo's are atrocious, he takes ten seconds to set up his spots. He's just so bad!

I saw the Spiderman hanging of the side chain spot coming from a while away. The spot of the top of the chamber was way to over the top and took way to fuckin' long. Escpecially when he had to look for Sheamus for 5 seconds aand Sheamus to realize what the fuck was going on. And he just fell, the hell was that supposed to be, a joke?

Seriously, the guy is a ninga who is only good at spot's. I seriously think WWE were like, "the hell with this guy, we gave him a #1 contender slot and he still can't can over. Fuck this, we'll make his a ninga, it'll work."

Seriously, how many time's is he going to do this elaborate shitty spot's until somebody realizes "hey, we get it, you can hang off stuff, can you do something else, like actually wrestle?"

Morrison is bar none of the worst worker's in the business today. H'es a spot monkey with no personality. Who is very similar to a superstar who was released a few year's ago. If he does'nt learn to fuckin' talk on a mic and actually get a crowd into his matches, he's not going anywhere but on the unemployed list.

Best in-ring performer? Give me a break!

So your saying that the Elimination Chamber would have been better without any of those spots with Morrison?
Dont mind him... he has a cena avatar after all lol... punk and Morrison were by far the most entertaining in the chamber. Punk is just awesome and what I really like bout Morrison is his ability to sell everything and that's the moat important thing imo... but he does need a better finisher... something similar to cross rhodes would be great
So your saying that the Elimination Chamber would have been better without any of those spots with Morrison?

The whole match just wasn't very good, spot's or not. We all knew Cena was gonna win.

Morrison's top chamber spot was just so akwardly bad on so many level's. He just stayed there for like 6 second's while Sheamus realized what was going on. Then he just feel, like a sack of crap, just landed on Sheamus.

His fuckin RVD-like Spiderman spot on the side of the chamber I saw coming a mile away.

He's a fuckin' ninga with no in-ring talent.
Dont mind him... he has a cena avatar after all lol... punk and Morrison were by far the most entertaining in the chamber. Punk is just awesome and what I really like bout Morrison is his ability to sell everything and that's the moat important thing imo... but he does need a better finisher... something similar to cross rhodes would be great

Agreed he sold everything great in the match after he hit his knee on the glass he sold it the rest of the match instead of just holding it for a minute the run around on it like nothing ever happened.
John Morrison is a terrible in-ring performer. Seriously, he's a freakin' ninga. He only does these over the top shitty spot's for a fuckin pop. Really.

He can't strike to save his life, his promo's are atrocious, he takes ten seconds to set up his spots. He's just so bad!

I saw the Spiderman hanging of the side chain spot coming from a while away. The spot of the top of the chamber was way to over the top and took way to fuckin' long. Escpecially when he had to look for Sheamus for 5 seconds aand Sheamus to realize what the fuck was going on. And he just fell, the hell was that supposed to be, a joke?

Seriously, the guy is a ninga who is only good at spot's. I seriously think WWE were like, "the hell with this guy, we gave him a #1 contender slot and he still can't can over. Fuck this, we'll make his a ninga, it'll work."

Seriously, how many time's is he going to do this elaborate shitty spot's until somebody realizes "hey, we get it, you can hang off stuff, can you do something else, like actually wrestle?"

Morrison is bar none of the worst worker's in the business today. H'es a spot monkey with no personality. Who is very similar to a superstar who was released a few year's ago. If he does'nt learn to fuckin' talk on a mic and actually get a crowd into his matches, he's not going anywhere but on the unemployed list.

Best in-ring performer? Give me a break!

Are you kidding? You obviously don't watch any of his other matches, and just wait for a match where he can be a "spot monkey". Have you seen any of his matches with Punk, Bourne, Miz, etc? He puts on great matches, especially when facing others his size. You must be delusional to think he's just a spot monkey. It's the Elimination Chamber. It's supposed to be all spots. You think people want to see head locks and suplex's when you have an athletic guy like Jomo in a chamber? Get real. He's going to be in the spotlight real soon, and we'll see what he can really do then. Then you'll probably feel dumb because you called him a spot monkey after a fucking elimination chamber where he stole the show.
Dont mind him... he has a cena avatar after all lol... punk and Morrison were by far the most entertaining in the chamber. Punk is just awesome and what I really like bout Morrison is his ability to sell everything and that's the moat important thing imo... but he does need a better finisher... something similar to cross rhodes would be great

So what if I have a avatar of one of the most over and talented people on the roster. That's a bad thing?

So, him selling is the most imortant? Not the fact that he can't cut a promo, his strike's are terrible, his comeback's get no reaction, his pop's are as loud as a average midcarder, his moves take 5 second's to set up, or he's highly overrated, and he's a ninga spotmonkey? No, he sold at one point during the match?
Are you kidding? You obviously don't watch any of his other matches, and just wait for a match where he can be a "spot monkey". Have you seen any of his matches with Punk, Bourne, Miz, etc? He puts on great matches, especially when facing others his size. You must be delusional to think he's just a spot monkey. It's the Elimination Chamber. It's supposed to be all spots. You think people want to see head locks and suplex's when you have an athletic guy like Jomo in a chamber? Get real. He's going to be in the spotlight real soon, and we'll see what he can really do then. Then you'll probably feel dumb because you called him a spot monkey after a fucking elimination chamber where he stole the show.

Yes, I watch his matches. I've seen his comeback's get no reaction's, his terrible strikes, his 5 second's set up's, in more than this match. Seriously, oh and he can't cut a promo to save his life. Watch the promo the week after Sheamus won King of the Ring for an example. He's just so obviously bad.

It's obviously hard for the internet people to hate a spot monkey. I just don't like spot-monkey's and people with bland personalities and or no mic skill's and who are just so highly overated.

Yes, I watch his matches. I've seen his comeback's get no reaction's, his terrible strikes, his 5 second's set up's, in more than this match. Seriously, oh and he can't cut a promo to save his life. Watch the promo the week after Sheamus won King of the Ring for an example. He's just so obviously bad.

It's obviously hard for the internet people to hate a spot monkey. I just don't like spot-monkey's and people with bland personalities and or no mic skill's and who are just so highly overated.


Lol, his striking is terrible? I forgot John Cena has great striking. Punch, punch, punch, shoulder block, shoulder block. And John Cena's been using the same "comeback" for 5 years now. What does that say?
So what if I have a avatar of one of the most over and talented people on the roster. That's a bad thing?

So, him selling is the most imortant? Not the fact that he can't cut a promo, his strike's are terrible, his comeback's get no reaction, his pop's are as loud as a average midcarder, his moves take 5 second's to set up, or he's highly overrated, and he's a ninga spotmonkey? No, he sold at one point during the match?

First off it's spelled ninja and the fact that he can sell moves from everyone perfectly is an important part of being a WWE Superstar. And yes Cena is one of the most over people on the roster but so is Morrison behind Cena and Orton he is the most over face on Raw and I think thats pretty good since they've had alot more time to establish themselves.

The spot on top of the cage took long because they were playing it off as Sheamus didn't know where Morrison went so they had him looking around the cage for a few seconds before Morrison fell on him. Plus what other guy in that Chamber would have put their body at risk to do that spot? not your boy Cena.

I'll give you that his promos are bad right now but thats something he can easily work on and get better at.
Yes, I watch his matches. I've seen his comeback's get no reaction's, his terrible strikes, his 5 second's set up's, in more than this match. Seriously, oh and he can't cut a promo to save his life. Watch the promo the week after Sheamus won King of the Ring for an example. He's just so obviously bad.

It's obviously hard for the internet people to hate a spot monkey. I just don't like spot-monkey's and people with bland personalities and or no mic skill's and who are just so highly overated.

Honestly you haven't...have u not seen the match against Sheamus in a ladder match? the hole match that crowd went nuts..same as miz vs morrison vs daniel bryan. To talk about someone overated change your avatar bud, and look in the mirror..cause people would rather watch Morrison all day then watch Cena eat fruity pebbles.
Honestly you haven't...have u not seen the match against Sheamus in a ladder match? the hole match that crowd went nuts..same as miz vs morrison vs daniel bryan. To talk about someone overated change your avatar bud, and look in the mirror..cause people would rather watch Morrison all day then watch Cena eat fruity pebbles.

Cena eating fruity pebbles was way more entertaining then watching Morrison and his 5 spot's of fury.

I watched the match with Sheamus at TLC, it was a exceptionally good ladder match, considering the Sheamus played a monster heel and just tore apart Morrison to the point where Morrison had to sell!

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