Why is new talent being pushed so hard?


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To me it just seems wrong.Wwe pushes so much new talent opposed to people who deserve it.I dont understand why the Wwe does it. There are so many superstars that are over with the crowd but instead the push people who we barely know.Just look at Uso. They destroy the champs and all of a sudden they get a title shot.WTF Thoughts?
Isn't it better to push new talent, to continue to search for the next big thing, rather than wait until guys retire and you have no one in place to step in.

HBK just retired. Taker cannot be too far behind. Triple H, Chris Jericho, Edge, Rey Mysterio, Kane, these are all guys who are closer to the end of their careers than they are to the beginning. The WWE has to fill their shoes when they eventually do leave, so they won't be stuck holding the bag. They have lots of guys to step into the big guys' shoes (Punk, Miz, Cena, Sheamus,etc.,), but then in turn people need to fill their shoes too.

If you don't plan for the future in this manner, what are you left with? EV2.0. The Band. The Red Wolfpac. Hogan. Flair. Sting. And an uphill battle.
well where are guys like Mysterio, 'Taker, HHH, and Jericho going to be in 5 years or so? probably not around. so, Develop the young guys now, give them the push they need against the big guys of today, to jump start them up the roster, and into our TV sets each week. as for the Uso's? you may not like them, but they do have the talent, just havent had much a chance to show it. they were just what the tag team division needed right now. you may not like the young guys now, but i bet in 2 or 3 years you will. everyone gets their start somewhere. Cena, Kane, Big Show, Jericho... all came into the 'E going against the Top of the Top.
theyre pushing new talent cause certain guys like MVP,Ted Dibiase,Drew Mcyntire,etc arent as over as Vinny Mac originaly hoped.I think its working ,they threw Sheamus into the fire which I originaly hated but it ended up working out as I see him as a top heel in the company and I think the same will show true with Wade Barret.I say lets wait a few months and see where this new talent influx takes us before jumping the gun.As I've said in other threads not every guy that was precieved as a blue chipper has to be an eventual main eventer and after about 3 to 5 years if a guy dont get there maybe he just dont belong at the top of the card,and thats how I feel about guys like MVP.Aint nothing wrong with being a U,S or I.C champion your whole career.Give the young guys a shot.
Isn't it better to push new talent, to continue to search for the next big thing, rather than wait until guys retire and you have no one in place to step in.

HBK just retired. Taker cannot be too far behind. Triple H, Chris Jericho, Edge, Rey Mysterio, Kane, these are all guys who are closer to the end of their careers than they are to the beginning. The WWE has to fill their shoes when they eventually do leave, so they won't be stuck holding the bag. They have lots of guys to step into the big guys' shoes (Punk, Miz, Cena, Sheamus,etc.,), but then in turn people need to fill their shoes too.

If you don't plan for the future in this manner, what are you left with? EV2.0. The Band. The Red Wolfpac. Hogan. Flair. Sting. And an uphill battle.

absolutley right. big names will retire soon and new guys have to fill there shoes. and im sure cena will retire in about 6 or 7 years
The new talent is being pushed too hard because WWE lost a lot of good midcarders that they previously had IMO, and now that all these main event people are retiring or leaving, they are desperate to have somebody to fill their shoes, and so they push these bland guys that they have now.

It's okay though, nobody will complain because when you are around trash for a long enough time, you eventually tolerate the smell.
There's plenty of people who have been there long enough that don't get proper credit and usage.
They use guys who are just brought in, and yet where's John morrisons title at?
R truth has been in a couple years now, what does he really get?
and yet assholes like Swagger gets titles, and idiots like Sheamus get titles?
I'd take morrison over any of them any day
Vince can't just start pushing random midcarders out of the blue because a lot of them are stuck in a rut and have no current fued, so for them to start winning and competing for championships would look quite odd. You'd start to wonder why they haven't been doing this six months ago. With new guys coming in it appears as if they're fresh, different and better than the current wrestlers because you haven't seen them lose as much or be in any storyline.
the newer guys are getting pushed because at this time all of the big stars in the wwe are getting older and don't have much time left. so when they do retire wwe will have some superstars to fall back on
"Sigh" Not too long ago, people were bitching about new talent not being pushed enough.

Anyway, the reason is simple: WWE is in "new star" building mode right now, so they're giving most of the fresh faces a head start. Besides, pushing them hard is the only way to get people to notice and care about them so I don't see the problem here.

Plus with a lot of the veterans getting ready to hang it up, they need to have guys that are ready to pick up the slack. The WWE should always be building new stars, not stall and rely on the same old names. You have to keep looking forward.
Many of the guys who have made up the main event scene over the last few years have either retired or are on their way out. HBK & Batista are gone. Undertaker is in his mid-40s & will likely retire in the not to distant future. Jericho has other interests & has made noises about leaving to pursue them. Mysterio has said he will only wrestle a couple more years, & Edge has said similar things. Kane is getting up there in age. HHH is 41. You have to have people replace these guys. Orton & Cena can, but I could easily see Cena follow the Rock to Hollywood. So who will you have if you don't establish some young guys? And, they need to push a large number of guys so they can weed out the guys who can't hack it as main eventers.
I want to see John Morrison get pushed, He's energetic, entertaining...
OMG I almost pee'd myself when he called ziggler Mr. Ziggles lol i laugh just thinking about it...

A couple weeks ago when he told Ted that he didn't have to shower Myrese with gifts cause we all know the French don't shower lol how can people say he doesn't have the mic skills to go along with his ability?
I want to see John Morrison get pushed, He's energetic, entertaining...
OMG I almost pee'd myself when he called ziggler Mr. Ziggles lol i laugh just thinking about it...

A couple weeks ago when he told Ted that he didn't have to shower Myrese with gifts cause we all know the French don't shower lol how can people say he doesn't have the mic skills to go along with his ability?

Morrison is just plain boring. He had a run as IC champ and he just can't hack it.
What i dont get is why is the wwe pushing people straight from fcw and not people that have been here for awhile like a matt hardy, christan or an mvp. They will have more main event talent to push fcw people for years to come.

They also have some young people on the roster that isnt getting used right.Like Zack Ryder give him a good push and i can see him as a world champ. Same goes for Jo Mo.

And they are throwing away there young tag teams. They have teams like the dude busters and vance archer and curt hawkens and the usos. The usos are getting their push now but i see the same thing happening to them that happened to the other teams i said get their push and just get lost.
What i dont get is why is the wwe pushing people straight from fcw and not people that have been here for awhile like a matt hardy, christan or an mvp. They will have more main event talent to push fcw people for years to come.

They also have some young people on the roster that isnt getting used right.Like Zack Ryder give him a good push and i can see him as a world champ. Same goes for Jo Mo.

And they are throwing away there young tag teams. They have teams like the dude busters and vance archer and curt hawkens and the usos. The usos are getting their push now but i see the same thing happening to them that happened to the other teams i said get their push and just get lost.

My point exactly I dnt mean ppl lik Undertaker or triple h I mean Matt hardy or christian
What i dont get is why is the wwe pushing people straight from fcw and not people that have been here for awhile like a matt hardy, christan or an mvp. They will have more main event talent to push fcw people for years to come.

the first 2 are past their prime. did you not read the thread on why Matt will never be a main event star? and Vince dont like Christian, so that wont happen either. better to have them Job to the new guys and establish them

They also have some young people on the roster that isnt getting used right.Like Zack Ryder give him a good push and i can see him as a world champ. Same goes for Jo Mo.

You see Ryder as a world champ??? really? wow, think that they'd have to bring back the "anything can happen in the world wrestling federation" line for that to happen. his ring attire, and gimmick would have to go
What i dont get is why is the wwe pushing people straight from fcw and not people that have been here for awhile like a matt hardy, christan or an mvp. They will have more main event talent to push fcw people for years to come.

They also have some young people on the roster that isnt getting used right.Like Zack Ryder give him a good push and i can see him as a world champ. Same goes for Jo Mo.

And they are throwing away there young tag teams. They have teams like the dude busters and vance archer and curt hawkens and the usos. The usos are getting their push now but i see the same thing happening to them that happened to the other teams i said get their push and just get lost.

Matt Hardy and Christian aren't going to be around very much longer either so that would be a really short term solution to trying to replace guys like Triple H, Undertaker, HBK, Kane, Jericho, and Edge.

They've already tried to give MVP and Morrison pushes but it didn't work.
Ryder has the gimmick. The cocky guy that thinks he can get whatever he wants. And he has pretty good in ring skills and great mic skills. And for matt when he had his whole thing going on with drew mclntyre i could have seen him as a world champ pushing guys for the next 4 years and hanging up the boots by loseing a match to a young guy and i can see nothing farther going with christain because of backstage politics.
well now if you're going to say Matt Hardy, then why not Mark Henry? or Goldust? those guys have been around just as long, and in Goldy's case are just as good, if not better, in ring then Matt. but thats not their Role. their role in the company is the mid card guys who help make the younger guys stars. Finley, Regal, Hardy, Henry, Goldust, all guys used to help the up-and comers out. and Matt is done with Drew, on to christian now.
I want to see John Morrison get pushed, He's energetic, entertaining...
OMG I almost pee'd myself when he called ziggler Mr. Ziggles lol i laugh just thinking about it...

A couple weeks ago when he told Ted that he didn't have to shower Myrese with gifts cause we all know the French don't shower lol how can people say he doesn't have the mic skills to go along with his ability?

Because he doesn't. His mic skills suck. He makes dumb, lame jokes and can't act for shit. seriously in all of his segments he just looks awkward. and when put on the spot he cant talk at all.

and why are we asking WHY they're pushing new stars? just a little while ago i thought i heard people complaining that WWE doesnt push new stars. WWE is getting ready to go into the next generation of wrestlers because the wrestlers from the attitude era will sadly be gone in a few years until nobody from that time is left. that's the reason for pushing new stars.
The wwe should use their young tag teams right. They got the talent there. They have the teams also. But they just cant do it anymore. They have the Harts, Usos, Dudebusters, SES, Hawkins and Archer. Uses them get a good tag divistion back together you have the teams and talent. Look at alot of the people that are up now. They all got there big breaks in tag teams now its time to start doing that again.
There's plenty of people who have been there long enough that don't get proper credit and usage.
They use guys who are just brought in, and yet where's John morrisons title at?
R truth has been in a couple years now, what does he really get?
and yet assholes like Swagger gets titles, and idiots like Sheamus get titles?
I'd take morrison over any of them any day

Morrison doesn't have a title because ever since he turned face he's been shit on the mic and hasn't really been as entertaining as when he was on ECW feuding with Punk and teaming with the Miz. If he were to go back to that more entertaining heel style he once had and got a decent finisher then maybe the crowd would give a damn about him and he would get another push. The guy got thrust into the ECW main event with the Benoit situation and it took him MONTHS to look remotely credible as that champion and by that time he dropped it to Punk. I've followed his WWE career since MNM beat Eddie and Rey for the tag titles and without being in a tag team the man has been largely stale and unentertaining. He's a hell of a tag wrestler but when they try to let him out on his own he falls flat on his face.

Truth had a run as the US champ a few months ago, albeit a short one, and would be in a feud with the Miz right now over the Miz "injuring" him and taking him out of the Raw MITB match but for some reason the creative team felt that he was better needed on the Cena Team at Summerslam instead of doing the rational Miz/Truth title match. I guess Truth getting in the way of the Miz cashing in his MITB contract on Raw was enough in creative's mind to end the feud. Truth's only been back in the E for a few years, give it time and he'll get his push.
I don't think the question here is whether or not to push new talent: it's how quickly to push them and at whose expense. Guys like HHH and Undertaker are moving toward the end--we get that. The issue is with guys having been around for a long time with not many years left, who have paid their dues being overlooked in favor of people who just showed up.

Sheamus won the WWE title in what, eight months, two after moving to Raw? McIntyre won the IC title in three-ish? These are both guys who, at that point, needed a lot of polish and should have stuck around for a while to prove their worth before being thrust in our faces. Sheamus has done a lot to improve, so I'll give him that and admit that his second title run is a lot more convincing than the first. Still, you've got a guy who's been here less than two years and is already a two time world champion. He got there by kicking members of the tech crew, giving mediocre promos, and putting on a couple of yawn inducing matches. In the case of McIntyre, I just don't get it. I never have, and probably never will. He's tall, but he's not overly large, doesn't look the least bit intimidating, is average at best in the ring and complete rubbish on the mic. I have an extremely hard time taking him seriously. I think that Swagger was overdue for a mid-card title push, but MITB was premature and no one, apparently not even creative, really took his WHC reign seriously.

Somehow, guys like this are given the world, while guys like Christian and Hardy, who have surely earned at least higher mid-card exposure than they get, if not main event, have been rotting through the remainder of their prime. Instead they wrestle the same opponents every week and tag team with Hornswoggle. Give all of the reasons you want about Vince not believing in certain guys and whatever, I'm talking about what's good for the business and the guys who have been busting their asses to make him money for years (TNA stint notwithstanding).

Given how utterly barren the tag team division is, why not give some of these youngsters a chance to prove themselves and get over in there? The consequence of not doing that is a sham like giving the Usos a tag title shot after having won exactly one match, which aired on Superstars (their second win, non-title over HD came after the announcement), losing two mixed tag matches, and ending a scheduled match before the bell due to an ambush. With all of four legit tag teams, you'd think someone would have thought of that. Guys like Miz and Morrison were able to establish themselves and hone their skills in and out of the ring by doing that, and look infinitely more credible now. Say what you will about The Miz, but his rise is coming about in exactly the way that one would expect--through three years of work on the main roster and a commitment to improvement.
Obviously because WWE is preparing for the new generation to take over where Undertaker, Kane, Edge, Jericho, Triple H and Rey Mysterio will be stopping in some years.

And I can only say it's a good thing, we're preparing for the older people to step down, like any good business or promotion should be preparing for, always to be ready to replace.

And sure they might be getting pushed a little too hard some times. But it has worked with others, they get over sooner or later with these kind of feuds, Sheamus is over now, Nexus is over, and the Usos, while they still struggle a little bit, the promo they cut to introduce themselves had quite a crowd chanting "You suck". So I guess they're over in some manner as well.

Also can you blame them for giving the Usos a championship match? Considering they're probably one of the only tag teams that aren't shit.
The WWE is pushing young talent b/c they realise what the future will be in the next five years if they don't. Most of the top guys are on their last run in the WWE so it's only natural for a company to build future stars when the old ones leave. We saw this with Cena, Orton, Batista, and Edge replacing guys like Austin, Rock, and Mick Foley.
The only complaint the IWC has is when the WWE doesn't push the guys they want such as Christian and Matt Hardy. Yet, these guys are the ones that can truly help the young ones get over which is exactly what they should be used for.

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